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[小学六年级] 2013年深圳市小学六年级英语下学期期末考试听力材料及答案(罗湖区)_小学试卷



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[color=]一. 听力部分(40分)

I. 听录音,将含有与所听单词相同音素的单词编号填入括号内。念两遍(共5分,每小题1分)

[color=]Keys:  A B B B C

1. fish  2. go  3. cow  4. bag  5. cheer
II. 听录音,找出你所听到的单词或短语,将其编号填入括号内。念两遍。 (共10分,每小题1分)

[color=]Keys:1—5: C B A B D  6—10: A C A B B

1. I think sharks are the most dangerous animal. They can swim very quickly.
2. When you are walking on busy streets, don’t push or run.
3. An eagle can see much better than a person but a person can see much better          than an elephant.
4. When we got out of the building, the firemen put out the fire.
5. Lions are dangerous. They eat meat and they can run faster than people. You         shouldn’t go near lions.
6. In most western countries, we don’t hug or kiss people we’ve just met.
7. A: What were you doing at nine o’clock?
   B: We were listening to CDs and getting a haircut.
8. After cooking, Mum always cleans the stoves.
9. A: What were you doing when Fuyafei won the gold medal in the 800m.
B: I was washing my hands when he won. I heard the cheers so I turned to watch
   the TV.
10. Don’t forget to turn off the lights when you leave the room.
III. 听录音,根据录音用1,2,3…给下列情景图画排序。念两遍。(共5分,每小题1分)

[color=]Keys: 1 3 5 4 2

1. What were you doing when China got the 2008 Olympics?
    I was at the gym. I was doing martial arts.
2. What were you doing when you heard the news on the radio?
    I was at the hair salon. I was getting a haircut.
3. Man: What did you do when you heard the fire alarm?
  Girl: We left the room quickly. We didn"t take our things. Everyone was Ok.
4. Woman: If you want to go past someone in front of you] what should you do?
Boy: I should say "Excuse me.’
Woman: Good boy.
5. What were you doing when there was a lot of rain last night?
  I was in a supermarket with my family. We were shopping.
IV. 听录音,根据录音内容判断正误,用“T”或“F”表示。念两遍。 (共5分,每小题1分)

[color=]Keys: 1-5: F T T F F

London is an old city. Today, most of the streets are large, but a long time ago, they were very small. People lived very close together. The houses were all made of wood and had grass roofs.
One night in 1666, a baker went to bed after work. He did not put out the fire in his oven. A fire started when he was in bed. First his shop was on fire, but soon, it was the whole street. The Great Fire of London began. It lasted four days and four nights.
After 1666, houses were not made out of wood anymore. They were made with brick and stone. London also started to have firemen.
V. 听录音,选择合适的答句,将其编号填入括号内。念两遍。 (共5分,每小题1分)

[color=]Keys: 1-5: B A A C B

1.  What was Bill doing at 5:00 pm yesterday?
2.  Where was Mary at 6 o’clock last night? I couldn’t find her.
3.  When you meet a new foreigner, what should you do?
4.  What were you doing when I got my present?
5.        When Ann makes a phone call, what should she say first?
Dear Julan,
Hi there! How are you? Do you have lots of tests? I do. Soon, they will be over. I can’t wait.
It’s 5:00 pm on Sunday here in Winnipeg. That’s 7:00 am on Monday for you in Beijing. That’s interesting. Right now, I’m writing an email and you are going to school.
Yesterday, at 8:00 am, when I was getting up, you were going to bed. I was sleeping yesterday at 2:30 am but you were getting a haircut. I was watching TV yesterday at 10:00 pm when you were eating lunch. After that, I went to bed. Isn’t that funny? Well, write to me soon.

[color=]二. 笔试部分 (60分)

I. 找出划线部分发音与其它单词不同的选项,将编号填入括号内。

[color=]Keys: 1—5  D C A D B

II. 选择填空。(共10分,每小题1分)

[color=]Keys: 1—5:  D C B D B   6—10:  A C D B A

III. 找出下列句子的一处错误, 将编号写在括号内,并在横线上更正。
(共 10分 ,每小题2分,选错与改正各占1分)

Keys:  1. C, heard   2. D, cheering      3. B, much
4. C, in     5. B, easy enough
IV. 完型填空。(共5分,每小题1分)

[color=]Keys: 1—5  B C C A B

V. 用左边所给单词的正确形式填空。(共10分,每小题1分有任何错不给分)
Keys:  1.became   2. went      3.travelled    4. were waiting  5. landed
      6. returned  7.were cheering  8.were    9. watching    10. dreaming
VI. 阅读理解  (共10分,每小题1分)
A:  阅读文章,并判断对错, 对的写“T” ,错的写“F” 。(共5分,每小题1分)

[color=]Keys: 1—5 F F T T F


[color=]Keys: 1—5   B B A B C

VII.  请看下面的图画完成女孩的日记。(共10分,每小题1分,有任何错不给分)
Keys:  1.had    2. 9:00/nine   3. reading     4. was    5. bike/bicycle
      6. volleyball  7. with      8.went  9. hiking   10. sleeping

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