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[高中三年级] 山西省2013-2014学年高三英语第四次四校联考试卷及答案网页版_中学试卷



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山西省忻州一中  长治二中  临汾一中  康杰中学2013-2014学年高三第四次四校联考英语试题A卷
命题:忻州一中  长治二中  临汾一中  康杰中学
本试卷分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,共10页。第Ⅰ卷为选择题, 共100分;第Ⅱ卷为非选择题,共50分。全卷共150分,考试时间为120分钟。

[color=]第  Ⅰ  卷 (选择题,共100分)
听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话仅读一遍。
1. What does the woman think of the examination paper ?
A. Difficult.        B. Easy.        C. Proper.
2. Where does the woman prefer to live?
A. In the city.        B. In foreign countries.  C. In the country.
3. What does the man buy?
A. Some bottles of milk.        B. Some bottles of vitamins.
C. Some bottles of wine.       
4. What can we learn from the conversation?
A. The woman doesn’t like pear juice.        B. The man broke the juice bottle.
C. The man will buy some pear juice.
5. What is the woman?
A. Journalist.        B. A film maker.        C. An actress.
6. What is the man doing?
A. Reading newspaper.        B. Writing for newspaper.
C. Looking for stories from the newspaper.
7. What kind of book does the girl want the man to read?
A. A book about business.        B. A book about animals.       
C. A book about cookies.
8. When does the conversation probably take place?
A. In the evening.        B. In the afternoon.        C. In the morning.
9. Where does the conversation probably take place?
A. In the office.                B. In the woman’s house.
C. In the man’s house.       
10. What is the probably relationship between the speakers?
A. Couples.        B. Strangers.        C. Neighbours.
11. What is Bob probably expected to do?
A. Turn off the radio and go to bed.        B. Continue to listen to the music.
C. Have a chat with the woman.
12. What will the speakers do this weekend?
A. Stay at home.        B. Visit the man’s parents   C. Go shopping.
13. Why doesn’t the woman get well along with her mother-in-law?
A. Her mother-in-law is too strict with her.
B. Her mother-in-law doesn’t like her.
C. They have different views of the world.
14. What is the woman’s attitude now?
A. She will give in.         B. She won’t see her mother-in-law any more.
C. She will give up getting along with her mother-in-law.
15. How does the woman help the man?
A. Lend him her computer.        B. Let the man borrow her book.
C. Lend him some money.
16. Why does the man want to go to the cinema?
A. Because he is free this afternoon.       
B. Because there is an interesting film on.       
C. Because the ticket is cheap.
17. What does the woman think about the film?
A. It’s an old movie.        B. It’s too terrible for her.       
C. It’s as boring as her homework.
18. What are the listeners?
A. Patients.        B. Doctors.        C. Nurses.
19. Which is not allowed in the ward?
A. Drinking soft drink.  B. Visiting patient.  C. Smoking.
20. Where can the listeners find the radio switch?
A. On the bed.        B. On the wall        C. On the desk.


What is a six-letter word that immediately comes to mind when you need some information on the Internet? You probably thought of Google. But Google wasn’t always the name of the famous search engine. In fact, the original name was BackRub!
BackRub was the name two graduate students gave to the new search engine they developed in 1996. They called it BackRub because the engine used backlinks to measure the popularity of Web sites. Later, they wanted a better name — a name that suggests huge quantities of data. They thought of the word googol. (A googol is a number followed by 100 zeros.) When they checked the Internet registry of names to see if googol was already taken, one of the students misspelled the word by mistake, and that’s how Google was born.
Google is just one example of a name change in the business world. Many other companies have decided to change their names or the names of their products. Here are some more examples:
Jerry Yang and David Filo, two young computer specialists, developed a guide to Internet content in 1994. They called it “Jerry and David’s Guide to World Wide Web.” But they soon realized that this wasn’t a very catchy name, so they searched through a dictionary and found a better one: “Yahoo.”
Sometimes companies change their names because of the popularity of one of their products. In 1962, a young runner named Phil Knight started a company called Blue Ribbon Sports. In 1971, Knight decided to design and manufacture his own brand of shoes. He named the shoes after the Greek goddess of victory — Nike. Nike shoes became so well known that Knight changed the name of the whole company to Nike.
21. According to the text, Google        .
A. has been famous since 1996        B. is a result of a spelling mistake  
C. means a number followed by 100 zeros
D. is the original name of the search engine
22. Jerry and David changed the guide’s name to Yahoo because the original name        .
A. had been registered        B. had been forgotten   
C. was not attractive        D. was too short
23. The company Nike got its name from        .
A. its founders                B. its customers     
C. its popular products        D. its advanced techniques
24. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A. The name changes        B. The history of Google
C. How to choose a name?        D. Why are names important?

In our world today, the media and entertainment industries are constantly focusing on beauty over brains. Movies, television shows, commercials, and magazines all make use of models and actors whose physical attributes(特性) will sell their product.
As our country is trying to reduce the obesity numbers, eating disorder statistics continue to increase due to the push for thinner people. While obesity is a serious medical condition that can lead to many health problems, many of us try to lose weight for appearance purposes. Children as young as elementary school age have begun to worry about the numbers that appear on the scale. In my opinion, it seems that “fat” has become the new“ugly”.
Two weeks ago, 37-year-old Wisconsin television reporter Livingston, who is 235 pounds, received an email from a man named Krause. In the email Krause attacked her, writing,“Your physical condition hasn’t improved for many years. Surely you don’t consider yourself a suitable example for this community’s young people, girls in particular.”
Today, it seems that a vast majority of people care more about how they look and appear to their peers rather than what is inside. The truth is that every person is built differently; we all come in different shapes and sizes. Just because someone is heavier, that doesn’t mean they eat large amounts of junk food around the day. Likewise, even though a person is thin, that doesn’t mean they are necessarily healthy and fit.
If you are reading this and you struggle with your weight or your appearance, please recognize that you are beautiful and special in your own way. You are worth so much more than you realize, and even if I don’t know you] understand that I respect and support you. Beauty is not defined by size; it is defined by how we treat others and respect ourselves. In the words of the talented film actress Kirstie Alley, “There’s a lot more to life than how fat or thin you are.”
25. With so many people losing weight, it will end in        .
A. models’ and actors’ appearance in ads
B. the fall of media and entertainment industries
C. more and more people becoming obesity
D. more people’s suffering from eating disorder
26. The underlined phrase “the numbers that appear on the scale” in the second paragraph may mean        .
A. intelligence        B. weight        C. patience        D. strength
27. The writer used the example of Jennifer Livingston to show        .
A. people think “fat” looks ugly        B. fat people are becoming cleverer
C. physical condition is good        D. young people never follow example
28. What Kirstie Alley said means         .
A. people should pay attention to the appearance
B. there is no need for any people to go on diet
C. people are beautiful when they concern others
D. there’s always someone who understands and supports you

Shirley Temple, who died on February 10, 2014, was that rare example of a Hollywood child star who, when the cameras stopped rolling, carved out a new career.
For four years, she was Hollywood’s biggest box-office star representing the kind of sweet, innocent girl that everyone wanted as their daughter. However, years later, she reappeared as a successful politician.
Shirley Temple was born in Santa Monica, California on 23 April 1928. Encouraged by her mother, she learned to dance while she was just three.
In 1934, Stand Up and Cheer became her first film and the film was a great success. At the age of six she was earning $1,250 a week — more than $21,000 at today’s values.
Across the world, audiences flocked to see her in films such as Little Miss Marker, The Little Colonel and The Littlest Rebel.
In 1935 she was awarded a special Oscar (Academy Award) and her foot and hand prints were added to those of stars such as Jean Harlow and Mary Pickford outside Grauman’s Chinese theatre in Hollywood. The peak of her film career came in 1939 when The Little Princess became a box-office success.
Temple starred in a total of 43 feature films. But she found it difficult to maintain her film career in adulthood and retired from Hollywood in 1950.
She disappeared from the spotlight for nearly 20 years. She returned to the public eye in 1967, as a Republican candidate for Congress. When Nixon became president, he rewarded her with an appointment to the American delegation to the United Nations. Then, in 1974, President Ford appointed her the United States Ambassador(大使) to Ghana. George Bush Snr, appointed her Ambassador to Czechoslovakia.
Shirley Temple drew a line between her childhood stardom and her later political career. “Some people are stuck on this image of the little girl,” she once said. “She is not me. We shouldn’t live in the past; my life is now.” Nevertheless, for many across the world, the name Shirley Temple always called to mind a superstar child.
29. Shirley Temple died at the age of _____.
A. 75             B. 80            C. 86           D. 90
30. What happened to Shirley Temple when she was 7 years old?
A. She won a special Oscar.           B. She began to learn to dance.
C. She appeared in her first film.       D. She retired from Hollywood.
31. Which of the following represents the peak of Shirley Temple’s film career?
A. Stand Up and Cheer.              B. Little Miss Marker.
C. The Little Colonel.                D. The Little Princess.
32. We can infer that _____.
A. the films in which Shirley Temple starred in adulthood were not popular
B. Jean Harlow and Mary Pickford appeared in the same film with Temple
C. Shirley Temple succeeded in being elected as Congresswoman in 1967
D. Shirley Temple was the youngest person to receive an Academy Award

The Isle of Wight, off the south coast of England, is the best place in Europe for discovering dinosaur bones. Dinosaur Farm Museum was established in 1993. Since then, the museum has introduced the study of old bones to many more people.
What we offer
Visitors can enjoy our displays, or watch us cleaning dinosaur bones and other fossils found on the island’s beaches.
The museum has a variety of different fossils, many of them never displayed to the public before. As more are discovered all the time, you can be sure of seeing something new each time you visit.
We have a free Fossil Identification Service, so you can bring in any fossils you have and find out what they are. In addition, we have a reasonably-priced Museum Shop, where you can buy a souvenir of your visit. You could also bring a picnic and relax in our special picnic area.
Fossil hunts are organized from the museum and run all year round. Groups of up to 25 are guided on a local beach where they can search for fossils. All these hunts are fully licensed and insured, and guides can help to identify any fossils found and point out things of interest.
Due to the popularity of these hunts, all trips must be booked by a personal visit to Dinosaur Farm Museum.
Did you know…?
The BBC programme “Live from Dinosaur Island” was filmed along the coast here, and Dinosaur Farm Museum was the base for the television crew.
Find out more
Check out our website at www.isleofwight/dinosaurfarm to learn in detail how we dig for dinosaurs. You can also read about the many different kinds of dinosaurs which lived in this area, which was connected to Europe 120 million years ago.
33. Why are there always new fossils to see at the museum?
A. New fossils are discovered constantly.
B. People keep donating fossils to the museum.
C. Only a few of the fossils are displayed each day.
D. The museum exchanges fossils with other museums.
34. Which of the following is free of charge at the museum?
A. Food for a picnic.                  B. Attending fossil hunts.
C. Having fossils identified.            D. A souvenir of the museum.
35. One can book a fossil hunt _____.
A. through a BBC programme          B. through the museum’s website
C. by making a call to the museum      D. by visiting the museum personally
第二节: (共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)
A few things to do during weekends
to improve your life
Weekend at last! Something you’re so looking forward to after a tiring week at work. Here are several tips on how to make the most of your weekends.
Spend time with loved ones. Reconnect with family members or friends you neglected(疏忽) lately. Don’t do it out of guilt or because you have to. Do it because you want to. Reach out to them to see how they are doing.   36   Return their calls if you were busy when they last tried to reach you. Talk to them. Listen to them. Be there for them.
  37   Stay away from TV, iPad, iPhone and any other electronic devices. Unplug! Your brain needs to clear up from all the stress you’ve put on yourself during the week. Why not read a book instead? A paper one. Seriously, when was the last time you did that?
Laugh, laugh and laugh again. You can never have enough of it. Laugh is the best medicine ever.   38   For example, it helps you manage stress, strengthen your immune system and you are 40 percent less likely to suffer a heart attack.
Express appreciation.  39     Be grateful for your family, friends, health, the food you put on the table] the clothes you wear and the air that you breathe.
There you are. Doing a few things during weekends will have a positive long-term effect on your life.    40   .
A. Apply the “no technology” rule.
B. Pause and pay attention to your thoughts.
C. Friendship is the best source of happiness.
D. Don’t call them only when you need them.
E. Put them into practice and you’ll beat the Monday Blues.
F. It benefits your mental and physical health in so many ways.
G. This is something you should be doing every day, not only on weekends.


I can never wipe off the memory that I met my current stepmom for the first time. After I parted with my father for ages, I moved to America and was   41  with him. In the beginning, she made sure to let me know that I was welcome in her  42  . I remember when I first saw her at the  43  . It was different, but not  44  . Over the past years there is   45   I needed that she did not provide. I’m the young woman I’m today because she made sure to   46   me properly. Yesterday I went to see her for Mother’s Day. When I gave her  47  , she held my face in both of her hands and kissed me straight on the mouth   48   I had the flu.
Her simple act of affection   49   me back to my first night in America. After I was   50   up from the airport we went home and she   51   my luggage and took me shopping for new clothes since the ones I had brought with me from Africa were a bit  52  . That night before I went to bed, she came to my room, the first room I had ever had for my own. She told me she was   53   to have me and that she would take good care of me. Before she   54   she asked me for a hug. That was my   55   first hug and I was 11 years old at that time.
I’m 23 years old now and I have received many   56   over the past years, but none has given me a greater   57   or deeper impression. I regarded her as my   58   mother because my new life began when I came to   59   with her. Today I say to my mother, Mrs. Sherrill Kirundi, thank you] mom. Thank you for your giving me my   60   childhood back.
41. A. connected        B. reunited        C. associated        D. attached
42. A. life        B. mind        C. bedroom        D. office
43. A. shop        B. railway station        C. airport        D. bus-stop
44. A. strange        B. easy        C. unforgettable        D. uncomfortable
45. A. something        B. anything        C. nothing        D. everything
46. A. approach        B. raise        C. criticize        D. value
47. A. gifts        B. keys        C. money        D. dresses
48. A. so that        B. in case        C. as though        D. even though
49. A. paid        B. took        C. talked        D. companied
50. A. brought        B. looked        C. picked        D. called
51. A. grasped        B. unpacked        C. mended        D. added
52. A. more        B. newer        C. cheaper        D. worn
53. A. glad        B. hard        C. unlucky        D. anxious
54. A. died        B. awaked        C. left        D. entered
55. A. very        B. quite        C. ever        D. just
56. A. letters        B. offers        C. hugs        D. presents
57. A. success        B. advance        C. future        D. excitement
58. A. step        B. second        C. hope        D. birth
59. A. discuss        B. stay        C. share        D. work
60. A. last        B. happy        C. sad        D. real


[color=]第  Ⅱ  卷
第二节(共10小题, 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
Julie enjoyed reading when young. She grew up in    61    key middle school in her city,    62    her parents both taught Chinese. That meant she was surrounded by either teachers who were busy teaching or students who    63     (devote) to their studies. So she developed her love of    64    .
Her interest    65    reading also benefited from the fact that    66    parents only let her watch half an hour of TV a day. She learned to use her mind and imagination to entertain    67   . It’s not really    68   (surprise) that reading became her vocation. When not reading she enjoyed watching films, walking and relaxing with her friends. Reading brought her much    69   (please) and she never wanted to stop learning. Not only did reading enrich her knowledge    70    it improved her learning scores.
删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。
2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
Dear Tom,
I am delighted that you have passed the exam successful. What you have gained are the result of your hard work. How time flies! It’s two years before you came to study Chinese in Beijing. In the passed two years, you have helped us a lot, without that we couldn’t have made great progress in English.
Before you leave, many classmate and I intend to hold a farewell party for you] hope that you can remember the wonderful time we spent together. By the way, the party will be held on this Saturday evening in my house. We can take the No.1 bus at the hotel gate and get off bus at the Booking Building. I will be there meeting you.
We’re looking forward to your coming.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
第二节  书面表达(满分25分)
假如你是成都七中的学生叶子,你的网友Peter听说美国第一夫人米歇尔(Michelle Obama)访问了你的学校,他想了解当时的情况。请按照以下要点给Peter回一封邮件。
1. 具体情况:1)发表演讲并与学生互动;2)与40名学生上了一堂英语课;
2. 发表自己的感想。
注意:1.词数100左右;     2.可以适当增减细节,以使行文连贯;
      3.开头语已为你写好; 4. 参考词汇:太极------ Tai Chi
Dear Peter,
In the last letter, you’d like to know something about Mrs. Obama’s visit in our school.                                               
Yours sincerely,
Ye Zi




























































































































第二节(共10小题, 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
61. a     62. where     63. were devoted     64. reading      65. in
66. her     67.herself      68. surprising  69. pleasure  70. but (also)
Dear Tom,
I am delighted that you have passed the exam successful. What you have                            successfully                                                     
gained are the result of your hard work. How time flies! It’s two years before you
      is                                                  since
came to study Chinese in Beijing. In the passed two years, you have helped us a lot, past
without that we couldn’t make great progress in English.
Before you leave, many classmate and I intend to hold a farewell party for classmates
you] hope that you can remember the wonderful time we spent together. By the hoping
way, the party will be held on this Saturday evening in my house. We can take the You  
No.1 bus at the hotel gate and get off∧bus at the Booking Building. I will be there                   the
meeting you.
   We’re looking forward to your coming.
Yours sincerely,
                                        Li Hua
Dear Peter,
In the last letter, you’d like to know something about Mrs. Obama’s visit in our school. Now, I am writing to share some information and my feelings with you.
Mrs. Obama began her visit by giving us a speech, during which she told her own stories, highlighted the importance of education and interacted with us. Then /Afterwards, she participated in an English class with 40 students and had a lively discussion on varieties of topics including how students can deal with competition and failure, the value of studying abroad. What impressed me most is that she observed and actively participated in a Tai Chi class.
Although the First Lady did not spend a long time here, her visit really impressed me and made me know more about American education and culture. I sincerely hope that our school can organize more cultural exchange activities like this to broaden our horizons and enrich our lives.
                                             Yours sincerely,
Ye Zi

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