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[初中三年级] 江苏省南通市2014年中考英语八校联考试卷及答案网页版_中学试卷



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英 语 试 题

注 意 事 项
1. 本试卷共8页,满分为120分,考试时间为120分钟。
2. 答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、考试证号用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡上指定的位置。
3. 答案必须按要求填涂、书写在答题卡上对应位置,在试卷、草稿纸上答题一律无效。

[color=]第Ⅰ卷(选择题  共60分)

(   ) 1. —How far is it from this hotel to _______ station?
       —It is _______ eleven-kilometer walk from here.
A. the; an                    B. /; an                            C. /; /                                   D. the; a
(   ) 2. —When did the terrible earthquake in Japan happen?
       —It happened __________1:46 __________the afternoon of March 11, 2011.
A. on, in                B. at, on                       C. at, in                   D. on, on
(   ) 3. —Do you know __________ this dictionary belongs to?  
       —Let me see. Oh, it’s __________.  
A. who, mine                  B. who, me                      C. whose, mine               D. whose, me
(   ) 4. The movie Taojie is __________ one that I’ve ever seen.
A. more exciting            B. the most excited           C. the most exciting          D. more excited
(   ) 5. —Listen! Is that Pingping playing the guitar?  
       —No. It __________be Pingping. He has gone to Beijing.
A. mustn’t                        B. may                                C. can’t                        D. must
(   ) 6. — _________ all your things, Tom! I hate them here and there.
— OK, Mum.  
A. Put up                       B. Put on                      C. Put down                   D. Put away
(   ) 7. — When did you go to bed last night?
       — ____________ I finished my homework.
A. Until            B. Not until           C. When             D. While  
(   ) 8. —He‘s never late for school, _________?  
       —_____, never. He always gets to school on time.
A. has he , Yes       B. is he , Yes         C. hasn‘t, No         D. is he, No
(   ) 9. The little daughter has _____ for a long time. Her mother is trying waking her up now.   
A. fallen asleep      B. been asleep             C. got to sleep       D. gone to bed
(   ) 10. —Where do you know the 2012 Olympic Games will_________?
        —In London, the capital of Britain.
A. happen            B. hold              C. be taken place     D. be held
(   ) 11. — Can you tell me ______ it is from here to the Summer Palace?
        — Let me see. It‘s about 15 minutes‘ ride.
A. how long                         B. how soon          C. how much                    D. how far
(   ) 12. __________ great fun it was to visit the World Expo in Shanghai last year!
A. What                            B. How                            C. What a                   D. How a
(   ) 13. I couldn’t listen carefully in our English class this morning as I _________ of the
       comic book that I read before class.
A. have thought       B. thought            C. was thinking      D. had thought
(   ) 14. —Christmas is coming. Don’t forget _______ my best wishes to your family.
        —OK, ______. Thank you very much.  
A. to give; I don’t     B. to give; I won’t     C. giving;. I won’t     D. giving; I don’t
(   ) 15. —Could you tell me __________?  
        —Certainly. In half an hour.  
A. when will the train to Beijing leave                        B. when the train to Beijing would leave
C. when the train to Beijing left                                D. when the train to Beijing leaves


How old was I? I can’t remember. Maybe I was only 10. It was the first    16    without my father because he was away for something. He left me to fill that sad place in my mother’s heart. It was the Christmas when I stopped being a    17    and tried to play Father Christmas myself. I really wanted to make it happy and bright again. It was the Christmas of the    18   .
Mom first saw the coat at Tobias, a nice    19    shop in our town’s little shopping mall. It was dark green. And it was a    20   , heavy, wool dress coat. Mom pulled it out from the rack(架) and held it up. “Long enough,” she said in a low voice and    21   .
“I need a new coat,” Mom smiled before the mirror. She looked good on any clothes,       22    this coat suited her much better. She looked at the    23   , then hung the coat back on the rack, standing there once more to    24    the smooth brush of wool.
Eighty-seven dollars. But I decided to buy it for her. As we moved on    25   the mall, I found some excuse to return and asked one of the Tobias ladies to    26    the coat.
I helped clean every yard(庭院) in our neighbourhood—some yards twice, and soon I got the coat. The store ladies helped me put it in their biggest    27    with bright blue paper and thick silver ribbon(丝带). I don’t remember    28    I got it home, but I can still feel the wonderful    29    and pride that filled me. I would imagine the big space which the box would take up under our tree. Here it was—joy, peace and    30   —all in the box, waiting for Mom’s surprise.
(    )16. A. Easter                 B. Christmas                 C. Halloween                 D. Thanksgiving
(    )17. A. child                        B. son                         C. student                 D. teacher
(    )18. A. tree                         B. bag                         C. coat                         D. ribbon
(    )19. A. children’s                 B. women’s                 C. girl’s                         D. men’s
(    )20. A. big                         B. wide                         C. thin                         D. long
(    )21. A. tried it on                 B. put it on                 C. kept it on                 D. turned it on
(    )22. A. though                 B. or                         C. for                         D. and
(    )23. A. price                         B. design                 C. color                         D. material
(    )24. A. taste                         B. feel                         C. sound                 D. smell
(    )25. A. through                 B. over                         C. past                         D. across
(    )26. A. sell                         B. send                         C. keep                         D. wash
(    )27. A. tank                         B. basket                 C. bag                         D. box
(    )28. A. how                         B. why                         C. whether                 D. when
(    )29. A. development         B. excitement         C. improvement         D. advertisement
(    )30. A. courage                 B. confidence         C. love                         D. honesty

Races Starting at 3 p.m.. Every Sunday
Racetrack Only 20 Miles Away
Lots of Free Parking Space
Free Presents
No Children Allowed

THEN AND NOW (Photo Show)
See the Tajin History From 1900~2000
February 1~April 30
City Art Museum 750 High Street
Tuesday to Sunday 10 a.m. ~5 p.m.

This Saturday 2~6 p.m.
Visit Us at Block Grandview Mall
Realize Your Dreams—
Save Time and Money
Fall in Love with Prices We Offer

Bringing Your Sweet Heart
Live Band from 9 p.m.~1 a.m.
$25 A Couple (夫妇)
$15 A single (单个的) person

(    )31. Who can NOT go to the horse race?         
A. A single person.                     B. A couple.
C. Children.                                D. Free parents.
(    )32. What can you do if you only have time between 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday?        
A. Go shopping.              B. Go to see the photo show.
C. Go to the dance with your sweet heart.  D. Go to watch the horse race.
(    )33. How much will Mr. and Mrs. Smith pay if they want to go to the dance party?        
A. 15 dollars.                                   B. 25 dollars.
C. 20%~40% off.                         D. For free.
(    )34. Where can you see the advertisements above?         
A. In a book.                                   B. In a magazine.
C. In a newspaper.                        D. On TV.

One day, Jack’s parents told him that his grandpa would retire(退休) after working for forty years. Jack said in surprise, “I’m only seven, so it means Grandpa has been…er…. A really long time!” His parents said, “Yes. That’s why we are going to have a surprise party for him.”
Jack loved his Grandpa and wanted to do something special for him. He remembered the business card his grandpa had given him two years before. He knew that his grandpa would no longer have the position (职位) on that card, so he decided to make a new one for his grandpa.
When the big day came, Jack was ready. But he didn’t want to put his gift together with others. He carried it around with him the whole evening. When all the other people left, he took his grandpa’s hand and brought him over to a chair and gave him the gift. His grandpa smiled, “Well, it must be a beautiful gift. May I open it now?” “Sure!” Jack said excitedly.
As Grandpa opened the gift, tears came into his eyes. Jack gave him the greatest gift he had ever got! They were business cards with his new position:________! Jack said, “Now your full-time job is my grandpa!”
“Well, how much do I get paid?” his grandpa asked, smiling. “As many hugs(拥抱) as you want!” With these words, Jack gave Grandpa a hug. “Well, I guess that means I’m the richest man in the world!” said Grandpa.
(    ) 35. Jack remembered _____ his grandpa had given him two years before.
A. the birthday card         B. the business card          C. the book           D. the toy
(    ) 36. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Jack’s parents helped him to make the gift for his grandpa.      
B. Jack kept his secret about the gift before giving it to his grandpa.
C. Jack bought the business card for his grandpa.
D. Jack wanted his grandpa to make money for him.
(    ) 37. What is Jack’s grandpa’s new position?
A. PART-TIME MANAGER                                 B. FULL-TIME MANAGER
C. PART-TIME GRANDPA                                         D. FULL-TIME GRANDPA
(    ) 38. Why were there tears in Grandpa’s eyes?
A. Because he would lose his position.                B. Because he was not cared for.
C. Because he was moved by Jack’s gift.               D. Because he was unhappy.

Earthquakes happen without warning(前兆). They can happen any time of a day, at any point during the year. When an earthquake is happening, you should know what you should do or not do.
Do NOT go outside. You could get injured from falling glass or parts of buildings. If you are outside, stay away from buildings and power lines(输电线).
Stay under a desk, table] or other strong furniture. Hold on to it. Or stay in a corner of the building. Cover your face and head with your arms and cover your mouth with a towel or clothing. Stay inside until shaking stops and it is safe to go outside.
Keep away from windows, pictures or advertisements on the wall or the building, and anything else that could fall and hurt you. Most people get injured by falling things during an earthquake, not by the shaking itself.
Also keep away from a fire. You could fall down and burn yourself on the fire.
If you are driving when an earthquake happens,stop the car if it’s safe. Stay inside your car until the earthquake stops, and don’t drive near bridges. Try not to stop by power lines or trees. These could fall and hurt you.
(   )39. It isn’t safe for you to ______ while the earthquake is happening.
A. run out of the building                                B. stay in a corner of the building
C. cover your head with your arms                D. cover your mouth with a towel
(   )40. From this passage, we know ______ .
A. all people are frightened at earthquakes               
B. earthquakes may happen at any time
C. we can’t save ourselves in an earthquake  
D. people won’t get injured in an earthquakes if they are careful enough.
(   )41. The best title for this passage should be “ _____________ ”
A. How Earthquakes Happen                                B. How to Drive a Car
C. What We Should Do in Earthquakes                D. Why Earthquakes Happen

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao promised that the country would take actions to improve school bus safety on Sunday, a day after China saw its second terrible school bus accident in November, 2011.
“School buses should be safe mobile campuses(校园) for students,” the premier said at a national meeting on women and children, “Society(社会) should remember in mind that children should be the first to enjoy all kinds of social caring and the last ones to suffer from any disaster.”
School buses have become a hot topic in China since the deaths of 21 people, including 19 pre-school students, in a traffic accident between a truck and a school-owned minibus in Gansu province on Nov. 16, 2011. The nine-seat minibus was carrying 64 people at the time of the accident, according to the reports.
The second accident, in which a school bus in the northern province of Liaoning rolled over on Friday, left 35 people injured, according to China Daily.
“In recent days, a series of big accidents involving school buses has led to great anger among the people. These accidents have also made me uncomfortable]” said Mr Wang, an old teacher from Jiangsu. And he also thought that school bus safety must become a serious problem for schools and the government.
Premier Wen has already asked the government to develop new safety standard (标准) for school buses and made sure to help local government with safe buses for school-age children.
(    ) 42. How many seats did the minibus in Gansu province have before it was turned into a school bus?
A. 64                         B. 21                         C. 9                         D. 19
(    ) 43. What does “roll over” mean in Paragraph 4?
A. 倒车                        B. 翻车                        C. 撞车                        D.飞车
(    ) 44. How did Mr Wang feel when such accidents happened?
A. nervous                 B. angry                         C. stressed                 D. tired
(    ) 45. Which of the following sentences is Not True?
A. 21 pre-school students died in the school bus traffic accident in Gansu.
B. 35 people were hurt in the school bus accident in Liaoning.
C. Mr Wang thought school bus safety was a serious problem.
D. The government has been asked to develop new safety standard for school buses.


[color=]第Ⅱ卷(非选择题  共60分)

A. 请根据句意或括号中的中文提示、英文释义,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。  
46. My cousin is studying in Beijing, so we _________(not very often) see each other now.
47. —Where‘s your mother?
   — She is in the ________(厨房) cooking a meal.
48. We should try our best to prevent water ________(the state of being dirty) because people can‘t live without water.  
49. The weather report said that the temperature would fall _________(在……下面) zero.
50. We all know that _________is between June and August.
B. 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。
human   true   value   appear    they
51. Lucy said that Mr. White offered her some _________ suggestions.
52. Those volunteers always think more of others than of _________  .
53. Mr Yang, I fell ill last night and didn’t finish my homework. I’m ________ sorry about it.
54. —Why do the beautiful birds ________ so fast?
—Because of lack of food.
55. It’s known to us all that ________ need food, water and air to survive.
C. 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使句子通顺。
have   ride    travel   punish   listen
56. Don’t be late again, Tom. Otherwise I ________ you.
57. —What do you think of my suggestion?
   —Sorry. What’s that? I _______ to my favourite song.  
58. Lucy ________ to school on her own when she was in the middle school.
59. I feel energetic again because I _________ a rest. I can devote myself to this work now.
60. We are told that sound __________ through air at a speed of about 340 metres per second.
61. He often carries heavy things for the lonely old man next to his home.(改为否定句)
He _______ often ________ heavy things for the lonely old man next to his home.
62. The magic performance by Liu Qian is so amazing that people can’t forget it.
The magic performance by Liu Qian is ________ amazing for people _____forget.
63. The red car is Mr Green‘s. (对划线部分提问)
______  ______ is Mr Green‘s? .
64. “It often takes me ten minutes to have lunch.” He said. (改为间接引语)
He said that it often ________ ________ten minutes to have lunch.
65. The child bought his mother a new hairclip.(改为被动语态)
A new hairclip _______ bought _______ his mother.
Kitty was a student in a small town. It was going to be her mother’s birthday. She wanted to buy her a present that would be nice and useful but not e   66   .
She went s   67   after a quick and simple lunch. After she looked for about forty minutes, she found a shop that was selling cheap umbrellas, and she d   68   to take a black one. She thought, “Mom can carry it when she is wearing clothes of any c   69   .” So she bought a lovely black umbrella and took it to school with her until her classes finished.
On her way home on the train she felt h    70   , so she went to the buffet car (餐车). She left the umbrella on her seat and left. But when she remembered it and r   71    for it, it was gone. Kitty began to cry. The other passengers felt very sorry for her and asked what was the matter. She told them the black umbrella she bought for her mother was gone, and she had to get off at the next station. After the three passengers h   72   this, they asked her for her mother’s a    73   so that they could send the umbrella to her if someone took it by mistake (弄错) and brought it b   74   .
And now a week passed. Kitty got a letter from her mother. It said, “Thank you very much for your lovely g   75   , but why do you send me three black umbrellas?”
七、阅读与回答问题 (本题共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
We parents like to make sure that our children are eating well and getting all the nutrients(营养)they need. Children need two or three kinds of vegetables every day.
A simple way to get children to eat vegetables is eating them ourselves. Following our habit, they may start eating vegetables. Don’t say things like, “If you eat your vegetables, you can have desserts(餐后甜食).” These methods work for a while but can possibly lead them to disliking vegetables more. Giving your children new varieties(多样性) which will help her or him develop a taste for trying new things.
Sometimes the simple things just don’t work. We have to start becoming a little creative when it comes to make our children eat these vegetables. By doing this in the beginning when they are small, it will hopefully help them learn to love vegetables.
Think of creative ways to make children eat vegetables. For example, cut up vegetables like carrots, tomatoes, and assemble (集合) a creative way on a plate for an afternoon snack. Or try using cheese sauce either by dipping(浸)vegetables or by putting the cheese right on top of the uncooked vegetables.
If you prefer, you can also add a teaspoon of sugar on top of cooked green beans and peas to give them a little sweeter taste. Doing this shouldn’t lead to a sweet tooth as long as you only give them a small amount.
If you have a child that refuses to eat vegetables, some of these suggestions I’ve listed will help to turn that around. In the end, you’re not just getting them to eat vegetables, you are helping them to live a healthier lifestyle.
76. How many kinds of vegetables does a child need every day? ______________________
77. What is a simple way to let the children eat vegetables? ____________________________
78. What’s the advantage of thinking of creative ways when it comes to make children eat vegetables? _______________________________
79. Which will children usually prefer, vegetables or desserts? ______________________
80. What is this article mianly talking about? __________________________________
八、书面表达 (共20分)
1. 自我介绍: 性格开朗,英语流利;
2. 应聘目的: 提高能力,帮助同学;
3. 应聘优势: 你曾经 ……
4. 当选后最想开展的一项活动及理由 ……
注意:1. 演讲稿须包括所给内容要点,要求语句通顺、意思连贯;
2. 第3、4要点的内容共用4至5句话展开合理想象,做适当发挥;
3. 词数90左右,演讲稿的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。
4. 生词:fluently 流利地  adv.
Hello, everyone,
     First of all, thank you for giving me the chance to speak here.______________________
That’s all. Thank you!



1--5 ABACC  6---10 DBDBD  11--15 DACBD
16--20 BACBD  21---25 ADABA  26---30 CDABC
31--35 CABCB  36--40 BDCAB  41--45 CCBBA
46. seldom    47. kitchen     48. pollution   49. below      50. July
51. valuable   52. themselves   53. truly     54. disappear    55. humans
56. will punish    57. was listening  58. rode    59. have had   60. travels
61. doesn‘t carry  62. too to   63. Which car  64. took him  65. was for
66. expensive  67. shopping  68. decided   69. colour  70. hungry  
71. returned   72. heard     73. address   74. back    75. gifts
76. Two or three.
77. Eating them ourselves./The parents should eat the vegetables themselves.
78. It will hopefully help them learn to love vegetables.
79. Desserts.
80. How to make children eat vegetables.
八、书面表达 (共20分)
    One possible version:
Hello, everyone,
     First of all, thank you for giving me the chance to speak here. Now please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Li Hua. I am outgoing. I am good at English and I can speak English fluently. I would like to be the chairperson of the English Club in order to improve my abilities and help my classmates. I took part in the English writing competition when I was in Grade 7 and I won the first prize. If I am chosen to be the chairperson, I will hold an English corner. And more students can take part in it and practice their English.                                                               
That’s all. Thank you!

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