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[高中三年级] 江南十校2016届高三英语摸底联考试卷及答案网页版_中学试卷



发表于 2015-9-15 21:02:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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英  语




1. What did Mary do last night?
  A. She went to the cinema.  B.She went to the airport.C.She visited an old friend.
2. Where will the man probably get change7
  A. From the woman.  B.From a jewelry store.  C.From a change machine.
3. What is the man going to do?
  A. Work on his research paper.  B.Have a rest.  C.Talk to some students.
4. Why does the woman want to exchange the dress?
  A.It‘s the wrong color.  B.It-s the wrong size.  C.It~s the wrong style.
S. What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?
  A. Classmates.  B.Husband and wife.  C.Saleswoman and customer.
6. Why has Nancy been unhappy recently?
  A. Her childisillin hospital.
  B. She has been quarreling with her husband.
  C.She is still single.
7. What will the woman probably do tomorrow?
  A. Hold a party.  B.Attend a wedding.  C.Call Harry.
8. Where are the two speakers now?
  A. In Paris.  B.In New York.  C.In London.
9. What will the man do next Saturday?
  A. Attend a piano party.  B.Hold an art show.  C.Go to lus daughter‘s colLege.
10. How many people went swimming together last Saturday?
  A. Three.  B.Four.  C.Five.
11. Who first noticed the man-s son was drowning?
  A. The man himself.  B.Mr. Henry.  C.The man-s wife.
12. What did they do later?
  A. They left in a hurry.  B.They continued to swim.C. They had a rest.
13. What does the man want to do?
  A. Put the experiment off.
  B. Borrow the woman-s car.
  C.Invite the woman to his home.
14. What had the woman originally planned to do this Sunday?
  A. Go to the robot show.  B.Do an experiment.  C.Meet with Ted.
15. Who will pay for lunch this Sunday?
  A.Ruby.  B.Ted.  C.Sam.
16. When will the two speakers meet this Sunday?
  A. At 8:00 am.  B.At 8:20 am.  C.At 8:00 pm.
17. What weapon was used in the first robbery case?
  A.A gun.  B.A knife.  C.A metal pole.
18. How did the criminals leave the scene after they robbed the hotel?
  A. They left by the front door.
  B. They ran down Seventh Avenue.
  C. They fled the scene in a white car.
19. Where did the second robbery take place?
  A. At a T-shirt store.  B.At a bike store.  C.At a jean store.
20. What does the speaker want to tlo?
  A. Remind the public of their safety.
  B. Get some help from the public.
  C. Tell the public the cases have been solved.


  During the Second World War,l met a housewife from Chicago who told me how she
discovered for herself that 'the cure for worry is to get completeLy occupied doing something
constructive.’’I met this woman and her husband in the dining car while l was traveling from
New York to my farm in Missouri.
  This couple told me that their son had joined the armed forces the day after the attack on
Pearl Harbor. The woman told me that she had almost ruined her health worrying over that
only son. Where was he? Was he safe? Would he be wounded? Killed?
  When I asked her how she overcame her worry,she replied:'I got busy.“She told me that
at first she had dismissed her maid and tried to keep busy by doing alL her housework herself.
But that didn-t help much. 'The trouble was,' she said,'that I could do my housework almost
mechanically(机械地).SoI kept on worrying. Then I realized I needed some new kind of work
that would keep me busy both mentally and physicalLy. So I took a job as a saleswoman in a
store. '
  'That did it,' she said. 'I immediately found myself involved in a lot of activities:customers
crowding around me,asking for prices,sizes,colors. Never a second to think of anything except
my immediate duty. And when night came,l could think of nothing except getting off my aching
feet. As soon as I ate dinner,l fell into bed and instantly became unconscious. I had neither the
time nor the energy to worry. '
21. Doing housework failed to work on the woman because
  A. she didn‘t need to use her mind to do housework
  B. she didn‘t like doing housework at all
  C. there wasn‘t much housework to d。
  D.it was too boring to do housework
22. Why did the woman take a job as a saleswoman?
  A. She had to work to support her family.
  B. She enjoyed being surrounded by people.
  C. She wanted to make her life more colorful.
  D. She needed a more effective way to defeat her worry.
23. After a day‘s work as a saleswoman,the woman   .
  A. seemed quite disappointed    B. fell into unconsciousness because of worries
  C. felt extremely tired       D. lost her appetite

  Recently I went to the Tsavo National Park in northern Kenya for a film. We set off early
for a distant water hole. A huge elephant,covered with dry mud,drank calmly and deeply. He
might have traveled 50 km to reach the water. He wasn-t going to hurry now. He-d drink a
while and then rest in the shade, and then drink again-or so we thought. What actually
happened was that he drank deeply and stepped away. Then he suddenly fell down. Within
minutes he was dead.
  We called animal doctor Jeremiah Poghon immediately. He removed the head of a poisoned
arrow from the eLephant s body,and let out over 100 litters of pus (胺)-the result of the
elephant s meeting with a poacher(偷猎者) months before.
  Today‘s poacher shoots from a blind. He fires an arrow,covered with poison,into the body
  of an elephant. If the poacher is lucky,the elephant might die in an hour or two; if not,he might
  have to follow the elephant for days before it dies. Often the arrow head fails to kill the elephant
  at once-it doesn‘t mean the poison won‘t finally kill the elephant,but it will be a slow death.
Living in Tsavo through these times,l could see the results of poaching from time to time.
  When I think about the death of that elephant,what stays with me is the extraordinary
  silence after the shocking sound of his body hitting the ground. I took some comfort from the
  knowledge that as the dead body returned to the soil,some animals would benefit-but I couldn‘t
escape the feeling that with the death of such a large animal,the world seemed a poorer and
emptier place.
24. While filming near the water hole,the author and his team  .
  A. knew the elephant was injured
  B. found the elephant acted violently
  C. tried their best to save the elephant
  D. thought the elephant was in good condition
25. Further examination showed that the dead e!ephant   .
  A. had suffered a lot      B. had wounds all over it
  C. had drunk some deadly water   D. had had a good fight with a poacher
26. How does the author feel when thinking about the elephant s death?
  A. Embarrassed.  B. Funny.    C. Upset.    D. Relieved.
27. Why did the author write the text?
  A. To introduce African elephant.   B. To show the cruelty of poaching.
  C. To describe his filming experience.   D. To ask readers to protect wild animals.

  Like many old towns in the forested valleys of the Northwest,Albany,Ore. ,has seen its
share of ups and downs over the years,but when the locaL economy began to decline (T沿)
some 15 years ago,the downs seemed to outnumber the ups.
  'Albany was changing completely. We had to find a way to reinvent ourselves,' says Wendy
Kirbey,the former owner of a coffee shop downtown. So in 2002,Kirbey,69,proposed (提议) a
project she hoped would help her town rediscover its pride:a Victorian-style carousel (旋转木
马),the animals carved by the townspeople themselves.
  'It felt like the perfect fit for our historical town,' she says. Despite a sceptical city council
(议会) and a starting budget of onLy $ 150,Kfrbey and a handful of volunteers got to work.
  Ten years later,more than 300 people have spent nearly 150,000 hours on the Albany
Carousel,making a lively herd of unusual creatures. Each of the 52 animals has been 'adopted'
by a sponsor,who oversees its creation and often adds a personal touch.
  The project has shown the diverse skills and creative talents of Albany (pop. 50,000).
'The amazing thing about this attempt is that whenever we- ve needed something,it  s been pro-
vided for us,' says Kirbey. 'S rnebody‘s aunt knows somehody‘s uncle who comes down to lend a hand'.
  Kirbey says it wiLl take two more years to complete the project. But the carousel is already
working its magic. 'It is our town~ s No. 1 attraction,' says Rod Porsche of the Albany Visitors
Association. As the animals are completed,they‘re put on show in local hotels,restaurants and
shops; people who come to see the fantastical figures around town and tour the workshop (as
many as 2,000 visitors a month) are helping Albany with its economic recovery. 'I can-t imagine how
great it~s going to be when the carousel is up and running,' Porsche says.
78. What can we learn about the carousel?
  A. It cost a fortune.         B. It looks very modern.
  C. It received support from all walks of life.  D. It took ten years to build.
29. By saying the underlined sentence,Kirbey wants to tetl us _  .
  A. help is at hand          B. it is a small world
  C. uncles and aunts make great efforts   D. the townspeople are closely linked
30. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
  A. Porsche has made an outstanding contribution to Albany.
  B. Porsche is sceptical of the town-s attractions.
  C. Porsche has made many friends through the project.
  D. Porsche thinks highly of the project.
31. The text is mainly about    .
  A. the ups and downs of Albany
  B. how a struggling town found a way to create a ~ittle magic
  C. how the carousel would help a town recover its culture
  D. the creative talents of Albany

  Much of my work as a coach includes helping people make an important decision,such
'If I‘m at a crossroads in my career,which path should I follow?''lf I m considering .:
offers,which one should I accept?'
  DifficuLt decisions like these remind me of a comment made by Scott McNealy,CEO of c:
Microsystems for years during a lecture white I was in a business school at Stanford. He v
asked how he made decisions and responded,'lt s important to make good decisions. Bu
spend much less time and energy worrying about making the right decision and much more ti
and energy ensuring that any decision I make turns out right. '
  In fact,before we make any decisions,particularly those difficult ones,we re anxious t
focus on identifying the 'best' option because of the risk of being 'wrong'. But a side effect
that mindset (现念模式) is that we pay too much attention to the moment of choice and le
sight of everything that follows. It~ s what happens next that finally determines whether a gh
decision was 'right'.
  Another aspect of this mindset is that our focus on making the 'right' decision can eas
lead to paralysis (庥痹,瘫痪),because the options we- re choosing among are so difficult
rank in the first place. How can we definitively determine in advance what career path will
'the best',or what job offer we should accept? Obviously,we can‘t.
  Focusing on the effort after our decision not only helps us succeed,but also reminds us tI
we play a role in every outcome. Our control should be in our day-to-day activrties rather than
our one-time decision.
32. What is the author‘s job?
  A. To teach people to choose good careers.
  B. To tell people how to adapt to a new city.
  C. To advise people to ask for a high salary.
  D. To help people make a vital choice.
33. Which of the following about Scott McNealy is TRUE?
  A. Making decisions is not very important for him.
  B. He never cares about whether his decision is good or not.
  C. He tries his best to make his decision right in the end.
  D. He only focuses on the process rather than the outcome.
34. Most people feel anxious when making an important decision because they  .
  A. don-t know what to do next
  B. worry about the undesired result it may bring about
  C. can-t find a good coach to give them advice
  D. have no idea of what to expect
35. What is the text mainly about?
  A. Stop worrying about making the right decision.
  B. Believe in yourself and choose what you want.
  C. Making the right decision is very important.
  D. Help others make the right decision.
  In my experience working with children,self-confidence or a lack of confidence can have a
big effect on whether a person is able to overcome the challenges they are experiencing,such as
fear and anxiety as well as other concerns. When children build their self-confidence,meaning
they believe.n themselves more,they become more comfortable with themselves.   36
  1. Create a pretend play.
  Allow a child to create a puppet show(木偶表演)to express the difficulty he is having. For
instance,if the child is afraid of the dark,have him come up with a puppet show about a puppet
that is afraid of the dark.   37   If the child doesn~t seem to be coming up with a way to help
the puppet overcome his fear,present some questions to see if he can come up with a way to
help the puppet.
  2.  38
  Many children with low self-confidence display behaviors that suggest they do not believe
they can do things on their own. To encourage independence,when a situation appears.n which the
child states he can‘t do it or wants you to do it for him,encourage the child to do the activity.   39
  3. Raise self-awareness.
  Helping children to become more aware of who they are can help build self-confidence.
Children with low self-confidence may not be very decisive. They may say。I don‘t know'a lot
or may hesitate when you ask them questions about themselves.   40  To do this,be support-
ive of the answers they provide by making sure not to discount or make them feel like they need
to change their answers in any way.
A. Develop speaking skills.
B. Encourage independence.
C. Praise any effort he makes.
D. ln addition,help the child to accept their own answers.
E. Many play therapy activities can also be used on adults.
F. Here are three techniques for improving children‘s self-confidence.
G. Have him create a title for the puppet show and then make the show.

[color=]笫三部分 英语知识运用I共两节,满分45分)

  A team is a group of people who have been chosen to work together to do a particular job.
Team members have a(n)   41  goal and work on similar strategies.
  To ensure a team work effectively,team communication is   42  .Team communication
simply means how the small group of people communicate with each other and how this   43
the effectiveness of the team as a whole,by   44   the personal characteristics of the members.
Also team communication can make the team more productive and   45  make the team opera-
tions flawless46  ,and healthy.
  So what can be done to make team communication   47   among the group? Well,team
members should always be  48   and given equal importance. It doesnt    49    whether you
are a team leader or a team member. Each one should have a say (决定权) in team decisions.
  ALso make each member of your team 50  about the strategies and   51   0f the parti-
cular project the group is working on. Any confusion in the mind of any member may delay the
  52  0f the goal. To overcome this    53    and make sure that everybody has understood the
goal  54  ,always welcome questions.
  Communicate with the members of your team   55   and keep on telling them about the
latest changes and the most recent____  56   about the situation. This could be done through
e-mails,chat,video or telephonic conferences and so on.
  Meet your team members on a regular basis,and make the   57   interactive by giving
every team member a  58  to speak.ln addition,don/t forget to show your   59   0f team
members‘ good performance,which can   60   them to produce better work.
41.A. ordinary  B.common  C.usual  D.average
42.A. ohtained  B.required  C.ordered  D.responded
43.A. brings out  B.breaks out  C.brings in  D.breaks in
44.A. changing  B.developing  C.forming  D.improving
45.A. yet  B.however  C.thus  D.still
46.A. slow  B.smooth  C.secure  D.stable
47.A. enjoyable  B.reliable  C.sensitive  D.effective
48.A. served  B.reflected  C.satisfied  D.respected
49.A. mean  B.ask  C.matter  D.doubt
50.A. clear  B.curious  C.cautious  D.crazy
51.A. goal  B.plan  C.design  D.process
57.A. settlement  B.development  C.statement  D.achievement
53.A. conflict  B.disability  C.problem  D.dilemma
54.A. thoroughly  B.roughly  C.actually  D.apparently
55.A. specially  B.seriously  C.regularly  D.warmly
56.A. business  B.affairs  C.commands  D.information
57.A. meetings  B.gatherrngs  C.parties  D.celebrations
58.A. reason  B.chance  C.possihility  D.excuse
59.A. happiness  B.surprise  C.appreciation  D.comprehension
60.A. urge  B.encourage  C.help  D.force




  Every winter in Alaska a race is held. But this is no ordinary race. Teams of dogs pull sleds
(雪橇)along the snow and ice,_61   (carry) up t0 500 kg of supplies.A single driver is in
charge of each team,and stands on the sled. This race   62  (know) as Iditarod runs from the
town of Anchorage to the village of Nome,a journey of more than l,800 kiLometers.lt usually
takes the teams about ten days to complete the course.
  The Iditarod is usually run in    63    (extreme) difficult weather conditions. Daytime   64
(temperature) range from zero to minus 40 degrees. Visibility(能见度)is often very poor,  65
drivers never allow    66    (them) to become separated from their team of dogs. Indeed, the
drivers depend almost entirely  67  the dogs for their survivaL
The origin of the race   68  (go) back many years to a time   69   some medicine needed
to be taken from Anchorage to Nome,a very remote village. Because of severe weather,the only
way to send the medicine was to use dogs. Happily,the medicine was delivered just|n time to
save lives. To celebrate the heroic journey,Alaskans    70   (deveLop) the Iditarod.


Dear Daniel,
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  CoolChinese is special designed for non-CHnese speakers who have just been started learn-
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  I hope you likeit,
Li Hua
Good morning,everyone,
It’s my honor to be here to be with you.        
Thank you!






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