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[小学四年级] 小学新标准英语第七册期中考试试卷_小学试卷



发表于 2022-11-12 18:52:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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Class            Name           number         
一、Listen and choose(选择听到的单词,将其标号写在括号里)
(   )1、A. fun       B. far       C. fat         D. fox
(   )2、A. seat       B. soon      C. song      D. sing
(   )3、A. all       B. again     C. also       D. able
(   )4、A. prince    B. print     C. present    D. plus
(   )5、A. come      B. cool      C. count     D. cold
(   )6、A. fell        B. flue      C. fall       D. floor
(   )7、A. wash     B. watch    C. walk      D. wear
(   )8、A.stayed     B. still      C. past      D. play
(   )9、A. went     B. when     C. wore     D. what
(   )10、A. buy     B. bought    C. but      D. had
二、Read and number(听音,给下列图片标出序号)


三、Listen and choose(听问句选择答句,将标号写在括号里 )
(   )1、A. We had a happy time.
          B. We went to the zoo.
          C. We wore warm clothes.
(   )2、A. He saw lots of animals.
          B. He ate lots of apples.
          C. He bought lots of books.
(   )3、A. Yes, I did.
          B. Yes, I do.
          C. Yes, I can.
(   )4、A. We washed our clothes.
          B. We watched TV.
          C. We saw lots of mountains.
四、Listen and number(听音,排序号)
(  )Chinese people invented paper.
(  )Lingling finished her homework.
(  )I’ve got a new friend.
(  )She didn’t walk to school yesterday.
(  )They bought a picture of the Great Wall.
五、Listen and write(听音,选词填空)
raining    play     walk     watched     Yesterday
         was National Day. John didn’t        football.
Hedidn’t        to school. He         TV. Beacause it

六、 Read and write(写出下列单词的过去式)
1、cook -----                      2、wash ------
3、go -----                        4、have ------
5、buy -----                       6、eat ------
7、wear -----                      8、learn ------
9、see -----                        10、fall ------
七、Read and draw lines(读一读,连线)
1、Did you go to the Great Wall?        A、我没有再摔倒。
2、They saw lots of mountains.         B、我妈妈洗她的裤子。
3、We painted pictures.                C、我7点半起床。
4、I get up at half past seven.           D、他们看见许多山。
5、My mum washed her trousers.        E、我们画了画。
八、Choose and write(选词填空)
learnt   trip    fell over   cold    sweater   ice-skating
Lucy went on a school       .She went         .She wore warm clothes –trousers and         .The ice is very      .Lucy        
Then she         to skate.
九、read and draw √or ×(阅读短文判断正误并画√或 ×)
My name is Alan.I live in Beijing.Now I am sitting at the window.I often sit here.I can look at the street.In Beijing the buses are blue.A bus is coming now.There is a bus stop in front of our house.A lot of people are waiting for the bus.Look,an old woman is coming.She often misses the bus,because she never runs.Today she is lucky.The bus driver is waiting for her.
1.I often sit _______.
A.at the door                B.behind the window
C.at my window             D.near the table
2.There is a bus stop _______.
A.under our house                 B.near our house
C.in front of our house             D.far away from my house
3._______ are waiting for the bus.
A.A few people                     B.Many people
C.Old woman                    D.Young people
4.The old woman often misses the bus because she _______.
A.doesn’t run                     B.doesn’t come
C.can’t come                       D.runs quickly
5.What does the word “lucky” mean in Chinese?
A.准时的       B.悲伤的       C.幸运的         D.吃惊的
十、Make sentences(造句)
Eg:Amy usually watches TV. But she didn’t watch TV yesterday.
1、I usually walk to school.But I                              
2、I usually finish my homework. But I                              
3、She usually plays basketball. But she                        
4、I usually cook noodles. But I                              
5、I usually clean my room. But I

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