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[小学四年级] 2016学年小学四年级英语第二学期期末质量检测试卷_小学试卷



发表于 2022-11-12 18:51:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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( )1、A: next to  B:computer room C:library D:teachers` office
( )2、A: go to bed B:go home  C:music class D:go to school
( )3、A: music class B:breakfast  C:PE class  D:English class
( )4、A:playground  B:lunch  C:dinner  D:breakfast
( )5、A:hot  B:warm  C:cool  D:hat
( )6、A: rainy B:first  C:snowy  D:sunny
( )7、A: carrot B:sheep  C:tomato  D:potato
( )8、A: green beans B:horse  C:cow  D:hen
( )9、A: jacket  B:shirt   C:shoes  D:sweater
( )10、A: cheap B:scarf  C:pretty  D:nice


( )1、The gym is _____the playground.
A:next to  B:next    C:under
( ) 2、--Is that the computer room?
A:I like it.  B:No,it isn`t. C:It`s a computer room.
( ) 3、It`s time ____ lunch.
A:to  B:for  C:at
( ) 4、It`s ten o`clock. Let`s ________.
A: go bed   B:bed    C:go to bed
( ) 5、What time ______?
A:is it    B:it is     C:this is
( ) 6、We can read books in the _____?
A:library   B: TV room   C:gym
( ) 7、---Can I go outside now?
A: Yes,I can. B:Yes, it is. C:No, you can`t.
( ) 8、How many ____ do you have?
A:horse   B:dog   C:sheep
( ) 9、--_____ are those?
    --They are carrots.
A:Where   B:What   C:How
( ) 10、--What colour is your jacket?
A:It`s white.  B:They are white. C:I`m white.
( )11、---_____skirt is it?
    ---It`s mine.
A:Who   B:Whose  C:Where
( ) 12、--Whose sweater is this?
A: Chen Jie`s  B:Chen Jies` C:your
( ) 13、I like _____pants.
A:that  B: this  C:those
( ) 14、--Can I help you?
A:All right.  B:Yes, I want a T-shirt  C: OK.
( )15、The coat is ____ expensive.
A: to   B: too   C:two
(  ) 1、在买手套时你想试一试,你会说:
A:Can I try them on?   B:Can I try it on?
(  )2、如果你需要打扰别人,你会有礼貌地说:
A.Excuse me.        B.I’m sorry.   
(  )3、你向别人介绍你们的新教室,应该这样说:
A.This is my new seat.     B.This is the new classroom.
(  )4、你想知道别人对一件新短裙的感觉,你会说:
A:What colour is the skirt? B:How do you like the skirt?
(  )5、如果你领着陌生人参观你的学校,你会说:
A:Thank you.             B:This way,please.
(  )6、妈妈准备好了早饭她会说:
A:Breakfast is ready.      B:I`m ready.
(  )7、如果汤很烫,你提醒别人注意要说:
A: Try some.             B:Be careful.
(  )8、你六点起床,你的同学也是六点起床,她会说:
A:Me too.               B:Me neither.
(  )9、在买鞋子时你试穿后感觉非常合适,要说:
A: They are just right.      B:Are they OK?
(  )10、如果外面很冷,妈妈会对你说:
A:Take off your coat.       B:Put on your coat.  
(   )1、What`s the weather like in Beijing?    A.Yes, we do.
(   )2、Where`s the library?              B.It`s rainy.
(   )3、Do you have an art room ?           C.No, it isn`t.
(   )4、How many horses do you have?       D.It`s on the second floor.
(   )5、Is this the teachers` office?        E.Seventeen


A:Welcome to  our school.This is my classroom.
B:How many students are there in your class?
B:Is that the library?
A:______. It`s the teachers` office.
B:Do you have a music room?
B:Where is it?
A:You are welcome.
七、根据短文内容选择正确答案,把序号写在括号中。 (10分)
  This is the weather report.It`s cold in Harbin.You can put on a hat.It`s rainy in Hong Kong.You must take (带着) your umbrella. It`s cool in Qing Dao.You can go outside.It`s sunny in Shang Hai .You can wear your sunglasses. It`s warm in Lhasa.You can feel(感觉) nice.Tomorrow will be rainy in Beijing.You can`t fly a kite.
(   )1、It`s ____in Harbin.
A.rainy  B.sunny  C.cold
(   )2、You must ______in Hong Kong.
A.put on a hat B.take your umbrella C.go outside
(   )3、You can ____ in Qing Dao.
A.go outside  B.put on a hat C.take your umbrella
(   )4、It`s sunny in _____.
A.Lhasa  B.Shang Hai  C.Bei Jing
(   )5、It will be ___ in Bei Jing.
A.warm  B.windy  C.rainy

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