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[小学六年级] 小学毕业模拟试卷(2)_小学试卷



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  一  在下列选项中选出发音不同的那一项10%
  ( )1. A. head B. read C. sweater D. breakfast
  ( )2. A. good B. who C. broom D. too
  ( )3. A. teacher B. please C. sea D. really
  ( )4. A. throw B. brown C. how D. down
  ( )5. A. worker B. corner C. word D. world
  ( )6. A. front B. come C. got D. son
  ( )7. A. blow B. down C. how D. flower
  ( )8. A. bird B. birthday C. April D first
  ( )9. A. May B. day C. away D. Monday
  ( )10. A. out B. touch C. country D. cousin
  二  中英互译 15%
  1.大眼睛的男孩_________________ 2.穿白色短裙的女孩_________________________
  3.一些年轻的女服务员______________ 47:05__________________________________
  5.在周末_______________________ 6.所有的学生______________________________
  7.在五月三日__________________ 8.从周一到周五____________________________
  11.a sports hall ____________12.a map of the world ______________________         
  13.a camping site ______________14.History Museum___________________________
  15.e-mail address_____________________________
  三  单向选择 10%
  ( )1.–Are the rulers ______? –Yes, they’re _______.
  A. your; our B. yours; my C. yours; mine
  ( )2–Hi, Jim! ___________? –Let me see. It’s about four thirty.
  A. How old are you? B. What’s the time? C. What’s your watch?
  ( )3.–________________? –That’s Tom’s ruler.
  A. Who’s Tom’s ruler? B. Whose ruler is it? C. What ruler is that?
  ( )4.Lily is a friend of _______.
  A. hers B. her C. she
  ( )5.________ are all in Class 3.
  A. You] he and I B. I, you and he C. He, I and you
  ( )6.The twins ________ new students _______ our class.
  A. are, in B. is, in C. are, at
  ( )7.The books are on the desk. Can you see________?
  A. it B. they C. them
  ( )8.Those are __________.
  A. apple tree B. apple trees C. apples trees
  ( )9.The _________ coats are over there.         
  A. twins B. twin’s C. twins’
  ( )10.Let’s go ______ home.
  A. to B. his C. /
  四  配对 10%
  ( )1. Is this your pen? A. He’s a worker.
  ( )2. Is there a pen on the desk? B. Some grapes, please.
  ( )3. What’s your father’s job? C. Some bread and two eggs.
  ( )4. Is your father a worker? D. All right.
  ( )5. How many boys are there in your class? E. Yes, it is.
  ( )6. Can I help you? F. No, he isn’t.
  ( )7. How old are you? G. No, there isn’t.
  ( )8. What’s for breakfast, Mum? H. Yes, I can.
  ( )9. Can you use a fork? I. I’m twelve.
  ( )10.Shall we go now? J. Eighteen.
  五 完成下列对话 10%
  A: It’s a football. Is it ______?
  B: No, mine is here.
  A: ________ football is it?
  B: Maybe it’s _______
  A: Look, he is ______ there.
  B: ________ go and ask Mike.
  A: Hi. Mike! _______ this your ball?         
  C: No. But I know it’s Ben’s.
  A: OK. Let’s give it ______ him.
  B: And then we can ______ football in the ________.
  A: Good ______!
  六  根据中文意思完成下列句子 10%
  1.明天你们干什么? 我们去野餐。
  ___________________tomorrow? We are ____________________________________.
  2. 非洲的气候非常炎热。
  ________________in Africa_______________________.
  3. 请问,我去邮局怎么走? 你可以乘10路公共汽车。
  Excuse me,___________________________________? You can _______________.
  4. 有许多公共标志。他们意思指不同的事。
  ________ many _______­­­­­­­_______here. They ________________________________
  5. 不要在教室里扔球。把它传给我。
  _____________________________ in the classroom. _______ it __________.
  七 根据实际情况回答问题 10%
  1. When’s your birthday?
  2. What did you do last weekend?
  3.Are there any public signs in your school?
  4.Who is your Maths teacher?
  5.How is your mother?
  八 用下列词的正确形式填空 10%
  1. Look, the boys ___________ (swim) in the river.         
  2. There ______ (be) some water on the table.
  3. He _________ (live ) on the ________ (two) floor.
  4. What ___________ you _____________ (do) yesterday?
  5. My sister ______________(be) a nurse next month.
  6.Mr Green often __________(have) a chat with his children after supper.
  7. Look, my bag is as ________ (new) as yours.
  8. This is my skirt. ________ (you) is there.
  九 中英互译 15%
  1.一只文具盒__________________ 2.在9:45______________________________
  3.一听鸡肉 ____________________ 4.在周四上午________________________
  5.在冰箱旁___________________ 6.洗衣服______________________________
  7. 听我说 ___________________ _8.刚才______________________________
  9.实在忙____________________ 10.问答 ____________________________________
  11. a pair of chopsticks __________12.a brave cricket _________________________
  13. from different countries________14. eleven minus ten _______________________
  15. Mid-Autumn Festival _________________
  十 单向选择 10%
  ( )1.–_________ is your shirt? –It’s black and white.
  A. What colour B. Where C. What         
  ( )2.There’s ______ apple tree in my garden. Under ______ tree, there is _______ young man.
  A. a, the, a B. an, the, the C. an, the, a
  ( )3.–What’s that behind the door? –__________.
  A. It’s big B. It’s a broom C. It’s here
  ( )4.He ________ many good friends in London.
  A. there are B. have C. has
  ( )5.Can you show me the way to _______ ?
  A. home B. Here C. the post office
  ( )6.–Which apple is for me, this one ____ that one? –The red one.
  A. and B. or C. but
  ( )7.–_______ is the young man? –He is Kate’s brother.
  A. What B. Who C. Which
  ( )8.This is Mary’s skirt. Please ________.
  A. show her the skirt B. give it to her C. put on it
  ( )9.–What is the time? –__________.
  A. It’s half to seven B. It’s at seven thirty C. It’s half past seven( )
  ( )10.There ______ two boxes and a ball under the bed.
  A. is B. are C. be         
  十一 配对 10%
  ( ) 1. How old is your father? A. I like a tiger mask.
  ( )2. What colour is that car? B. Good idea.
  ( )3. How many birds can you see in the picture? C. It’s blue.
  ( )4. Can you ski? D. She is a waitress
  ( )5. What do you like? E. He is thirty-three.
  ( )6. Are there any see-saws in the garden? F. I can see seven.
  ( )7. Show we go there by bike? G. No, there aren’t.
  ( )8. What are those over there? H. They are eighty yuan.
  ( )9. What’s the woman’s job? I. They’re horses.
  ( )10. How much are the masks? J. No, I can’t.
  十二 完成下列对话 15%
  Helen is an Australian ______. She is on _____ in Wuxi now. She is _______about the weather in Wuxi with Li Lei.
  Helen: Hello, Li Lei! What’s the __________ like in spring here?
  Li Lei: It’s warm ______ of the time.
  Helen: _______ about summer here?
  Li Lei: It’s very ______. I usually go ________ in the lake.         
  Helen: Which ________ in Wuxi do you like best?
  Li Lei: I like autumn best.
  Helen: The weather here in winter is _______, isn’t it?
  Li Lei: Yes, it is. I think it is _______ than Australia.
  Helen: ________ it often snow in winter?
  Li Lei: No, but sometimes. We need some _______ clothes at that time.
  Helen: What _______ you usually do then?
  Li Lei: We usually _______ snowmen.
  t three in the afternoon.
  十三  根据中文意思完成下列句子 10%
  1. 这个标志是什么意思?它的意思是我们应该保持安静。
  ________________ this sign________? It ____________________________________.
  2. 教师节是什么时候?它在每年的九月十日
  When is the __________________? It is __________________ every year.
  3. 你想要什么作为生日礼物? 我想要一个大蛋糕。
  ______________ you ______________________? _______________ a big cake..
  4. 他们的手表在哪里? 它们刚才在电脑旁边。
  ________ their ________? They __________near the computer __________________
  5. 你最喜爱的季节是哪个? 我最喜欢秋季。
  ________________ do you like________ ? I like ________________________.
  十四 根据实际情况回答问题 10%
  1. What is your mother?
  2. What are you going to do this evening?         
  3.How many students are there in your class?
  4.Who is taller, you or your father?
  5.Are you good at English?
  十五 根据首字母填写下列单词 5%
  1. There are s________ days in a week.
  2. E________ me, is this your pencil?
  3. They play football in the football f_________.
  4. My father works in the hospital. He is a d_________.
  5. S________ is the first day of the week.

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