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[小学六年级] 2015年小学六年级英语第二学期期末质量检测试卷及答案|附听力材料_小学试卷



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Ⅲ.听对话,选答语。将正确答案序号填在括号内。 (每题2分,共10分)
(   )1. When are they going to eat?
A. At twelve o’clock.   B. At half past eleven.   C. At half past twelve.
(   )2. Can Simon help his mum?
A. Yes, he can.        B. No, he can’t.        C. We don’t know.
(   )3. What’s the book about?
A. Spaceships.        B. Shenzhou V.         C. Space.
(   )4. Where is Lingling going?
A. To the library.      B. To the museum.      C. To the supermarket.
(   )5. What’s Tom’s favourite sport?
A. Football.                B. Baseball.                  C. Basketball.
(    )1. Helen Keller was born in 1890 in America.
(    )2. Helen Keller couldn’t see or hear.
(    )3. It’s easy for Helen Keller to learn.
(    )4. “Happy” was Helen’s first word.
(    )5. Helen Keller couldn’t write books.
(    )6. Helen Keller is a model for blind people.


(   )1. The hot dog ________good. I want to eat a hot dog.   
A. looks         B.look         C. looking
(   )2. Look at the ducks. _____are eating our sandwiches.   A.We  B.You  C.They
(   )3. I took some _____. They are very beautiful.   A. photos  B. photo  C. photoes
(   )4. The oranges are falling ______ the stairs.     A. on     B. down   C. over
(   )5. ---_____are we going to swim?  --- At two o’clock.  
A. Where      B.Who       C.When
(   )6. He is playing the erhu] ______ the bell rings.   A. and  B. but    C. so
(   )7. Everyone ________the dog is very clever.   A. say    B. says   C. said
(   )8. My brother is interested __________ collecting stamps.
A. at        B. in       C. on
(   )9. How did Helen Keller learn______and write?  A. read  B. to read  C. reading
(   )10. I ______ two hours in the library yesterday.   A.spend   B.spends   C.spent
(   )11.---Why are you________?  ---It’s very funny.
A. laugh       B. laughing     C. laughs
(   )12. Yesterday I ______my flute to school, but today I didn’t______ it.
A. bring, brought   B. brought , bring   C.  brought , brought
(   )13. Good luck_______ the future!   A. for    B. on    C. of
(   )14. We’re going to middle school in _______September.  A. a    B. the   C. /
(   )15. We’ll always ______ friends.       A. be     B. is     C. are
Ⅵ. 根据语境提示,用词汇的适当形式补全下列句子。(每空1分,共10分)
1. There are some _________ _________(乌云) in the sky.
2. Mum bought a new _________(杯子) for me yesterday.
3. I like __________(旅行), and I’m going to __________(旅行) this summer holiday.
4. My father will ________(飞) to Shanghai tomorrow.
5. I’ll ________(保留) it forever.
6. That’s a ___________(极好的) idea.
7. Best ________(祝愿) to you!
8. Six years ago, we spoke only very _________(极少量的) English.


(  )1. How much is it?
(  )2. What did you do last Sunday?
(  )3. How will you go to your new school?
(  )4. Can I help you?
(  )5. Where are you going this summer?


Ⅷ.情景交际。选择恰当的句子补全对话, 只填序号。(每题2分,共10分)



Simon: What a great book! _________________
Daming:Your mum gave it to me._________________
Simon: What’s it about?
Daming: _______________ There are many pictures of
spaceships from China, Russia and the US.        
Simon: China?
Daming: Yes!____________________
Simon: Really? I want to read about that.
Daming: Let’s read it together! ___________________
A. 阅读短文,判断正误。正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。
Hi, my name is Lilin . I’m Chinese, but I live in England. I speak English very well, but sometimes I make mistakes. Last Sunday we went to visit a farm. I was very excited. I told my friends I wanted to see a ship. Everyone looked surprised and laughed a lot. My teacher said, “There are no ships on the farm.” Oh ! I made a mistake. I wanted to say “sheep”, not “ship”. I was so shy. It was very funny. We all laughed.
1. (    ) Lilin lives in China.
2. (    ) Sometimes Lilin makes mistakes with English words.
3. (    ) Lilin went to the sea.
4. (    ) There were ships on the farm.
5. (    ) Lilin wanted to say ”sheep”.
B. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。
Once upon a time, there was a boy called Lu Ban. Lu Ban wanted to be a carpenter(木匠). So he said goodbye to his parents and left home to find a teacher. He walked and walked. He was very tired, but he didn’t stop. He saw a very high mountain. He climbed and climbed. It was very dangerous, but he didn’t stop. Finally, he found a good teacher. The teacher told him to clean his tools(工具)for seven days and make one thousand holes in some wood. Lu Ban did everything the teacher said. The teacher was very satisfied(满意的)and taught him how to be a good carpenter. Lu Ban stayed for three years with his teacher. Then he became a great carpenter. He is famous all over China till today.
1. Lu Ban was a ________.     A. teacher     B. driver     C. carpenter
2. It was ________ for Lu Ban to find a good teacher.  A. easy  B. hard   C. funny
3. Lu Ban cleaned the tools for _______.  
A. seven days     B. two weeks     C. five hours
4. Lu Ban stayed for _______ with his teacher.
A. one year        B. two years      C. three years
5. Did the teacher like Lu Ban?
A. Yes, he did.    B. No, he didn’t.   C. We don’t know.



Ⅰ. 听音,找出句子中含有的单词,将序号写在前面的括号内。
1、It looks like you’re going to stay hungry, Simon.
2、In Dalian, it will be sunny.
3、The train will arrive at the station at 10 o’clock.
4、Grab the balloons! They’re flying away.
5、We’re going to have a baseball team.
6、I’m scared because there is a snake.
Ⅱ. 听音,标号。用数字标出图片的先后顺序。
1、There is a cup on the cap.
2、They made a model of a Chinese spaceship.
3、He is eating dinner, but the bell rings.
4、Helen Keller was born in the US.
5、Naughty ducks! They’re eating our sandwiches.
6、I want some meat.
7、Tomorrow, it will be windy in Beijing.
8、I’m on a train and I’m looking out of the window.
Ⅲ. 听对话,选答语。将正确答案序号填在括号内。
1、Boy: I’m hungry. When are we going to eat, mum?
Mum: At half past twelve.
Question: When are they going to eat?
2、Mum: Simon, can you help me? I can’t carry all these things.
Simon: Sorry mum, I’m on the phone.
Question: Can Simon help his mum?
3、Daming: Look, I’ve got a new book.
Lingling: Wow, it’s about spaceships. I’m interested in it.
Question: What’s the book about?
4. Amy: What are you going to do this Sunday,Lingling?
Lingling: I am going to go to the supermarket.
Question: Where is Lingling going?

5.David: Tom, let’s play basketball this afternoon!
Tom: Great! Basketball is my favourite. I can play it very well.
Question: What’s Tom’s favourite sport?
Ⅳ. 听短文,判断正误,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。
Helen Keller was born in 1880 in America. She had an illness at nineteen months old. After that she couldn’t see or hear. But she learned to read and write. It’s very difficult for her to learn. But she was a very clever girl and she tried hard. “Water” was Helen’s first word. She wrote books about her life. She was famous. She helped blind people everywhere.


1.A   2.B   3.B   4. A  5. A  6. C
Ⅱ.(1×8=8分)   5—8—6—1   7—2—3—4
Ⅲ.(2×5=10分)   1.C  2. B  3. A  4. C  5.C
1. F  2. T  3. F  4.F  5. F  6. T


A C A B C   B B B B C  B B A C A
1.dark clouds   2. cup    3.travelling  travel   4. fly
5. keep    6. wonderful    7. wishes     8. little
A.  (2×5=10分)  1. D  2.E  3.B  4.C  5.A
1. shining ,  are singing  (3分)
2. Why,  going to (2分)
3. He,  spent,  twenty-one  (3分)
4. to , say  (2分)
A. 1. F  2. T  3. F  4. F  5.T  
B. 1.C   2.B   3. A   4. C  5. A  

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