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[小学五年级] 2021-2022学年人教版五年级英语下学期期末模拟试卷及答案(含听力可下载)_小学试卷



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2. 本卷为闭卷考试,考试时间为60分钟,卷面满分为100分,考试范围是义务教育五年级下册全部内容。

[color=]Part I Listening (听力部分,共30分)

(   )1.  A. JKG  B. JTG  C. GKJ  D. GTJ
(   )2.  A. watch  B. wash  C. summer  D. season
(   )3.  A. go to bed  B. go to bedroom  C. go to park  D. go to school
(   ) 4.  A. America  B. American  C. April  D. (非洲)
(   )5.  A. in September  B. in March  C. in May  D. in June
二、听对话,将与图片相符的对话前的序号填入图片下方的括号里。每段对话读三遍。(10 分)


三、听问句,选出你所听的问句的正确答语。每句问句读三遍。(10 分)
(   )1. A. I get up at 6:30.  B. She gets up at 6:30.     
C. He gets up at 6:30.
(   )2. A. I am jumping.  B. He is jumping.       
C. She is jumping.
(   )3. A. Today is June 18th.  B. Today is Sunday.     
C. Today is a happy day.
(   )4. A. He watches TV every evening.     
B. He helped his friend with her English.  C. He is watching TV.
(   )5.  A. You’re welcome.   B. Yes, you are right.  C. Thanks, mum.

[color=]Part II Writing (笔试部分,共70分)

四、读一读,选出与其余三个划线部分读音不同的选项。(10 分)
(   )1. A. cake   B. take   C. apple   D. lake
(   )2. A. grow   B. cow   C. slow   D. show
(   )3. A. read   B. meat   C. ear   D. eat
(   )4. A. school   B. cheep   C. children   D. Chinese
(   )5. A. cook   B. book   C. good   D. moon
五、 根据图片提示,写出与其相符合的单词。(注意:这里的横线四线三格中的第三条,使用适当形式。10 分)
1. The 2022        (奥运会)(在京成功举办) .
2. Today is         third, it’s (端午节).
3. At 9:20, we’re         an English class now.
4.  —What can you do?   —I can        .
5. (建党节) is on July         .


六、英汉互译。(10 分)
1. season              2. anything         
3. excited              4. Canadian         
5. island              6. 一月         
7. 秋天               8. 第三         
9. 去散步              10. 小声讲话          
七、单项填空。(5 分)
(   )1. —What time do you usually go to school?
—I usually go to school at       .
A. 7:10 p.m.  B. 7:15 p.m.  C. 7:15 a.m.  D. 8:15 a.m.
(   )2. — What sports do you like?
      —I like        football, I play football every afternoon.
A. playing  B. play  C. played  D. plays       
(   )3. In the afternoon, my mother makes       (饺子)for me.
A. so much  B. so many  C. any  D. /
(   )4. He       his homework in his bedroom now.
A. does  B. doing  C. to do  D. is doing
(   )5. ——     is school trip?  ——It’s on June 10, 2022.
A. What  B. When  C. Whose  D. Which
八、从下面A,B,C,D四个选项中选出一个与其它三项不同类的单词。(5 分)
(   )1. A. snowman  B. swim  C. dance  D. clean
(   )2. A. his  B. your  C. hers  D. my
(   )3. A. July  B. June  C. Sunday  D. May
(   )4. A. thirty  B. third  C. twelfth  D. thirtieth
(   )5. A. eating  B. jumping  C. climb  D. drinking
九、从下面II栏中选出与I栏相符的答语。(5 分)


十、连词成句。(10 分)
1. go , the , Great Wall , We’ll , to ( . )
2.  yellow , is , mine , the , picture ( . )
3. often ,and , he , me , watches , with , plays , TV , basketball ( . )
4. your , clean , keep , desk ( . )
5.  is , when , your ,birthday , grandma’s ( . )
十一、任务型阅读。(15 分)
My name is Alice. I am twelve. I’m a student in a primary school here . I have four lessons in the morning and two lessons in the afternoon. I have Chinese, Maths, English, Music, Art, Science. I like Maths and Art best. But my friend Lily doesn’t. She likes music and English. Look, on the playground, Many boys are playing football, some boys are playing basketball, too. Many girls are playing volleyball and the young girls are running. The teachers are playing ping-pong, They play ping-pong very well.
I like playing ping-pong too, I’m watching them.
(   )1. Alice likes playing ping-pong.
(   )2. Lily is twelve.
(   )3. What are the teacher doing?  
A. They are playing football.  B. They are playing basketball.  
C. They are playing ping-pong.
(   )4. Are the young girls running?
A. No, they aren’t.  B. Yes, they are.  C. We don’t know.
(   )5. How many lessons does Alice have a day?
A. Four  B. Six  C. Seven
6. What are many boys doing?
7. What does Alice like?
8. Does Lily like maths?


1.GTJ  2.watch 3.go to park  4.American   5. in May
W: When is it today?
M: It’s on June 1st,it’s Children’s Day.
W: What are they doing?
M: It’s snowing right now.So they are making a snowman now.
L: Come on,Lucy! Let’s to go to the park.I want to dance with you.
D:Sorry,my mother tell me to do my homework now,so I can’t dance with you.
F:What can you do ,Mike?
M:I can do sing well,I know you can play football,isn’t it,Frank?
F:Ah,yes, I can play football.
K:Where is my dog,mum?
M:It’s on the mountain, it’s climbing.
1.What time does he get up?
2. What are you doing?
3. When is it today?
4.What is he doing?
5.Here you are,Mike.

一、 1-5. DACBC (10分,一题2分)
二、 1-5.  2 1 5 4 3 (10分,一题2分)
三、 1-5. CAACC (10分,一题2分)
四、 1-5. CBCAD (10分,一题2分)
五、 1. Winter  2. June   3. having  4. draw   5. first(写1st不算) (10分,一题2分)
六、 1. 季节   2. 任何事物   3. 激动的   4. 加拿大的;加拿大人   5. 岛  6. January   7. autumn   8. third (写3rd不算)  9. go for a walk     10. keep quietly   (10分,一题1分)
七、 1-5. CABDB  (5分,一题1分)
八、 1-5. ACCAC   (5分,一题1分)
九、 1-5. BCEAD   (5分,一题1分)
十、 1. We’ll go to the Great Wall.
2. The yellow picture is mine.
3. He often watches TV and plays basketball with me.
4. Keep your desk clean.
5. When is your grandma’s birthday?  (10分,一题2分)
十一、 1-2. TF (3分,一题1.5分)  3-5. CBB (6分,一题2分)
6. They are playing football. (2分)
7. She likes Maths and music.(答案不唯一,2分)
8. No, she doesn’t. (2分)





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