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[ps教程] 【设计理论】设计师必须知道的用户体验术语小科普



发表于 2017-2-27 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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UX (User Experience) 用户体验
User experience encompasses all aspects of the end-user’s interaction with the company, its services, and its products.
“UX is the totality of end-users’ perceptions as they interact with a product or service. These perceptions include effectiveness, efficiency, emotional satisfaction, and the quality of the relationship with the entity that created the product or service” (Kuniavsky , 2010).
「UX 是终端用户与一个产品或服务互动感知的全体。这些感知包括了有效性、时间长短、情感的满意度以及与创造这个产品或服务的个体的关系质量。」
UXD (User Experience Design) 用户体验设计
User Experience Design is the process of designing for the all-encompassing, user-focussed aspects of any system.
CX (Customer Experience) 客户体验


Customer experience (CX) is the product of an interaction between an organization and a customer over the duration of their relationship. This interaction includes a customer’s attraction, awareness, discovery, cultivation, advocacy and purchase and use of a service.
CX includes every interaction a shopper has with your brand, from the start to the end of their journey. CX can be measured through factors such as overall experience, the probability of the customer to continue using your website and the likelihood they will share your site with others.
CX包括一个购物者与品牌之间的每一次互动。包括从他们购物旅程的开始直到终点。 CX可通过以下因素来衡量,如整体体验、顾客继续使用你的产品的可能性、以及他们是否愿意将产品分享给其他人。
Note: CX and UX are not interchangeable! Essentially, UX is a more specific component within CX, primarily concerned with the usability of your products or website. On the other hand CX encompasses the experience of your entire brand.
UI (User Interface) 用户界面
The user interface is what the user of any system actually sees; this can be a set of commands or menus through which a user communicates with a program. Essentially. it’s the space where interactions between humans and machines occur.
Note: UI and UX are not interchangeable! UI is what your users interact with, UX (in a nutshell) is how they feel while they’re doing it.
注意:UI和UX是不能互换的! UI是你的用户与之交互的,UX(简言之)是用户在经历整个流程的过程中的感受。
IxD (Interaction Design) 交互设计


Interaction Design is about making the connection between a device, its interface and the user; it facilitates the actions we want to take with any given system. Every time you make a choice on a digital device, interaction design is what responds; it makes a framework of text and objects useful, learnable and ultimately, intuitive. It delivers that almost human element that makes technology enjoyable and pleasant to interact with.
交互设计是关于创造设备(Device),界面(UI)以及用户(Users)之间的连接的;它能够促进用户流畅地在任何给定系统中操作。每当用户在一个数字化设备上做选择后,交互设计就是它的反应; 它使文本框架和对象更有用,并且使其容易学习、直观呈献给用户。它在数字化的系统中为用户提供了人性化的元素,使之与技术的互动愉快而享受。
UCD (User-Centred Design) 以用户为中心的设计
UCD(User-Centered Design)是指以用户为中心的设计。是在设计过程中以用户体验为设计决策的中心,强调用户优先的设计模式。简单的说,就是在进行产品设计、开发、维护时从用户的需求和用户的感受出发,围绕用户为中心进行产品设计、开发及维护,而不是让用户去适应产品。无论产品的使用流程、产品的信息架构、人机交互方式等,以UCD为核心的设计都时刻高度关注并考虑用户的使用习惯、预期的交互方式、视觉感受等方面。
HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) 人机交互
Focusing particularly on the interfaces between people (users) and computers. Researchers in the field of HCI both observe the ways in which humans interact with computers and design technologies that let humans interact with computers in novel ways.
IA (Information Architecture)
Information architecture (IA) is the structural design of shared information environments; the art and science of organizing and labelling websites, intranets, online communities and software to support usability and findability.

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