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[小学五年级] 2013年小学五年级英语第十册(第5-6课)形成性测试卷及答案_小学试卷



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学校 _________  班级 __________ 姓名 _________评价等级__________

(    ) 1.

A. cheer

B. email

C. hair

(    ) 2.

A. year

B. chair

C. near

(    ) 3.

A. skate

B. apple

C. last

(    ) 4.

A. himself

B. white

C. pick

(    ) 5.

A. highway

B. quite

C. toy


(    ) 1.

A. I play the piano.

B. I did my homework.

(    ) 2.

A. No, I didn’t.

B. Yes, I do.

(    ) 3.

A. Yes, there are.

B. No, there weren’t.

(    ) 4.

A. I listen to typhoon rules.

B. I should close the windows.

(    ) 5.

A. Yes, it did.

B. It washes the clothes everyday.

(    ) 6.

A. I get up at six o’clock.

B. I got up at 6:30 yesterday.

(    ) 7.

A. There are fifty students.

B. There were forty-five.

(    ) 8.

A. Yes, we play in the class.

B. No, you mustn’t play there.

(   ) He read two story books. He liked them very much.
(   ) Then he practiced volleyball and played volleyball. He won a prize.
(   ) Peter had a busy week.
(   ) He went to Huangshan Mountain with her friends. They climbed the
mountain by themselves.
(   ) There was no school last week. Peter did lots of things.
(   ) He sent emails to his friends, too.




Girl:  What  _________  you  _________ last week?
Boy:  We _________ family and friends. We ___________a lot for a
      big dinner. I ___________kung fu] too. _________  about you?
Girl:  I _________ three books. They _______ short. Then I
      went to  __________, because my cousin was sick. I went
      there by ___________. He’s OK now.
1. Jane         2. Andy         3. Mark and Peter         4. John     
5. Lucy and Mary       6. Miss Chen


Writing 笔试部分(50分)
I. 判断所给单词划线部分读音是否一致,一致写T,不一致写F。(4分)
(   ) 1.  break   safe        (   ) 2. exercise    inside
(   ) 3.  won     wrote      (   ) 4. practice   dangerous


A. Go inside.                  B. Put the plants inside.
C. Don’t stand near windows.    D. Don’t go outside.
E. Close the windows.           F. Use the mobile phone.
III. 选择正确答案。(10分)

(   )1. You often clean the kitchen by _______.

A. myself

B. yourself

C. himself

(   ) 2. There is going to _________ a storm.

A. are

B. is

C. be

(   ) 3. They _______ put the plants inside yesterday.

A. don’t

B. didn’t

C. doesn’t

(   ) 4. I sent _______ email ________ my brother last night.

A. a, for

B. an, to

C. the, /

(   ) 5. It was time ________ clean the house.

A. to

B. for

C. in

(   ) 6. We _____ a model plane then it _______ on the table.

A. flew, droped

B. fly, dropped

C. flew, dropped

(   ) 7. It was messy so we cleaned the table ________ ourselves.


B. on

C. by

(   ) 8. I’m _____ to the radio now.

A. listen

B. listening

C. listened

(   ) 9. A typhoon was near. Rose closed the windows but she _____ plants outside.

A. leave

B. leaving

C. left

(   ) 10. Don’t stand near windows when there is a typhoon, because it is ___.


B. danger

C. dangerous

IV. 请根据句子意思,填上所缺单词。(6分)
1. I made the beds by ___________ .  
2. Pat’s mum cleaned the table by ____________ .
3. Pat’s cousins did their homework by ___________ .
4. Pat’s dad practiced Kung Fu by ____________ .
5. Pat’s robot washed the clothes by ____________
6. Pat and I put the plants inside by _____________ .
V.  根据对话内容,选择合适的句子,把编号写在括号内。 (10分)
A. Oh, we don’t have it any more     B. Yes, but it went five times a day.
C. Yes, but it made them all pink.    D. Yes, but it gave them too much water.
E. Yes, we can do them all by ourselves. It’s easy for us.
Kim: So how is your new robot?
Bob: ___________.
Kim: Didn’t it wash the clothes?
Bob: ___________.
Kim: Didn’t it go to the supermarket?
Bob: ___________.
Kim: Didn’t it water the plants?
Bob: ___________.
Kim: Do you want to do all of these things by yourselves?
Bob: ___________.
VI.  选择正确的疑问词填空。(5分)
1. --____________ book is this?                 --It is Tom’s.
2. --____________ does your mother go to work?  --She drives to work.
3. --____________ did you do yesterday?         --I wrote a letter.
4. --____________ emails did you send?          --I sent three emails.
5. --____________ is your friend?               --He is at the park.
I walked very slowly with a big, heavy box in my hands yesterday morning. A boy ran very fast to me. He was too fast and he couldn’t stop. Oh, dear! My box dropped to the floor and the books were everywhere.
What could I do? I wanted to cry. The boy said, “Sorry.” And he helped me to pick up all books. Then he helped me carry the box of the books to our classroom.
Who was he? He was our new classmate. His name is Jim and he is from England. We are good friends now.
(    ) l. I walked slowly because I carried a big, heavy box.
(    ) 2. Some boys ran fast to me.
(    ) 3. Jim ran too fast to stop.
(    ) 4. Jim was our new classmate from America.
(    ) 5. Jim and I are good friends now.

Mr. Jones was angry with his wife, and his wife was angry with him, too. For three days they did not speak to each other. One evening Mr. Jones was very tired, so he went to bed very early. Of course he did not say anything to Mrs. Jones. When Mrs. Jones went to bed, she found a piece of paper on the small table near the bed. On it were the words,” Wake me up at 7o"clock.' When Mr. Jones woke up the next morning, it was nearly 8 O"clock. On the small table near his bed he saw another piece of paper. He took it and read three words: “Wake up. It’s 7o"clock.'
(    ) l. Mr. and Mrs. Jones were angry with each other.
(    ) 2. They talked a lot to each other.
(    ) 3. Before Mr. Jones went to bed, he told his wife to wake him up at 7 the next morning.
(    ) 4. Mrs. Jones wrote 'Wake up. It"s 7o"clock.' on a piece of paper.
(    ) 5. Mr. Jones didn"t wake up at 7 the next morning.



I. 听录音,将划线部分与所听因素相同的单词填入括号内。(念两遍)
录音材料:1.  [ie]  2. [ee]   3. [ei]   4. [ai]   5. [ci]  
1,2,5 音标不准确
Keys: 1—5:  A  B  A  B  C
II. 听问句,选答句。(念两遍)(8分,每题1分)
1. What did you do last weekend?
2. Did you have a busy week?
3. Were there many bridges here 50 years ago?
4. What should you do when a typhoon comes?
5. Didn’t it wash the clothes?
6. When did you get up yesterday?
7. How many students were there in your class just now?
8. Can I play at the museum?
Keys:1—4: B  A  B  B  5—8:  A  B  B  B
III.  听录音,根据录音内容给下列句子用1,2,3等排序. (念两遍)(6分,每题1分)

There was no school last week. Peter did lots of things. He read two story books. He liked them very much. He sent emails to his friends, too. Then he practiced volleyball and played volleyball. He won a prize. He went to Huangshan Mountain with her friends. They climbed the mountain by themselves. Peter had a busy week.
Keys:1—6:  2, 4, 6, 5, 1, 3

IV. 听录音,判断图中的行为在台风天气是否正确。用“√”或“×”表示。(念两遍)
A typhoon is near. Put your pets inside. Don’t leave them outside. Put plants inside. Don"t put them outside. Listen to the radio. Use a mobile phone. Don’t surf the Internet. Don’t stand near the window. Go inside. Don’t go outside. Close the door. Don’t watch TV.
Keys:上:×  √  √  中:√  ×  ×  下:√  ×  ×

V. 根据录音中的短文,用A、B、C等给下面的图画排序(念两遍)(6分,每题1分)
On Monday, I cleaned my bedroom. On Tuesday, I wrote a letter. After I sent the letter I read a book. On Wednesday, I had a lot of homework, and I did it at home. On Thursday, I practiced basketball. Then, on Friday, I swam at the pool. I played football on Saturday. It was fun! I won the game.
Keys:上:  E   D   B     下:F  C  A

VI.  听录音,请把对话补充完整。(念三遍)(10分,每词1分)

Girl: What did you do last week?
Boy: We visited family and friends. We ate a lot for a big dinner. I practised kung fu] too. How about you?
Girl: I read three books. They were short. Then I went to hospital, because my cousin was sick. I went there by myself. He’s OK now.
Keys:    did,   do;    visited,  ate,   practiced/practised;
          How;  read,   were   hospital,  myself
IV. 根据录音中的句子,把人名的编号填在相应的方格里。(念两遍)(6分,每题1分)

1. Jane, please close the door.
2. Andy, please find the radio.
3. Mark and Peter, please put the plants inside.
4. John, you can’t play computer games now.
5. Lucy and Mary, please close the windows.
6. I am Miss Chen. I’m going to use the mobile phone. I’m going to call your parents.
Keys:a--5   b--2   c--1   d--4   e--3   f--6

Writing 笔试部分(50%)
I. 判断所给单词划线部分读音是否一致,一致写T,不一致写F。(4分,每题1分)
Keys: 1—4   T    T    F    F
Keys:  上: (A已经给出)    D     B    下: E    C    F   
III. 选择正确答案。(10分,每题1分)
Keys: 1—5: B, C, B, B, A   6—10: C, C, B, C, C
Keys:   myself,  herself,  themselves,  himself,  itself,  ourselves
V. 根据对话内容,选择合适的句子,把编号写在括号内。 (10分,每题2分)
Keys:  A,    C,    B,    D    E
VI. 选择正确的疑问词填空。(5分,每题1分)
Keys:   Whose,    How,    What,    How many,    Where
Keys:  T,    F,    T,    F,    T
Keys:  T,    F,    F,    T,    T

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