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[小学三年级] 2023年人教PEP版三年级英语下册期中单项选择复习题可下载打印_小学试卷



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(  )1. Wang Bing, please close the window.   - ___________.
A. Thank you.     B. Yes, Miss Li.   C. I’m sorry.
(  )2. -This is for you.          - ___________.
A. Thank you.    B. Yes, it is.     C. It’s not here.
(  )3. Look! The balloon(气球) is ________ the tree now.
A. on         B. in         C. at
(  )4.  _________ eat my cake, Sam.  
A. Here’s      B. Don’t       C. No
(  )5. -Is that a pencil case?    - No, _________.
A. it is       B. that isn’t  C. it isn’t
(  )6. -________ your nice T-shirt?     -It’s over there.
A. What’s     B. How’s     C. Where’s
(  )7. -Where ________ his sister?   -________ behind the door.
A. is;She’s      B. are;They’re     C. are;We’re
(  )8. It’s ________ pencil.
A. I       B. you      C. your
(  )9. Liu Tao is ________ the door.
A. on       B. under      C. behind
(  )10. - ________ you like some books?  - Yes, please.
A. Would       B. Do      C. What
(  )11.Listen ________ the teacher(老师),please
A. at    B. to    C.in
(  )12.---_____________.      ---Yes, Miss Li.
A. Close the door.    B. Where is it?
C. Good morning, Miss Li.
(  )13.---_______________ is that?     ---It is a bird.
A. Who    B. Where    C.What
(  )14.---________________?   ---It’s on the chair.
A. Is this a chair.    B. Where’s the book?
C. What’s this?
(  )15.--_____________ that a ruler?      ---__________, it isn’t.
A. Is; Yes    B. What’s; Yes    C. Is; No
(  )16.___________ the blackboard, please.
A. Look    B. Look at    C.Open
(  )17._________ talk in the library.
A. Not    B. don’t    C. Don’t
(  )18.Listen ________Miss Li.
A. in    B. now    C. to
(  )19. This cake is_________you.
A.for    B. to    C. at
(  )20._____ this an English book?
A. It’s    B.It      C.Is
(  )21.________ you like a ball?
A.What    B. What’s    C. Would
(  )22. Don’t sit on_________ floor.
A./      B. the    C. a
(  )23. Is that_________ pencil case?
A. you    B. your    C. I
(  )24.-________my puppy?    -It’s in the box.
A. What’s    B. Where    C. Where’s
(  )25. --Is it in your schoolbag?    - No,_________.
A. it is    B. it isn’t    C. he isn’t
(  )26.Look _________ your book Please.
A.to    B.at    C./
(  )27.Listen __________ me, please.
A.to    B./     C.at
(  )28.-Good morning,Su Hai.   -_____________.
A.Good afternoon.    B.Good evening    C.Good morning.
(  )29.-Please open the door.    -__________.
A.Thanks    B.Hi    C.OK
(  )30.-_________is it?    -It’s a red schoolbag.
A.What    B.What’s    C.Where
(  )31.-__________ your lunch box?    -Yes,it is.
A.Where’s    B.Is this    C.How’s
(  )32.-Is this ____________ cake?   -No,it isn’t. It’s mine(我的).
A.my    B.your    C.you
(  )33.-___________your pencil case?    -It’s over there.
A.What about    B.Where’s    C.Is this
(  )34.-This is __________ you] Su Hai.   -Thank you!
A.to    B.with    C.for
(  )35.This __________ my pen.Is it your pen?
A.are    B.isn’t    C.be
(  )36.-Is that ___________ schoolbag?   -Yes, _________ is.
A.my;this    B.you;it    C.your, it
(  )37.-_________my green crayon?  -Look at your bed!It’s over there.
A.Where    B.Where is    C.What is
(  )38.-What’s ___________ over there?  -_________ my rubber.
A.that; That is    B.that; It’s    C.this; it is
(  )39.-This new doll is__________ you] Tina.       -Thank you!
A.for    B.to    C.of
(  )40.-Where is my ball?  -Look! It’s__________ the tree.
A.on    B.in    C.at
(  )41.-___________ under the desk?    -No.it isn’t. It’s in the desk.
A.Is it    B.Where’s    C.What’s
(  )42.-Where is Liu Tao?   -Oh,_______ behind the chair.
A.it’s    B.they’re    C.he’s
(  )43.Two birds come to my window and_____________.
A.run away    B.fly away    C.stand up
(  )44.-Where___________my books?   -__________in your desk.
A is: It’s    B.are: It’s    C.are;They’re
(  )45. -________ your milk?    -It’s in my schoolbag.
A.Where    B.Where’s    C.What’s
(  )46.-_________this your English book?    -No,it____________.
A.Is; is    B.What’s;isn’t    C.Is; isn’t
(  )47.This is__________ pencil.
A.you    B.my    C.she
(  )48.-It’s hot. Open the window, please.   -_________.
A.Yes, Miss Li.   B.No,thank you.   C.Yes, please.
(  )49.-This ice cream is for you.    -_________.
A.No,it isn’t.   B.Thank you.   C.Yes it is.
(  )50.-Look_________ the blackboard, Mike.   -Yes, Miss Li.
A.at    B.on     C./
(  )51.-What’s this?    -It’s__________.
A.door    B. a door    C. an door
(  )52.-Please close the window.   -____________.
A. Thank you.    B. Yes, Mr Green.     C. I’m sorry.
(  )53.-The rubber is for you] Mike.   -____________.
A.Goodbye.    B. Thank you.    C.OK.
(  )54.-Is that__________father?   -No,he is___________uncle.
A.you]me    B.me,you    C.your,my
(  )55.-What’s this,Sam?    -_________orange robot.
A.It’s an    B.Is a    C.This is an
(  )56.-This colour pencil is for you.   -________.
A.All right    B.Thank you    C.OK
(  )57.-Is that a ruler?   -___________.
A.Yes, this is    B.No, it not    C.Yes, it is.
(  )58.-Where’s Su yang?   -____________.
A.In the tree    B.No, she isn’t    C.She is Su Hai
(  )59.-Bobby, this is a pie.___________.    -Thank you.
A.It’s nice    B.Great.    C.It’s for you
(  )60.-Look! The lunch box is__________the desk.    -Oh,yes,_________.
A.on, it is    B.不填, you are.   C.in, it isn’t
(  )61.-Where’s the parrot?   -It’s___________the tree.
A.on    B.in    C.at
(  )62.-Where’s the bird?   --It’s _________ the door.
A.behind    B.under    C. in
(  )63.-___________?   -No,it’s an orange.
A. What’s this    B. Where’s the orange     C. Is that an apple
(  )64.-Would you like________ ice cream?   - Y.es,please.
A. a    B. some    C. an
(  )65.- Mike, please close the window. -___________.
A. Thank you.    B.Yes,Miss Li.    C.I’m sorry.
(  )66.- Don’t run, Mike.    -______________.
A.I’m sorry.    B.No,thank you.    C.Hello, Mr Green.
(  )67.-__________ your nice T-shirt?    -It’s over there.
A. What’s    B.How’s    C.Where’s
(  )68.Look!The bird is___________ the tree now.
A.on    B.at    C.in
(  )69.- Is that a pencil case?     - No,__________.
A. It is.    B.that isn’t.    C. it isn’t.
(  )70.-____________ your English book?  -Yes, it is.
A.What’s   B.Is that   C.It’s

   1-5 BABBC    6-10 CACCA  11-15 BACBC  16-20 BCCAC
   21-25 CBBCB  26-30 BACCA  31-35 BABCB  36-40 CBBAB
   41-45 ACBCB  46-50 CBABA  51-55 BBBCA  56-60 BCACA
   61-65 BACBB  66-70ACCCB





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