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[高中三年级] 四川省绵阳市2014届高三英语第三次诊断性考试试卷及答案网页版_中学试卷



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[color=]英      语
2.选择题( 1—55)使用2B铅笔填涂在答题卡对应题目标号的位置上,非选择题用0.5毫米黑色签字笔书写在答题卡的对应题框内,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。

1. —I‘ve never seen them perform so badly!
  —Oh, ______ It‘s not their lucky day!
A. what a pity!        B. what‘s the matter?        C. try it again!        D. why not?
2. Keep writing in English ______ some day you‘ll find it natural to think in it.
A. or         B. so          C. but                D. and
3. The two cars are racing close together -- it‘s unclear ______ will be the champion.
A. what            B. who           C. which          D. whether
4. Each time, Mum ______ my room cautiously since she knew I was sleeping.
A. has passed          B. passed          C. had passed         D. passes
5. We should allow an extra hour to make the trip ______ the traffic may be heavy.
A. so that           B. even though         C. in case          D. as if
6. ______ on the way, Edward had to wait beyond the hour for his interview.
A. Trapped         B. To be trapped         C. Trapping         D. To trap
7. How many people can you find here ______ situations are similar to yours?
A. where         B. which         C. what          D. whose
8. In the U.S. there are ______ fewer custom dressmakers than in European countries.
A. so              B. far          C. too           D. very
9. As soon as ______from university, Nick landed a fantastic position in a local firm.
A. graduated         B. graduating          C. being graduated         D. to graduate
10. It was in the canteen of the school ______ I first met Heather, the course director.
A. when         B. where         C. that          D. which
第二节 完形填空  (共20小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 30分)
Like any good mother, when Karen found out that another baby was on the way, she did what she could to help her 3-year-old son, Michael, prepare for a new baby. They   11   that the new baby was going to be a girl, and day after day, night after night, Michael   12   to his sister in Mommy‘s stomach.
  13   , Michael‘s little sister was born. But she is in serious   14   . With alarm in the night, the ambulance   15   the infant to the hospital. The days went by. The little girl got worse. The pediatric (儿科的) specialist told the parents, 'There is very   16   hope. Be prepared for the worst.'
Karen and her husband   17   a local cemetery about a burial plot. ...... Michael, keeps   18   his parents to let him see his sister, 'I want to sing to her,' he says.
Karen   19   her mind. She would take Michael whether they liked   20   or not. If he didn‘t see his sister now, he might never see her   21   .
She dressed him   22   an oversized suit and marched him into ICU(重病监护室). He looked like a walking laundry basket, but the head nurse   23   him as a child and shouted, 'Get that kid out of here now! No children are   24   . Never disturb patients here. ' The mother rose up   25   and said, 'He is not leaving   26   he sings to his sister!'
Karen led Michael to his sister‘s   27   . He began to sing. 'You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray...' Instantly the baby girl   28   . The pulse rate became calm and steady.
The next day, the very next day, the little girl was well enough to go home! Woman‘s Day magazine called it 'the miracle of a brothers   29  '. The medical staff just called it a miracle. Karen called it a miracle of Gods love!
Never give up on   30   people you love.
11. A. made out        B. found out         C. pointed out        D. turned out
12. A. sang         B. talked         C. whispered        D. spoke
13. A. Fortunately        B. Apparently         C. Eventually        D. Naturally
14. A. occasion         B. condition         C. health        D. operation
15. A. cured        B. walked         C. examined         D. rushed
16. A. few        B. small         C. little        D. much
17. A. contacted        B. connected        C. united        D. associated
18. A. getting        B. telling         C. forcing        D. begging
19. A. held up         B. took up          C. made up         D. set up
20. A. it        B. her         C. him         D. them
21. A. again         B. alive         C. awake        D. asleep
22. A. on         B. with         C. up        D. in
23. A. disclosed         B. regarded         C. treated           D. recognized
24. A. allowed         B. admitted        C. received         D. included
25. A. rudely         B. politely          C. strongly         D. proudly
26. A. after         B. when         C. until         D. before
27. A. bedside         B. doctor         C. house        D. hospital
28. A. returned        B. replied        C. responded        D. reflected
29. A. power         B. word         C. effort        D. song
30. A. young         B. dying          C. old           D. sick

第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共20小题;每小题 2分,满分 40分)
The first time I went for a walk around my father-in-law‘s neighborhood was garbage day, and I was shocked to see what people were throwing out.
It was back in 1981, and I saw many people gathered in someone‘s front yard. As I went nearer to see what was happening I got my first introduction to yard sales. For the few dollars I had in my wallet, I was able to buy a seven-inch black-and-white portable TV. I also bought a flashlight.
The following weekend, at another yard sale, I saw a 14-inch color TV being sold for almost nothing. I felt I could not miss the offer and bought it. Now I had two sets and couldn‘t wait to see what else I could afford the next weekend.
Spring ended, and by then I had accumulated almost every type of electronic equipment I had always wished to have back home.
Then this new idea came to mind. I had heard about a man who traveled back home every few months. He drove a truck filled with boxes of new and used stuff that people were sending to relatives. So I told my father that I would send as many types of items as I could so that he could start his re-sale business.
Every few months I would gather several boxes of American 'junk'---- televisions, toasters, fans, hair dryers, etc. and send them home. As word got out about my father‘s 'trash' market, people all came to buy these things.
Three years later, when I visited my family for the first time since leaving home, I learned that many of the families in our neighborhood had a piece of 'trash'. It proved that I had the responsibility to keep people back home up to date with the latest technology you no longer need.
31. According to the text, a yard sale is a place where people ______.
A. sell their front yards at a low price
B. sell unwanted things in their own yards
C. gather garbage to store in someone‘s yard
D. throw away their trash in someone‘s yard
32. The author couldn‘t help taking the color TV set because ______.
A. it was bigger               B. it was colored
C. it was very cheap                    D. he needed two TV sets
33. What did the author think of the 'junk' he bought?
A. Valuable.                 B. Good for nothing.
C. Priceless.                 D. Environment friendly.
34. From the passage we can infer that ______.
A. the author comes from a poor country
B. the author often goes home to sell the 'junk'
C. the author buys the 'junk' only to make profits
D. the 'junk' is not welcomed in the author‘s home country

Suppose you want to go abroad and learn about the foreign culture in different countries. Here is some information you may need.



35. According to the information, taking part in a foreign exchange program can cost ______.
A. from $6,000 to $8,000         B. from $3,500 to $8,000
C. anything from $3,500                D. no more than $7,000
36. Which of the following is true according to the information given?
A. Most of the students went abroad under the age of 20.
B. Thailand is the most popular destination for foreign students.
C. Germany charges the most for foreign exchange programs.
D. Many organizations can help you learn about a foreign culture.
37. As a result of his experience in the foreign exchange program Tom Jennings learnt to become ______.
A. independent and adaptable          B. determined and independent
C. selfish and defensive                 D. defensive and determined
38. If a student wants to take part in a foreign exchange program, but has not much money, the best place would be ______.
A. Iceland and America               B. Thailand and France
C. Germany and Iceland                D. Germany and Thailand

Every country tends to accept its own way of life as being the normal one and to praise or criticize others, as they are similar to or different from it. And unfortunately, our picture of the people and the way of life of other countries is often a distorted(扭曲)one.
Here is a great argument in favor of foreign travel and learning foreign languages. It is only by traveling in a country and getting to know its inhabitants and their language that one can find out what a country and its people are really like. And how different the knowledge one gains this way frequently tums out to be so different from the second-hand information gathered from other sources! How often we find that the foreigners whom we thought to be such different people from ourselves are not very different at all!
Differences between peoples do, of course, exist and, one hopes, will always continue to do so. The world will be a dull place indeed when all the different nationalities behave exactly alike, and some people might say that we are rapidly approaching this state of affairs. With the much greater rapidity(快速) and ease of travel, there might seem to be some truth in this at least as far as Europe is concerned. However this may be, at least the greater ease of travel today has revealed(展示) to more people than ever before that the Englishman or Frenchman or German is not some different kind of animal from themselves.
39. Every county criticizes ways of life in other countries because they are ______.
A. distorted                     B. normal
C. similar to each other             D. different from its own
40. One who travels in a foreign country and learns its language will ______.
A. refuse to go back to his own way of life
B. argue in favor of this country and the language
C. know the country and its people better
D. like its inhabitants and their language
41. The knowledge one gains by traveling in a foreign country is often ______.
A. criticized as second-hand information
B. gathered from other sources than its inhabitants
C. gained from the arguments about the country
D. different from what one had before the travel
42. In the last paragraph the author wants to say that ______.
A. the ease of travel today helps peoples better understand one another
B. differences between people are gradually disappearing without being noticed
C. differences between people prevent people from getting to know one another
D. people in Europe are actually not so different from those elsewhere in the world

A well-made film offers a whole world of things to watch. First there are the story aspects----the plot, characters, dialogue and themes. Then there are the technical aspects----the camera work, cuttings and special effects. And there are many other things, like the credits, musical score and the acting. A well-made film offers much more than you see in one viewing.
Films are a means of communication. They can tell you things, just as newspapers do, or television, or any other means of communication. Sometimes they communicate important things to you] like ideas or lifestyles or ways of looking at the world. Sometimes people are aware of this, and sometimes not. The more aware, the better you are.
Notice, for example, the way films sometimes affect fashion. A star dresses or wears her hair in a certain way, and suddenly everyone is imitating her. Boys in the 1950s could sometimes be seen wearing black leather jackets, wandering on street comers and smoking cigarettes. They were imitating Marion Brando. His films taught them a certain way to behave.
Films can also teach politics. In Star Wars, the heroes were a bunch of lovable incompetents fighting with guts(胆量) and not much else. They were, in fact rather like the British in the early days of WWII. Their enemies, like the Nazis, had a big advantage in equipment and numbers of troops, and they were like the Nazis in discipline and heartlessness too. The whole film, in fact, was a re-run of WWII, and taught values like faith and love of liberty. This is all to the good, but the point is, did you notice it?
43. With this passage, the author intends to ______.
A. ask people to go to the cinema more often
B. help people work more out of a film
C. draw attention to the negative side of a film
D. remind people of political background of films
44. The last sentence in paragraph one probably means ______.
A. a good film is worth viewing more than once
B. a good film always attracts a lot of viewers
C. a well-made film usually has more than one theme
D. one can never find out how many characters there are in a good film
45. Marion Brando is used in the passage as an example to prove that ______.
A. wanderers like to wear black leather and smoke
B. films are responsible for the spread of smoking
C. film stars can decide the fate of a fashion business
D. films can sometimes change the way people behave
46. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A. A well-made film.              B. What makes a good film.
C. The role a good film plays.              D. The elements of a well-made film.

Can air pollution cause lung cancer?
That‘s the question many in China are asking as they snap up face masks to avoid breathing hazardous particles(颗粒) in the country’s often pewter-colored, polluted skies.
The answer----like the air----isn‘t so clear. Health experts like Wang Ning, deputy director of the Beijing Office for Cancer Prevention and Control, say they‘ve seen a rise in a certain kind of cancer known as adenocarcinoma(恶性腺瘤) ---- which is characterized by duct formations and the production of mucus(黏液) that is tied to pollution ---- according to the China Daily.
But others, including Martin Murphy, founder of cancer-focused nonprofit----the CEO Roundtable on Cancer-China, say there isn‘t enough scientific evidence to conclude that pollution itself is causing a rise in lung-cancer rates.
China has seen a sudden increase in cancer in recent years, with about 3.12 million new cases developing annually, according to a 2012 report from the National Central Cancer Registry of China, which collected registry information across China from 2009.
Lung cancer rates in particular have skyrocketed, making China the home to about 32% of the world‘s lung-cancer patients, Dr. Murphy estimated. While rates of gastric(胃部的), esophageal(食管的) and cervical(宫颈的) cancer have declined in China over the last decade, lung-cancer rates are still rising, Dr. Murphy said.
While it isn‘t clear whether the chronic smog that perpetually(长久地) troubles many Chinese cities is to blame, what is clear, Dr. Murphy said, is that smoking worsens any problems tied to air pollution. ‘We have strong evidence that if you smoke and breathe polluted air, the likelihood of developing cancer is a degree of magnitude greater, ‘ he said.
Air pollution also increases risks for other diseases, especially respiratory(呼吸的) and heart diseases, according to the World Health Organization, which classified outdoor air pollution as a carcinogen(致癌物质) last year.
Tobacco use is also a leading killer in China. It causes l.2 million deaths annually and is expected to cause 3.5 million annually by 2030, according to the American Cancer Society and the World Lung Foundation, which based its estimates on figures of 2005 deaths. The country is the world‘s largest consumer and producer of tobacco, home to more than 300 million smokers and 43% of the world‘s cigarette production.
Dr. Murphy said that cigarettes often increase disease risk. For example, smoking pushed the illness of actor Steve McQueen, who developed a form of cancer known as mesothelioma(间皮瘤) that is associated with asbestos exposure.
It‘s safe to say that ‘smoking and air pollution are major causes of an increase in cancer death,‘ Dr. Murphy said.
47. The author raises the question at the beginning to ______.
A. expect an answer             B. introduce the topic
C. test the readers‘ memory                D. analyze the problem
48. We can learn from the passage that ______.
A. most of the new cancer cases in each year are lung cancers
B. it‘s the smog over many Chinese cities that caused so many cancers
C. China is home to about one third of the world‘s lung-cancer patients
D. smoking is supposed to cause 3.5 million deaths every year
49. In the passage, the author intends to tell us ______.
A. air pollution is not the only reason for lung cancer
B. lung cancer rates in China are the highest in the world
C. smoking causes much more cancers than polluted skies
D. air pollution doesn‘t lead to other cancers except lung cancer
50. In which section in a newspaper can we find this passage?
A. Science and technology.             B. Jobs and careers.
C. Way of life.                   D. Health and environment.
W: Hi, Bill.   51   Is there something wrong at work?
M: No, work is good.    52   
W: Really? I‘m sorry to hear that. Why?
M: I am very busy with my job these days and often work overtime. Celia said that I didn‘t pay enough attention to her. You know the fact is that I couldn‘t spare much time.
W:   53   Work is also important. The pay is really good.
M: Well, I will try my best. What about John and you?
W:    54   But I decided not to force him to do housework again, because he is very tired after work.
M: Oh, you are so kind. But I think you can ask John to help you on the weekend.
W: Yes. Cheer up!   55   
M: Thank you] Lucy.


第一节  阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2夯,满分10分)
I was shopping at a department store and had just boarded the escalator(电梯) when I noticed a woman standing to the side. She looked about 65, and her expression told me she was scared. I turned toward her and asked, 'Do you need help?'
As the escalator continued moving, I heard the woman reply softly, 'I‘m afraid.' There was something of doubt in her voice. 'Want me to come back and get you?' I called to her. She nodded. But by the time I reached her, the woman had reconsidered. 'I don‘t think I can do it', she said.
I was suddenly aware that I had made a far greater offer than I expected. 'I know we can do it,' I said. 'I can hold on to you.' She looked down at the 'beast'. Then her eyes came back to mine, doubtfully. 'This has never happened to me before,' she said, as much to herself as to me. I felt that her sudden fear connected with the escalator‘s mechanical nature, which deserved none of human trust.
I took her arm. 'Shall we?' She made a little sound of alarm as we stepped on, but we‘d passed the point of no return. She relaxed slightly as the stairs moved us downward. 'I don‘t understand this at all,' she said. As we neared the bottom, she seized my arm tightly again, but we did fine. 'I‘m so grateful.' She began. 'It was nothing,' I said. 'I was happy to do it.'
Happy? Yes. I do very little to help others. I am busy caring for a family and working full time. For a brief moment, I had a flash of insight (洞察力) into why someone would become a nurse or a social worker. When I helped the woman, I felt pure and whole, purposeful. It was a happier moment than I‘d had in weeks.
56. What did the author notice on the woman‘s face? (within l word)
57. What was the woman afraid of? (within 3 words)
58. How did the author help the woman to take the escalator? (within 10 words)
59. How did the woman feel towards the author in the end? (within l word)
60. What did the author learn from this experience? (within 10 words)
It was our English teacher‘s birthday yesterday. I like my English teacher, and so are my classmates. She is nice to us and always tell us stories of the days when she was in twenties. Sometimes she stays at school to help students making up their lessons. However, she always encourages us and tells us to do our best. We are gratefully to her, so yesterday we had bought a cake and a gift from her. We even made a big card for her, and on it we wrote all our name. Seeing these, she was moving and had a big smile on her face.
第三节  书面表达(英35分)
Dear Paul,
Glad to hear from you and know your idea of having a private car on campus. _____________________________________________________________________
Best wishes!




第I卷(选择题 共90分)
第一部分  英语知识运用(共两节,共40分)
第一节  单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)
1-5 ADCBC      6-10 ADBBC
第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
11-15 BACBD          16-20 CADCA          21-25 BDDAC          26-30 CACDB

第二部分  阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
31-35 BCAAB  36-40 DADDC  41-45 DABAD  46-50 CBCAD
51—55 ECGFD

第三部分 写作(共三节,共60分)
第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,共10分)
56. Fear/scare.
57. Taking the escalator.
58. By encouraging and holding on to her/taking her arm.
59. Grateful/Thankful.
60. Real happiness lies in helping others./Helping others will benefit yourself as well./Helping others helps to make yourself happy.
第二节  短文改错(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
It was our English teacher’s birthday yesterday. I like my English teacher, and so are my
classmates. She is nice to us and always tell us stories of the days when she
was in ∧ twenties. Sometimes she stays at school to help students making up their
      her                                               make
lessons. However, She always encourages us and tells us to do our best. We are
gratefully to her, so yesterday we had bought a cake and a gift from her. We even
grateful                                            for
made a big card for her, and on it we wrote all our name. Seeing these, she was
moving and had a big smile on her face.
第三节  书面表达(共35分)(略)
评分建议:从内容要点和语言两个维度评分,其中内容要点占25分,语言10分。五个要点是:        1、对讨论概况的简述;2、压力的来源;        3、压力与成败的关系;        4、你自己是如何解决压力的;        5、推荐一种你认为行之有效的缓解压力的方法。语言分的评定办法大致是:10个语言错误0分,9个1分,8个2分…依次类推到0个错误10分,同时要考虑文章的连贯性等其他因素综合评定。

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