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[初中三年级] 四川省峨眉山市2014年4月初三英语第二次调研考试试卷及答案网页版_中学试卷



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[color=]英语试卷         2014年4月
(考试时间120分钟,满分150分)        2014年4月



1. 答第一卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目填写在答题卡本应位置。
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3. 考试结束后,本试卷由考场统一收回集中管理不上交。

[color=]第一部分 听力(共三节,满分30分)

第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


第二节 (共5道小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
6. What are the two speakers talking about?
A. A house.                                        B. A garden.                                C. A shop.
7. Where does the woman come from?
A. England.                                        B. France.                                C. Australia.
8. At what time will the concert end?
A. 10:30.                                        B. 9:00.                                        C. 8:30.
9. What is the man?
A. A guard.                                        B. A policeman.                        C. A taxi driver.
10. Why do they have to stay home?
A. Because it’s raining hard.        B. Because the picnic is terrible.
C. Because the TV play is interesting.
11. What does the man want to buy?
A. A T-shirt.                                        B. A coat.                                        C. A pair of shoes.
12. What colour does the man like best?
A. Brown.                                        B. Red.                                        C. Blue.
13. How much will the man pay?
A.£30.                                        B.£39.                                        C.£69.
14. What does the man want to look at?
A. A French menu.                        B. A Japanese menu.                C. An English menu.
15. What do you know about the woman?
A. She is rude.                                B. She is busy.                                C. She is angry.
16. What’s the relationship of the two speakers?
A. Customer and assistant.                B. Husband and wife.                C. Friends.
17. Where will they go?
A. A town.                                        B. A city.                                        C. A school.
18. How will they go there?
A. By train.                                        B. By bus.                                C. On foot.
19. How long will it take them to get there?
A. Nearly 3 hours.                        B. 3 hours.                                C. More than 3 hours.
20. What can they do after lunch?
A. Go swimming.                          B. Go shopping.                   C. Go boating.


第一节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

21. ﹣Let’s play soccer.
﹣Good idea! Do you have __________ soccer ball?
A. a                                                B. an                                        C. 不填
22. My father has a great sports collection, __________ he plays sports every day.
A. or                                        B. but                                        C. and
23. ﹣When did the earthquake in Lushan happen?
﹣It happened __________ 8:02 __________ the morning of April 20, 2013.
A. on; in                                        B. at; on                                        C. at; in
24. ﹣How delicious the bread is!
﹣It must taste __________ with some jam in it.
A. good                                        B. well                                        C. better
25. ﹣What are you doing this weekend?
﹣We are going hiking if it ___________.
A. will rain                                B. doesn’t rain                                C. rains
26. ﹣Can I finish my homework tomorrow?
﹣__________. You must finish it today?
A. Yes, you can                        B. No, you can’t                        C. No, you needn’t
27. ﹣What do you think of the digital camera?
﹣It’s very popular, but some still __________ too much.
A. cost                                        B. spend                                        C. pay
28. New technology __________ to stop the students from cheating in the exam last year.
A. used                                        B. is used                                        C. was used
29. ﹣Do you think we’ll need a coffee pot?
﹣I don’t drink coffee, and __________. It’s not necessary. Why not a tea service?
A. so do you                                B. neither do you                        C. so are you
30. I have __________ my watch everywhere. But I cannot find it.
A. looked at                                B. looked up                                C. looked for
31. ﹣What’s your plan for this year?
﹣Last year we went to Paris, but this year we want to do __________ different.
A. something                                B. anything                                C. nothing
32. It was a bit noisy. So the library assistant went to tell them __________ to each other again.
A. don’t speak                                B. to speak                                C. not to speak
33. ﹣Why are the windows so dirty?
﹣Because we __________ them for a long time.
A. have cleaned                        B. haven’t cleaned                        C. didn’t clean
34. ﹣Peter, could you tell me ___________?
﹣He is under the tree over there.
A. where your father is                B. what your father is                C. how your father is
35. ﹣I think collecting stamps is great fun.
﹣__________ We can also learn a lot from it.
A. I agree with you.                        B. No, I don’t think so.                C. No, I don’t like it.
第二节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
        Most elephants are grey. Only a few are   36  . It’s difficult to see a white elephant. When people find a white   37  , they feel excited.
        Long ago, a white elephant was   38   to the king. Only the king could have a white elephant. And the white elephant must be a very good one. People wanted to take a look at the animal. On its way to the king, the white elephant attracted (吸引) many people. They ran into the street and shouted, “A white elephant is coming!”
        All the people liked the cute elephant. Some gave it   39   to drink. Others sang songs to the elephant. A boy put a red hat on the elephant’s head.
Then the elephant came before the king. At last the king saw the white elephant. The king   40   it a name himself. The elephant ate from gold dishes and it began a new life.
36. A. grey                                        B. white                                        C. red  
37. A. elephant                                B. king                                        C. street
38. A. swept                                        B. painted                                C. taken
39. A. dishes                                        B. water                                        C. food
40. A. asked                                        B. gave                                        C. built

We are living a fast life. It seems that everything has to be fast, for example,   41   food, fast Internet, fast roads, fast money. Every day we try to get things done   42   , but there are some moments that we have to slow down and enjoy our lives.
We are always    43    every day. I have to work eight hours or more a day at my full-time job. When I get home, it’s always over seven o’clock. I make an effort(努力) to   44   something. I try to find a bit of time for my hobby—writing. I hardly ever write and work   45   weekends. Those are my days to try to recharge (休整)and reduce the stress from my work. I sleep on the sofa during the day,   46   some beer in the open air or go out for a picnic if the weather is nice.
What I’m trying to say is this: if you don’t take some time to slow down once in a while(偶尔) and   47   your life, it will pass you by. You can be unhealthy both in body and mind if you don’t take the time to relax. So this weekend, don’t make any   48   . Just get up on Saturday morning     49    your body says it’s time to get up. Make some coffee, step outside and get   50   fresh morning air, turn on the radio and prepare yourself for nothing.
41. A. good                        B. fast                                C. slow                                D. cold
42. A. specially                B. seriously                        C. directly                        D. quickly
43. A. busy                        B. happy                          C. free                           D. sad
44. A. drink                        B. buy                            C. write                          D. say
45. A. with                        B. except                          C. in                             D. on
46. A. eat                                B. drink                           C. take                           D. get
47. A. spend                        B. share                           C. enjoy                          D. relax
48. A. plans                        B. mistakes                        C. noises                         D. sentences
49. A. but                                B. when                           C. or                                  D. so
50. A. any                        B. many                           C. no                            D. some


[color=]第三部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)

                                    Sunday,May 18th
Dear Tom,
Last week we had a wonderful time on Mount Tai with my classmates. The weather was nice. When we arrived, we began to climb the mountain. It took us the whole night to get to the top of the mountain.
In the morning, we saw the sea of clouds on Mount Tai. In the daytime we visited a temple (寺庙). In the evening, we had a big dinner in a local restaurant. It was exciting. I hope Sam and you can come to China next year. Then we can visit more interesting places together.      


Tom King
16 Green Gardens
San Francisco, CA94123

51. __________ wrote this postcard.   
A. Sam                                        B. Tom                                        C. Mike
52. Mike visited Mount Tai __________.
A. last week                                B. on May 18th                        C. last year
53. It took them __________ to get to the top of the mountain.
A. the whole day                        B. the whole night                        C. the whole evening
54. In the morning, they enjoyed __________ on Mount Tai.
A. a big dinner                                B. visiting a temple                        C. the sea of clouds       
55. Mike and Tom are probably __________.
A. friends                                        B. father and son                        C. boss and employee

We have to accept the truth: Sometimes, we just want to shout out loud.
For example, we all have days like this: our dog has made a mess on the floor we just cleaned, or our friend called to tell us he or she couldn’t come at the last minute when we had cooked dinner for him or her. We may be really angry but we tried to bear things like those. According to ancient Chinese wisdom, we should shout in a loud voice instead of keeping silent. In fact, it’s good for our health.
“Chinese people have passed on the practice from ancient times to now as a part of traditional medicine,” said Mrs. Li, a 60-year-old woman from Hangzhou. “My parents taught me to do this. It’s a part of our folk(民间的)culture. ”
Mrs. Li is a member of a group of people who love shouting. Each morning, she and some of her friends climb to the top of a hill and let out loud shouts before starting their daily exercise. They believe that shouting is good exercise for their lungs(肺)and it brings them a lot of fun.
“Sometimes I shout out and other shout back,” said Mrs. Gu] another shouting lover. “It makes you happy. You laugh and then you feel very comfortable. ”
Dr. Peter Calafiura, an American doctor, agrees that shouting can have a positive influence on people’s health.
So, next time you start your morning run, why not try to shout out first? It will make you healthier.
56. The underlined word “bear” in Paragraph 2 means “__________” in Chinese.
A. 纠正                        B. 忍受                                C. 铭记                                D. 杜绝
57. Mrs. Li learnt to shout to make herself feel better from __________.
A. her parents                B. her teacher                        C. Mrs. Gu                        D. Dr. Peter Calafiura
58. Where does Mrs. Li shout every day?
        A. In a park.                B. At a square.                        C. In her house.                D. On a hill.
59. What does Dr. Peter Calafiura think of shouting?
        A. It’s great furl.                                                 B. It’s good for people’s health.
        C. It’s easy to learn.                                            D. It’s good exercise especially for kids.
60. The passage is mainly about __________.
        A. a shouting 1over                                            B. a shouting club
        C. the advantages of shouting                            D. the history of shouting

Tea bag drinking is most westerners’ favorite way of drinking tea. Do you know how it came about?
The tea bag was invented in 1908 by Thomas Sullivan, an American tea seller. He was sending out free tea in silk bags for people to try. People put the bags together with the tea leaves into the cup and added hot water. The tea tasted good, and people thought it was easy to clean the cup. They were not happy when Sullivan started sending them loose (散的) tea again.
Sullivan realized that he had a hot new thing in his hands, and he built a machine to pack the bags. As tea bags became popular, they were changed from silk to gauze (薄纱) and later paper. In 1952, Lipton Tea made the tea bag even more popular with its invention of the four-sided tea bag. Tea bags were soon a hit in the UK, and today 85% of the tea in the UK is packed in paper bags.
However, many people still prefer loose-leaf tea. This is because some tea companies put not very good tea in their tea bags. But for most drinkers, tea bags are still the easy, tasty way to go.
61. Who invented the tea bag?  
A. An English tea seller.   B. Chinese.      C. Lipton.       D. Thomas Sullivan.
62. The underlined sentence “Tea bags were soon a hit in the UK” probably means “________ in the UK”.
A. Tea bags soon became popular
B. Tea bags surprised everyone very much
C. Tea bags kicked (踢) the loose-leaf tea out of the market  
D. Tea bags weren’t allowed to be sold
63. This sentence “today 85% of the tea in the UK is packed in paper bags.” tells us ________.
A. Most drinkers in the UK prefer loose-leaf tea.       
B. Most drinkers in the UK prefer tea bags.
C. A quarter of the drinkers in the UK prefer loose-leaf tea.       
D. A quarter of the drinkers in the UK dislike tea bags.
64. From the passage we can learn that Thomas Sullivan was very ________.
A. clever                        B. stupid                                C. lazy                                D. busy
65. What can be the best title for this passage?
A. The invention of tea                                        B. The way of drinking tea
C. The history of tea bags                                 D. People’s favorite tea in the world
第二节 (共10小题;A部分每小题2分;B部分每小题1分;满分15分)
The best-loved pig in Hong Kong is called McDull. His mum makes a wish that he will look like Chow Yun-fat or Tony Leung, but he is well-known only by a birthmark around his right eye.
Everything he tries, he fails. He wants to be an Olympic champion of qiangbaoshan (抢包山), but the sport of catching the hottest baozi from a small mountain doesn’t really exist (存在), of course. He dreams of going to the Maldives, but ends up on only a one-day tour of a Hong Kong landmark instead.
   66    McDull was at first a supporting character in a story about his cousin McMug, a smart baby pig and “what parents expect of their children.” But interestingly, the wooden-headed McDull gradually became more attractive when he told his classmates that if he became the class monitor, he would treat everyone with strawberry cakes. McDull tried to speak out one sentence in his speech, “If you choose me, you will be...painful.” For him, it looks only a little bit different from an “A” when he gets an “E”.    67   
   68    In one of the McDull movies, he talks to the audience (观众), “I suddenly realize that there is something you cannot have. No noodles, no Maldives, no golden medal, no money... Actually, being silly is not funny---it could mean failure (失败). Being fat is not funny. Being fat does not even mean you are stronger. Disappointment is not funny, either. When I grow up, and face the strict world that isn’t funny, what should I do?” He is still happy, however. He always starts again with a new dream when one fails him.
   69    The popularity of McDull sometimes makes his creator Alice Mark confused, who has some simple thoughts, such as God creates humans, because he loves humans and he wants them to be happy. “Maybe people see themselves and their friends in McDull. McDull makes people realize that they used to be as simple and happy as him. If there is a theme in all the McDull movies, it is about how a simple person keeps his or her simplicity in a world full of problems.    70   ” says Alice Mark.
B) 根据对话内容,从对话前的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并将其番号填入答题卡的相应位置。选项中有一项为多余选项。

A: Sam, what were you doing when the earthquake happened?   

B: I was doing some shopping in a shopping centre at that time.
A:    71   
B: I felt a slight shake and then I heard a big noise.
A: What did you do when the earth started to shake?
B:    72    I saw many people running quickly while pieces of glass and bricks were falling down.
A:    73   
B: Yes, I think so.
A: How did you feel when you found yourself in danger?
B: A little afraid.
A:    74   
B: Yes, I did, but no one came.
A: Did you eat anything before you got help?
B: Yes, I did.    75   
A: Well, thank you] Sam. I hope you’ll be well soon.



1. 必须使用0.5毫米黑色墨迹签字笔在答题卡上题目所指示的答题区域内作答,答在试卷上无效。
2. 第二卷共45分。

[color=]第四部分  写作(共四节,满分45分)

第一节 词汇(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
A) 根据下面每句句意、汉语提示或英文解释,写出空白处所缺单词的正确形式,每空一词。   
76. Father’s Day is on the __________ (第三) Sunday of June.
77. Tony can play basketball __________ (好) than Mike and Sam.         
78. Huanyan Island was discovered and drawn onto the __________ (地图) of China during the Yuan Dynasty.
79. Alice is ________ (make clean with water) the dirty clothes for her little brother.
80. My sister is a teacher. She has __________ (to give lessons to students in a school) English in this school for 10 years.
B) 读下面一段短文,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。
Shanghai is the biggest city with the largest population in the world. It is also the     81    (fast) growing city. Its name means “on the sea”, because it sits on the shores of the East China Sea. The city used to be a     82    (fish) town, but these days it is not only a major financial (金融的) centre, it’s also famous for its art and culture.
   83    (visit) to Shanghai can be taken from the airport to the centre in a fast train. The train travels up to 430 km per hour. Once you are in the city, you     84    (can) miss a popular area along the Huangpu River. Also, Shanghai Museum is a great place. And if you want to try the local food, you should go to Yang’s Fried Dumplings. You can get some nice dumplings and a bowl of delicious soup for only ¥ 15.
Now Shanghai is getting very “heavy” from all the growth. As a result, the city is going down the soft ground. Since 1921, it has     85    (go) down for almost two meters.
第二节 完成句子(共10小题;满分15分)
86. The Greens go shopping once a week.  (对划线部分提问)
__________  __________ do the Greens go shopping?
87. All of us practise speaking English in and after class every day. (改为否定句)
   __________  __________ us practise speaking English in or after class every day.
88. My daughter isn’t old enough to go to school.   (改为同义句)   
   My daughter is so __________ that she __________ go to school.
89. My English teacher is strict with us. So is my Chinese teacher.   (合并为一句)  
__________ my English teacher __________ my Chinese teacher is strict with us.
90. I hear that Mr Smith has been to our school for five days.   (改为同义句)  
   I hear that it is five days __________ Mr Smith __________ to our school.
91. 老师们总是为学生们的成功而感到骄傲。   
The teachers are always __________  __________ the students’ success.
92. 当有人伤害了我们,我们应该将其写在沙土上,让它随风而逝。
When someone hurts us, we should __________ it __________ in sand, and the wind can take it away.
93. 这些日子我们所有的学生都忙于复习迎考。  
All of us students were ___________  __________ for the exam these days.
94. 我认为更多的人会戒烟,因为在公共场合抽烟是不被允许的。  
I think more and more people will __________  __________ smoking because it’s not allowed in public.
95. 怀特夫妇明天要么去参观乐山大佛,要么去参观峨眉山。  
Mr and Mrs White will go to visit __________ Leshan Giant Buddha __________ Mount Emei tomorrow.
第三节 补全对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
A: Hi, Tony. Why do you look so tired?
B: You can’t    96    how unlucky I was this morning.
A:    97   
B: This morning I nearly forgot the lecture to be held in City Library. I woke up a little late. But the note on the desk reminded me of the lecture. So I had to rush to the bus stop.
A: Did you catch the bus?
B: No. I    98    to do so. As soon as I saw a taxi coming near, I shouted and stopped it at once.
A: So you got to the library in time, didn’t you?
B: No.    99   , when the taxi was two blocks away from the library, it couldn’t move on even a bit because it had knocked into a bus when turning left.
A: What did you do then?
B: Right at that moment I received a call. I was told I    100    go to the lecture this morning. The news made me relaxed. I was happy.
A: Did you return home directly?
B: No. I had to stay in the town instead, for the lecture was put off until this afternoon.
第四节 书面表达 (满分15分)
1. 了解一些紧急救护的电话和方法
2. 当发生意外时,及时拔打紧急救护电话。
3. 清楚告诉对方发生的事情和地点
4. 保持冷静,等待救援。
1. 词数:80词左右;开头已给出,不计入总词数;
2. 应覆盖所有要点:可适当增加细节,使行文连贯;
3. 参考词汇:emergency services紧急救护  operator(接线员)



第一部分 听力
1. W: Hi, Tony, what‘s your favorite sport?
M: Football. I like playing football best.
2. W: What did you do last weekend?
M: I went shopping on Saturday. And on Sunday I went fishing. That’s my hobby, you know. What about you?
W: I went skating on Saturday and helped my mother on Sunday.
3. M: How are you going to the cinema tonight, Sue?
W: Oh, I’m going there by bike.
4. M: Excuse me. May I borrow a book about computers?
W: Sure. Here it is.
M: Thank you. I will return it next week.
5. M: I heard you went to Mount Emei for your holiday. How was it?
W: It was not good. I felt a bit sad.
M: Why?
W: It almost rained during the holiday.
6. W: I moved to a new house with a garden last week.
  M: Oh, really?
  W: Well, it’s bigger than my old one, but it isn’t modern, and it’s farther from the shop.
7. M: You speak good English. Are you from England?
  W: No, I come from France. But I have worked in Australia for three years.
8. W: There is a concert in the park today. Would you like to go with us?
  M: Sounds like a good idea. What time?
  W: It starts at nine o’clock, and lasts one hour and a half.
  M: Great. Oh, it’s half past eight. Let’s hurry.
9. M: Madam, here we are at the Centre Square.
  W: Thanks. Here is the money.
  M: Thank you] Madam. Er, don’t hurry. Your bag is left on the back seat.
  W: Oh, thank you so much.
10. M: Look at the rain!
  W: Wow. It’s really heavy. I’m afraid we can’t have a picnic today.
  M: We’d better stay home and watch TV.
  W: OK.
W: Hello. Can I help you?
M: I’m looking for a coat like this. Have you got one?
W: I’ll just have a look. What’s the size?
M: Size 12.
W: How about the red one?
M: I don’t like the colour. My favourite is blue.
W: Here you are.
M: That’s great. Can I try it on?
W: Of course. This way, please.
M: Hmm, I like it.
W: It fits you very well.
M: How much is it?
W: £39.
M: Is £30 OK?
W: Sorry, sir.
M: That’s OK. I’ll have it.
W: Good morning. Can I help you] sir?
M: Could I have a look at the menu] please?
W: Ah, yes. Here you are.
M: Thanks. Oh, this one is in French. Would you mind giving me a menu in English?
W: Of course, sir. Just a moment. Here it is.
M: Thanks. It seems that the menu has been changed a little.
W: Yes, our menu changes regularly. Now what would you like to order?
M: Oh, I haven’t decided yet. Just a minute, please.
W: OK, sir. Take your time. Do you mind if I go to the next table? There are so many people here now.
M: Certainly not. I will call you when I decide.
W: Thank you] sir.
Hello! Boys and girls. Here’s some information about our trip to the town of Chester. We’ll go there by bus .It’s a long trip, over three hours. We will have sandwiches for lunch and we will eat together in park. After that we will walk around the market. You will be able to buy all your presents there. We will meet at the place where our bus stops. If you are lost, please give me a call .My mobile phone number is 555222167.Any questions? OK . See you tomorrow.  


1—20  BACAB  ABACA  BCBCB  AABCB (每小题1.5分,满分30分)
21—35  ACBCB  BACBC  ACBAA (每小题1分,满分15分)
36—50  BACBB  BDACD  BCABD (每小题1分,满分15分)
51—70  CABCA  BADBC  DABAC  ADECB (每小题2分,满分40分))
71—75  CDAEB(每空1分,满分5分)
76—80  third; better; map; washing; taught (每空1分,满分5分)
81—85  fastest; fishing; Visitors; can’t; gone (每空1分,满分5分)
86—90  How, often; None, of; young, can’t; Both, and; since, came;   (每空0.5分,满分5分)
91—95  proud, of;write, down; busy, preparing; give, up; either, or;  (每空1分,满分10分)
96—100  96. imagine/believe   97. What happened? /What was wrong/the matter?  98. failed  99. Unfortunately /Unluckily  100. needn’t  (每空1分,满分5分)
书面表达  (满分15分)
1. 本题总分为15分,按5档次给分。
2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。
3. 评分时,应注意的主要内容为:内容要点、应用词汇和语法的准确性、上下文的连贯性及语言的得体性。
4. 拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面,评分时,应视其对交际的影响程序予以考虑。
5. 如书写较差,以至影响交附,将分数降低一个档次。
1. 了解一些紧急救护的电话和方法
2. 当发生意外时,及时拔打紧急救护电话。
3. 清楚告诉对方发生的事情和地点
4. 保持冷静,等待救援。
5. 自己的看法
1. 考生必须有较完整的句子表达出要点。如只有关键词而无主谓结构,不可视为要点写出。
2. 在表达要点的句子中,如果主谓结构有严重的语言错误(如语态、连动词或只写出情态动词而无主动词),可视为半个要点。
3. 围绕要点的发挥,如有语言错误,则扣语言分。


得 分


语 言 使 用 情 况
















1. 原则上应按照考生所表达的要点数归档。如语言错误多,可降一档,如语言表达较好,可打该档最高分或上升一档。
2. 在同一档次内,根据语言错误的多少确定五个分值。
五、One possible version
There are always some accidents in our life. So it’s very important to know what to do when accidents happen. First we need to know the numbers of the emergency services, such as 120, 119 and 122 and some ways to protect ourselves. When an accident happens, and we can’t deal with it, we should call the numbers of the emergency services for help in time. We should tell the operator clearly what happens, where the place is and which service we need. Then we should keep calm and wait for help. We should try our best to help people in trouble when we see an accident.

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