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[小学四年级] 小学英语四A期末测试卷_小学试卷



发表于 2022-11-12 18:50:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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  一 根据情景 , 选择正确答案(10%)
  ( )1. 当别人向你表示感谢,你回答: A. OK. B. All right. C. Not at all.
  ( )2. 你想知道手里的物品用英语怎么表达,问: A . What’s that in English? B. What’s this in English?
  ( )3. 当你做错事,向别人道歉,说: A . I’m sorry. B. Excuse me. C. That’s all right. ( )4. 你知道别人饿了,可以说: A . Have come tea. B. Have a hot dog. C. Here’s some juice for you.
  ( )5.你想把你的新手表给别人看,说: A . Look at my new clock. B.Can I have a look at your watch? C. Look at my new watch.
  ( )6.你想知道别人喜不喜欢这辆玩具火车,问: A . Is this a toy train? B. Do you like this toy train? C. Yes, I do.
  ( )7.你想叫别人一起着色,说
  A . Let’s clean it. B. Let’s colour it. C. Let’s draw it.
  ( )8. 该去电影院了,你说
  A . It’s time to go to the park. B. Time to go to the supermarket. C. Time to go to the cinema.
  ( )9.你在操场上捡到一件毛衣,想找到失主,问: A. Where’s the sweater? B. Whose sweater is this? C. Is this a sweater?
  ( )10. 老师看到你在书上乱画,这样制止: A. Don’t draw on the desk. B.Don’t write on the book. C. Don’t draw on your book.
  二 选词填空,注意大小写(8%)
  eat , drink , open , close , sit , stand , read , draw , write ,
  1.   down please , boys and girls.   
  2.I’m hot , don’t   the window .
  3._________ some bananas , please.
  4. I’d like to _______ some milk. 5. I like that tiger.   it for me ,please. 6.  the words in your notebook. 7.________ your books, let’
  三  填入所缺字母,完成单词并写出中文.(8%)
  1.t ed 2.dr k 3.th sty 4.t me 5.j ck t6.s v n 7.t__ p ___
  四 选择填空 , 将序号填入题前括号内(10%)
  ( )1. _______eat ______class.
  B. Don’t ; at C. Don’t ; on D.Don’t ; in
  ( )2. What’s the time? ______ .
  A Eight-thirty B. At eight thirty C. Eight fourty D. Eight thirty
  ( )3. _____is David? He’s in the classroom.
  A . Who B. Where C. Whose D. Which
  ( )4. I’m sorry I’m late. _______.
  A . That’s right B. Excuse me C. That’s all right D. All right
  ( )5.What time do you go to bed? ____nine thirty __the evening.
  A . In ; at B. At ; in C. At ; on D. On ; in
  ( )6.I love dolls. _______________.
  A . Yes, I do B. Me,too C. No, I don’t. D. Not at all
  9. _____jeans are they ? They’re my brother’s
  A . Who’s B. What’s C. Where’s D. Whose
  ( )10. I’m _____. Here’s _______ for you.
  A . hungry ; some milk B.cold ; a fan C. thirsty ; a glassof water D. hot ; a jacket   
  五. 找出不同类的单词,填序号.
  1. A. eat B. hungry C. ill D. tired      (  )
  2. A. rabbit B. bear C. monkey D. notebook (  )
  3. A. my B. she C. your D. his       (  )
  4. A. blue B. orange C. banana D. yellow  (  )
  5. A. seven B. three C. what D. ten     (  )
  6. A. jacket B. scarf C. sweater D. purse  (  )
  六. 选择题, 填序号.
  2. What’s the time, please? (  )
  A. This is five thirty. B. It’s five thirty. C. At five thirty.
  3. —Here’s a new sweater _______ you. —Thank you. ( )
  A. in B. to C. for
  4. —Do you like dolls? —No, I _______.
  A. do B. don’t C. not(  )
  5. —What’s one and one?. — _______.
  A. Eleven B. Ten C. Two(  )
  6. She _______ so funny.
  A. looks B. look C. looking(  )
  7. My coat is very _______, but I like it.
  A. nice B. short C. pretty (  )
  8. —It’s nine. Go to bed, David. —All right._______, Mum.
  A. Good night B. Good morning C. Good evening      (  )
  9. I play football _______ afternoon.
  A. in B. at the C. in the (  )
  10. —I’m tired. —_______.
  A. Here’s some water. B. Sit down, please. C. Have a pizza, please. (  )

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