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[高中三年级] 2014年河南省豫南五市高三英语第二次模拟考试试卷及答案网页版_中学试卷



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l. What do we learn from the conversation?
A. The man hates to lend his tools to other people.
B. The man hasn‘t finished working on the bookshelf.
C. The man lost those tools.
2. What are the two speakers talking about?
A. A park.                   B. A trip.                   C. A cinema.
3. What does the man mean?
A. He would like to make an appointment for the woman.
B. He thinks it worthwhile to try Santerbale‘s ______.
C. He knows a less expensive place for a haircut.
4. What do we learn from this conversation?
A. The man wants to go to Los Angeles.
B. The man wants to go to San Francisco.
C. There are no flights to Los Angeles for the rest of the day.
5. What is the woman‘s opinion of the research paper?
A. It‘s fine as it is.
B.  Only a few changes should be made in it.
C. Major revisions are needed in it______.
6. Why is Ken calling?
A. To ask about the address for the meeting.
B. To ask about the time for the meeting.
C. To remind Andy of the meeting.
7. Where is Andy?
A. In his office.       B. In the supermarket.       C. In the downtown.
8. What is Ken‘s phone number?
A. 439-808-7754.      B. 493-908-7754.           C. 439-908-7754.
9. Which of the following is the man‘s favorite food?
A. Carrots.          B. Chocolate cakes.         C. Fruits.
10. What are the two speakers probably doing now?
A. Having a meal.     B. Shopping.             C. Preparing food.
11. What does the woman say about carrots?
A. It is rich in fibers.
B. It can reduce weight.
C. It contains much vitamin C.
听第 8段材料,回答第 12至 14题_.
12. Where is the conversation taking place?
A. In the man‘s house.
B. In the woman‘s house.
C. In their friend‘s house.
13. What color is the meat container?
A. Blue.           B. Yellow.              C. Red.
14. What is the side dish mentioned by the man?
A. Eggplant with soy sauce.
B. Pork with pineapple.
C. Tomatoes with sugar.
听第 9段材料,回答第 15至 17题。
15. Who is learning Chinese probably?
A. Rose.              B. Jane.               C. Jack.
16. How many children does the woman have?
A. Three.             B. Four.                C. Five.
17. What will the woman do tomorrow7
A .Go to the cinema.     B .Go to the McDonald‘s.  C. Go to school.
18. What happened to the speaker?
A. He transferred to another post in another city.
B. His colleagues started to get along weU with him
C. His hard work got paid off.
19. What contributions did the speaker make for the company?
A. He helped increase the sales.
B. He helped build a branch company.
C. He helped make new products
20. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. The speaker‘s pay rose to $ 15, 000 per year.
B. The speaker‘s department sales increased a lot last year.
C. The speaker refused the rise.
第一节(共 15小题;每小题 2分,满分 30分)
    阅读下列短文 ,从每题所给的四个选项(  A.B.C和D)中  ,选出最佳选项 。
Welcome to Gold Coast Wax Museum
      The Gold Wax(蜡像) Museum is one of the Cold Coast‘s longest running attractions.  It‘s a collection of famous figures.  It‘s Australia‘s largest museum of its kind, featuring more than 110 life-size wax figures copies of British and Australian History.
      The Wax Museum is visited by many thousands of people each year who are shocked at the amazing realism of the life-size figures in authentic costumes. This is your invitation to wander through at your leisure and meet many important and famous people‘s figures on Queensland‘s Gold Coast.
      Come face to face with such celebrities as Michael Jackson, President Obama, past President  John F. Kennedy, King Hussein, members of the Royal Family, and many others whose lives have all  left an indelible(擦不掉的) mark on our world.  Information cards are located alongside each figure.
      The Gold Coast Wax Museum contains figures which have been made by leading local and over seas sculptors to international standards, equal in quality to the world‘s best, as seen in Europe, the United Kingdom, and U. S. A.  The detail in the figures is amazing -and includes hair applied one strand at a time, requiring many working hours for one hand, and the eyes are so real that they seem to follow the viewer around.
     Child (1-3yrs) free
     Child (4-12yrs) $ 22. 00
     Adult  $ 29. 00
Family (2 Adults + I Child) $68.00
     Opening hours
        Open 7 days a week, 10a. m.  to l0p. m.
        Closed at Christmas Day (25 Dec. ) and Anzac Day (25 Apr. )
         Ferny Ave, Surfers Paradise ( Gold Coast ) QLD
    How to get there
You can choose any of the Gold Coast airport transfers, car rentals, shuttles and private transfers to/from your hotel. Many coach  operators also offer Gold  Coast transfers to surrounding attractions,beaches, and the more distant destinations, throughout the day.
What to bring
Bring your sense of adventure and your camera and  see something exciting and quite unique.
For further information, please click here to see more about the Gold Coast Wax Museum.
21. If you visit the Gold Coast Wax Museum, you can
A. see many members of the Royal Family in person in the Museum
B. enjoy some world-class vivid max-works in the Museum
C. meet many leading local and internatioanal sculptors in the Museum
D. come at any time of the year except at Christmas Day
22. If a couple and their l0-year-old son visit the Gold Coast Wax Museum, they may pay_____.
A. $87         B. $80          C. $68         D. $58
23. You will most probably find this passage ______.
A. in a guidebook     B. in a magazine     C. in a text book    D. on a webpage

     Smoggy weather has become common in China. But these days, air pollution levels in the north eastern city of Harbin surpassed the previous record levels.
     The city was essentially shut down after PM2. 5, fine Particulate(微粒物) pollution that is considered hazardous(有害的) . reached levels of 1000 micrograms per cubic meter-40 times the safety level recommended by the World Health Organization. Schools, motorways and an airport were closed on Tuesday as visibility in some areas of the city dropped to less than 10 meters.
     Photos from Harbin showed residents covering their mouths with masks and scarves, and moving like ghostly shadows through the fog. Cars and motorcycles are moving slowly as traffic came to a standstill with traffic lights barely visible. www..com
     Just days previously , the World Health Organization‘s International Agency for Research on
Cancer (IARC)  classified air pollution as a carcinogen(致癌物) .  It stated that there  is  ' sufficient evidence' that exposure to outdoor air pollution causes lung cancer and also linked it with an increased risk of bladder cancer.  It‘s said that exposure has increased significantly particularly in ' rapidly industrial countries with large populations'.
     'The air we breathe has become polluted with a mixture of cancer-causing substances' , Dr Kurt Straif , head of the IARC said in a press released.  'We now know that outdoor air pollution is not only a major risk to health in general, but also a leading environmental cause of cancer deaths. '
     On the Chinese social media site Weibo , many users complained about the pollution and shared their concerns. References to 'feed people with smog 'have become popular on Weibo and there is a sarcastic play on the expression 'serve the people' , as the two have a similar pronunciation.
     'The impact of air pollution on people will be gradual. There won‘t be a sudden outbreak of symptoms, but normally three to five days after the smoggy weather occurs, there is a peak in the number of people seeing doctors, ' Deng Ying,  a doctor at the Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University was quoted as saying.
24. As thick smog has become a common scene in Harbin, ______
A. students there can go to school as usual
B. residents in the city can see as far as 20 meters
C. traffic lights can be easily visible
D. the urban traffic has been seriously influenced
25. When exposed to outdoor air pollution, what kind of disease can be caused?
A. Cancer of stomach  B. Breast cancer  C. Bladder cancer     D. Ovarian cancer
26. According to Dr Kurt Straif , we can learn that_______.
A.  the effect of the. smoggy weather is gradual
B.  air pollution is the man environmental cause, of cancer deaths
C. exposure has greatly increased in countries with large populations
D. 'feed people with smog' has become a hot word
27. The purpose of this passage is to
A. awaken people‘s environmental awareness
B. warn people not to go out in smoggy weather
C. call for the public to wear their masks
D. advise people not to live in Harbin

      A decades-old tradition, illustrated in a modem children‘s book, links the sweetness of honey with the joy of learning to read.
      The grandpa held a jar of honey so that all the family could see. He then dipped a spoon into it and put some honey on the cover of a small book.
     The little girl had just turned five.
     Stand up, little one, 'he asked the girl softly.  'I did this for your mother, your uncles, your
old brother,  and now you ! '
     Then, he handed the book to her.  'Taste f '
     She touched the honey with her finger and put it into her mouth.
      ' What  is  the  taste?' the  grandpa  asked.
     The little girl answered,  ' Sweet ! '
     Then all. the family said in a single voice, 'Yes, and so is knowledge, but knowledge is from the bee that made that sweet honey,  you have to go after it through the pages of a book ! ' The little girl knew that the promise to read was at last hers. Soon she was going to learn to read.
     This is the beginning of a profoundly moving children‘s book entitled Thank You] Mr. Falker.
      In this book, Patricia Polacco writes of her own passion to read, inspired by the honey on the book. It wasn‘t until fifth grade that she met her beloved teacher who provided the help that she needed to finally unlock the magic of the written world.
     The child learning to read is admitted into a collective memory by way of books. And with the printed words that are active with. meaning,  the child becomes acquainted(熟悉的) with a common past which he or she renews, to a greater or lesser degree, in every reading. Much as the author of the book Thank You]  Mr. Falker puts it,  ' Almost as if it were magic,  or as if light poured into her brain, the words and sentences started to take shape on the page as they never had before-And she understood the whole thing---Then she went into the living room and found the book on a shelf, the very book that her grandpa had shown her so many years ago. She spooned  honey on the cover and tasted the sweetness---Then she held the book, honey and all, close to her chest.  She could feel tears roll down her cheeks, but they weren‘t tears of sadness- she way happy, so very happy. '
28. The girl who tasted the honey on the book was ______.
A.  nearly six years old               B. less than five years old
C. a little more than five years old       D. more than six years old
29. It can be inferred from this passage that_______.
A. the girl‘s mother and uncles were good scholars
B. Mr. Falker helped Patricia Polacco write her book for children.
C. the girl who tasted the honey on the book grew into an artist
D. the honey-on- book tradition has been practiced for many generations
30. The book entitled Thank You] Mr. Falker is about
A. the early life of Mr. Falker
B. the magic power of oral words on children
C. Polacco‘s early experience with reading
D. how the honey on the book makes children feel happy
31. The last paragraph implies that the happiness of the little girl came from _______.
A. the ability to read books               B. the honey she tasted
C. the book her grandpa had shown her     D. the collective memory that accepted her

      I work in a busy Emergency Room( E. R. ) .  This weekend, I had a patient who was very nervousand paranoid.
      After looking at his chart, I saw that he was seeking treatment for alcoholism. There is an immediate prejudice against substance abuse in my E. R. One -we do not have a detox(戒酒) facility.The people seeking treatment for addiction are sometimes looked down on as being less worthy of treatment  than  other  serious  physical  ' ailments' .
      At first glance, I found out that the man was now somewhere in his mid-thirties, was very weak and had a generally aggressive character. He could not sit still and had a cough. He had not had a drink in four days. His hands were shaking and there was a scared look in his eyes.
     He told me that he began drinking about age 11 when his mother supplied him with it. He had tried to quit many times before but had not been able to.
' So .  what‘s different this time ?'I asked.
       'Because I‘m starting to be mean to the people I love, but now I don‘t want to be.  I ca:n see that  I‘m changing into something else. '
       That answer helped change my attitude toward him. I could see the pain behind his eyes. Behind the appearance, there was a terrified person whose goodness was being claimed by the alcohol. He  was desperate for help, but not so sure that his condition could be changed.
     I, thank this man for showing me that the goodness is dressed in all sorts of disguises(伪装) . Sometimes we have to undress it. It‘s worth doing. My patient was admitted to the hospital for help ,despite us not having a detox facility.
32.  What does the underlined word ' ailments' me
A.  build      B.  energy        C. illness               D.  ability
33. How long has the man been drinking?
A. 20 years     B.  11 years      C.  Over 30 years        D.  Over 20 years
34. From the passage we know that___ .
A. The patient was refused mainly for the hospital‘s lack of equipment
B. The patient once didn‘t want to treat the people he loved kindly
C. The patient was strong and brave at first glance
D. The patient once succeeded in giving up drinking alcohol
35. What conclusion can we draw from the passage?
A. Where there is a will, there‘s a way.
B. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
C.  Never judge a book by its cover.
D. Good is rewarded with good.
第二节 (共 5小题;每小题 2分 ,满分10分)
      Have you ever noticed that the more you have the more you want? Let‘s face it. Thinking our life is good enough doesn‘t come naturally to many people. When we have high expectations of everything in life, we will run into disappointment. Only when we are aware that needs are different from desires can we live with satisfaction.   36
       37   Most people want things to be better than they are, or when things are going well, we forget to appreciate what we have. Learn to reflect on how much better things are than they could be. Write down 5 things you are grateful for right now.
      When we hold onto regrets from decisions we have made, it can really poison our well-being. Many people regret something they can no longer change, which ends up holding them back from moving forward in a more positive manner.    38    so work to stay present and be mindful of the cur- rent moment to find more joy and fulfillment.
      When we use other people as the measuring stick for our personal success and quality of life ,we are likely to be less satisfied. Social comparisons can provide useful information when we try to learn from others. but they also hold our perspective in a discontented position.   39
When you focus on your big ambitions and future goals, you might neglect the daily pleasures that surround you.    40   Stay present and focus on the task you‘re undertaking at the moment .Don‘t let the life pass you by because you‘re always on the go and distracted by ambitions.
     Practice looking at life through the lens(镜头)  of contentment and it will become more natural.
A. Learn to create chances to achieve your goal.
B.  What you should do is to put yourself in a good mood.
C.  Here are a few ideas to help you be happier with what you have and who you are.
D. Focus on what you are thankful for.
E. What happened in the past is done and gone.
F.  Compare yourself less with others so you can be satisfied more.
G. Learn to slow down and absorb the wonder and beauty  around you.


     The rays of the sunlight shone on my grandmother‘s face.  For just a moment she closed her eyes  as if   41 the sunlight to warm her entire body.  When one‘s   42    is approaching its end. I   43   that all the bitterness and the boring moments will become meaningless.
       My grandmother opened her eyes    44   , saying,  ' Don‘t live your life without living it.  I worked too hard. 1   45    many things because I was trying to make a   46    tomorrow for my family. What good is a tomorrow if you   47   missing today?'
      She closed her eyes once more as if allowing what she said to marinate (浸泡)  within me.  I realized that she was   48_ her life as if she were a bystander. I knew that when my grandmother spoke those words to me, she was feeling _49_. Though we cannot change the past, we can    50   the future.
       As a college graduate, I knew my grandmother was showing me yet another   51    tool to add to my defense against this sometimes harsh world.
       That night, I slept the soundest sleep I ever had. A sense of _52   fell over me that I hadn‘t felt in along while. My   53   ,cares and concerns seemed weightless and were   54   by the words of my grandmother:  ' Don‘t live your life without living it. '
       I was     55_ woken out of a sound sleep by my mother.  Before she muttered the words through sobs and   56  , I knew why she was   57 me.
      Later that morning as I sat at the kitchen table] a single tear ran down my face. Through the
window, a ray of sunlight   58   me inside out. I knew it was a hug from my grandmother. And I knew that for the rest of my life her _  59    would reverberate (回响) in my thoughts.  She had given me the best   60   I had ever had.
41. A. persuading      B. ordering       C. encouraging     D. allowing
42. A. treatment       B. life           C. course         D. term
43. A. remember      B. joke          C. imagine         D. suggest
44. A. carefully       B. finally        C. slowly          D. instantly
45. A. learned        B. missed        C. gained          D. broke
46. A. better          B. clearer        C. busier           D. longer
47. A. consider        B. keep          C. mind           D. avoid
48. A. ending         B. changing      C. reviewing        D. standing
49. A. happy         B. anger          C. sympathy        D. regret
50. A. face           B.  have        C. . influence        D. judge
51. A. heavy         B. new           C. expensive        D. valuable
52. A. peace         B. duty           C. beauty           D. right  
53. A.  worries       B satisfactions     C.  dangers        D.  surprises
54. A. sorted          B. replaced       C .recorded         D. attracted
55. A. quickly         B. luckily        C .regularly         D. suddenly
56. A. astonishments   B.  blames       C. tears            D.  complaints
57. A.  comforting    B. teaching       C. waking          D.  saving
58. A.turned          B. warmed       C. moved           D. dried
59. A. promises       B.  words        C. congratulations   D. descriptions
60.A.advice          B.method         C.lecture           D.chance
    Two businessmen   61   (fly) to Australia to play in a weekend golf match.  Their team won and they both received green jackets.  62  their last night in Australia, they stayed up late drinking beer. They were still drunk in the morning, _63  they drove their rented car to the airport. The road was empty.  Suddenly. something jumped in front of the car. The driver couldn‘t stop in time and the car hit it,
    The men got out of the car and found a large kangaroo  64    (lie) on the road. The drunken men began to laugh and decided to take some photos with the 'dead' kangaroo.  One of the men decided to put the jacket on    65    kangaroo. So they dressed the poor kangaroo in a green jacket .Then they posed with it for some photos. Suddenly, something amazing happened. The kangaroo opened    66    eyes. It was not dead. But it was very    67    (anger). The kangaroo hit the two  men and knocked them out. Then it ran  68  .In the kangaroo‘s new green jacket were the car keys ,a passport, and the air tickets.
    Later that day, a motorist phoned the police .”You‘re  69  90ing  to  believe  this .”he  said,“but a kangaroo in a green golf jacket  70  (run)  along the road to the airport ”The police finally found out the whole story,  and they punished the two drunken men.



  Dear teachers and schoolmates,
        It‘s great honor for me to be here today and share my experience of learning English with you.  I  want to learn English well to take a better job, but I learn English in some difference ways.  In class ,I learn new words, useful expressions and grammar and take efforts to understand  the texts under the help of our English teacher. After the class, I do a lot of exercises prepare for the college entrance examination.  You also read news and watch videos on the Internet  and from other source.  I have a lot of fun especial when learning English with cartoon movies.
Thanks for listening !


    ※餐厅供餐时间:7:30a.m.一9:00 a.m.;
    5:30p.m.-8:00 p.m.
Dear John ,
     I‘m very glad to hear that you will come to my city for short-term language training.
Looking forward to seeing you very soon.

Yours ,
Li Hua


【听   力】1-5 CBCAA  6-10 CBCBA  11-15 CABCB 16-20 AACAB
【阅读理解】A:21-23BCD  B:24-27 DCBA   C: 28-31 CDCA  D: 32-35 CDBC
【完形填空】41-45DBCCB  46-50 ABCDC   51-55 DAABD  56-60 CCBBA
【语篇填空】61.flew  62. On 63. but  64. lying  65. the 66. its  67. angry  68. away
69.not  70. is running
【短文改错】Dear teachers and schoolmates,
It’s /\great honor for me to be here today and share my experience of learning Englishwith
①  a
you. I want tolearn English well to take a better job, but I learn English in some difference
②  so                  ③ different
ways. In class, Ilearn new words, useful expressions and grammar and take efforts to
④ make
understand thetexts under the help of our English teacher. After the class, Ido a lot of
⑤ with                                ⑥ 去掉
exercises, preparefor the college entrance examination. You also read news and watchvideos
     ⑦  preparing                       ⑧ I
on the Internetand from other source. I have a lot of fun especial when learningEnglish
⑨ sources             ⑩  especially
with cartoonmovies.
Thanksfor listening!
【书面表达】onepossible version:
I’m very glad to hear that you will come to my city for short- term languagetraining. In your letter, you asked me something about Tower Hotel. Now I’dlike to tell you some detailed information about it.
Tower Hotel is located on Yuanda Road.Go through the gate of the entrance, and you will see the high building---Tower Hotel, in front of which lies a beautiful garden. Behind the building isa swimming pool, where you can go swimming for relaxing. Near the swimming poolstands a dinning hall, and there meals are served from 7:30a.m. to 9:00a.m. and between 5:30p.m. and 8:00 p.m.
Last but not least, as to accommodation fees, everyone should pay 200 yuan per day. Ifyou need further information, please enquire at the reception desk on theground floor when you’ve arrived here.
Looking forward to seeing you very soon.

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