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[小学四年级] 2014年人教版小学四年级英语下学期末测试题及答案_小学试卷



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姓名________   班级_________   得分_________
(  ) 1. A. many   B. music   C.mom
(  ) 2. A. red     B. green   C. blue
(  ) 3. A. egg     B. big    C. pig
(  ) 4. A. playground   B. garden    C. canteen
(  )5. A. boots         B. book       C. look
(  )6. A.sheep         B. cheap        C. soup
(  )7. A.how          B. now        C. cow
(  )8. A. goat           B.great       C.grape
(  )9. A.really          B.rainy        C. ready
(  )10. A. wind          B. window     C. windy
二. 听音。选出你所听到的句子,并将其字母番号填入题前括号内。听二遍。(每小题2分,共10分。)
(  ) 1. A. This is my classroom.       B This is our school.
(  ) 2. A. It’s time for music class.     B. It’s time for P.E. class.
(  ) 3. A. Where is my skirt?          B. Where is my red shirt?
(  ) 4. A . It’s hot today.              B. It’s warm today.
(  ) 5. A. How much is this dress?      B. How much is this shirt?
三. 听音。根据你所听到的句子,选择所给的单词完成下列句子,并将其字母番号填入题前括号内。听二遍。(每小题2分,共10分。)
(  ) 1. Let’s go to the ______ .
A. canteen      B. gym       C. library
(  ) 2. It’s time for _______ .
A. breakfast      B. lunch     C. dinner
(  ) 3. Is this your ______ ?
A. aunt          .B. uncle     C. brother
(  ) 4. Put on your ______.
A. jacket            B. sweater      C. at
(  ) 5. How many ________ do you have?
A. cats            B. geese     C. dogs
四. 听问句,选择正确的答语。听二遍。(每小题2分,共10分)
(  ) 1. A. It’s 5:00.          B. Me too.       C. Yes, it is.
(  ) 2. A. It’s sunny.         B. It’s red.       C. It’s a book.
(  ) 3.. A. OK.              B. No, they aren’t.  C. It’s white.
(  ) 4. A. Yes, it is.          B. No, she isn’t.     C. Yes, he is.
(  ) 5. A. It’s green.        B. It’s on the second floor.  C. Good idea.

五. 根据汉语意思,补全英语单词。(每小题2分,共10分)
1. lig __ __ t (灯)    2. bo ___ ___d (写字板)    3. pi ___ ture (图画)
4. sev ___ __(七)    5. ma ___ ___ (数学)
1.We have a new ____________ (计算机) room.
2. How many ________ (电扇) are there in your class?
3. There is a map on the ______ (墙).
4. The T-shirt is ________ (蓝色的).
5. They are ________ (鸭子).
七. 单项选择(20分)
(    )1.How many students ____ in your class?
A. are there    B. there are     C. are they
(    )2. --- Is that the TV room?
          ---_____ .
A. No, it isn’t.   B. Yes, they aren’t.   C. Yes, they are.
(    )3.It’s time ____ get up.
A .for.  B. on.  C. to
(    )4. ---    is it now?
          --- It’s 5:00.
A. What          B. What time       C. How much
(    )5. ---What are they?.
--- ___ my shoes.
A.They are          B.It is              C. He is
(    )6. --- Can I wear my new shirt today?
---    . It’s cold today.
A. Yes, I can       B.No, you can’t    C. No, I am not
(    )7. --- What’s the weather like in Beijing?
A .It’s big       B. It’s beautiful    C. It’s rainy today
(    )8.--- _____ is the dress?
         --- It’s ninety-nine yuan.
A. How much     B. How many    C. What time
(    )9.  They are    .
A. goat        B. sheep        C .lamp
(    )10.--- Whose is the T-shirt?
---          .
A. It’s T-shirt     B. It’s blue      C .It’s my T-shirt
八. 根据所给的英语句子,在方框中选出相应的答语, 并将其字母番号填入题前括号内。(每小题2分,共10分。)

A. It’s cold.
B. They are my shoes.
C. It’s on the first floor.
D. Yes, it is.
E. It’s 6:00.

(  ) 1. Where is the canteen?
(  ) 2. What time is it now?
(  ) 3. Is this your skirt?
(  ) 4. What’s the weather like here?
(  ) 5. What are these?
九. 阅读短文,判断下面的句子,是否符合短文内容,符合的,在句子前的括号内划“√”,反之则划“Ⅹ”。(每小题2分,共10分。)
Hello, I’m Amy. Welcome to our school. This is the teacher’s office. That is my classroom. There are forty-six students in our class. The canteen is on the first floor. The library is on the second floor. We have a new music room. We play on the playground. I like our school.
(  ) 1. There are forty-five students in our class.
(  ) 2. The canteen is on the second floor.
(  ) 3. The library is on the first floor.
(  ) 4. Amy likes her school.
(  ) 5. They play on the playground.

1. music  2. red  3. pig  4. garden  5. boots
6. cheap  7. cow  8. goat   9. ready  10. windy
二. 听音。选出你所听到的句子,并将其字母番号填入题前括号内。听二遍。
1. This is my classroom.
2. It’s time for P.E. class.
3. Where is my skirt?
4. It’s warm today.
5. How much is this dress?
三. 听音。根据你所听到的句子,选择所给的单词完成下列句子,并将其字母番号填入题前括号内。听二遍。
1. Let’s go to the gym.
2. It’s time for lunch.
3. Is this your aunt?
4. Put on your jacket.
5. How many dogs do you have?
四. 听问句,选择正确的答语。听二遍。
1. What time is it?  
2. What’s this?
3. What colour is it?
4. Is this your uncle?
5. Where is your art room?

一,1-5BACBA  6-10BCACC
五,1. light  2. board  3.picture  4. seven  5. math
六,1. computer  2. fan  3. wall  4. blue  5. ducks
七,1-5AACBA  6-10BCABC

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