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[小学五年级] 2015年春季小学三年级英语下学期期末考试试卷(附听力材料)_小学试卷



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二、Listen and choose. 听录音,选择你所听到的单词。(10分)
(    ) 1. A. he      B. she
(    ) 2. A. UK    B. USA
(    ) 3. A. man    B. woman
(    ) 4. A. pupil   B. pear
(    ) 5. A. fat     B. short  
(    ) 6. A. fun     B. under
(    ) 7. A. six     B. pig  
(    ) 8. A. bag     B. cat
(    ) 9.A. pen     B. ten  
(    ) 10. A. dog    B. box
三、Listen and choose. 听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(10分)
(    ) 1. A. Who’s that man?          B. Who’s that woman?
(    ) 2. A. This is my brother.        B. This is my father.
(    ) 3. A. It has a long nose.         B. It has a short tail.
(    ) 4. A. What’s your name?       B. Where are you from?
(    ) 5. A. It’s on the desk.           B. It’s in the bag.
四、Listen and choose. 看图听录音,选出你所听到的图片代号。(10分)


五、Listen and match. 听录音,将人物与他/她所提到的选项连线。(10分)


Reading and Writing笔试部分50分)
六、Choose and write. 看图读单词,根据图片选择恰当的单词工整规范地抄写在对应图片下的四线三格内。(10分)


七、Read and choose. 选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。(10分)
(    ) 1. A. boy        B. girl         C. kite  
(     ) 2. A. man         B. short          C. woman
(     ) 3. A. Canada       B. father        C. mother
(     ) 4. A. twelve       B. fifteen       C. friend
(     ) 5. A. family        B. big          C. small
(     ) 6. A. pupil         B. she         C. student
(     ) 7. A. long          B. short       C. twenty
(     ) 8. A. apple         B. grape       C. dad
(     ) 9. A. eleven         B. under       C. in
(     ) 10. A. chair         B. tall       C. desk
八、Read and choose.看图读句子,选择最佳选项。 (10分)


九、Look and choose. 看图片,选择与图片内容相符的句子,将其代号填入括号内。(10分)


A. The watermelon is big. The car is small.
B. Look. The book is on the desk.
C. Sorry, I don’t like grapes.
D. The girl’s ruler is long. The boy’s ruler is short.
E. – Who is that man?  - He is my grandfather.
十、Look and choose. 看图选择方框里的句子完成对话,将其字母代号写在图片下面的括号里。(10分)


[color=]小朋友们,准备好了吗?现在进行恩施市二零一5年春季学期 义务教育阶段教学质量监测,3年级英语,听力测试。听力测试共有五个大题。请作好准备。

第1大题, 看图听录音,在四线三格内写单词。每个单词读两遍。
1. c,A, p,  cap       2. d, u] c, k,  duck       3. p, i, g,  pig
4. d, e, s, k,  desk    5. o,r,A,n,g,e,  orange
第2大题, 听录音,选择你所听到的单词。每个单词读两遍。
1. he      2.USA    3. woman    4. pupil   5. short
6. under   7. six     8. bag       9. pen     10. box
1. Who"s that woman?      2. This is my brother.
3. It has a short tail.     4. Where are you from?     5. It"s on the desk.
第4大题, 看图听录音,选出你所听到的图片,每段对话读两遍。
1. Where are you from, Zoom?    I am from Canada.
2. Do you like the watermelon?   Yes, I do.
3. Where is the book?    It"s in the schoolbag.
4. Who is that man?     He is my grandfather. Look. He has small eyes.
5. Look at the animal. It is fat. It has two black eyes.   Oh. It"s a panda.
第5大题, 看图听录音,将人物与他所提到的选项连线。每段对话读两遍。
1. Hi, Chen Jie. Where are you from?  
I am from China.
2. Mr. Jones. How many crayons do you have?   
3. Hi, Zip. Do you like the strawberry?   
Yes, I do. I like the strawberry.
4. Hello, Miss White. Where is the duck?   
The duck is in the box.
5. How many bananas do you see? Mike.   
Three, I see three bananas.

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