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[高中三年级] 临汾市2014年高三英语高考考前第三次适应性训练考试试卷及答案网页版_中学试卷



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[color=]英   语


[color=]第 I 卷
1. 答第I卷题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
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3. 听力部分满分30分,不计入总分,考试成绩录取时提供高校作参考。

[color=]第一部分  听力(共两节,满分30分,不计入总分)略

[color=]第二部分  阅读理解(共两节,满分60分)
第一节  (共15小题;每小题3分,满分45分)
    You must know what BYD stands for? Yes, Build Your Dream. Have you built your dream and spare no effort to achieve it? Here is an inspiring story from http://www.naijamotiveation.com
    Eddie Arcaro dreamed of becoming the world’s greatest jockey(赛马骑师). But after watching him ride a horse for five minutes, reality reflected a rough contradiction. He was awkward and clumsy, and in his early years in the saddle he couldn’t do one thing right.
    In his first 100 races he never even came close to winning. Still, he got right back on and trained again. Even as a schoolboy, Arcaro had set his own track in life. Because he was only a little over five feet tall (1.5 meters) and weighed barely 80 pounds (36kg), the other students picked on him. So he skipped school, hanging out at the local race track where a trainer let him ride horses.
    His father reluctantly agreed to let him pursue a career as a jockey. The trainer had told him so. “Send him back to school,” he said. “He’ll never be a rider.” In spite of that, Arcaro was determined not just to ride, but to become the world’s greatest jockey. But first someone would have to give him a chance.
    He finally got to ride in a real race. Before it was over, he’d lost his whip and his cap and had almost fallen off the saddle. By the time he finished the race, the other horses were on their way to the stables(马厩). He’d come in dead last. Nevertheless, Arcaro went from track to track, looking for any opportunity to ride.
    Finally, a trainer who pitied him took him in and gave him a chance. One hundred losses later, he was still giving him chances. He saw something in this unlucky jockey, something he couldn’t define.
    There were many brushes with death and several broken bones. Every time he would return to the saddle. Then Arcaro began to win. In thirty years of riding, he won 4, 779 races, becoming the only jockey in history to win the Kentucky Derby five times. By the time he retired in 1962 he was a millionaire and a legend in his own lifetime.
21. The underlined phrase “picked on” in the passage probably means __________________.
    A. paid attention to        B. made fun of        C. offered help to       D. took special care of
22. The trainer who believed in Arcaro gave him chances because _________________.
    A. Arcaro had shown great talents in horse racing
    B. he thought all that Arcaro needed was a bit of luck
    C. he had sympathy for Arcaro for his unfortunate experiences
    D. he was impressed by the way Arcaro stuck to his dream
23. The key message the author wants to convey through the passage is that __________________.
    A. a man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds
    B. you can’t stop the waves, but you can learn how to surf
    C. winners in life set goals and follow through on them
    D. life consists not in holding good cards, but in playing well those you hold
24. Which of the following would be the most proper title for the passage?
    A. The Man With The One Track Mind            B. A Star With Many Skills
    C. An Inspiring Website Story                   D. Inspiration Is Around Us

The Boston Opera House
In Person:
    ● The Boston Opera House Box Office is open Monday – Friday from 10 am – pm. We provide a direct and customer-friendly service that allows our customers to choose their seats and purchase their tickets at face value without service charges or delivery fees. The savings and confidence associated with an in-person purchase at our box office can make the trip very worthwhile. While you’re in the neighborhood, check out our dining and parking choices when you attend your favorite shows.
    ● The Boston Ballet Box Office operates year-round at their 19 Clarendon Street headquarters(总部)in Boston’s South End. Boston Ballet sells tickets at the Boston Opera House box office during Boston Ballet performance weeks.
    ● Tickets for all Broadway in Boston shows and other concerts and cultural presentations are sold online at www.ticketmaster.com.
    ● Tickets for all Boston Ballet performances are sold online at www.bostoneballet.org.
By Phone:
    ● Tickets for all Broadway in Boston shows and other concerts and cultural presentations can be purchased by calling Ticketmaster at 1. 800. 982. 2787.
    ● Tickets for all Boston Ballet performances can be purchased by calling 617. 695. 6955.
Refund Policy:
    No refunds or exchanges.
The Boston Opera House Policies
    ● Some shows may not be appropriate for children of all ages. Please enquire at 617. 259. 3400.
    ● Regardless of age, everyone must have a ticket. No “babies in arms” will be allowed.
    ● Parents may be asked to remove restless children from the auditorium(演出大厅). The parent and child will be able to wait in a comfortable lounge while the rest of the family enjoys the show. We appreciate your cooperation.
Tips for Theatergoers
    ● Leave yourself enough time for traffic.
    ● Check the date and time of the performance on tickets purchased.
    ● If you arrive late to your performance you may have to wait to be seated at appropriate breaks in the performance. Please arrive on time, no less than 15 minutes before curtain.
25. You can buy tickets for performances at the Boston Opera House in all the following ways EXCEPT ________________.
    A. at the box office          B. by telephone          C. through e-mail       D. on the website
26. What is one advantage of purchasing tickets in person?
    A. You don’t need to pay extra fees               B. You can get free parking and dining
    C. You are sure to get the best seats               D. You can exchange tickets if you wish
27. If you are attending a show at the Opera House, ____________________.
    A. you can take your infant with you              B. you don’t have to buy a ticket for your child
    C. you are allowed to enter the auditorium immediately even if you are late
    D. you are advised to arrive 15 minutes before the performance begins

Neil Armstrong, the first man ever to set foot on the moon, is best remembered by his words “That’s one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for the mankind”. Once, in an interview with his son, he said it was difficult to watch a sci-fi movie with his dad, because Armstrong would keep complaining about how unrealistic their vision of space were.
In fact, even the Oscar-winning Gravity, described as “the most realistic space movie ever” by Forbes, is not 100 percent faithful to reality. Here is part of a former NASA astronaut – Garrett Reisman’s movie review.
On the whole, it’s a great movie. But the question that most people want me to answer is how realistic it was.
In general, sci-fi movies are usually far-fetched. So it’s amazing how many things Gravity gets right. The danger of space debris(残骸)is very real. There are currently more than 600,000 pieces of debris larger than 1 cm orbiting Earth and they pose a great risk to spacecrafts. However, in the movie, astronauts can see the debris coming and quickly seek shelter. In reality, debris can travel at 20 times the speed of sound, which means that if you can see it, it’s already too late to hide.
Another huge error was – there was absolutely no reason for the male astronaut Matt Kowalski to sacrifice himself!! He lets go of the hand of his female partner, Ryan Stone, and drifts away into space. In reality, Kowalski wouldn’t have flown away when Stone let go of his hand. Instead, he would have just stayed floating in that spot.
In the movie, Stone travels from the Hubble Telescope to the International Space Station and then to the Chinese Space Station Tiangong, where she finds an escape vehicle to take her back to Earth. But this is actually the biggest error in the movie. The Hubble, the International Space Station and a Chinese space station are not neighbors. Getting from one to the other requires so much energy that not even space shuttles had enough fuel to do it. In addition, space stations travel in different orbits, and they travel quickly. And it would be physically impossible to get from one to the other.
There are other, more minor details that are just unrealistic. For example, Stone doesn’t wear a cooling garment(降温服)under her spacesuit to protect herself from the heat in space.
. . . Yes, I could go on and on about all the things Gravity got wrong. But who cares? All of these inaccuracies were done to help advance the plot or to add drama to the films. This is entertainment, not a documentary.
28. The purpose of the first paragraph is to _______________.
A. introduce the famous American astronaut Neil Armstrong
B. show that sci-fi movies are often considered unrealistic by astronauts
C. introduce why Gravity is the most realistic space movie ever
D. tell people not to believe everything they see in sci-fi movies
29. The underlined word “far-fetched” can best be replaced by “_______________”.
A. unlikely to be true                     B. difficult to understand
C. easy to mislead people                 D. unpopular with astronauts
30. Which of the following situations would agree with the laws of physics in space according to the passage?
A. Astronauts collecting flying space debris
B. Astronauts wearing only T-shirts under their spacesuits
C. Astronauts staying afloat where they are after they part with a spaceship
D. Astronauts performing a space walk from the Hubble Telescope to the International Space Station
31. We can infer from the passage that ___________________.
A. Garrett Reisman doesn’t think highly of the movie Gravity
B. directors of sci-fi movies usually don’t care much about minor details
C. the shooting of space documentaries and sci-fi movies involve totally different skills
D. Garrett Reisman believes that sci-fi movies don’t need to be totally faithful to reality
In 1958, Jean Berko Gleason, an American psycholinguist, created an experiment called the Wug Test. It investigated how children learn to make plural forms of nouns in English like cats, dogs, and horses. The children were shown imaginary words in the singular and asked to change the word into their plural forms. There are three ways of pronouncing the “s” that comes after plural nouns in English; it can be pronounced like /z/, /s/, or /iz/. The most common sound is the /z/ sound like in dogs, then the /s/ sound like in cats, then the /iz/ sound like horses.
In the experiment, the child was presented with a picture of some kind of pretend creature. He or she was told that the creature was a “wug”. The experimenter said, “This is a wug.” Another card was pulled out with another wug, and the experimenter said, “Now there are two of them. These are two . . .?” Children who understood the proper use of plural form for nouns ending with a “g” would say, “They are two wugs,” with a /z/ sound. Very young children were often confused by this and said “Two wug.” Generally, children who were 4 years or older got the question right. The researchers also carried out several other experiments to create plural forms ending with the /s/ sound and with the /iz/ sound and found that children usually learned these rules later in their lives because they are not as common as the /z/ sound plurals.
The Wug Test also included questions that explored a child’s understanding of the proper use of verbs and the suing of the possessive, such as “This is Rob’s bike.” Possessives are parts of grammar that show ownership. Also, the children were prompted to use the “-er” suffix (后缀)of a noun to demonstrate a person’s job, such as someone who drives is a “driver”. Again, the children were given a nonsense word, this time “zib”. The researcher asked the child, “A man who ‘zibs’ is a . . .?” Some young children replied “zibber”, but many young children replied “zibman”.
The Wug Test demonstrated that even very young children have established grammatical systems that allow them to make plurals, possessive, and other forms of words that they have never heard before. This test was the first of its kind to prove that children learn their language akills naturally without needing to be taught grammar rules.
32. The author introduces Jean Berko Gleason as a psycholinguist in order to _________________.
A. explain why she used imaginary words for the experiment
B. show that she was interested in how the mind learns language
C. suggest that she studied the language of the mentally ill
D. state that she illustrated the pictures used in the experiment
33. The underlined word “pretend” is closest in meaning to _______________.
A. artificial         B. domestic            C. incorrect          D. living
34. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE about the Wug Test?
A. It was an experiment to show that children must be taught the rules of language
B. It investigated whether children could use English verbs to show ownership
C. It examined how children learned complex language rules ( like forming plurals )
D. It proved that children acquire /z/-sound possessives before /s/-sound ones
35. The passage probably comes from ___________________.
A. a book review                            B. an official documentary
C. a biography of Jean Berko Gleason           D. a language learning journal
第二节  (共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)
Every year in late April, students at Renmin University of China become the subjects of admiration and jealousy of their peers on other campuses in Beijing. Why?     36     It has been a unique tradition of Renmin University for a decade.
Having fun is just one dimension of the spring break. Field trips, voluntary work, and social projects are all on students’ to-do lists. Experts say the spring break is not just for students to enjoy a few days off, but for them to gain new experiences beyond the campus walls.
Push them out
The traditional Chinese belief of the exploration of knowledge and truth emphasizes “reading 10, 000 books and travelling 10, 000 miles”.     37     But while Chinese universities have the tradition of spring outings, what’s the benefit of making spring break an institution?
Qin Jianguo, from Shenzhen University, thinks the idea of the spring break in some universities in China comes from the intention of pushing students out of the ivory tower to experience more diversity in their lives. He said, “Take traveling for example. A week traveling is a very different experience to a one-or two-day outing. When put out in an unfamiliar context, students are expected to acquire the spirit of teamwork and compromise.     38     ”
Diverse approaches
Many countries have similar vacations in the middle of the semester for students to do things out of their own interest. Taking Japan as an example, instead of partying like their US counterparts, many Japanese students choose to work as interns or engage in study-related projects.
    39     Pan Yingzhao, 22, majoring in finance at Renmin University of China, participated in a social project on the theme of “The Chinese Dream”. She and her teammates interviewed people on the street to see how they understood “The Chinese Dream”. “Through this activity, I learned how to communicate with strangers appropriately,” Pan said.
Apart from Renmin University, only a few other universities, have a spring break for their students. The concept in China is still far from the culture and norms built around it in the US.
Wei Xiang, a professor specializing in holiday economics at Beijing International Studies University, said that the spring break is a good experiment for universities to make study schedules smoother in order to give students more options to arrange their own leisure and study activities.
A. Not a legend
B. Not a trend yet
C. As for Chinese students, many tend to do volunteer work
D. They have to learn survival and communication skills as well
E. It does indicate the importance of experience as much as theory
F. Because they get a week off in the middle of term, the so-called spring break
G. To sum up, a spring break helps students expand their horizons and improve ability

[color=]第三部分  英语知识运用(共两节,满分55分)
第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
If you want your life to stand for peace and kindness, it’s helpful to do some kind, peaceful things. One of my favorite ways to do this is by   41   my own helping rituals(习惯). These little acts of kindness are opportunities to be of service and reminders of how good it feels to be kind and   42  .
We live in a rural area of the San Francisco Bay Area. Most of what we see is the   43   of nature. One of the   44   to the beauty is the litter that some people throw out of their windows   45   they are driving on the rural roads. One of the few   46   to living out the boondocks(偏远地区)is that public   47  , such as litter collection, are less   48   than those closer to the city.
A helping ritual that I practice   49   with my two children is picking up litter in our surrounding areas. We’ve become   50   accustomed to doing this that my daughters will often say to me in   51   voices, “There’s some litter, Daddy,   52   the car!” And if we have enough time, we will often   53   and pick it up. It seems strange, but we actually   54   it. We pick up litter in parks, on sidewalks, practically anywhere. Once I even saw a complete stranger   55   litter close to our house. He smiled at me and said, “I saw you doing this, and it seemed like a good   56  .”
Picking up litter is only one of an endless supply of possible helping rituals. You might like holding a door open for people, visiting   57   old people in nursing homes, or   58   snow from someone else’s driveway. Think of something that seems   59   yet helpful. It’s funny, personally rewarding, and can be a good example. And everyone   60   from this.

41. A. developing

B. abandoning

C. witnessing

D. arranging

42. A. careful

B. painful

C. skillful

D. helpful

43. A. beauty

B. wonder

C. power

D. threat

44. A. attractions

B. exceptions

C. advantages

D. principles

45. A. unless

B. since

C. as

D. because

46. A. benefits

B. strengths

C. failures

D. shortcomings

47. A. transport

B. equipment

C. services

D. habits

48. A. available

B. attractive

C. reliable

D. beneficial

49. A. absolutely

B. frequently

C. accidentally

D. occasionally

50. A. very

B. too

C. such

D. so

51. A. disappointed

B. excited

C. puzzled

D. embarrassed

52. A. drive

B. accelerate

C. stop

D. leave

53. A. watch out

B. take over

C. pull over

D. break out

54. A. recognize

B. recommend

C. appreciate

D. enjoy

55. A. sorting out

B. picking up

C. throwing away

D. looking for

56. A. idea

B. excuse

C. time

D. bargain

57. A. happy

B. lonely

C. lucky

D. active

58. A. emptying

B. preventing

C. clearing

D. unloading

59. A. effortless

B. meaningful

C. imaginary

D. admirable

60. A. tells

B. suffers

C. starts

D. benefits

第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Wang Le: Good morning, Mr. Li.
Mr. Li: Good morning, Wang Le. Well, you are to finish your study in senior high school. What’s your plan __61   your further study?
Wang Le: Well, I plan to study abroad and   62  (actual) I have sent my application form to my preferred university in America.
Mr. Li: Why do you choose to study abroad when there’re a lot of excellent   63  (university) in China?
Wang Le: From my point of view, attending schools abroad   64  (have) many advantages. I can have my minds   65  (broaden). What’s more, I can travel widely, making friends with the local people. I believe it is really worthwhile.
Mr. Li: Your arguments sound quite reasonable,   66   there are other things you need to consider.   67  (study) abroad needs a great deal of money, and the local customs can also be   68   serious problem. Can you find good solutions to these problems?
Wang Le: Well, I will apply to the university for a scholarship and meanwhile find a part-time job   69  (decrease) the financial pressure. For the language barrier and the local customs, I will stick to the best policy “Do as the Romans do.” In that case, everything will get better.
Mr. Li: Wow, it seems that you   70  (consider) everything. I sincerely hope you’ll make your dream come true.
Wang Le: Thank you.



[color=]第四部分  写作(共两节,满分35分)
第一节  短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。
      2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
      3. 必须按答题要求做题,否则不给分。
After the college entrance examination, most students will face a seriously question: Should they choose a good major and a good university first? Some students preferred to consider majors first so that they can learn which they are interested in. This will make it possible for them to take their most favorite job in the future. Therefore, those who think differently believe that the learning environment is important and that graduates from a leading university is more likely to find good jobs.
In my opinion, the best choice is good major at a good university. If we cannot obtain all, the first thing to consider is a good major, because wherever they study, we can still achieve a lot in a certain field if we try our best.
第二节  书面表达(满分25分)









注意:1. 文章必须包括所有要点。
      2. 词数:100左右。信的开头与结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。




阅读理解  (21 – 40题,共20小题;每小题3分,满分60分)
21 – 25 BDCAC      26 – 30 ADBAC      31 – 35 DBACD      36 – 40 FEDCB
完形填空  (41 – 60题,共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
41 – 45 ADABC      46 – 50 DCABD      51 – 55 BCCDB      56 – 60 ABCAD
语篇型语法填空  (61 – 70题,共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分40分)
61. for        62. actually           63. universities          64. has        65. broadened
66. but/yet      67. Studying          68. a           69. to decrease        70. have considered
短文改错  (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)(注意:在试题卷上作答无效)
1. seriously改为serious          2. and改为or        3. preferred改为prefer   
4. which改为what      5. 去掉most          6. Therefore改为However      7. is改为are     
8. good前加a              9. all改为both         10. they改为we
书面表达  (满分25分)(注意:在试题卷上作答无效)
One possible version:
Dear sir/Madam,
I’m very happy to know that some exchange students will come to our school next month. I’m writing to apply for the valuable chance to be one of the host families.
We have a large house with three bedrooms, which lies not far from our school. I’m good at English and my parents are both English teachers, so I’m sure we won’t have any difficulty with the exchange student. In addition, we will be glad to show the exchange student around some nearby places of interest in our own can since my father is an excellent driver. More importantly, my mother likes cooking and she cooks well, so the student will be able to enjoy delicious food in our home.
I’d appreciate it if I could have the chance to make friends with them.
Looking forward to your reply.
Sincerely yours,
Li Hua

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