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[高中三年级] 2016届高三英语第二次百校大联考试卷及答案网页版_中学试卷



发表于 2015-9-17 21:02:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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英 语



1. When did the concert begin?
A. At 7:25. B.At 7:45. C.At 8:10.
2. How much should the man pay to rent a car for four days?
A. 80 dollars. B.100 dollars. C.120 dollars.
3. How does the man feel about the woman‘s advice?
A. Indifferent. B.Excited. C.Disappointed.
4. What are the speakers talking about?
A. Saving money. B.Writing styles. C.Working arrangements.
5. Where does the woman want to go?
A. The bus station. B.The airport. C.The train station.
6. What‘s most probably the woman‘s job?
A.A waitress. B.A housewife. C.A saleswoman.
7. What does the man want to drink?
A. Juice. B.Tea. C.Coffee.
8.What day is it today?
A. Wednesday. B.Thursday. C.Friday.
9. Why does the man ask the woman to come to his office?
A.To call Mr.Roy.
B. To talk about the report.
C.To book five tickets.
10. How did the woman get to the museum?
A. By subway. B.By car. C.By bus.
11. How many of the paintings did she see?
A. About half of them.
B.Very few of them
C.Almost all of them.
12. Whose paintings did the woman like most?
A. Frida Kahlo‘s. B.Henri Matisse‘s. C.Diego Rivera‘s.
13. Where does Krista Berg come from?
A. France. B.England. C.Germany.
14. How old is Krista Berg?
A. 24. B.25, C.26.
15. What is the occupation of Krista Berg?
A.A student. B.A librarian. C.A teacher.
16. What is the man doing?
A. Telling her how to borrow books.
B. TeLling her how to manage the library.
C. Telling her how to fill an application form.
17. When was racism(种族主义)widespread in the United States?
A. At the beginning of the nineteenth century.
B. In the middle of the nineteeth century.
C.ln the early part of the twentieth century.
18. Why was she turned down when she applied for admission to a local music school in 1917?
A. Because didn‘t perform well.
B. Because she was black.
C. Because she was too young.
19. Where was Anderson‘s beautiful voice first recognized?
A. In Europe.
B.In Washington,  DC.
C. At the Lincoln MemoriaL
20. What happened in Anderson‘s life in 1977?
A. She won the UN peace prize.
B. She was a US delegate to the United Nations.
C. She sang at the Lincoln Memorial for over 75, 000 people.


A trucker relates that he was traveling through rural North Carolina on I-95 when a
brown car combined onto the highway. It came back and forth between lanes, causing the
driver of the truck to change into a lower position. At first he thought the driver was drunk,
but when he came closer, the trucker saw an old man shaking uncontrollably behind the
wheel. He noticed a Citizen‘s Band aerial(天线)shaking to and fro as the car pulled suddenly
between lanes, so he called on the radio: 'You in the brown Chevy, if you can hear me, pull
over.  Pull off the road!”
Amazingly, he drdf The trucker pulled up behind the car and climbed from his cab(驾驶
室). The elderly man staggered(蹒珊)from his auto and fell into the trucker‘s arms. He
poured out a story of months of fear and pain that accompanied the illness of his only
Now he was returning from the hospital where it was decided that she would stop any
further treatment. In the hospital he remained 'strong', but out on the road he fell apart.
The two men talked for the good part of an hour. The father eventually decided to share
his pain with his ciaughter and said he felt good enough to drive home. The men embraced and
the trucker followed him for 50 miles. As they drove along, the two talked together on the
  The older man finally acknowledged that his exn was ahead and thanked his new friend
again for the help. The trucker asked if he could make it home all right and, suddenly, a third
voice broke in on the conversation: 'Breaker 19, cjon‘t worry, good buddy. Go your way. I‘ll
see him homei' Glancing in his mirror, he saw another truck move into the exit lane behind
the brown car.
I think there are good people the world over. People who will gladly give that caring
touch, a needed warm embrace or a patient and listening ear. They are like angels who lift us
to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.
21. The brown car came back and forth because     .
A. the driver of the car was drunk   -
B. there was something wrong with the car
C. the driver of the car had something on his mind
D. the car hit something on the road
22. From 'she would stop any further treatment. ', we can know that
A. the father was in short of money for his daughter
B. there might be no treatment for his daughter‘s illness
C. his daughter would soon recover
D. the daughter refused to accept further treatment
23. How did the trucker he[p the olcl man to feel good to drive home?
A. By offering the old man enough money.
B. By talking about what was good in life with the old man.
C. By sharing pain with the old man‘s daughter.
D. By giving the old man some good advice.
24. What does the author mainly want to tell us?
A. An unforgettable thing happened on the highway.
B. A helpless old man didn‘t know what to do with his daughter‘s illness.
C. lt is necessary to improve the medical technique.
D. There are good people around the world, who can give us help in time.

   Every month, Editorial Director Sara Nelson and the editors at Amazon. com look
through hundreds of books to discover their favorite titles. Here‘s what they chose for the
best of the season.


25. Who is the author of Help j‘or the Haunted ?
A. Wally Lamb.           B. John Searles.
C. Sheri Fink.           D. Martin Cruz Smith.
26. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. We Are Water is similar to Help for the Haunted which is about marriages and gay.
B. Camelot‘s Court may get readers to understand Kennedy in the same way.
C. Five Days at MemoriaL , a fiction book is written by Sheri Fink.
D. Arkady Renko may be a character in Tatiana.
27. What kincl of readers will choose David and Goliath to read?
A. Those who are going to marry.
B. Those who work at hospitals.
C. Tho.se who don‘t do well in their academic performance.
D. Those who are very intelligent.

   A credit card that won‘t work unless its owner‘s voice is heard may become an important
weapon in the fight against economic fraud(款诈).
  The card using a built-in voice-recognition chip requires users to give a spoken password
that it recognizes. The idea is to prevent Lhieves from using a stolen card to buy goods online.
A model built by engineers in California packs a microphone, a loudspeaker, a battery
and a voice-recognition chip into a standard-sized credit card. The card is the length and width
of an ordinary credit card but about three times as thick. The company now plans to make it
The voice card is based on an earlier Beep card technology designed to prevent fraud in
online deals. The Beep card has no microphone, but has a built-in loudspeaker to utter an
audible (听得见的) ID signal by a computer‘s microphone to an online serverc服务器). By
confirming that signal matches the information in the card, the server can make sure that the
user is not simply keying in a credit card number but actually has the card in his hand.  The ID
code] which only the server knows, changes each time the card is used.
This prevents fraudsters recording the beeps, noting the card details and then playing
back the audible ID when they key in the details later. But this earlier Beep card technology
cannot prevent illegal use of stolen cards. The new voice card can. The new voice card doesn‘t
identify itself by its lD until it has confirmed the real user‘s spoken password.  Thieves will be
unable to use the card because even if they knew the password they would have to be able to
copy the owner‘s voice with a high degree of accuracy. The challenge for Beep card has been to
develop voice-recognition and audio circuitry(芦音电路).
The voice-recognition credit is powered by a mini battery. To extend batter life, the
electronics have only to be switched on when the card is being used. Pressing a button on the
card‘s surface allows one to hear a female voice saying, 'Say your password. ' If the voice-
recognition software proves that the password is real, it sends its ID, which the server then
identifies, allowing the deal to continue.
28. The voice credit has become important because   .
A.it makes it easy to shop online
B.it is cheap to make and buy
C.it makes economic fraucl more difficult
D.it has the function of leaving voice message
29. What is the difference between the ordinary credu card and model card?
A. The latter has no loudspeaker.
B. The latter is thicker than the former one.
C. The latter can‘t be used online.  .
D. The latter is larger than the former one.
30. We know from the passage that
A. the user of the earlier Beep ca~d~oesn‘t need to key in the credit card number
B. thieves can use the voice card once it is stolen
C. the earlier beep carcl has a microphone and a built-in loudspeaker in it
D. the lD code number of the voice card is not all the same
31.1t can be inferred from the last paragraph that _   .
A. male customers won‘t like using the voice car~
B. there need further improvements to extencl battery life
C. we can use the voice card at will   .
D. female voice is the only voice heard

   In 11 states across the United States, school buses are now doing more than just sending
students. They also carry advertisements on the outside.  Restaurants, companies, banks, and
other businesses pay for the ads, hoping to attract more customers. Anci it‘s a way for the
schools to make money.
  'We‘ve seen a lot of income produced by the advertisements,' said Devra Ash, who is the
spokesperson for School District 11 in Colorado Springs, Colorado. She is also the mother of a
third grader.  Last year, District 11 made more than {CONTENT}nbsp;15,000 from school-bus ads.
  .  Besides Colorado, states such as Arizona, New Jersey, and Texas allow ads on the
outside of their school buses. The idea appears to be spreading. In Georgia, some school-
district leaders are suggesting putting ads on their buses ioo.
   School districts need to make sure that the ads are proper for kids, according to Michael
Beauchamp, an officer of Alpha Media. This company works with businesses in several states
to create ads for school buses. 'The districts won‘t allow ads for things like beer, cigarettes,
or politics,' Beauchamp said.
  But not everyone is in favor of school buse.s having ads on the outside. That includes
Georgia‘s Department of Education. Spokeswoman Dorie Nolt said, 'We strongly believe that
advertising on the outside of school buses distracts(侵分心) drivers and children. '
    Parents also hold different opinions about this. 'If the advertisements can bring in money
for the schools and help save some programs, that is great. ' said Glenn Herdling of River
Vale, New Jersey.  His son is in second grade.
  Cindy Tomarchio of East Windsor, New Jersey, feels differently. 'I know the schools
can use the money, but kids already see enough advertising every which way they turn,' she
32. Why are advertisements put on the outside of the school buses:l
A. To draw the attention of the public.
B. To make some income for schools.
C. To win the support of other organizations.
D. To make students learn about advertisements.
33.In the opinion of Michael Beauchamp, _
A. all kinds of ads should be allowed to be o~school buses
B. students should be taught what advertisements are proper
C. ads about beer, cigarettes, or politics are improper for kids
D. watching advertisements is bad for the growth of chilciren
34. Who are against the idea of putting ads on the ouiside of school buses?
A. Devra Ash and Michael Beauchamp.
B. Michael Beauchamp and Glenn Herdling.
C. Glenn Herdling and Dorie Nolt.
D. Dorie Nolt and Cindy Tomarchio.
35. What is the best title of the passage?
A. Debate on school-bus ads
B. Acivantages of school-bus ads
C. Effects of acis on school buses
D. School buses and education
Good reasons to smile
Smile is an outward sign of joy, happiness, amusement or excitement. When we feel
great,a smile comes naturally. 36  Experts say smiling might be the best thing to do
when you want to possess a brighter mood. Here are some reasons to smile.
Smiling can lift a bad mood
Scientists have founc! that smiling can help people feel better. Just the simple act of
putting a smile on your face can lead you to feel actual happiness, joy or amusement. Smiling
changes brain chemistry, which will be beneficial to people who are dealing with depression
and anxiety.   37
Smiling helps us connect with others
Smiling and laughing are contagious(惑染性的),they help people connect with each
other.  Why?   38   In that case smiling might create good social bonds, Scientists have even
found that we connect in a physical way when we share a smile or a positive emotion.
Since body language and mood are so linked,it makes sense that laughing helps us too.
Smiling relaxes the facial muscles and calms the nervous system. Laughing sends more oxygen
to the brain. Besides, laughing can lower blood pressure, relieve stress, and boost mood. By
repeating this simple breathing exercise several times, you‘re relaxing your nervous system
and reducing stres.s.
So, the next time .someone tells you to 'cheer up' when you‘re in a low mood, own
lt。 40
A. Smile can make our life better.
B. Smiling and laughing reduce stress.
C. But it‘s not natural to smile when we‘re sad or upset.
D. So smiling can be a big help to people who are in a bad mood.
E. Thus your shared happiness might end up making that person feel happier too.
F. That‘s because smiling sends a friendly signal that usually results in the other person
smiling back.
CJ.A smile helps you feel happier and being happier helps you keep the smile going in a
genuine way.


Just Do Something
The winter weather was icy cold and a strong wind blew heavily.I stopped behind several
cars in a crossroad. Ahead of me a young woman stood alongside the street.  To keep   41
she rubbed her bare hands;    42  ,she danced in place. Beside her rested a sign that   43  ,
”I have a baby and no food.”Obv iously, she was   44   financially.
Homeless and unemployea people are a common—45   in many of our larger cities, and
most motorists drive by without   46   assistance. Maybe they‘ve been taught that giving
money may encourage them t0   47    a dependent lifestyle, or the ready cash may be used to
purchase alcohol or another substan ce   48   the food. Like me, they may have been taught
that one should give money to a local charity or a church, as these institutions can help those
in   49   far more effectively.
As l  waited for the light t0  50  ,I felt conflicted about that young woman. Whether or
not I should give money, she was obviously in need. And whether or not she actually had a
baby really dicln‘t seem t0   51  .  I gave up _52   people‘s motives and analyzing their
stories long ago.
What should I do? Give her money? What was the best?
1 was wondering with these questions   53   the window rolled down from the car|n
front of me.  A hand   54   0ut holding a warm pair of gloves. The driver took her own
gloves off and gave them to the poor woman.  I saw the young woman mouth the words
“Thank you' as a broad smile   55   her face.
As I 56  ,somebody else acted. As I tried to decide the BEST way t0  57  ,
somebody else   58   did what she could. As I did nothing, she did something.
I made myself a  59   that I‘Il always do SOMETHING. Whether it is big or small,
just do something. Something is almost always better than   60  1
41. A. warm B.cool C.healthy D.calm
42. A. however B.meanwhile C.instead D.therefore
43. A. wrote B.marked C.read D.tied
44. A. working B.managing C.operating D.struggling
45. A. sight B.concern C.idea D.step
46. A. receiving B.offering C.finding D.rejecting
47. A. change B.quit C.develop D.explore
48. A. more than B.apart from C.rather than D.or rather
49. A. surprise B.return C.doubt D.demand
50. A. turn B.replace C.fix D.stop
51. A. matter B.affect C.differ D.happen
52. A. answering B.guessing C.noticmg D.expressing
53. A. as Bbefore C.while D.when
54. A. reached B.picked C.sent D.hroke
55. A. turned up B.lit up C.set up D.swept up
56. A. helped B.quarreled C.hesitated D.appeared
57. A. obtain B.operate C.share D.assist
58. A. quickly B.frequently C.naturally D.slowly
59. A. promise B.comment C.choice D.deal
60. A. anything B.something C.nothing D.everything



A police car pulled up in front of an older woman‘s house, and her husband climbed out.
The polite policeman   61  (explain) to his wife that 'this elderly gentleman' said that he
was lost in the park and that couldn‘t find his way home. 'How could it happen?' she asked
    62  (surprise). 'You‘ve been going to that park for over 30 years! How could you get
lost?'Getting close   63   her ear so that the policeman couldn‘t hear, he whispered,”1
wasn‘t lost-l was just too tired   64   (walk) home.    65    1 wanted to do is have someone
send me home.”
Old age is like 66   (climb)a mountain. The    67   (high) you get, the more tired and
breathless you will become. Your bodies will become less   68  (cooperate) than before as
you age. But you can have a better view when you reach the top of the mountain   69   0ne
can have a longer view of the past and can therefore understand the future with more clarity.
It is your attitude that matters.
George Bernard Shaw said, 'Some are younger at seventy than most at seventeen.“l
think it is because they have a broader outlook.    70  will take a lifetime to climb the
mountain, but, for me, the view will be worth the journey.

I am writing to apply a scholarship in Harvard University for the bachelor‘s Degree in
your university.  Here is my personal informations for you.
1 was born in 1995 in Henan.l am admitted to Xiwang High School with high scores in
2012 and will graduate from this June. During my three school years, beside my high school
subjects such as Chinese, English. physics and chemistry,l also take advanced maths in an
nearby college.I have made straight A‘s on all requiring subjects.I have passed CET-4 but
kept on learning English all these years. So I don‘t ttunk you will have any problems in the
English language during my study in your country.
I am looking forward to your early reply on qualifications for an internationally student.
Dear Tom,
I‘m writing in response to your trouble you have         
Best regards!
Li Hua






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