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[高中三年级] 安徽省2014年高三英语第二次高考冲刺调研试卷及答案网页版_中学试卷



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[color=]安徽省2014年高考冲刺调研卷 (二)
第一部分:听力理解 (共两节。满分30分)
1. What does the woman think of the lecture?
A. Boring.                         B. Perfect.                         C. Interesting.
2. Why did Carl go to the hospital today?
A. To see the doctor.        B. To take care of his wife.        C. To pay a visit to his daughter.
3. What is most probably the man?
A. A policeman.                 B. A lawyer.                         C. A driver.
4. Where did the woman go?
A. The office.                 B. The doctor‘s.                 C. The railway station.
5. How does the woman like her job?
A. She doesn‘t care much about it.       
B. She enjoys it very much.       
C. She thinks it‘s difficult.
6. What has the weather been like these days?
A. Sunny.                         B. Windy.                         C. Rainy.
7. What would the temperature be tomorrow?
A. 8℃.                         B. 10℃.                                 C. 12℃.
8. Why is it easier for the woman to learn English?
A. She often talks to English people.
B. She speaks two languages already.
C. She always does her homework right after class.
9. Why is it difficult for the man to learn English?
A. There are no native speakers around him.
B. He doesn‘t talk to his English teachers.
C. He is a little shy to speak English.
10. Who are the two speakers?
A. Mike and Tyler.                 B. Ron and Tyler.                         C. Ron and Mike.
11. Why does Tyler come here?
A. To do some math work.         B. To attend a conference.         C. To meet an old friend.
12. What seems to Tyler‘s major field?
A. Literature.                         B. Medicine.                                 C. Physics.
13. What does David do?
A. He is studying in a college.                        B. He works in a supermarket.
C. He is a worker making Christmas toys.
14. What day will David get home?
A. December 23.                 B. December 24.                         C. December 25.
15. Who is Bill?
A. One of Jenny‘s friends.         B. One of Mary‘s friends.         C. Tommy‘s father.
16. What has Bill bought for David‘s father?
A. Some books.                         B. Some wine.                         C. A wallet.
17. How long is the speaker staying in Finland?
A. The whole winter.                 B. About one month.                 C. About half a month.
18. Why is the speaker in Finland?       
A. To buy clothes.                 B. To attend a meeting.                 C. To experience the weather.
19. What is the speaker‘s biggest problem with preparing for the trip?
A. Taking along the right kind of clothes.                        B. Getting used to the weather.
C. Selling warm clothes.
20. Why could Julia help?
A. She‘s been to North Europe.        B. She‘s from Finland.        C. She makes clothes.

第二部分:英语知识运用 (共两节。满分45分)
21. — It‘s been a wonderful evening. That‘s very nice of you.
   — ______.
A. It‘s my pleasure        B. Sounds great                C. Not; really                        D. Go ahead
22. Nowadays many people are still in ______ bad habit of writing something in ______ public places.
A. a; the                        B.不填; 不填                        C. the; 不填                        D.不填;the
23. What to do is one question, and how to do it well is quite ______.
A. the other                        B. another                        C. neither                                D. others
24. — What did the captain announce just now?
— No one ______use mobile phones when the plane is flying.
A. may                                B. dare                                C. need                                D. shall
25. Some great scientists were not well-known in their own time, and people only began to ______ them many years later.
A. appreciate                B. remind                                C. inspire                                D. lose
26. The treatment will continue until the patient reaches the point ______ he can walk correctly and safely.
A. which                        B. where                                C. when                                D. that
27. — Was your trip to Shenyang pleasant?
— No, it ______, for a week when we arrived, so it was very cold.
A. would have snowed        B. has been snowing  C. had been snowing         D. was snowing
28. Chinadaily.com.cn is the largest English portal site(门户网站)in China, ______news, business information and learning materials. .
A. to be provided         B. providing                        C. to provide                        D. provided
29. When people arc in need of information, from current affairs to weal her report, the Internet is now the first place that many people ______.
A. turn to                        B. take up                        C pull up                                D. come to
30. With the growing popularity of Internet shopping, many will visit a store first to look at a product, and then go online to find it at a ______price.
A. cheapest                        B. cheaper                        C. lowest                                D. lower
31. ______ it comes down to is whether we stay here or leave right away.
A. Which                        B. Where                                C. What                                D. When
32. The number of road accidents and the deaths resulting from those accidents ______ greatly over the past year.
A. is increasing                B. has increased                C. are increasing                D. have increased
33. Spring is coming, and it is time for those ______to graduate to look for jobs.
A. beyond                        B. behind                                C. among                                D. about
34. In no country ______Britain can we experience four seasons in the course of a single day.
A. more than                B. other than                        C. better than                        D. rather than
35. ______the reason,research shows that the English saying, 'Confidence is the first step on the road to success', may be true after all.
A. Wherever                B. Whenever                        C. Whatever                        D. However
A couple of months ago I was renting a house to work from. I was fairly well set up,  36  didn‘t own a lawn mower (割草机) and after a week I realized I had to find some way to deal with the growing  37 ! Funds were short, and I was on a fairly  38  budget which couldn‘t pay a lawn-mowing company.
I was thinking about this one Sunday as the 'Mr. Whippy' ice cream van (货车)  39  outside on the street. I hadn‘t had a Mr. Whippy ice cream for years, and I  40  my coin purse and headed  41 . On the pavement were three young  42  playing. They may have been from next door, but I was new there and hadn‘t really met anyone yet.
It was a  43  day and I asked them if they‘d like an ice cream. “Yes, please.' they replied _44 . At that moment a fourth boy  45  them from the neighboring house. And there was just enough change to cover  46  ice creams. As I left the van, I heard the lady serving the boys say, 'that was a really  47  thing that lady did for you boys. Don‘t forget to  48  her.' I smiled as I went inside lo carry on  49 .
I left for work that evening, and didn‘t  50  until Tuesday morning. As I drove into the drive, I realized something was  51 . Yes, my lawns had been mowed and my gardens had been weeded. 1 felt this enormous  52  rush into my heart. 1 knew my  53  had done this for me.
This act of  54  not only made a big difference to me, but it also  55  me to act further in our community. Thank you so much neighbors.
36. A. so                                B. unless                                C but                                D. or
37. A. trouble                        B. grass                                C. tree                                D. noise
38. A. easy                        B. big                                C. tight                                D. free
39. A. broken up                B. built up                        C. taken up                        D. pulled up
40. A. grabbed                        B. opened                        C. made                                D. hid
41. A. inside                        B. outside                        C. up                                D. down
12. A. pupils                         B. men                                 C. boys                                 D. girls
43. A. important                 B. boring                         C. cold                                 D. hot
14. A. enthusiastically         B. nervously                        C. surprisingly                        D. disappointedly
45. A. cared about                B. joined                                C. noticed                        D. laughed at
46. A. three                        B. four                                C. five                                D. six
47. A. easy                        B. natural                                C. painful                                D. kind
48. A. thank                        B. visit                                C. help                                D. annoy
49. A. shouting                B. designing                        C. working                        D. waiting
50. A. sleep                        B. return                                C. recover                        D. finish
51. A. similar                        B. superior                        C. opposite                        D. different
52. A. warmth                        B. patience                        C. courage                        D. wisdom
53. A. parents                        B. neighbors                        C. friends                                D. relatives
54. A. illness                        B. sadness                        C. happiness                        D. kindness
55. A. inspired                        B. warned                        C. made                                D. prevented

[color=]第三部分:阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分, 满分40分)
A lot of people these days believe Valentine‘s Day is a made-up holiday designed to promote the sale of greeting cards and gifts. And while there may be some Arguments for that, there is a mysterious story as to why February 14th has become known today as 'Valentine‘s Day.'
Our story dates back centuries ago, to the Roman Empire, and the martyrdom (殉道) of two or three Christians named Valentine. At least one of those Valentines is thought to have been killed on February 14th.
Legend has it that this particular Valentine wais killed by a Roman emperor because he secretly presided (主持) over the marriages of young men and women, against the wishes of the Emperor, who wanted only single men to fight in his army.
However, there is no historical evidence to back this up. But what is widely known is that the love-element to Valentine‘s Day can be first traced (追溯) to the poetry of Geoffrey Chaucer. Chaucer wrote a poem in 1382 to mark the anniversary of his King‘s engagement, and scribed a line -- “For this was Saint Valentine‘s Day, when every bird cometh there to choose his male.” From this point, on Valentine‘s Day became intertwined with love.
But for the pessimists out there who see Valentine‘s Day as a commercial idea, there is some historical evidence to back this up as well!
The true popularization (普及) of Valentine‘s Day can be traced to late 18th century England, when a British publishing company first started selling paper Valentine‘s Day cards with tender words on them. They became so popular that by the middle of the 19th century, some 1.3 billion British pounds a year were being spent on Valentine‘s Day gifts.
56. What is this text mainly about?
A. What Valentine‘s Day means.                         B. How Valentine‘s Day came about/
C. Why Valentine‘s Day is so popular.                 D. When people created Valentine‘s Day.
57. One of those Valentines was killed because ______.
A. he refused to join the army                                B. he refused to remain single
C. he helped young people find partners                D. he helped with young people‘s marriages
58. The origin of Valentine‘s Day was based on a ______.
A. historical event         B. real story                        C. legend (传说)                 D. poem
59. What led to the true popularization of Valentine‘s Day?
A. The British publishing company‘s selling cards.   B. The poems of Geoffrey Chaucer.
C. One Valentine‘s death.                                                 D. The mysterious story.

Having good social relationships -- friends, marriage or children -- may be every bit as important to a healthy life as quitting smoking, losing weight or taking certain medicines. U. S. researchers reported on Tuesday.
People with strong social relationships were SO percent less likely to die early than people without such support, the team at Brigham Young University in Utah found. They suggest that the government look at ways to help people keep social relationships as a way of keeping the population healthy.
“A lack of social relationships was equal to smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day,” psychologist Julianne Holt-Lunstad, who led the study, said in a telephone interview.
Her team conducted a study that examined social relationships and their effects on health. They looked at 148 studies that covered more than 308,000 people, published in the Public Library of Science journal PLoS Medicine at www.plosmedicine.org.
Having low levels of social relationships was equal to being an alcoholic, was more harmful than not exercising and was twice as harmful as obesity. Social relationships had a bigger effect on early death than getting an injection to prevent pneumonia (肺炎),than taking drugs for high blood pressure and far more important than living in air pollution, they found.
“I certainly don‘t want to downplay these other risk factors because of course they are very important,” Holt-Lunstad said. We need to start taking social relationships just as seriously. ” But Holt-Lundstad said there was some evidence that assigning caretakers (陪护人 员) does not help improve people‘s health. 'Naturally occurring relationships may be different than the support received from someone who is hired for that purpose.' she said.
60. According to the text, having poor social relationships is as harmful as ______.
A. being fat                        B. staying up                        C. not doing sports                D. drinking alcohol
61. The underlined word in the .last paragraph is the closest in meaning to “______”.
A. stress                        B. prove                                C. ignore                                D. consider
62. What conclusion can we draw from the text?
A. The support from hired caretakers is more natural.
B. The love from our family members has better effect.
C. Air pollution does more harm to people than poor social relationships.
D. Poor social relationships are the biggest reason for people‘s early death.
63. What would be the best title for this text?
A. Good social relationships improve our health
B. Risks factors that lead to people‘s early death
C. The importance of building good relationships
D. Advice on how to avoid early death and keep healthy

Graduation is an exciting day but mine was not. Like everyone else in my graduating class, I had watched the economy turn from bad to worse my senior1 year. We graduates had degrees, but very limited future. I knew that the next day, when my lease (租约) ended, I would no longer have a place to call home.
The weeks ahead weren‘t easy. I gathered up everything I couldn‘t carry and put it into storage. Then, because I knew my small university town couldn‘t offer me any opportunities, I packed up my car and drove to Southern California to find work. But what I thought would take a week dragged into two, and then four, and 100 job applications later, I found myself in the exact same spot as I was before.
Days felt like weeks, weeks like months, and those many months felt like an endless poverty (贫穷). And the most frustrating part was no matter how much I tried, I just couldn‘t seem to make any progress.
So what did I do? I wrote. I turned my frustration into a children‘s book. Beyond the River was the story of an unlikely hero featuring a little fish who simply refused to give up on his dream. And then one day, without any sort of writing degree in the writing world -- just a lot of hard work and perseverance (坚持) -- I was offered a publishing contract for my first book! After that, I was offered a second book deal. Then, a few months later, I got an interview with The Walt Disney Company and was hired shortly after.
Often our dreams lie in wait just a little further upstream and all we need is the courage to push beyond the river.
64. Why did the author leave her university town for Southern California?
A. She hoped for more job opportunities.                B. She wanted to return to her hometown.
C. She couldn‘t afford to pay for her lease.                D. She‘s hired by the Walt Disney Company.
65. It can be inferred from the text that        ______.
A. the economy then was turning better and better
B. the author found a good job with her high degree
C. the author had planned to find a job within a week
D. the author had live a better life before graduation
66. What earned the author a contract for her first book?
A. Her fame                        B. Her effort.                        C. Her degree.                        D. Her experience.
67. What does the author want to tell the readers through the story?
A. Graduation might not be exciting.                        B. People should be devoted to writing.
C. Those who don‘t give up will pay off.                D. Poverty sometimes produces nice results.

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68. The new-added Cambridge Dictionaries online are probably most suitable for ______.
A. college students                                        B. English teachers               
C. adult English learners                                D. middle school students
69. Where can you express your views about the new expressions?
A. About Words.         B. New Words.        C. Facebook.                                D. Twitter.
70. If you have any suggestions for Cambridge dictionaries, you‘re advised to ______.
A. writer a letter        .         B. write an e-mail  C. leave a comment   D. make a phone call.
71. What‘s the purpose of this text?
A. To introduce new ways to remember English words.
B. To explain how to use online Cambridge Dictionaries.
C To recommend the new Cambridge Dictionaries online.
D. To encourage people to visit the website of Cambridge.

Passage 1
Does the early bird catch the worm? No, he saves it for tea: Animals seek out food in the morning but don‘t tuck in until afternoon. The early bird,strategy was revealed in an experiment in which over 2,000 birds were fitted with tiny radio tags which activated when they landed on feeders hidden in the woods. The feeders were moved around over the course of the day and the researchers noted when the birds landed on them. This revealed that the birds were much better at finding the feeders‘ new locations in the morning. However, they waited until the afternoon to get tucked in. The researchers said the complex strategy acts as an insurance policy, with birds remaining light yet still able to get enough fat to survive the night. It is particularly important in winter when the risks of predation (捕食) are high and just one day without food can make the difference between life and death for small birds.
Passage 2
What is a place where you could find old pictures of camels carrying people to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, and also books about ancient Aztecs in Mexico? It is all found in the World Digital Library (WDL). Its collection is available on the Internet. The library has 8,000 items from whole books to ancient writings, to music and photographs. James Billington, who launched the WDL in 2009, says he wanted it to include items that are both interesting and important. Every item is explained in the 6 official languages of the United Nations: English, Arabic, French, Spanish, Chinese, Russian plus Portuguese. 25 million people have visited the website from 250 places since. Anyone may search the World Digital Library by subject, time period, kind of document or area of the world. The website is www.wdl.org.
72. According to Passage 1, we can know feeders are ______.
A. animals that feed on some little birds                B. people who enjoy feeding birds outside
C. devices that supplies food for wild birds                D. hunters who hide themselves in the woods
73. According to the research, how do small birds survive from the winter?
A. By looking for food in the afternoon.                B. By tucking in early to avoid starving.
C. By staying in their nests all day long.                D. By keeping thin to avoid being caught.
74. What can we know about WDL?
A. It consists of over 8,000 ancient photographs.
B. Readers can pay a visit to WDL online as well.
C. Only few people can have access to this library.
D. One can search information by the author‘s names.
75. Passage 2 is most probably ______.
A. a note to six official languages                        B. a poster about a tourist spot
C. an introduction to a library                                D. an ad for a new website.

第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题共35分)
第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分35分)
第一节 任务型阅读 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
Robot Revolution
The day that a robot wakes you up, cleans your room and walks your dog might still be a few decades off. But increasingly, engineers are saying that robots are going to make the leap (跳跃) from the factory floor to your family room.
Companies like Sony and General Electric are working on designs for small robots. Products like the Roomba, a robot that can clean floors, are flying off the shelves. On the cover of a recent Scientific American magazine, Bill Gates predicted the 'Dawn of the Age of Robots”.
What‘s behind this new age? It‘s partly a matter of technology. Machines that can recognize and respond to a human voice have been developed. There are now a few different ways for robots to move around. They can walk or ride on wheels. They are being made smaller and smaller.
A bigger part of the story is on the demand side. From the day Robert Adler invented the television remote control in the 1950s, people around the world have tirelessly searched for ways to get lazier.
Also considering the increasing wealth of rich people, the time appears ripe to introduce robots to ease our daily lives.
Robots that walk on two legs and talk like people are still too complex for our present engineering abilities. Today‘s robot revolution is to make them for everyday use. Robots will do basic housework such as cleaning, gardening, or just help you have more fun on the basketball court.
What makes a robot different from an ordinary cleaning machine is not the presence of computer chips (芯片). Nowadays even your microwave has a computer chip. It is the ability, to sense and make changes to the environment in real time.
Today‘s computing ability is, for the first time, able to make machines that could 'think', at least in certain limited ways.


Robot Revolution

What can today‘s robots do?

What may (76)___ robots do?

Recognize and (77)___ to your voice.

Walk and (78)___ like human beings.

Work in the (79)___.

Sense and (80)___ themselves to the environment.

Move around, like walking or
(81)___ on wheels.

(82)___ your dog, clean your floor and (83)___ you up.

Think in some (84)___ ways.

(85)___ you on the basketball court.

第二节 书面表达 (满分25分)
最近,你们班英语老师给你们提供了一个讨论话题“How to avoid spelling mistakes?”,请你以此为题, 写一篇英语短文, 谈谈你的看法。
How to avoid spelling mistakes?































































































































































76. future‘s/tomorrow‘s  77. respond/react   78. talk   79. factory   80. adjust
81. riding  82. Walk   83. wake   84. limited   85. Amuse
One possible version:
How to avoid spelling mistakes? Nowadays some of us don‘t like memorizing new words. As a result, there are a lot of mistakes in our spelling, which makes it hard to express our meanings clearly.
Actually, it is important to memorize words when we are learning a foreign language because words are just like bricks, which are the basic units of a language. If we don‘t accumulate abundant words, we can‘t make sentences, with which to express our thoughts.
As far as I‘m concerned, we should attach great importance to word spelling. It is better for us to remember a sentence so as to memorize a new word. If we can memorize words with the help of their pronunciation, we will find it much easier to memorize words. Let‘s speak English as often as possible so that we can memorize more words.

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