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[高中三年级] 2014年5月江西省抚州五校高三英语联考试卷及答案网页版_中学试卷



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命题学校: 金溪一中  崇仁一中
第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共115分)
[color=]第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)
1. What is the weather like now?
A. Cloudy.                                     B. Rainy.                                            C. Sunny.
2. When did the woman make a speech?
A. This morning.                   B. The day before yesterday.                C. Yesterday.
3. What sports does the woman like better?
A. Golf.                                         B. Tennis.                                                C. Don’t know.
4. How much money does the man need to pay for the stamps to post the package?
A. $5.45                                         B. $1.00                                                        C. $0.95
5. How many pills will the boy take a day?
A. 2 pills.                                         B. 9 pills.                                                C. 4 pills.
6. Where are the speakers probably talking?
A. In an office.                                B. In a shop.                                        C. At Peter’s home.
7. What volunteer job will the man do?
A. Write stories for children.                        B. Take care of children.               
C. Give lessons to children.
8. What’s the relationship between the speakers?
A. A woman and her son.                                B. A woman and her husband.       
C. A customer and a shop assistant.
9. Which handbag will the woman take?
A. The blue one.                        B. The cheaper one.                        C. The more expensive one.
10. What is the woman’s address?
A. 565 Sunny Street.                B. 556 Sunny Street.                        C. 656 Sunny Street.
11. Why didn’t the woman enjoy herself?
A. She couldn’t enter the park.                        B. She couldn’t see the fireworks clearly.
C. She couldn’t find her friends.
12. When did the woman get to the park?
A. At 8:00 p.m.                                B. At 8:10 p.m.                                C. At 7:50 p.m.
13. How did the man manage to get a good view?
A. He and his friends got there early.                B. He and his friends climbed up a hill.
C. He and his friends had a picnic together.
14. What did the man do for going home?
A. He got on a bus as soon as he could.                B. He pushed his way home at midnight.
C. He waited for a while and took an extra bus.
15. Which of the following is true?
A. The woman passed the written test.                B. The woman hit a person.
C. The man drove very slowly.
16. What is the result?
A. The man passed the test.                                        B. The woman failed the test.          
C. Either is pleased.
17. What’s the man’s attitude towards the woman at last?
A. Patient.                                B. Serious.                                C. Boring.
18. Why do some people use drug?
A. To kill pains.                        B. To feel good.                        C. To change themselves.
19. According to the passage, what is the best way to stop friends from using drugs?
A. To help solve their psychological problems.
B. To play games with them.                                               
C. To send them to the hospital.
20. What are the findings of the studies about heavy drug users?
A. They need care and affection.                               
B. They make round-the-world trips.
C. They are mostly from broken families.

笫一节 单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)
21. Color shapes our view of ______ world and it may have ______far more influence on our lives than many of us realize.
A. a; a                     B. the; /                            C. the; the                    D. the; a
22. --- Why didn’t you pay the accommodation rent?
--- The rent? __________
A. It all depends.        B. It’s up to you.       
C. You are crazy!        D. That isn’t due yet.
23. The news that China is _________ its family planning policy has caused a heated discussion in China, and the new policy will _________ about 15 to 20 million people, only half of whom are actually willing to have a second child.
A. relaxing; apply to            B. loosening; adjust to  
C. arguing; refer to             D. delivering; adapt to
24. I’m afraid I’m not ________ to help with the talent show, for I am fully occupied with my own project.
A. reliable        B. convenient       C.available          D.accessible
25. Quietness seems impossible ________everyone takes their seats and begins to write.
A. until           B. after           C. for               D. once
26.What the separatists did on Mar.1st in Kunming was extremely violent, _____ will only
add to the importance the country attaches to the unity of all ethnic groups.
A. when             B. why               C. what             D. which
27.—Have you watched the movie Gravity
        —Yes, I _____ it with my sister.
A. have watched              B. watched      
C. have been watching         D. watch
28.The mobile phone has become a major means of communication , ______ us to keep in touch as well as to surf the Internet to keep us ____ of the latest news.
A. to permit ; to inform                             B. permitted ; informing
C. permitting ; informed                             D. being permitted ; being informed
29.I do hope that the road sign I have placed at the crossroads will be helpful to _____ feels confused or gets lost there.
        A. no matter whom                      B. no matter who
        C. whomever                           D. whoever
30.Under no circumstances in the last three months______ for leave because of personal affairs.
A. did she ask       B. she asked        C. has she asked       D. she has asked
31.Everyone thinks John _____ the money from Mary’s drawer, since he is always honest.
A. shouldn’t have taken              B. couldn‘t take
C. mustn’t have taken                       D. couldn’t have taken
32.The cost of organic food is higher than _____ of conventional food because the organic
price tag reflects more closely the true cost of growing the food.
A. it          B. one              C. that             D. this
33. I don’t remember how many years ago ____ I last showed you around the old campus.
A. it was that        B. was it that        C. it was which        D. was it when
34. It is hoped that the education reform in English Exam to the College_____ in Hunan Province next year will bring the ____ result to students.
A. carried out, desiring                B. carrying out, desired
C. to be carried out, desired                D. being carried out, desiring
35. Mary enjoys home- made food, so she seldom, ______ , eats out.
A. if never       B. if any                 C. if ever                      D. if not
Tears clouded my eyes as I stood in our washing room, holding Brett‘s jeans and shirt full of burn holes;
Tired and defeated, I    36    to the floor.The clothes were just one more thing Brett had   37  .He often got almost everything in the house out of   38  . Many windows in our house needed repairing due to his breaking   39   to steal money when he chose to live on the street.Yet none of this could compare to the emotional    40  Brett had done to our once quiet home.
Brett came to live with us when he was 12 years old.During the next few years I had dealt with Brett as  41   as possible, but inside I was shouting.“I don‘t want him in my house another day, Lord! I just can‘t _ 42_ him”!Having wiped my tears, I continued   43   him as before.
When Brett was nearly 18, he landed again in Juvenile Hall(少管所).After that, my husband and I had to send Brett to a boarding school for helping  44    teens. At the   45    ceremony, each graduate held a white rose to give to the person who had    46  the most to him or her.Brett spoke  47   to his parents and then spoke to me, “You did so much.You were always there, no matter   48   .My mom and dad, I was their kid.But you]   49    troubled enough by me, always _ 50_ me such love.And I want you to know I love you for it.”   51   .I stood as Brett placed the white rose in my hand and hugged me   52   .
At that moment, tears   53   in my eyes again, this time not for disappointment but for   54   .Although I had struggled with silent  55   toward my stepson, Brett had seen only my actions.Love is action.We may not always have positive feelings about certain people in our lives, but we can love them.
36.A.stuck                B.bent                   C.sank                   D.dropped
37.A.broken              B.lost                      C.torn                     D.  ruined
38.A.danger               B.order                             C.trouble                     D.date
39.A.off                         B.in                                C.up                     D.away
40.A.pain                 B.damage                  C.  injury                                 D.ache
41.A.patiently             B.willingly                C.strictly                 D.rudely
42.A.stand                      B.educate                  C.forgive                  D.control
43.A.parenting            B.blaming                         C.comforting              D.feeding
44.A.lazy                 B.disappointing                 C.troublesome             D.careless
45.A.opening              B.official                  C.victory                  D.graduation
46.A.meant                        B.supplied                        C.afforded                D.changed
47.A.  proudly               B.sadly                    C.lovingly                      D.nervously
48.A.where                      B.how                         C.what                  D.who
49.A.unless                    B.although                        C.because                            D.when
50.A.cost                        B.lent                                C.taught                            D.showed
51.A.Encouraged                 B.Puzzled                            C.Astonished                    D.Interested
52.A.surely                    B.roughly                            C.tightly                            D.fiercely
53.A.  gathered             B.flowed                            C.moved                            D.fell
54.A.pity                        B.happiness                        C.luck                       D.success
55.A.love                        B.anxiety                            C.care                       D.anger

[color=]第三部分  阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2份,满分40分)
When you put down your pens at the end of the college entrance exam, 12 hard years of study will have come to an end. Forget your studies for a while. It‘s time to enjoy yourselves!
There are many ways to celebrate this special month of graduation. You can have photos taken with your classmates and teachers, or dine out together and exchange gifts.
High school students in Western countries such as the United States and Canada usually have a prom to mark their graduation. It’s to mark the time kids turn into young men and women. After the prom, teenagers either go to college or find a job. It means they are no longer as dependent on their parents as they were before.
    At the prom, boys usually dress in dinner jackets and bow ties, though many different types of formal clothes are worn. Traditionally, girls give boys matching boutonnieres (a small collection of flowers they pin to their jackets). Girls traditionally wear formal dresses, or dress to shock or be noticed, in shiny or brightly colored materials.
Common prom activities include dining, dancing, the crowning (加冠) of a prom king and queen, and just talking to friends. In some cases, high school students collect funds for their class prom through the four years of their high school.
High schools in or near large cities may rent ballrooms at expensive hotels or, to be unusual, on a pleasure cruise boat.
But often costs are cut by simply using the school gym. Students make a lot of effort to decorate the gym to make the event special. The music played at the prom will be the most popular kinds, like rock and hip-hop.
The students elect the Prom Queen. She is partnered with a Prom King who is elected similarly. These are great honors that the pair take very seriously. The two dance with each other to celebrate their election.
Sometimes teachers and parents also go to the prom. But others like to go with friends, to whom they are soon going to be saying goodbye.
        If you like the idea of a prom, why don‘t you and your classmates organize one for your
56.Which of the following is an economical way to hold the prom?
A. Renting a ballroom.                             B. Holding it in the school gym.
C. Taking a cruise boat.                            D. Wearing formal dresses.
57.Which of the following clearly indicates that prom is very important to students?
A. They take pictures at the prom.   
B. They wear formal clothes or special clothes.
        C. Music is played at the prom.      
D. Teachers and parents attend it.
58.Why do some students attend the prom with their friends?
A. They will part with their friends in a short time.
B. They don’t like to be accompanied by their parents.
C. They don’t want to depend on their parents.
D. They want to be elected by their friends as the Prom King or Queen.
59.What does the word “prom” probably mean in the passage?
A. A dancing competition.                          B. A fashion show.       
C. A party held to celebrate graduation.              D. An election.
60. What is the writer’s purpose to write this passage?
A. To tell an interesting experience of high school students.
B. To tell how the western students spend the last days of high school.
C. To introduce serval ways of western students’ killing time.
D. To tell how western high school students usually celebrate graduation.

Flying over a desert area in an airplane, two scientists looked down with trained eyes at trees and bushes. After an hour‘s flight one of the scientists wrote in his book, “Look here for probable metal”. Scientists in another airplane, flying over a mountain region, sent a message to other scientists on the ground, “Gold possible.” Walking across hilly ground, four scientists reported, “This ground should be searched for metals.‘’From an airplane over a hilly wasteland a scientist sent back by radio one word, “Uranium”.
None of the scientists had X-ray eyes: they had no magic powers for looking down below the earth‘s surface. They were merely putting to use one of the newest methods of location minerals in the ground---using trees and plants as signs that certain minerals may lie beneath the ground on which the trees and plants are growing.
This newest method of searching for minerals is based on the fact that minerals deep in the earth may affect the kind of bushes and trees that grow on the surface.
At Watson Bar Creek, a brook six thousand feet high in the mountains of British Columbia, Canada, a mineral search group gathered bags of tree seeds. Boxes were filled with small branches from trees. Roots were dug and put into boxes. Each bag and box was carefully marked. In a scientific laboratory the parts of the forest trees were burned to ashes and tested .Each small part was examined to learn whether there were minerals in it.
Study of the roots, branches, and seeds showed no silver. But there were small amounts of gold in the roots and a little less gold in the branches and seeds. The seeds growing nearest to the tree trunk had more gold than those growing on the ends of the branches.
If the trees had not indicated that there was gold in the ground, the scientists would not have spent money to pay for digging into the deeper. They did dig and found more gold below. They dug deeper. They found large quantities of gold.
61. Scientists were flying over a desert or hilly wasteland or a mountain region in order to search for _____ in the ground.
A. gold          B. minerals       C. silver        D. metals     
62.The study of trees, branches and roots indicates that_______.
A. there were larger amounts of gold in the branches than in the seeds.
B. there were larger amounts of gold in the seeds growing nearest to the tree trunk than seeds growing on the ends of branches.
C. there were more gold in the branches than in the roots
D. were small amounts of gold in the roots than in the branches
63. Which is the best title?
A. Scientists searching for metals with special power.
B. Gold could be found by trees and plants.
C. A new method of searching for minerals--using trees and plants.
D. New methods of searching for minerals.
64. Which of the following is not mentioned as part of a tree that can help find minerals?   
A. leaves         B. branches         C. roots         D. seeds
65. The scientists were searching for minerals by using ______.
A. X-ray         B. trained eyes       C. magic power   D. a special instrument  

Picture a wasteland of old computer monitors(显示屏) and TVs, stretching as far as the eye can see. Imagine towers of boxes, all of them filled with broken glass and discarded (废弃的) electronic devices. Technology graveyards like this can be found in communities across the country.
Experts say that landfills(废物填埋地) and warehouses will overflow unless a plan for the disposal (清理)and reuse of electronics is put into place . “We can’t put electronics and glass aside and tell ourselves we’ll deal with them later ,” Lauren Roman , managing director of Transparent Planet said. Roman’s group works to improve the disposal of electronic waste. She says about 660 million pounds of tech-trash is produced each year in the U.S.
What’s behind the tech trash pile-up ?About ten years ago ,major advances were made in computer and television technology . Manufacturers began producing devices like flat –paneled LCDs and plasma(等离子) screen monitors. These new products provide a clearer image and take up less space than older models. It goes without saying that consumers choose them rather than heavy glass-based technologies.
The new electronics are built with materials that are difficult to recycle. In addition, the new products have decreased the demand for recycled parts from the older monitors and screens. Older, heavier computer monitors and TVs used glass-based components called CRTs.
CRTs have a high lead content and can be environmentally hazardous if not recycled properly . If crushed and put in landfills, the lead from CUTs could seep into groundwater and rivers, harming the water supply. For many years, plants and recycling programs safely processed CRTs. The recycled CRTs were reused in the construction of new monitors.
Monitors being made today do not use glass tubes . “People are returning old –style TVs with CRTs , but no new ones are being made ,” said Linnell. This is creating an imbalance in the amount of glass being disposed of and recycled properly. Many recycling companies have shut down. Others no longer have the resources or space to process these materials. This results in stockpiling.
However , experts say there are ways to safely and responsibly address the tech-trash problem.
66.What is the main idea of the passage?
A. New technology causes trouble for recyclers.
B. Experts are trying to solve the tech-trash problem.
C. New technology has both advantages and disadvantages.
D. CRTs from old computer monitors and TVs harm the earth.
67.What Lauren Roman says in Paragraph 2 shows that               .
A. people attach great importance to electronic waste
B. he has found a new way on how to dispose electronic waste
C. figuring out how to deal with electronic waste is urgent
D. more landfills are needed for storing electronics and glass
68.We learn from Paragraph 3 that flat-paneled plasmas and LEDs             .
A. produce wastes which are less harmful
B. are using heavy , grass-based technologies.
C. are very easy for recyclers to recycle for reuse
D. are putting heavy, glass-based technologies out of the market
69.What does the underlined word “hazardous” in Paragraph 5 most probably mean?
A. Risky.        B. Helpless.        C. Extreme.        D. Unnecessary.
70.What would the writer probably talk about next?
A. Some other problems related to technologies.
B. Some experts’ opinions on the tech-trash problem.
C. Some reasons why the tech-trash problem is hard to solve.
D. Some practicable ways to solve the tech-trash problem.

October 15, 1970 was declared International White Cane Safety Day (IWCSD)(国际盲人节) for the first time by the President of the International Federation of the Blind (IFB). This date was adopted at the first convention of the IFB, held in Colombo on October 4, 1969. The object of the exercise is to enable the general public to have a better understanding of blindness and visual handicap, and to make people more aware of the white cane as a mobility aid.
Peguillyd’Herbemont was born on 25th June 1888 into an old French noble family of the same name. In her youth she led the conventional and protected existence, lack of great activity, of a girl from a “good family”, an existence reminding of the life of the aristocracy (贵族) before the French Revolution. She never visited a public school, but was educated by German and English governesses and nuns. Her movements were restricted and were mainly confined to the family positions in Paris and Belgium, but she spent most of her time at the castle of Charmois not far from Verdun.
In the process of helping individual blind people across the road, Peguillyd’Herbemont was made aware by narrow scrapes (刮擦) which almost led to accidents of the dangerous situation of the visually impaired(受伤的) brought about by the steadily increasing traffic on the roads. She first spoke about measures to protect the blind against street hazards to her mother in 1930, but she was of the opinion that it was unfit for a lady of good society to create a public outcry and advised her to stick to the transcription of books, a popular pastime of ladies of rank at the time.
But the idea did not leave her. The urgent wish to encourage the integration (融合) of the blind into society by providing them with a means of moving about more freely without endangering others, and at the same time attracting the attention of passers-by ready to offer assistance, caused her to take the unusual step of writing to the editor of the Paris daily Echo de Paris in which she suggested issuing the blind of the Paris region with white sticks similar to those used by the traffic police.
The editor took up the idea, published it in November 1930 and saw to it that the relevant authorities acted with atypical(非典型的)speed. Thus it was that the white cane received official backing, and on 7th February 1931.
71. The underlined words “the exercise” here refer to _____.
A. the founding of the IFB                                        B. the first convention of the IFB
C. the convention of the IFB                                D. the declaration of IWCSD
72. Which of the following is true about Peguillyd’Herbemont?
A. She was taught German and English at a public school.
B. Though she could travel around Europe, she spent most time at Charmois.
C. She led a typical aristocrat life when she was young.
D. She worried about possible street hazards for the blind, witnessing many traffic accidents.
73. _____ gave her the white cane idea.
A. The accident she had when helping blind people across the road
B. Her concern about the dangerous situation for the blind caused by the increasing traffic
C. The scrapes she got when crossing the road
D. Her urgent wish to integrate into society together with the blind
74. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. It was common for people to write to newspapers to voice their opinion at the time.
B. Peguillyd’Herbemont’s mother didn’t want her to draw the public’s attention.
C. Peguillyd’s strong desire to help the blind made her not a looker-on but an advocate.
D. The editor contributed a lot to the declaration of International White Cane Safety Day.
75. This passage mainly wants to tell us _____.
A. Peguillyd’Herbemont’s achievements      
B. how to care for the blind
C. the function of the white cane  
D. how International White Cane Safety Day came into being

第Ⅱ卷(非选择题        满分35分)
第四部分        写作(共两节,满分35分)
第一节        阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
[1]When children go to camp, they are on their own, sometimes for the very first time in their lives. They have to decide what to wear, what to eat and which activities to participate in. As a result they develop confidence and independence.
[2]As self-respect develops from learning to be on their own, children continue to try new activities. Also it is possible that they will engage in what they are unfamiliar with. In school, children do not experience success in the same way. Camp can be a school without failure because just having fun makes them a success.
[3]One of the greatest benefits of a camp experience is that children develop social skills. In a camp setting, a good counselor will make sure that every camper is included in the activity and that each child interacts with the others in a positive way. They learn to give and take, and they learn how to work and cooperate. Something as simple as clean-up, is not only there to get the cabin clean, but to promote a team atmosphere of working together which in turn results in friendship.
[4]The obvious benefit of camp is that campers make long lasting friendships. These friendships can often be unique and special because campers are living with each other and see the true personalities. Chi1dren learn to see others from a different viewpoint. Children tend to be accepted for who they are and do not have to be concerned about what they wear, what they are good at and how they look. This is because in a camp setting, respect and caring finally win out over materialistic objectives.
[5]In a word, camp does give children fun, friends and fulfillment.
76. What is the passage mainly about? (No more than 10 words)
77. What word can replace the underlined phrase“on their own”in Paragraph 1 ?
(No more than one word)
78. According to Paragraph 2, what makes camping different from a school? (No more than 10 words)
79. What is the main idea of Paragraph 3? (No more than 10 words)
80.According to Paragraph 4, why can camping improve friendship? (No more than l5    words)         
第二节  书面表达(满分25分)
请以“One person I’m grateful to”为题,用英语写一篇100—120个词的短文,记述一个你认为值得感谢的人。要求如下:
1. 内容必须结合生活中的一个事例;
2. 简要说明值得感谢的原因或从中得到的启示;
3. 文中不得透漏个人信息。



1-5.AABBB    6-10.ABCBB   11-15.BCACA   16-20.BCBAA
21-25.DDACA  26-30.DBCDC  31-35.DCACC
36-40 CDBBB   41-45 AAACD  46-50  ACCBD  51-55  CCABD
56-60.BBACD   61-65.BBCAB  66-70.ACDAD   71-75.DCBAD
76. The benefits of camps to children./ Reasons for chlidren to go to camps.
77. independent
78. Camping/ Camp can be a school without failure.
79. Camping can help children develop social skills./ Children learn to develop social skills at camps./ Children can develop social skills by camping.
80. Because campers are living with each other and see the true personalities.
   Or: Because respect and caring finally win out over materialistic objectives.
One possible version:
We are supposed to be grateful to people who are always there with us because they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.
My English teacher is such a great soul, to whom I owe many thanks. During the previous study, my biggest flaw must come to carelessness, which worried me a lot. To make matters worse, I was too anxious to seek the fundamental reason for my failure. I just dedicated myself to huge amounts of practice, regardless of repeated mistakes. Fortunately, my teacher noticed it and offered to have a long talk with me. Having been persuaded to change my attitude, I finally got the right way to rid myself of carelessness and gained confidence as well.
I am grateful to my English teacher for all the support he has given me, which has made me stronger and a better person.


(Text 1)
W: See the clouds in the sky? Take an umbrella with you in case it rains.
M: But I’ve lost mine. Can I use yours?
W: Sure. Help yourself.
(Text 2)
M: Did you make the speech at the conference yesterday or the day before yesterday?
W: Well, actually, it was this morning.
(Text 3)
M: Say, what’s your favorite sport?
W: Hmm… That’s hard to say. I like golf a lot. But I guess I like tennis better.
M: Do you play much tennis?
W: Yes, quite a bit.
(Text 4)
M: Do I have enough postage on the package?
W: Let me see. You already have three fifteen-cent stamps and two twenty-five cent stamps on it. You only need one five-cent stamp.
(Text 5)
M: I have a stomachache and I feel a bit bad.
W: Well, Let me see, boy. Hmm. I’ll give you some pills. Take one big one and two small ones, three times a day.
(Text 6)
W: Good morning. Can I help you?
M: Good morning. I’d like to join the school volunteer project, but I’m not sure what I should do.
W: OK, don’t worry. Let me help you. What do you like doing?
M: I love writing stories.
W: Well, you must be good at telling stories. Am I right?
M: Yes, of course.
W: Then why not help us look after children on weekends?
M: That’s a good idea. I can tell them stories. I am sure children will love my stories and me.
W: I agree with you. Can you tell me your name and telephone number.
M: Oh, sorry. I nearly forgot. I am Peter Green. My telephone number is 59471823.
W: OK, I’ll can you when it is ready.
M: Thanks a lot.
(Text 7)
M: May I help you] madam?
W: Yes. I’m looking for a handbag for my mother-in-law. How much does the blue one cost, please?
M: That one is $45.60.
W: Oh, that’s too expensive.
M: Here’s a nice white one for $17.60. We sell a lot of these.
W: Yes, it is nice. I’ll take it.
M: Any thing else?
W: No, that’s all, thank you.
M: Cash or charge account?
W: Charge. I have an account here. But I don’t have my card with me.
M: That’s all right. Your name?
W: Mrs. Eva Black.
M: Your address?
W: 556 Sunny Street.
(Text 8)
M: How did you like the fireworks last night?
W: I really didn’t enjoy them too much. There was such a big crowd that we couldn’t get very close.
M: I thought you were going early.
W: We did, but even though we got there at ten to eight, the park was already filled with lots of people. It was so crowded that we had a hard time finding a place even to stand.
M: That’s too bad, because the fire show was really wonderful.
W: What did you do? How did you manage to get a good view?
M: We went early. We decided to have a picnic so we’d be sure to get there early enough to find a good place.
W: I guess that’s what I should do next First of May.
M: We found a place on top of some rocks where nobody could get in front of us.
W: What did you do about going home? I’ve never been pushed so much in my whole life!
M: Oh, we stayed around for an hour or so, but they ran extra buses until midnight, so we didn’t have any problem.
W: I think you were lucky.
M: It wasn’t lucky, it was good planning. You’ll have to come with us next year.
(Text 9)
M: Okay. Mrs. Smith. Let’s begin your road text. As I’m sure you are aware, you will not only be tested on your knowledge of the rules of the road, but on your behavior toward other drivers.
W: Okay, okay.
M: Whoa! Take it easy. The speed limit in this business district is only 25 miles an hour. All right. Now, turn right at the next corner … Wow! You forgot to signal too!
W: Gosh. I didn’t see the that one, and…
M: Oh, Mrs. Smith. Keep your eyes on the road!
W: Oh, yeah.
M: Okay. Now, pull over here and show me how well you park.
W: Sure. Wait. Hey, gun!
M: Ah. Forget it. Just keep driving. Now carefully, carefully turn right here, and wait, wait, wait. Stop! You almost hit that person. How in the world did you pass the written test anyway?
W: Oh, sorry about that. It won’t happen again.
M: Whoa! Get out! Get out! I’m driving back to the office.
W: Does this mean I didn’t pass the test?
M: Look, Mrs. Smith. Gould you do me a favor? When you come back to take the test again, plan on coming on Friday.
W: Again? Why? Is it less crowded that day?
M: No. It’s my day off.
(Text 10)
The first step to stop drug use is knowing why people start to use drugs. The reasons people use drugs are as different as people are from one to another. But there seems to be one common thread: people seem to take drugs to change the way they feel. They want to feel better or feel nothing. Sometimes, they want to forget or to remember. People often feel better about themselves when they are under the influence of drugs, but the effects don’t last long. Drugs don’t solve problems. They just postpone them. No matter how far drugs may take you] it’s always a round trip. After a while, people who miss drugs may feel worse about themselves, and they may use more drugs. If someone you know is using drugs, you can help. The most important part you can play is to be there. You can let your friends know that you care. You can listen and try to solve the problem behind your friend’s need to use drugs. Two people together can often solve a problem that seems too big for one person alone. Studies of heavy users in the United States show that they felt unlived and unwanted. They didn’t have close friends to talk to. When you or your friends take the time to care for each other, you’re all helping to stop drugs use. After all, what is a friend for?

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