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[小学五年级] 牛津版 5B Unit 1 练习卷_小学试卷



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  5B Unit 1 练习卷 姓名 06/02Sample TextSample TextSample Text
  一  翻译下列词组:20%
  四节课 在星期三下午 多少门功课 今天早晨 在一周里 计算机课程 新学期 一节有趣的课 英语课 两节自然科学课
  二  根据课表完成下列句子:29%
  a.m 星期三英语社会语文艺术
  1. A:What is it today?B:It’s .A: What lessons you have in the .B: We have English , ,.
  2. a.m 星期五语文数学计算机英语A: is it today?B: It’s .A: What do you in the ?B: We have and .
  3. A: Excuse me .a.m 星期四英语计算机社会数学B: ?A: What is it today ?B: It’s .A: How many do you in this morning?B: We four .A: What are ?B: They’re English , , and .A: What do like best?B: I like very much.
  三  选择填空:10%
  1.Please listen to .A: Gao Shan B. teacher C. I D. his
  2. We have two Chinses lesson Monday morning.A. in B. on C. / D. of
  3. How many PE do your have a week?A. lesson, in B. lesson, on C. lessons, at D. lessons, in
  4. Who your English teacher and PE teacher?A. am B. is C. are D. be
  5. I like maths very much, I like PE.A. How about you ? B. How about this one?C. It’s interesting. D. Can you tell me?
  6. Whose skirt is this? It’s , I think.A. Pingping’s B. Yang Ling’s C. David’s D. Liu Tao’s  
  7. What you like best? I like English.A. is B. are C. can D. do
  8. There three picture on the wall.A. are B. is C. am D. do
  9. This is umbrella. It’s big umbrella.A. an:a B. a;a C. an;an D./;/
  10. bike is that? It’s Nancy’s.A. Who’s B. Whose C. What D. How
  四  连词成句:15%
  1.students,Miss Li,a,having,lesson and,her, are(.)
  2.do, like, you] what, best, subject(?)
  3.brush, this, Wang Bing, for, I, may, have(?)
  4.term, this, we, eight, have, subjects(.)5.in, boy, who, the, is, blue(?)
  五 根据汉语提示,将句子补充完整,每空填一词26%
  1. 这是新学期的第一节课。This is of the .
  2. 星期二你们有什么课?What you ?
  3. 我喜欢数学,它很有趣。I . It’s .

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