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[高中三年级] 广西省(柳州市、玉林市、贵港市、百色市)高三英语2014年10月联考试卷及答案网页版_中学试卷



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英 语

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第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
1. What is the news mainly about?                     (      )
A. A train accident. B. An air accident. C. A storm.
2. What is the man doing?                                  (      )
A. Looking for a room. B. Buying a room.
C. Selling a room.
3. What time did the man arrive?                      (      )
A. 9∶14. B. 9∶20. C. 9∶26.
4. What are the speakers talking about?          (      )
A. Quality of a restaurant. B. Price of food.
C. Buying bargains.
5. Where are the two speakers?                         (      )
A. In a bookstore. B. In the office. C. At the airport.
第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
6. Why did Peter apologize to Rebecca? (      )
A. He damaged her dictionary.
B. He lent her dictionary to others.
C. He lost her dictionary.
7. What did Rebecca feel about it? (     )
A. Nothing serious.
B. Very angry.
C. Very disappointed.
8. What are the two speakers talking about? (     )
A. A film.         B. A story.          C. A book.
9. What did they think about it?                         (     )
A. Boring.        
B. Touching.      
C. Horrible.
10. What are they going to do?                         (     )
A. Go out to eat.
B. Go shopping.
C. Go home.
11. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?                                         (     )
A. Colleagues. B. Husband and wife.
C. Doctor and patient.
12. Why does the man decide to give up eating meat?                                                         (     )
A. To be healthier.
B. To save money.
C. To lose weight.
13. How did the man explain why he stopped walking?                                                         (     )
A. He was always late for work.
B. He felt too tired to walk.
C. He hurt himself in the leg.
14. When is the man going to use the bike?         (     )
A. When the weather turns fine.
B. When he has plenty of time.
C. When traffic is not heavy.
15. What happened to the old lady?                 (     )
A. She was knocked down.
B. She fell down by herself.
C. She was saved by a passer-by.
16. What would the man do if he were on the spot? (     )
A. Call the police.    B. Help the lady.  
C. Catch the driver.
17. How did the speakers feel about the behavior of the passers-by?                                         (     )
A. Terrified. B. Encouraged. C. Disappointed.
18. Where is the speaker most probably giving the talk?
                                                                (      )
A. At the entrance to the gardens.
B. In a restaurant of the gardens.
C. In the old family house.
19. What does the speaker tell the visitors to do first? (      )
A. Have their lunch.
B. Visit the collections.
C. Walk through the gardens.
20. How many sections are the gardens divided into? (      )
A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.


  My nine-year-old daughter has walked to school almost every day of her school life and each morning the same crossing guard Ms. Leslie is there to help us safely cross the street. She and my daughter always have a kind hug. My daughter runs to her, they hug, lock eyes and Ms. Leslie holds her tightly and makes her a round with the “STOP” sign in one hand. Once a neighbor driving her three children to school told me they felt lucky when they got the chance to witness this. They all shared in seeing the joy shared between these two.
  This morning after watching them and having crossed the street to the other side, I said “That looked
like so much fun and can I have a hug too?” Ms. Leslie            
  smiled and we hugged a full five seconds. I could feel our skin touching neck to neck and sense her heart beat. We didn’t lock eyes but we did allow our hearts to connect. I got a little teary when she looked at me and said “Thank you so much. It gets hard out here some days when drivers can be so rude. “
  As we walked away my daughter wrapped an arm around me, connected with my eyes and just smiled, full of love, as if to say “Mom, now you know. “ And I knew then with my heart the power of a little hug. I’ve been delighted in the warmth of that hug through an hour of thick morning traffic. Thank you Ms. Leslie and my little one. It provided you a chance to notice an opportunity to share a little heart hugging energy today. 21. What’s the duty of Ms. Leslie?                         (      )
A. Warning dangerous drivers never to drive carelessly.
B. Stopping drivers from driving rudely on the street.
C. Protecting the author’s daughter on the way to school.
D. Helping pupils and their parents cross the street safely.
22. What happened when the author and Ms. Leslie hugged?                                                 (      )
A. Their hearts started beating fast.
B. They communicated with heart.
C. Their eyes were fixed together.
D. Drivers passed by them rudely.
23. What did the daughter really mean by saying “Mom, now you know”?                                         (      )
A.“Now you know the use of a hug.”   
B.“Now you know how to give a hug.”
C.“Now you know how great a hug is”.  
D.“Now you know the secret of a hug.”
24. What is the writer’s attitude towards her daughter’s hug with Ms. Leslie?                                 (      )
A. Doubtful.                                 B. Positive.
C. Cautious.                                 D. Optimistic.

  Like the possible dangers around the home, getting on the school bus can also bring its own set of dangers. There are several important safety measures that parents should be aware of when it comes to bus safety.
Parents should always make sure that someone is taking charge of children at the bus stop to make certain clear ground rules which are in place and are being followed—particularly rules that forbid horseplay in and around the street.
  Teach children to ask the bus driver for help in picking up anything they may have dropped around the bus, as children getting dropped articles are often hit by the bus or another vehicle because they are not seen by the bus driver or by oncoming traffic.
  Children should be asked to take five large steps away from the bus when they get it off, and make sure that the bus driver can see you and look you directly in the eyes to signal it is OK to cross the street. It is still very important that children also look both ways as they cross the street.
Inform children that they must never speak to any stranger who talks with them first and that they must never accept a ride from any person unless their parents tell them directly that it is OK. Teach kids that adults should ask other adults for help, not kids. If an adult asks a kid for help, that child should get another adult.
  If for any reason a child feels uncomfortable or unsafe at the bus stop they need to bring it to a parent’s or caregiver’s attention.
  Remember, planning ahead is always the best safety measure. Follow these rules and your family will be off danger!
25. The underlined word “horseplay” in Paragraph 2 has the similar meaning as__________.
A. ride a horse around                     B. chase each other
C. stay in order                              D. play game on horse
26. What should a child do when his book falls around the bus?                                                 (      )
A. Turn to the bus driver.      
B. Ask other children for help.
C. Pick it up quickly by himself.   
D. Keep silent without telling others.
27. Which of the following is a dangerous behaviour after getting off the bus?                                 (      )
A. Crossing the street without permission.
B. Standing out of the driver’s sight.
C. Leaving the bus in a hurry.
D. Staying too near to the bus.
28. Paragraph 5 mainly talks about tips on how to___________.
A. refuse to talk with strangers   
B. deal with strangers on the road
C. avoid dangers from strangers     
D. escape from dangerous strangers
  A person’s nose is important for breathing and smelling. The nose is also used in many popular expressions. Some people are able to “lead other people by the nose.” For example, if a wife “leads her husband by the nose,” she makes him do whatever she wants him to do. Some people are said to be “hard-nosed.” They will not change their opinions or positions on anything. If someone is “hard-nosed,” chances are he will never “pay through the nose,” or pay too much money, for an object or service.
  It is always helpful when people “keep their noses out of other people’s business”—they do not interfere. The opposite of this is someone who “noses around all the time. “ This kind of person is interested in other people’s private matters. He is considered “nosey.” Someone who “keeps his nose to the grindstone” works very hard. This can help a worker “keep his nose clean,” or stay out of trouble.
  One unusual expression is “that is no skin off my nose.” This means that a situation does not affect or concern me. We also say that sometimes a person “cuts off his nose to spite his face.” That is, he makes a situation worse for himself by doing something foolish because he is angry. More problems can develop if a
person “looks down his nose” at someone or something. The person acts like something is unimportant or worthless. This person might also “turn up his nose” at something that he considers not good enough. This person thinks he is better than everyone else. He “has his nose in the air.”
  In school, some students “thumb their nose” at their teacher—they refuse to obey orders or do any work. Maybe these students do not know the correct answers. My mother always told me, if you study hard, the answers should be “right under your nose,” or easily seen.
29. Which of the following can best describe a “hard-nosed” person?                                         (      )
A. Stubborn. B. Wise. C. Jealous. D. Generous.
30. A person will not welcome if he___________.
A. “keep one’s nose clean”
B. “noses around all the time”
C. “keeps one’s nose to the grindstone”
D. “keep one’s nose out of other people’s business”
31. The expression “turn up one’s nose” is similar with___________.
A. “that is no skin off one’s nose”   
B. “look down one’s nose”
C. “have one’s nose in the air”     
D. “thumb one’s nose”
32. Something “right under your nose” means______.
A. something hard to understand     
B. something a teacher asks in class
C. something a student refuses to do   
D. something easy to find

D         A man enters a store to buy milk. He walks out of the store with milk. That is all—milk. At the same time, a woman enters the same grocery store also to buy milk. She buys it. But, she also buys chicken and lemons to make dinner that night. Then she remembers to buy food for her son to eat at school. She also gets a bottle of wine for drinks with friends and a birthday card for her husband’s niece. Then she gets coffee for breakfast, ice cream for dessert and remembers stamps to mail the bills. And don’t forget soap for the bathroom.
And that is the difference between the female and male brains simply explained in a grocery store.
                Generally speaking, men do one thing at a time. Women do many. Now scientific research supports this theory about male and female brains. A recent study has confirmed what we have known all along—men and women think differently.
                Scientists at the University of Pennsylvania studied brain images of 949 people aged from eight to 22 years old. They found that male brains have more connections on one side of the brain, or hemisphere. In the female brain, they found more activity and connections between the right and left sides of the brain. The left side of the brain is known as the side of “reason. “ The right hemisphere is known as the “creative” side.
Regina Verma is a professor at the University of Pennsylvania. She co-wrote the report. She says when women are asked to do something difficult they might use different parts of the brain. Men, she adds, generally use just one side of the brain. As a result, men generally deal directly with a problem. There is a strong connection between the “understanding” and the “action” parts of their brains. Women, however, might include other parts of the brain when solving a problem. Women take a less direct path to find a solution.
33. The author mentioned the shopping in Paragraph 1 to___________.
A. show women’s carefulness   
B. prove men’s quick action
C. object to an opinion        
D. bring up the topic to be discussed
34. The main idea of Paragraph 4 is___________.
A. women have two same brains on both sides
B. men have more complicated brains than women
C. different kinds of brain images have been studied
D. men’s structure of brain is different from women’s
35. What causes the difference between men’s and women’s behaviour?                                         (      )
A. Watching things from different sides.
B. Having different attitudes towards life.
C. Using different parts of the brain to think.
D. Reacting at different speed to problems.
                A lot of smokers start using cigarettes when they are teenagers, only to find later on that they can’t kick the habit. It’s a huge public health concern. As a result, researchers are working on ways to help people stop smoking. Researchers like Cohen say taxes are the best motivation in cutting back on smoking. “  36__________
     ___________________  Smokers smoke less and governments increase their income,” said Cohen.
__________________________________________ The WHO says higher taxes are especially effective in reducing tobacco use among lower income groups and in
preventing young people from starting. The organization says a 10 percent tax increase reduces tobacco use by 4 percent in high income countries, and by up to 8 percent in low income countries.
                Statistics show there are a billion smokers in the world, almost one out of five people. 38_______________
    ________________________ Some people say if tobacco were banned, they wouldn’t smoke at all. Others say they are so addicted that they have to smoke, even if they know the health risks.
                Cohen says governments also have to introduce more measures so those trying to stop can be more successful. “  39___________________________________
_______________ We just need to figure out methods to help support people in quitting in terms of making the product harder  get, more expensive and less advertising, less promotion,
those sorts of things,” she said.
                Public health experts expect deaths from tobacco use
to increase in the years to come, especially in low and middle
income countries. 40  __________________________________
  ________________________________________These experts are hopeful, however, that as proven ways to prevent smoking are introduced, fewer people will take up the habit.
A. The World Health Organization is urging governments to increase taxes on tobacco products.
B. In these countries, most of the burden of tobacco-related disease is expected to occur.
C. Taxes are a win-win situation.
D. The determination is the key to giving up smoking.
E. Seventy percent of smokers say they want to quit.
F. Tobacco kills up to half of the smokers.
G. Smoking will cost much money.


I had gone to complete some unfinished business today. I 41        the car and was walking towards to my destination,  42        from a distance I saw an elderly man walking towards me in the 43       direction.
41. A. parked        B. sold       C. drove       D. repaired
42. A. which         B. where     C. as             D. when
43. A. different    B. opposite C. familiar    D. same
As we came close, I saw that there was a look of
44 on his face. He was not feeling comfortable] which I could clearly see. I 45      him and then moved on, wanting to go quickly and complete the 46          of the work.
44. A. pleasure   B. sorrow       C. pain               D. pride
45. A. looked at B. made out    C. pointed to    D. joked on
46. A. part         B. rest              C. other              D. end
I soon completed my work and was 47     to where the car was parked, when again from a distance I saw the same man sitting on the road. I quickly walked across to where he was sitting. I was  48       and asked him where he 49       , hoping to send him to his house in my car.
47. A. moving    B. turning       C. returning   D. running
48. A. delivering B. astonished C. interested  D. concerned
49. A. stayed      B. escaped       C. left            D. worked
He gave me the name of the place where he stayed,  50__    the name did not seem familiar. I quickly saw that nearby on the opposite 51 __   of the road were a few taxis.
I knew from my experience that taxi drivers were the best 52 __  to unknown places.
50. A. therefore   B. however      C. instead      D. then
51. A. way          B. side               C. direction    D. sight
52. A. strangers B. friends         C. guides         D. guests
I quickly
53 one of the taxis and told the driver to
54 my friend to his place. I told the driver to 55___where the place was.
53. A. cheated B. called         C. paid         D. praised
54. A. urge         B. pull         C. carry         D. drop
55. A. find out B. hide away C. ask for         D. figure out
He asked him, and soon the driver had a fairly good 56        of the direction. I then asked the driver how much the fare would be, the driver told me the amount and I gave him the 57        .
56. A. hope  B. try     C. idea      D. attempt
57. A. message                 B. money C. direction                 D. information
The driver then started off and as it began to move, my friend waved his 58         and said softly, thank you. I waved back to a stranger who briefly came, 59        my life and moved away,  60        to be seen again.
58. A. bag          B. head         C. baggage         D. hand
59. A. touched B. affected         C. changed         D. improved
60. A. ever         B. yet                 C. never         D. even
  I was on my way to my parents’ on my motorcycle. On the way I saw a middle aged man 61___________              
(pull)a heavy sack(麻袋)on the road and walking with great struggle. Seeing this, I decided to help. I passed him, then paused, and turned around to stop near him and offer him a ride.
  He was quite 62 _______(please)and grateful and lifted the heavy sack 63 ___________ had a lot of waste iron and sat on the backseat. 64 ___________ (immediate)he asked me my name and after I told him, blessed me aloud. We rode on.
  He lived in a 65 _______ (distance)village. An hour later, we reached his destination. He got off and thanked me again. After reaching home, while parking my motorcycle I  66 _____(see)that the iron pieces in the sack that he had placed on  67 _______ backseat had made deep marks and almost torn the seat in a couple of  68 _______ (place).
  I smiled  69 _______ took it as a reminder he had left behind so that I 70 ______(do)not forget what the backseat is for. I am always ready to help others.


[color=]第 Ⅱ 卷


Dear Jessica,
  I’ve received your letter, know that you are upset
at having no friends. Here I’ll give you some good advices.
Firstly, you must realize no one wants to lonely in
class. So why not speak to the students you’re sitting next
on?It’s very easy to start a conversation. What you need
do is just to say brave. Once you’ve done this, all this will
get on easier and easier. Secondly, you can ask your
teachers to pair you with other people. Don’t put yourself
under very much pressure. Once a few people had
accepted you] a rest will accept you more quickly.
  A good friend is my nearest relation. So I do hope
you can make so many good friends as possible.
第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
1.鸟类经常受到伤害; 2.湿地面积减少;3.提出你的建议。
Dear WWF,
         There are wetlands in my hometown.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua


1-5 BACBC  6-10 CAABA  11-15BACAA   16-20 BCACC
21-25 ABCBB   26-30ADCAB  31-35 CDDDC  36-40 CAFEB
41-45ADBCA   46-50 BCDAB  51-55 BCBDA   56-60 CBDAC
61 _____pulling_62 pleased  63 which/that  64 Immediately 65 distant
66 saw  67 the  68 ___places_______69and  70do

Dear WWF,
        There are wetlands in my hometown. And every spring, many birds come to live here, including several rare and
endangered ones. With various birds everywhere, my
hometown looks very beautiful. However, the birds are being
badly affected by our human activities.
        The harm to the birds is various. Eggs are often picked
up. Worse still, people even catch or poison birds for meat.
The size of the wetlands is becoming smaller and smaller due
to farming. Pollution from chemical factories is also a big
problem. Fewer birds arrive here each year!
        I strongly suggest taking actions to save the birds. A
wetland reserve should be set up to make sure no one shall
harm the birds. We human beings should live with birds
peacefully and happily.
                                        Yours sincerely,
                                                                Li Hua

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