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[小学六年级] 小学六年级英语上册错题解析(附例题及答案)_小学试卷



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1.Where is the post office ? It’s west ____the cinema . A .in  B .on  C. of 这题主要考查介词的用法。大多数学生选择了in ,要注意固定搭配的使用。 2.What are you going to do this afternoon ? A . I’m going to buy a book .  B .I’m going to the bookstore . C .I’m going to at 3 o’clock.. 这题主要讲“干什么,做什么”选A比较好。
3.Sarah ,let’s_____to the park this afternoon..go  B. going  C .went 应该填go,这里用let sb. do sth.的用法。因此,选A.
4.Now let ____tell you how to come .my  B. his  C. me 这题还是用上题这个词组,这里考查动宾结构,故选择C。
5.Go straight _____-five minutes. A. on   B. for  C. in 这题考查介词的用法,五分钟表示一段时间,故要用介词for .
6.The hospital is far ___our school . A .to  B .from  C.for  动词短语far from是固定搭配 ,因此要选B.“离······远”。
7.who ,with ,going ,to, is ,go, swimming ,you 连词成句 这句主要错在you 的用法,正确的是: Who is going to go swimming with you ?
8.I am going to see a picture show .(改为一般疑问句)学生在解题时,没有把第一人称改为第二人称,这题错得较多。正确的是:Are you going to see a picture show ?
9.My home is far from here .(where ) 该题用疑问词改写句子,大多数学生用了where ,把far from 还是不改,其实,这个词组表示的是地点,因此,正确的是: Where is your home ?
10.What does Mike like ? 这句是根据题目回答问题的,要考虑到动词的第三人称单数,故回答时,like后面的第三人称单数s 是不可缺的。因此,回答时,要说: He likes reading.还要考虑动名词呢。
11.What are you going to do on the weekend ?I am going to visit my grandparents.句中on的用法,表示“在”,在星期几也用on.,
12.What are you going to do on Saturday ?I am going to watch TV on Saturday .
13.How does John usually go to his grandma’s home ?用 by bus 来回答,大部分学生没有考虑第三人称单数,尽管已经学过,但是,还是用动词原形。故这种题型错得较多。正确的是:John usually goes to his grandma’s home by bus .
14.Red means “_______”.   Yellow means “_________”.  Green means “______”.这题学生都知道分别填“停、等 、行”。但往往填的时候,都用了小写。正确的是:Stop  Wait  Go
15.What are these ? They have 3 eyes , red , yellow and green .Oh ,they are ____ ____.But why do they have 3 colours ? Because there are ____  _____.这题主要考查学生对交通的有关知识,一个是交通灯,另一个是交通法规。这题错得很多,正确的是:traffic lights  traffic rules.
16.In most countries people drive or walk on the right side .这句出现在阅读里,有相当一部分学生不理解。 17.I often _______( read / reads) story-books in the evening. 当主语为第一人称时,谓语动词要用动词原形,大部分学生本单元学了第三人称单数,就以为用第二个。
18.My friend _______-(go/ goes) to school by bike every day . My friend在这里表示单数,名词后面没有复数,故,应选择goes.
19.They  often _______(play /plays) football after school. 主要考查谓语动词,该句的主语是“他们”,是第三人称复数,故选择动词原形。
20.what does he do ? 根据题意,表示某人的职业,用句型He is a … .
21.She likes ______(看书) and _______(写邮件)。 正确答案,运用动词短语like doing ,故应填上reading books ,writing e-mails.
22.I watch TV at eight in the evening .Alice _____-at eight in the evening ,too. 根据前一句的意思,这里应用watch TV 来填空,但应考虑第三人称单数,故填上watches TV.
23.She likes playing the violin .I ____ ____ (唱歌)very much . 根据题意,这题应该填上like singing .大多数学生填sing songs .根据前句的意思,应用like doing .
24 Father likes  fishing ; fishing is his hobby . Mother likes _______; _______is her hobby .学生应该根据题意,能理解题意。
25.Does his father go to work by bike ? Yes , he does .his father 用人称代词 he 来表示。
26.What’s he like ? He is tall and strong .这题的意思是“问某人的特征”.
补充题:第九页的Let’s read . 判断对错:
1.When you see the green light , you must stop . (     )
2.There are 3 traffic lights in china , but in Canada there are 4 lights . (      )
3.Usually I go to school _____  _____,because my home is near .
4.There is a bus stop near my home .I usually go to the zoo _____  _____on Sundays .
1.When you see the green light , you must stop . (     )
2.There are 3 traffic lights in china , but in Canada there are 4 lights . (      )
3.Usually I go to school _____  _____,because my home is near .
4.There is a bus stop near my home .I usually go to the zoo _____  _____on Sundays .
补充:本节课出现了介词near ,同时可以介绍behind ,next to ,in front of ,in ,on 等的用法。
1.Excuse me .Where is the fruit store ?It’s ____________(在学校的后面)。        2 My home is near .=My home isn’t far . 3 .I often _______( read / reads) story-books in the evening.
4. She likes playing the violin .I ____ ____ (唱歌)very much .
5.She likes ______(看书) and _______(写邮件)。
6.. I watch TV at eight in the evening .Alice _____at eight in the evening ,too.
7..They  often _______(play /plays) football after school.
8.What are these ? They have 3 eyes , red , yellow and green .Oh ,they are ____ ____.But why do they have 3 colours ? Because there are ____  _____.
9.Red means _______”.   Yellow means “_____ Green means “______
10.Now let ____tell you how to come.
A .my  B. his  C. me
11.Sarah,let’s_____to the park this afternoon..
A go  B. going  C .went
14.A .school B. cheap  C.peach  D.lunch (辩音)
15.I live in China with my dad and mom.
16.The bookstore is west of the hospital.(west of ,east of, south of ,north of)
17.The science museum is ____from here ,_____I’m  going ____bus.
18.Mike is going to _____his grandparents _____1 o’clock.

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