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[小学五年级] 2013年深圳市罗湖区小学五年级英语下学期期末考试听力材料及答案_小学试卷



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I. 听录音,将划线部分与所听音素发音相同的单词的编号填入括号内。念两遍。 4%

1. [B:]      2. [ei]      3. [ai]      4. [Ri]

[color=]Keys: A  C  B  C

II. 听完整录音对话,根据所叙述的内容顺序用1, 2, 3等给下列图片排序。念两遍。6%    (6分,每题1分)            
James: Hi Laura. What did you do last week?
Laura: Lots of things. On Wednesday, I went to the library and read some books. On Thursday, my mum and I cleaned the house. My mum cleaned the window by herself and I made the beds and washed the dishes by myself. That was boring. On Friday, I visited my grandpa. We played chess together. That was fun. He won the game. What did you do, James?
James: On Monday, I swam at the beach with a friend. We went by ourselves. I visited my cousin on Tuesday. We played basketball. On Sunday, my brother and I practiced kung fu in the park. Do you want to come next Sunday?
Laura: OK. I like kung fu.
James: Great!
Keys:   上   1,   4,   2,     
下: 5,   3,   6
III. 在各小题三个选项中找出录音句子中所包含的单词,将其编号填入括号内。念两遍。10%  (10分,每题1分)

1. We usually talk quietly in the library.
2. I dropped my bags.
3. There’s going to be a storm. Go inside.
4. The food is spicy and delicious.
5. I’m going to ski in Australia.
6. She cleaned her room by herself.
7. Is there a harbour in the city now?
8. Last week, I played the piano and won a prize.
9. I’m going to stay at a nice hotel. That’s comfortable.
10. It’s safe to stay inside when there is a storm.

[color=]Keys: 1—5  C  A  B  C  B,    6—10    A  B  C  B  A

IV. 听录音,根据问句选择合适的答句。念两遍。10%  (10分,每题1分)
1. Was there a highway 50 years ago?
2. Can I play at the museum?
3. What did you do last week?
4. Where do you want to go for your summer holiday?
5. Look at the big and yellow bag. Is it yours?
6. Did you put the plants inside last night?
7. How did you go to school when you were young?
8. Is the city same now?
9. Were there any subways in Shenzhen 50 years ago?
10. What should we do when there’s a fire?

[color=]Keys:1—5:  B  A  B  B  A,    6—10:   B  A  B  B  A

V. 听录音,判断图中的行为在台风天气是否正确。用“√”或“×”表示。念两遍。

A typhoon is near. Don’t use your computer. Don’t surf the Internet. Use a mobile phone. Don’t use the telephone.  Put your pets and plants inside. Don"t leave them outside. You can listen to the radio. And don’t stand near the window. It is dangerous.

[color=]Keys:   ×   √   √    √   ×

VI. 根据录音对话内容选词填空,将单词的正确形式写在横线上。念二遍。10% (10分,每题1分,有任何错不给分)
Reporter: Welcome to the news. Today there was a fire. This is Ben and this is Tony. They saw the fire. So, Ben, what happened?
Ben: This morning, Tony and I smelled smoke.
Reporter: OK. What happened then, Tony?
Tony: Then we dropped the things. We ran and shouted for help.
Reporter: What happened next, Ben?
Ben:  Next, we went to the phone. We called 119.
Tony: After everything was OK, we cleaned our room and sent an email to our friends.
Reporter: Good for you! No one went to hospital and the house is OK, too.
Keys:1. was       2. saw      3.what   4. smelled   5. dropped
6. ran       7. shouted   8. went      9. called     10. sent
VII. 根据录音内容,判断下列叙述是否正确,正确的写T, 错误的写F。念两遍。5%

Traveling is fun! South Africa is also very interesting. There are lots of animals. Lions and tigers are frightening but birds, giraffes and zebras are beautiful. Don’t move quickly near a hippo. Hippos are dangerous. They can break your leg or arm.
In Australia, you can walk up a bridge. It’s exciting! You can ski, climb mountains and see animals there, too. Some animals are in the zoo and some are outside.

[color=]Keys:1. T   2. F   3. T   4. T   5. F

[color=]Writing 笔试部分  50%

I.  判断下列单词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的打√,不同的打× 。  4% (4分,每题1分)

[color=]Keys:   √  ×  ×  √

II.  选择填空,把最佳答案的编号填入括号内。10%   (10分,每题1分)

[color=]Keys:   1--5:  C  B  C  B  B,   6--10:  A  B  C  B  C

III. 选择正确的疑问词,并填写在横线上。6%   (6分,每题1分,选对但书写错也不给分)

[color=]Keys:   What,  How,  Where,  Whose,  When,   Who

IV. 圈出句子当中的错误,每句只有一处错误。5%   (5分,每题1分)

[color=]Keys:    are,   practise,   quiet,   himself,   went

V. 根据对话内容,选择合适的句子,将其编号填在横线上。5%    (5分,每题1分)

[color=]Keys:    1D,   2B,   3A,   4E,   5C

VI. 根据所给情景,选择正确答案。5%    (5分,每题1分)

[color=]Keys:    C,   A,   B,   A,   B

VII. 用所给词的正确形式填空。5%   (5分,每题1分,有任何书写错误均不给分)

[color=]Keys:    loudly,   won,   clean,   broke,   be

VIII. 阅读理解。10%   (10分,每题1分)
A. 判断正误,正确的用T表示,错误的用F表示。 Keys:     F,   T,   T,   T,   F
B. 选择填空。Keys:    C,   B,   A,   B,   A

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