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[高中三年级] 福建省南平市2014年普通高中毕业班质量检查英语试卷及答案网页版_中学试卷



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英 语 试 题




1.What has the woman decided to do this Saturday?
        A.To go to a concert.                B.To review lessons.
        C.To go to the cinema.
2.What does the woman suggest the man do?
        A.Find a better job.                 B.Save some money.      
        C.Earn more money.
3.What may cause the man‘s problems according to the woman?
        A.Pressure of study.                 B.Pressure from work.     
4. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
        A.Clothes.                          B.Vehicles.               
        C.An exhibition.
5.How much should the woman pay for the computer?
        A.$3,500.                         B.$3.600.               
第二节 (共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6. What is the relationship between the speakers?
        A.Husband and wife.                B.Boss and secretary.      
        C.Doctor and patient
7.What is the woman trying to do?
        A.Laugh at the man.                B.Cheer the man up.      
        C.Give directions to the man.
8.What can we learn about the man from the conversation?
        A.He is probably busy.              B.His finger is broken.     
        C.He will drive as usual.
9.What was Mark doing when the accident happened this time?
        A.Skiing.                           B.Walking.               
10.What part of Mark‘s body got hurt last time?
        A.His leg.                          B.His arm.                        C.His foot.
11.What do we know about Mark?
        A.He is in hospital at present.
        B.He was seriously hurt this time.
        C.He was injured twice within a year.
12.Where are the speakers?
        A.In Britain.                      B.In America.           
        C.In Germany.
13.When did the man‘s own record come out?
        A.Last spring.                      B.Last summer.           
        C.Last autumn.
14.What did the man forget to mention?
        A.His record The Living Years.
        B.His tours to other countries.
        C.His record Groove Approved.
15.When will the guests enter the hall?
        A.At 8:15 a.m.                     B.At 8:30 a.m.            
        C.At 9 a.m.
16.What should the principal‘s name be written as?
        A.Mr.Leung.                      B.Mr.F.Leung.           
        C.Mr.Aldebaran Leung.
17.Why won‘t Miss Vinci Lok attend the ceremony?
        A.She has other work to do.          B.She is not willing to go.  
        C.She is not in good health.
18.What is the speaker‘s first language?
        A.Polish.                           B.English.                 
19.What was the speaker laughed at about when she was 12?
        A.Her eyes.                         B.Her parents.            
        C.Her nationalities.
20.Where do the speaker‘s parents live now?
        A.In Britain.                       B.In Poland.              
        C.In Malaysia.

[color=]第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)

21.'As ____ unique witness, your evidence is critical in ____ court', said the lawyer.
        A.a, a                             B.an.the            
        C.an, 不填                   D.a, 不填
22.— Must I go to the bank to pay the bill?
        — No.You can do this ____ you are, either at the bank‘s ATM or using your PC or smart phone at home.
        A.whoever                        B.whatever         
        C.wherever                  D.whenever
23.Sarah, don‘t wechat____ lunch, or it might affect your appetite and digestion.
        A.for                              B.over               
        C.on                         D.with
24.Due to our tight schedule, we need to get an assistant who‘s ____ and efficient.
        A.comfortable                      B.capable                   
        C.casual                     D.curious
25.At the Tea Expo, prices ____ in quality but not all were acceptable.
        A.resulted                         B.involved                  
        C.varied                     D.ranged
26.—Hey, Judie, what‘s your personal goal for future development?
        — ____ the opportunity arise, I‘d love to go back to schooling.
        A.Should                          B.Could              
        C.Would                     D.Might
27.It took me only a few minutes to work out the maths problem.It‘s ____ but difficult
        A.nothing                         B.anything           
        C.something                 D.everything
28.Every weekend, more than one ____ police in guiding traffic in the busy streets.
        A.volunteer assist                    B.volunteers assist           
        C.volunteers assists           D.volunteer assists
29.— How many years ____ in that university before you teach in our school?
        — Six years.
        A.have you studied                  B.did you study      
        C.had you studied             D.do you study
30.Not ever ____ to 'Shanzhamei', a country girl, that she could be the first runner-up of 2013 on the Avenue of Stars, CCTV.
        A.it occurred               B.it occurs            C.did it occur         D.has it occurred
31.In cities, such as Paris, Barcelona and New York, cycling is encouraged to ____ both traffic and pollution.
        A.cut back                         B.put down                  
        C.set back                   D.turn down
32.Mount Wuyi, as is recognized, is both famous for its tea and beautiful natural ____.
        A.view                            B.sight                      
        C.scene                      D.scenery
33.Circumstances ___, she would not have cancelled the trip she had been longing for.
        A.permit                          B.permitted                 
        C.permitting                  D.to permit
34.We appeal to more homes for the aged, ____ senior citizens, especially disabled ones, can be sheltered for food and health care.
        A.when                           B.whether            
        C.while                      D.where
35.— I am terribly sorry.Miss Green, I shouldn‘t have been so rude to you.
        — ____, but don‘t do that again.
        A.Remember it                    B.Forget it         
        C.No wonder                       D.No problem
第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
My dad‘s company just transferred him someplace else to work.I almost   36   when Mom and Dad told me the news.I guessed they could   37   from my face that I didn‘t want to leave Williamsport.  38   ,1 was unhappy with the news.
Mom and Dad showed me and my sister Julie some   39   they had taken of the house in the new place.Julie looked interested and obviously didn‘t    40    having to move.But from the pictures it didn‘t look too good to me - no trees, flowers, or   41   with the greenness of grass, nothing but a bunch of   42 .
The next few weeks were   43   busy.Mom and Dad almost spent every evening going 44    our things to see what to keep and what to   45 .1 didn‘t care.I had thought of my secret hide-out.I   46   when someone would find the note I left in the bathroom.'Dear Mom and Dad,' it    47 .'I‘m not going with you.I‘ll be all right.Love, Jamie.' I stayed there until two o‘clock.I    48   they‘d be well out of town by now, so I jumped from the tree and went back to my   49 .
I didn‘t know how long I sat   50   in the back yard when I heard a voice out front.I   51 out and there they were - Dad, Mom and Julie.'I thought you‘d left.' I cried.' 52 you?' Mom laughed, 'Silly boy l We left you a   53   on the front door, saying we were going shopping and that we‘d be right back.But we had to get the flat tire   54 .1 hope you weren‘t worried.' I ran to get my note.Now I knew   55   I wanted to be.I wanted to be with Mom and Dad and Julie.
        That was home.
36.A.laughed                 B.cheered              C.choked             D.relaxed
37.A.tell                  B.talk                 C.say                D.speak
38.A.Instead                 B.However              C.Besides        D.Indeed
39.A.pictures                  B.gifts                 C.toys                   D.presents
40.A.like                     B.mind                 C.fancy                D.refuse
41.A.fields                   B.shops                  C.markets            D.restaurants
42.A.flowers                  B.buildings              C.forests               D.rivers
43.A.hardly               B.clearly                C.really              D.nearly
44.A.off                     B.by                 C.for                   D.through
45.A.take up                 B.take down           C.give in               D.give away
46.A.knew                   B.wondered             C.realized              D.learned
47.A.read                     B.wrote                C.told                 D.expressed
48.A.wished                  B.figured            C.hoped              D.heard
49.A.hide-out                 B.school                 C.house              D.playground
50.A.asleep              B.alive                  C.alone                D.aside
51.A.hurried                  B.reached             C.hung                D.set
52.A.besides                  B.without                  C.with             D.behind
53.A.note                    B.key              C.sign               D.passage
54.A.sold                    B.made                 C.fixed               D.recycled
55.A.what                   B.how                C.who                D.where


When Britain‘s great Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, was young, he attended a public school called Harrow.He was not a good student, and as a matter of fact, had he not been the son of a famous leader, he probably would have been thrown out of the school for his offences.
However, he completed his work at Harrow, went on to the University, and then had a successful career in the British Army.He later was elected prime minister and brought great courage to Britain through his speeches and other work during the dark days of World War II.
Toward the very end of his period as prime minister, he was invited to address the young boys at his old school, Harrow.In announcing the coming of their great leader, the headmaster said, 'Young gentlemen, the greatest speaker of our time, our prime minister, will be here in a few days to address you] and you should obey whatever sound advice he may give you at that time.'
The great day arrived, and the prime minister appeared at Harrow.After being introduced.Sir Winston stood up and gave this short but moving speech: 'Young men, never give in.Never give in.Never, never, never, never - in nothing, great or small, large or petty - never give in, except to convictions (信念 ) of honor and good sense.'
This speech is one of his best.Churchill went on for several more paragraphs in his speech,
but there‘s no question that the 'Never give in' speech, far and away, was what Harrow‘s students
Some of the world‘s greatest men and women have been remembered for their great deeds but
it should be remembered how many failures and defeats marked their early life.The secret to their
success was their perseverance and determination.
56.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
        A.Churchill came from a royal family.
        B.Churchill was driven out of school, Harrow.
        C.Churchill did not do well in the British Army.
        D.Churchill led the British through World War II.
57.The underlined word 'sound' in the third paragraph probably means '___'.
        A.affordable                       B.reasonable         
        C.accessible                  D.available
58.It can be inferred from the passage that ____.
        A.successful people mostly had poor school education
        B.Churchill was elected prime minister for his bravery
        C.Churchill was invited to give a speech for his courage
        D.the boys of Harrow were much touched by Churchill‘s speech
59.What does the author intend to tell us in the passage?
        A.Great men are sure to meet a lot of difficulties in their lives.
        B.Hard work and good luck are equally important in life.
        C.If we want to reach our goal, we shall never lose heart
        D.No one can match Winston Churchill for his art of sneech

Removing English from the gaokao, China‘s college entrance exam, might lower the English-learning fever in China but it helps build a fair and targeted college admission system, said a national political adviser.
To earn a good enough score in the national examination to qualify for a good university, even students applying for non-English majors have to earn high marks in the English test Yu Minhong, a member of the Chinese People‘s Political Consultative Conference, said,' Due to the large share of English scores in the gaokao (150 points), Chinese students have paid great attention to learning English, more than any other country‘s students spend on learning a second language, and the exam-oriented English education in secondary schools does little to improve student‘s practical skills of speaking and listening.'
The Ministry of Education released a draft reform plan for the gaokao for public review in December.According to the draft, students will take the English tests twice each year and their highest score will count for the gaokao.
The new method is expected to begin in 2016, but Yu said, ' It‘s more of a slight change than an actual reform, because no matter how many points it counts toward, ifs still part of the final gaokao result.Students will continue spending time and effort working on English because each point counts for college admission.Plus, multi-time tests will add an extra burden on students.
Only by excluding English from the gaokao can students decide how much and how hard they work on learning English based on what interests them.'
Sun Huiling, another CPPCC member agreed with Yu that the English assessment should be Diversified(多样化) but was cautious about removing English from the gaokao.'The existence of the English test in the gaokao has played a significant role of promoting the language among Chinese children, no matter whether in test-taking skills or practical communication,' said Sun, 'If we take it out of the gaokao, I am afraid the enthusiasm for learning English would decline as any change in the gaokao will largely affect teaching plans and curriculum setting in secondary schools.'
60.From the passage we can learn that Yu Minhong ____.
        A.praises the present English education
        B.is in favor of the draft reform plan
        C.suggests lowering the English-learning fever
        D.doesn‘t think the draft reform plan is a perfect one
61.What can be inferred from the passage?
        A.English will eventually be removed from the gaokao.
        B.English learning in China will no longer be important.
        C.The two CPPCC members totally agree with each other.
        D.A reform of English in the gaokao will take place in China.
62.What is Sun Huiling‘s attitude towards removing English from the gaokao?
        A.Careful.                 B.Positive.           
        C.Negative.                  D.Indifferent.
63.The passage mainly talks about ____.
        A.how to diversify English assessment
        B.the draft reform plan for the gaokao in 2016
        C.whether to remove English from the gaokao
        D.how many points English should count in the gaokao



It s one of the many unusual ways that Sally and Rob have learned to communicate emotionally with their abused children in an astonishing eight-year journey of hope, healing and love.
Jamie was just four and half-sister Rose one when they were adopted by the Donovans in 2005.The youngsters had been taken from their natural mother and placed in foster care after a series of cruelty and neglect They were left alone, hungry, witnessed home violence on a regular basis.
Sally and Rob spent three years trying for a baby before deciding to adopt, and were well aware of the youngsters‘ poor background.But they were still unprepared for raising a child permanently scared by abuse or the lack of support on offer.
But now Sally has written a brilliant and heart-touching account of their family struggle in a book called 'No Matter What.' Sally said: 'These kids come to you with a story that what happened to them was their fault - because they are bad and unlovable.' To show them they are loveable and none of it was their fault takes a lot of time.'They both still say ‘I‘m bad‘.Jamie is less stuck on it now but whenever life deals him a knock he will fall back into ‘that happened because I am stupid, I‘m rubbish, I‘m bad.'
Sally‘s book is humorous, heart-touching and so wildly honest that academics, charity bosses, parents and adoptees are praising it as a major contribution to child welfare work.
64.Who did the sketch of a tear-stained face?
        A.Sally.                 B.Rob.         C.Rose.                    D.Jamie.
65.Sally and Rob adopted the two children mainly because they ____.
        A.knew the children‘s background very well
        B.wanted to help the children out of trouble
        C.couldn‘t bear the cruelty done to the children
        D.couldn‘t have children of their own
66.Why did the two adopted children still say 'I‘m bad' ?
        A.They know clearly they are not lovable enough.
        B.They often put the situation in an embarrassment.
        C.What they suffered rooted deep in their minds.
        D.They are honest of what they have done.
67.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
        A.Rose was a baby when adopted by Sally and Rob.
        B.Sally has written a book about how to adopt children.
        C.Jamie still blames himself for whatever happens to him.
        D.There is still a long way to go for helping the children out.



The findings have been gathered from a survey of 2,000 healthy women volunteers.Study leader Professor Aedin Cassidy, from the University of East Anglia, said, 'This is one of the first large-scale human studies to look at how these powerful compounds might reduce the risk of diabetes. We found that those who consumed plenty ofanthocyanins (花青素) and flavonoids (抗氧化物) had lower insulin resistance.'
'High insulin resistance is associated with Type 2 diabetes, so what we are seeing is that people who eat foods rich in these two compounds - such as berries, herbs, grapes, - are less likely to develop the disease.'
'We also found that those who ate the most anthocyanins were least likely to suffer long-lasting swollen pain, which is associated with many of today‘s most pressing health concerns including diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular (血管) disease and cancer.'
Professor Tim Spector, director of the Twins UK Study at King‘s College London, who took part in the research, said, 'This is an exciting finding that shows that some kinds of foods that we consider unhealthy like chocolate or wine may contain some beneficial substances. If we can start to identify and separate these substances we can potentially improve healthy eating.'
'There are many reasons including genetics why people prefer certain foods so we should be cautious until we test them properly in randomized trials and in people developing early diabetes.'
68. The underlined word 'Both' in the second paragraph probably refers to ____.
        A. herbs and berries                      B. insulin and red wine
        C. the compounds and red wine          D. anthocyanins and flavonoids
69. According to the findings published in the Journal of Nutrition, Type 2 diabetes ___.
        A. is related to high insulin resistanc        B. is able to be completely cured of
        C. is the most serious disease in UK             D. is likely to be caused by red wine
70.We can learn from the passage that ___.
        A.most pressing health concerns are associated with eating habits
        B.foods rich in anthocyanins and flavonoids are beneficial to health
        C.an apple can‘t be better than red wine to keep a doctor away
        D.people having foods high in sugar are less likely to risk Type 2 diabetes
71.Professor Tim Spector might be in favor of the idea that
        A.unhealthy food contains beneficial substances
        B.patients with heart disease shouldn‘t eat chocolates
        C.people should be cautious about developing early diseases
        D.people‘s eating preference has something to do with genes



        Most people feel nervous when they have to give a
speech.This is human nature and indeed some degree of
nerves is necessary to keep your whole attention and deliver
the speech clearly.However nerves do become a problem if
you are under their control.Thankfully, there are practical
ways to overcome this which are listed below.
Make your nerves work properly
First, rationalize(理清) your thoughts.If you do something you fear, you are most likely to feel anxiety.Although it may feel uncomfortable] nothing bad will happen to you.In fact look at your nerves as a positive thing as they will give you the energy to deliver your speech in a passionate(激情的) way.
Prepare and Practice
Know the subject of your speech inside out.Prepare speaker notes that give you ideas on the title and get familiar with the contents.These notes are not designed to be read from, but to be held and glanced at by the speaker when needed.They should be produced on small cards that can be hand held.
Engage with the audience
Get to know in advance who the audience is going to be, how many people will be listening and what their purposes are.You must understand your target audience before writing I the presentation so that you hit the correct tone.Make the points in your speech known to the audience beforehand so that they know what to expect and have an opportunity to prepare any questions in advance.


73.Which factor isn‘t mentioned about a successful speech?
        A.Being in a passionate mood.                B.Practising the speech.
        C.The speaker‘s appearance.                  D.Presenting the speech logically.
74.The author makes it clear in the last paragraph that___.
        A.it matters much to mix up your speech
        B.using suitable tricks helps a lot in a speech
        C.worrying about what to happen is necessary
        D.it‘s no good referring to your notes when speaking
75.What would be the best title for.this passage?
        A.Ways to attract the audience‘s attention.
        B.Ways to overcome nerves in a speech.
        C.Advice on structuring a speech.
        D.Advice on writing an impressive speech.


第一节  短文填词(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


        Besides practicing writing as much as you can, the best way of (82) i____ your
writing skills is to read great works.Read one book per month.We all have (83 )
(有限的) time, but truly the best way to become a better writer is to become a better
84.        .
        These are my methods for becoming a better writer.Let me know whether you agree
or (85)d___ with me in the comments above! I‘m looking forward to hearing from you
第二节 书面表达(满分25分)






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