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[小学六年级] 深圳外国语学校小升初英语试卷及答案_小学试卷



发表于 2022-11-12 18:50:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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(一) 词汇(Vocabulary)
Ⅰ. 按要求变换下列单词。(5分)
1. swim (现在分词)______________
2. one (复数)________________
3. say (第三人称单数)_____________
4. see(过去时)_____________
5. it’s (同音词)______________
6. leave(反义词)______________
7. wear(同音词)  ______________
8. right(同音词)______________
9. Thursday(上一天)_______________
10. I would(缩写)____________
II. 根据所给的词的正确形式填空( 5分)
1. This is my _________ (two) day in Shanghai.
2. He _______ (has) lunch now.
3. December is the ________ (12) month of a year.
4. I usually get up at 6:30 and then brush my _______(tooth).
5. They are ________________ (woman teacher).
(   ) 1. Thank you .
A. You’re welcome   B. Thanks    C. That’s OK
(   ) 2. This is a full bag .
A. one is full  B. is a full one   C. box is full
(   ) 3. Good morning , boys and girls .
A. class  B. boys  C. girls
(   ) 4. Is this pen broken ? No, it’s OK.
A. right  B、nice  C. all right
(   ) 5. Is everyone here today ?
A. Everyone is here today .
B. We are all here today .  
C. Are we all here today ?
(二) 交际用语(Daily English)
I. 从II 栏中找出与I栏相对应的答语。(5分)


II. 看图回答问题: (5分)
1.-How are you] today?
2. -_____________.
-I have chicken and vegetables for lunch.
3. -_____________________________?
-I have three.
4. -____________________________?
- Iced tea, please.
5. -_________________?
-They’re running.
(三) 语法练习 (Grammar)
I. 单项选择---从下列各题后所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。(10分)
(  ) 1. Do you need ________ energy to dance?
A. lot of B. lots of C. many D. a lot
(  ) 2. -________ do you listen to news?
-Twice a day.
A. How many days B. How many times C. How often D. How much
(   ) 3. My sister Janet hates carrots, so she ________ eat them.
A. usually B. always C. every day D. seldom
(   ) 4. -I want to buy ________.
-Here you are.
A. half kilos of beef B. a kilo of meats C. two kilos of chickens D. two kilos of rice
(   ) 5. -Are you feeling ________ today?
-Yes, thank you.
A. good B. health C. better D. bad
(   ) 6. Would you like ________ to eat?
A. anything nice B. something nice C. nice anything D. nice something
(   ) 7. His bag is ________ of all.
A. heavy B. heaviest C. the heaviest D. heavier
(   ) 8. -Is that your bag?
-Yes. ________.
A. It’s mine B. It’s me C. It’s my D. It’s you
(   ) 9. My grandfather enjoys ________ newspapers ________ breakfast.
A. watching; on B. seeing; in C. reading; at D. to read; at
(   ) 10. Thank you for ________ my bike.
A. to mend B. mending C. mends D. will mend
II. 改错(下列各句中A、B、C、D四处均有一处错误,请找出,并改正)。(5分)


III. 句型转换 (5分)
1. Close the door , please. (改为否定句)
2. The boys are playing games .(划线部分提问)
3. Lily is writing .She isn’t reading .(连成选择疑问句)
4. My sister is watching TV . (划线部分提问)
5. I have a new pencil-box .(改为一般疑问句)
二. 更上一层楼
(一)阅读理解(reading comprehension) (每题2分,共20分)
A. The Double Ninth Festival
It falls on the ninth of the ninth lunar month. People used to climb mountains on that day. So it is also called a festival of climbing mountains. Now it has become the Elders’ Day.
B. The Notting Hill Carnival
Between 1956 and 1962 the British government asked people from the Caribbean to come to England. They worked in the hospitals and on trains and buses in London. Now every August in London there is a big carnival with music in the streets of Notting Hill.
C. Christmas Day
On December 25th, Christmas Day, people give presents, send cards and eat a special dinner at home. The children are usually very excited because they get presents from Father Christmas (Santa Claus). In their houses, people have a special tree with lights.
D. Diwali
Between 1962 and 1968, many people from India and Pakistan came to live and work in Britain. Their most important celebration every year is Diwali. This is a big festival of lights and dancing with special food and new clothes. Diwali is usually between September and November.
E. Chinese New Year
Like Diwali, this celebration moves its date each year. Usually it is in January or February. In many big cities the people build paper dragons, wear masks and have fireworks, lights and music in the street.
1. Father Christmas sends presents to children. ________
2. You can see fireworks in the street. ________
3 . People wear new clothes. ________
4. They came from the Caribbean. ________
5. People always climb mountains with their friends. ________
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8:00-8:45 Maths Chinese English Maths Chinese
8:55-9:40 English Maths Chinese Chinese Computer
10:00-10:45 Art Physics Biology Politics Computer
10:55-11:40 P.E. English Maths Chemistry English
1:00-1:45 History Geography Physics History Maths
2:00-2:45 Music Chemistry P.E. English Biology
2:55-3:40 Chinese Class Meeting Politics Chinese Geography
(   ) 6. You have an art class on________.
A. Monday   B. Tuesday  C. Wednesday D. Thursday
(   ) 7. You have________Chinese classes every week.
A. 3  B. 4   C. 5   D. 6
(   ) 8. -How long will you rest for lunch-break?
A. 60 minutes B. 70 minutes  C. 80 minutes D. 90 minutes
(   ) 9. You have________classes only on Monday and Wednesday.
A. art      B. music    C. biology   D. P.E.
(   ) 10. You can send and receive e-mails from_______ to________in computer class on Friday.
A. 8:00; 9:40  B. 8:55; 10:45   C. 10:00; 11:40   D. 2:00; 3:40
III. 阅读填词
My name is Edward. I live in Illinois, America. I am 11 years old. I like playing basketball and swimming, and I like to write and sometimes read. I like science because it is very interesting. My favorite music is piano music. I collect pianos, too. I have 4 new pianos. I also collect piano music CDs. How about you? What’s your favorite sport and music? Do you collect anything? E-mail me!My e-mail address is whatever 652@ hotmail.com.
This is my new pen pal. His name is 1______. He is from 2____. He lives in 3______. He likes playing basketball and 4______. At school, he likes 5______ best because it is 6______. His favorite kind of music is 7____music, and he collects 8______ and all of them are 9______. He also has many piano music 50______. I think he can be a musician someday. Do you think so?
1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. _________ 5. ________ 6. __________
7. ________ 8. _________ 9. _________ 10. _________
(二)看图用所给单词或短语造句。 (5分)
1. do homework, Mike, 7 o’clock
2. boys, like, play bascketball
3. Tim, study, on, computer, home
4. not, sleep, until
一个男男孩到商店里去买收音机(radio)。他刚开始看上一个90元的,太贵了。这个收音机是美国的。美国的收音机总是(always)贵的。后来他看中了中国产的收音机。有一个70元 的还是太贵。因为他还是学生。最后他买了一个50元的收音机。
三. 芝麻开门
(一)智力题(IQ) (每题2分,共10分)
1. It’s body is square.
It sleeps on the desk every day.
It knows many things but can’t say to you.
A lazy person doesn’t touch it.
A diligent person always has it in his hand.
What is it?
2. Look at the picture above. Kate, Tony, Jim and Bob like different kind of food.
Kate doesn’t like apples, but she likes other fruit.
Tony doesn’t like hamburgers, but he likes French fries.
Jim likes vegetables.
Bob doesn’t like tomatoes or pears, and he doesn’t like fruit, either.
Mary likes bananas very much.
Kate: ________ Tony:________ Jim: ________ Bob:________ Mary:________
3. What has a bed but never sleeps?
4. What letter comes next in this sequence: M, A, M, J, J,?
5. What is the sum of all the numbers from1 to 1,000?
1. If I give you seven apples, you will have five times as many as I would then have. However, if you give me seven apples, we will then both have the same number of apples. How many apples do I currently have?
2. How can you add 3 lines to an “M” to make a total of 9 triangles?


I. 1. swimming, 2. ones 3. says 4. saw 5. its
6. arrive 7. where 8. write 9. Wednesday 10. I’d
II. 1. second 2. is having 3. twelfth 4. teeth 5. women, teachers
II. 1. I’m fine 2. What do you have for lunch 3. How many eggs do you have
4. What would you like to drink 5. What color are they
I. 1-5 BCDDC 6-10 BCACN
III. 略
阅读填词1. Edward 2. America 3. Illinoi 4. swimming 5. science 6. interesting 7. piano 8. pianos 9. new 10. CDs
(一)1. book
3. rive
4. A (august)
5. 5, 500
(二)1. I have 14 and you have 28.


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