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[高中三年级] 唐山市2014年高三英语第二次模拟考试试卷及答案网页版_中学试卷



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英 语 试 题



例:How much is the shirt?
A.£19.15.           B.£9.15.           C.£9.18.
1.Who washed the car yesterday?
A.Tom and Peter.         B.A garage worker.         C.The man speaker.
2.When is the man actually leaving?
        A.In three days.          B.In two days.          C.Tomorrow.
3.How much does a one-way ticket cost?
        A.$55.           B.$60.          C.$ 30.
4.What does the woman mean?
A.She has an appointment with her doctor.
B.She often has a toothache at the weekend.
C.She doesn‘t want to go out with the man.
5.Where is the man going?
        A.To the Rockefeller Center.             
        B.To the City Hall.
        C.To the Empire State Building.
6.What are the two speakers mainly talking about?
A.Universal Studios. B.A self-help trip.         C.Jet lag.
7.How did the man get to Disneyland from the hotel?
A.By bus.           B.By taxi.         C.By subway.
8.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
A.Schoolmates.           B.Neighbors.        C.Colleagues.
9.What is the man learning in college?
A.Banking.           B.Marketing.         C.Accounting.
10.Where does the conversation probably take place?
A.In a company.           B.At home.         C.Ata party.
11.What is the man looking for?
A.His shoes.           B.The dustbin.        C.His cigarettes.
12.What is the man‘s opinion about doing housework?
        A.It needs more patience.
        B.It doesn‘t make money.
        C.It matters a lot to the family.
13.What is Mr.Scott?
A.A foreign expert.         B.Afrequent visitor.         C.A new headmaster.
14.Where does Mr.Scott work now?         
A.In Hangzhou.           B.In Lanzhou.        C.In Zhengzhou.
15.Why hasn‘t Mr.Scott met all the teachers?
A.He is taking short trips around the city.
B.They live in different parts of the city.
C.They have different timetables.
16.What will Mr.Scott probably do next?
A.Meet the local people.        
        B.Taste the local food.       
        C.Change his schedule.
17.Who is making the speech?
        A.A teacher.           B.A student.          C.Aparent.
18.Where is the speech probably made?
        A.At a graduation ceremony.       
        B.At a parents‘ meeting.        
        C.At a class meeting.
19.What is the feeling of the students?
A.Excited and worried.          
        B.Happy and excited.       
        C.Sad and thankful.
20.Whom does the speaker show thanks to?
        A.Parents and classmates.            
        B.Classmates and teachers.          
        C.Parents and teachers.

    LaMar Baylor, an American performer in the Broadway musical, spends most of his time in New York City.But since 2011, he has also spent weeks in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda.There, he teaches dance to boys who live on the street.His teaching is part of an effort by the Rebecca  Davis Dance Company.The project helps young people learn more about dance and learn how to  behave in a classroom environment.
    Rebecca Davis and LaMar Baylor teach ballet to street children in Kigali, Rwanda.The  children have lost all of their families.Some have been in prison; others have sold their bodies for sex.Dance classes provide the children with structured learning and self-expression that they‘ve never had before.
    Rebecca Davis is the founder and director of the dance company.She got the idea for the project after visiting Rwanda in 2008.There she met a large number of street children who were dancing, and she thought that dance could be used to get them off the street and into a safe place.She believes that learning to dance is a step toward education.She says children can take classes in information and technology after they have learned to attend classes and follow directions.
    Boys who have done best in the classes win scholarships and are sent to the Sunrise Boarding School.About 30 boys have won this kind of financial aid.
    As for LaMar Baylor, he knows from his own experience how dance can lead to a better life.He is from Camden, New Jersey.Camden has sometimes been called America‘s poorest and most dangerous city.He now thanks dancing for saving his life.
    The Rwanda program is the largest one set up by the Rebecca Davis Dance Company, and Ms.Davis has also set up dance programs in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Guinea.About 2,000 children in the three countries have taken part in the project since it was begun in 2010.
21.The dance project aims to____.
A.give the street children parental care
B.provide scholarship for the street children
C.help the street children receive some education
D.keep the street children in good health
22.What do we learn about the street children from the passage?
        A.All of them can be sent to the Sunrise Boarding School.
        B.It may be hard for them to adapt to classroom rules at first.
        C.They only take classes in dancing.
        D.Many of them have been in prison.
23.What LaMar Baylor and the street children in the project have in common is that _.
        A.they all benefit from dancing
        B.they borrowed money from the project
        C.they learn to express themselves in dance class
        D.they were homeless at one time
24.We can infer from the last paragraph that          .
        A.the dance project was started in Guinea
        B.the Rwanda program is the first program by Rebecca Davis
        C.the Rwanda program has attracted about 2,000 children
        D.the dance project gains popularity and grows quickly

        On countless mornings over the past year, I stood with my son, James, in our driveway, watching our neighbor hurry off to kindergarten.My wife and I wanted to give James the best  education, but that meant we‘d have to change our jobs and spend less time with our kid.I asked myself, 'Would this trade-off be worth it?' When I look at the research on child development, I think it might not.Where our kids go to school might matter less than most American parents think.
        Social scientists have long tried to determine why some children grow up to be successful.In a 2001 study, Greg Duncan, a professor of education at the University of California, measured the influence that the people in a child‘s life have on how well the child does in school.Duncan and his team found almost no relationship between how students did on the test and whom they sat beside in class, whom they hung out with after school and who lived in their block.The only meaningful link they found was between siblings (兄弟姐妹) and twins in particular.
For a long time, scholars thought that a family‘s income heavily affected how well kids did   in life.But that might not be the case.When Susan Mayer at the University of Chicago looked at the relationship between family income and lifetime achievement, she ran a series of experiments to measure it, finding such outcomes weren‘t caused by income.She argued that the things that make a difference are relatively inexpensive: the number of books a kid has or how often his family goes to museums.
Lareau] another scholar began one of the most in-depth observations of American parenting.He concluded that success is much more related to the amount of time parents spend with their children.He said 'Many parents I interviewed are anxious about their children‘s futures.But they have exaggerated(夸大) the sense of the risks involved if they don‘t give their children ‘the best‘ of everything.'
So at last, we decided to leave things as it were.More time with our kid is the best we can provide.
25.The first paragraph is intended to _.
        A.introduce the topic of the passage
        B.confirm the result of a research
C.stress the importance of good education
        D.support a research on child development
26.From the passage we know that most American parents _.
A.spend a lot of time with their children
        B.like to buy a variety of books for their children
C.think children‘s achievement largely depends on schools
        D.believe their income cannot afford children‘s education
27.Who believes children‘s brothers and sisters may influence their academic performance?
        A.Lareau.             B.Greg Duncan.          C.Susan Mayer.         D.James.
28.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?
        A.Parents‘ time matters to children‘s future.
        B.School education determines children‘s future.
        C.Family income counts to children‘s achievements.
D.Less education means more risks for children‘s success.

Dining Experiences at Belmond Grand Hotel Europe
Delicious cuisine is paired with excellent musical entertainment at Belmond Grand Hotel Europe.
Every Friday, dine in Lobby Bar and be treated to a special musical accompaniment.
Enjoy timeless classics from the great Russian composer Tchaikovsky, performed by local dancers and a
chamber orchestra.
Time: 7 pm - 10 pm
Price: RUB 2, 000 per adult
Take a seat in the Mezzanine Cafe at a table laid out with Imperial Porcelain china.Feast on Borodinsky
bread sandwiches with various fillings, hot smoked trout(鳟鱼), delightful mini pirozhki and sweets such
as vatrushkas, all accompanied by good, strong tea and light music.
Available daily 2 pm - 6 pm, priced at 1800 RUB for two.
Enjoy a wide variety of international dishes and unlimited drinks accompanied by live jazz at L‘Europe
Restaurant every Sunday.A supervised playroom for children is also available.
Time: I pm - 4:30 pm
Price: RUB 4, 900 per adult; Children‘: up t0 7 - free / 7 t0 15 - RUBI, 800 / above 16 - full price
Available in the Caviar Bar, let our seasoned chef take you through caviar and vodka pairings.
You can also take part in cocktail demonstrations, or enjoy vodka-themed treatments at the beauty salon.
Available daily 4 pm - 11 pm, priced at RUB 3, 000 for one bottle.
29.A couple with twins aged 5 dining at L‘Europe Restaurant should pay at least          .
        A.RUB  14, 400                   B.RUB  19, 600             
        C.RUB 9, 800                 D.RUB 3, 600
30.Which of the following will be your best choice, if you like classical music?
        A.Lobby Bar.                   B.The Mezzanine Caf6.
        C.Caviar Bar.                           D.L‘Europe Restaurant.
31.Where does this passage probably come from?
        A.A science fiction.           B.A hotel brochure.
        C.A recipe book.                  D.A geography textbook.

        They already guide blind and disabled people; now dogs are to be trained to help people with dementia(痴呆) or Alzheimer‘s.Alzheimer‘s can make people confuse night and day or forget basic things such as washing or drinking enough water.
        The dogs will be trained to respond to sound triggers(触发器) in the home that cause them to perform tasks.The duties will include reminding their owners to take medicine, as well as encouraging them to eat, drink and sleep regularly.
        The idea was developed by design students at the Glasgow School of Art and will now be put into practice by Alzheimer‘s Scotland and Dogs for the Disabled.The first dogs will be distributed to four Scottish couples, where one of the partners is in the early stages of dementia.Some 670,000 people in Britain have dementia and one in three over 65s will develop the condition.By 2021 this is expected to rise to one million.
        Joyce Gray of Alzheimer‘s Scotland said, 'People in the early stages of dementia are still able to live a relatively normal life, and dogs help to maintain routine.' Another advantage of using the pets as companions is that dogs can give them a sense of silent support and companionship.Ms Gray said, 'The evidence is that people may forget familiar faces but not pets.It‘s such a strong bond that people often remember them longest.People don‘t need to communicate verbally (言语地) but they can still interact.You can have a speechless bond.'
        Helen McCain, director of Dogs for the Disabled, said, 'People with dementia often forget to take the medicine.If a dog presents them with a bag with pills in it there‘s a greater chance of them taking it.The dog would also encourage the owner to take them out for walks, ensuring they keep exercising and interacting with other people.'
32.In Britain people with dementia _          _.
        A.are likely to increase in number          B.are mostly over 65 years old
        C.will be trained to respond to sound triggers          D.will be able to live a relatively normal life
33.The dogs are taught to perform tasks by -.
        A.making some sound signals           B.communicating with the patients
        C.reminding the patients by barking          D.reacting to some sound triggers
34.What does the underlined word 'them' in Paragraph 4 refer to?
A.Faces.              B.Triggers.              C.Pets.                D.Companions.
35.What is mainly talked about in the passage?
        A.The idea of dementia dogs was developed by students.
        B.Dogs are trained to assist Alzheimer‘s patients.
        C.British people with Alzheimer‘s are in poor condition.
        D.The dementia dogs perform most duties of a doctor.
    We often close ourselves off when painful events happen in our lives. Instead of letting the world soften us, we let it drive us deeper into ourselves. We try to ignore the hurt and, pain, but we can‘t hide from ourselves.  36   
    The items listed below are four tips you can open your heart more fully and completely.
    1.Breathe into pain
    Whenever a painful situation arises in your life, try to face it instead of running away. 37   .When the sadness strikes, take a deep breath and accept it.By using our breath we soften our experiences and allow more newness.
    2.  38  
    We‘re often confused at the next step to take. Actually, we can try a new decision making process.To start this process, we may ask, 'Heart, what decision should I make here? What action feels the most right?' See what comes up, then put it into practice and evaluate the outcome.
    3.Spend time alone
    For most of our lives we‘re surrounded by people: our friends, family members, and strangers.  39 When you spend time in solitude(孤独),you‘re free from the influences of other people. It might be painful at first, but eventually you‘ll add a whole new layer of depth and understanding into your life.
    4.Get outside of yourself
       40  But in reality, they actually work hand-in-hand. After you‘ve explored the depths of yourself, you come away with a new understanding.
    Now, it‘s time to share that - not through telling others, but through being with others.
        A.Have a light heart
        B.Ask your heart what it wants
        C.Is there anything I‘m hiding from myself?
        D.How often do we really spend time alone?
        E.This may seem a little contradictory to the last tip.
        F.We should open our hearts and take action to heal the wounds.
        G.When we run away from sadness, it gets stronger and more real.

        It was during those hard days in a small community. Food was in short supply. I used to stop by Mr.Miller‘s stand for   41  
        One particular day, while Mr.Miller was   42   some potatoes for me I noticed a small boy  43   admiring a basket of green peas. Soon I was also   44  to the fresh green peas.
        The boy left. Mrs.Miller _ 45   to me and said, 'There are two other such boys in our  46  _, all from poor families. Jim always offers to  47  our produce for their marbles(弹珠). He somehow makes them believe he likes red marbles  48   .Sometimes he even sends them home with some peas for  49  .' I left the stand,   50   with this man.
        Years later, I went back to visit some   51  in that community and while I was there I learned Mr.Miller had died. I agreed to   52  my friends to see Mrs.Miller. Upon our arrival, we offered whatever words of   53   . Ahead of us were three young men. They moved to the casket(棺椁). Mrs.Miller‘s eyes followed them   54  each young man placed his own   55  hand over the cold pale hand and then left.
        Our turn came to meet Mrs.Miller.I told her who I was and mentioned the  56  of the marbles. She said, 'Those three young men were the boys. They told me how they   57  Jim‘s kindness.'
        'We‘ve never had much  58  ,' she said, 'but right now, Jim would consider himself the  59   man.' Then she lifted her husband‘s lifeless fingers.  60  beneath the hand were three shining, red marbles !
41.A. flowers               B. grains           C.vegetables               D. fruits
42.A. bagging               B. digging        C.selling        D. cooking
43.A. happily                B. hungrily        C.curiously        D. seriously
44.A. carried                B. sent        C.drawn        D. led
45.A. pulled up        B. picked up        C. got up          D. came up
46.A. community       B. town                   C. home        D. store
47.A. trade            B. bring           C. change        D. get
48.A. in time                 B. in particular      C. on purpose              D. on average
49.A. something              B. everything       C. anything                D. nothing
50.A. impressed        B. surprised        C. disappointed     D. satisfied
51.A. relatives         B. friends          C. businessmen     D. workers
52.A.introduce         B. send            C. accompany      D. assist
53.A. comfort           B. thanks          C. praise                  D. encouragement
54.A. since                 B. whether                 C. because        D. as
55.A. cool                   B. warm        C. red        D. pale
56.A. price                  B. color        C. story        D. number
57.A. appreciated             B. forgot        C. needed        D. helped
58.A. debt                   B. wealth        C. hope        D. health
59.A. tallest                 B. dearest          C. richest          D. toughest
60.A.Rolling             B.Fading              C.Hanging               D.Resting



David: Hi, Linda, what are you doing?
Linda: Hi, David.I   61  (prepare) for the test tomorrow.
David: But   62  are you sitting here in the garden?
Linda: Well, the library is full and the classroom is too noisy. Are you ready   63  the test ?l
David: I am afraid not.I feel very nervous. We don‘t have much time 64    (leave).
Linda: We can prepare together. Maybe that can help.
David: Good idea. How many units will be included in   65   coming test?
Linda: Three altogether. They are Unit 4,Unit5 and Unit 6.
David: Really? I  66  (think) Unit 6 would not be covered.
Linda: It is included  67   it is only partly finished by our teacher. Now let‘s ask each other questions.You go first.
David: All right.Please name three European countries.
Linda: It‘s easy. France, Germany and Russia.I  68  even say more.
David: It seems you are   69  (well) prepared than me. Now it‘s  70   turn to ask me questions.
Linda: OK. What are the seven continents of the world?
David: Asia, Europe, Africa, and err....I really can‘t remember them all.
Linda: Don‘t worry. You still have some time today to prepare.

One cold evening during the holiday season, a little boy about six or seven was standing out in the front of a store window. The little child has no shoes and his clothes were just rags. A young woman passes by saw the little boy and could read the desire in his pale blue eyes. She took the child by the hand and led him into the store. There she bought her some new shoes and a complete suit of warmly clothing.They came back outside into the street, so the woman told the child to come home and have a happy holiday. The little boy looked  her and asked how she was God. She smiled and replied that she was just one of His child.
    假定你是李华,两周前你从网上订购了一套英语书虫系列读物(Bookworm Series),昨天才到货,且包装破损、数量不足。请就此向网店客服写邮件投诉。要点如下:
  可能用到的生词:投诉complaint n.
To whom it may concern,
      Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua


1. C         2. C          3. A          4. B         5. A          6. C         7. B          8. C          9. A
10. A          11. B          12. A          13. C         14. C          15. B          16. A          17. C         18. C  
19. A          20. B          21. A          22. A          23. D          24. A          25. B          26. C          27. D  
28. A          29. A          30. C          31. D          32. B          33. C          34. B          35. D          36. F
37. G          38. B          39. D          40. E          41. B          42. C          43. A          44. D          45. B  
46. C          47. C          48. A          49. B          50. D         51. A         52. D          53. C         54. B  
55. C          56. D          57. A          58. B          59. D          60. C  

1. B         2. A          3. C          4. C         5. A          6. B         7. A          8. A          9. C
10. B          11. C          12. B          13. A         14. A          15. C          16. B          17. B         18. A  
19. C          20. C          21. C          22. B          23. A          24. D          25. A          26. C          27. B  
28. A          29. C          30. A          31. B          32. A          33. D          34. C          35. B          36. F
37. G          38. B          39. D          40. E          41. C          42. A          43. B          44. C          45. D  
46. A        47. A        48. B        49. D        50. A        51. B        52. C        53. A        54. D
55. B        56. C        57. A          58. B          59. C        60. D

        61. am preparing                  62. why          63. for           64. left                 65. the         66. thought  
        67. although/ though         68. can                 69. better          70. your

One cold evening during the holiday season, a little boy about six or seven was standing out

in the front of a store window. The little child has no shoes and his clothes were just rags.  A
young woman passes by saw the little boy and could read the desire in his pale blue eyes.
She took the child by the hand and led him into the store. There she bought her some new
shoes and a complete suit of warmly clothing. They came back outside into the street, so the
                   warm                                                  and
woman told the child to come home and have a happy holiday. The little boy looked ∧ her
                      go                                                 at
and asked how she was God. She smiled and replied that she was just one of His child.
   if/whether                                               children

One possible version
To whom it may concern,
I’m one of your customers. I ordered a set of Bookworm Series on your website two weeks ago, but I didn’t receive them until yesterday. And much to my disappointment, the books were so poorly packed up that the cover of one book was torn. To make matters worse, it is not a complete set, as I found one book missing.
I’m sorry to have received such poor service, and I believe I have every right to ask you to deal with this problem. I hope that you either return my money or deliver a new set of books to me. Besides, I’d like to be informed of the process of your dealing with my complaint.
Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua

Text 1
W: I wonder who washed the car yesterday, Tom or Peter?
M: Neither. Both of them and I were so busy that I had it washed at the garage.
Text 2
W: Good morning, sir. Can I help you?
M: I’m due to check out tomorrow, but I’d like to stay for another two days.
Text 3
M: How much does a ticket to Washington cost?
W: It’s $ 30 one way or $ 55 round trip.
Text 4
M: Can you go out with me this weekend?
W: Sorry. I’ll have a headache this weekend.
Text 5
M: Excuse me. Could you tell me where I am?       
W: Uh, yes. You are at the Empire State Building.
M: I see. Could you tell me how to get to the Rockefeller Center?
W: Walk up 6th Avenue to 49th Street. Turn right on 49th Street, walk to the City Hall, and then turn left. Got that?

Text 6
W: How was your self-help trip?
M: Excellent. Soon after we checked in at the hotel, we boarded a bus to Disneyland. I love Mickey Mouse. Janet and I spent the entire first day going on all of the rides.
W: Didn’t you feel any jet lag from the change in time zones?
M: I felt fine. I must have been too excited to notice.
W: I’ve never been to Disneyland. I went to Universal Studios when I was fifteen. My parents took my brother Franco and me to Los Angeles and San Francisco.
Text 7
M: Hi. Uh, haven’t we met before? You look so familiar.
W: Yeah. We met on campus last week, and you asked me the same question.
M: Really? I am sorry, but I am terrible with names. Let me guess. It’s Sherry, right?
W: You got it. And what’s your name?
M: It’s Ben, but everyone calls me B.J. And what do you do, Sh…Sherry?
W: I’m a graduate student majoring in TESL.
M: TESL? What’s that?
W: It stands for teaching English as a second language. I want to teach English to non-native speakers overseas. And what do you do? Are you a student on campus?
M: Yeah, I’m doing accounting, but what I always wanted to learn is marketing. Actually my parents want me to learn banking.
W: Well, I have to run. I have a class in ten minutes.
M: Oh, OK. Bye.
Text 8
W: Mike! Look at the floor!
M: What’s wrong with it?
W: What’s wrong with it! It’s dirty!
M: Oh…
W: It’s dirty because you never wipe your shoes.
M: I’m sorry about it.
W: What are you looking for now?
M: My cigarettes.
W: Well, they are not here. They are in the dustbin.
M: In the dustbin? Why?
W: Because there is cigarette ash everywhere in the house.
M: I don’t drop ash on the floor, you know.
W: Oh, yes, you do! Anyway, cigarettes are a waste of money. I hate them.
M: Maybe they are, but I earn the money! I work eight hours a day. Remember?
W: Well, what about my money then?
M: What do you mean “your money”? You don’t go to work, do you?
W: No, I don’t go out to work, but I work fifteen hours a day here!
M: Well, housework is different…
W: Oh, I see… So housework is different, isn’t it? Housework doesn’t matter! Well, you do it then. I’ll go.
M: Hey, wait a minute, Pat, Pat…
Text 9
W: How’s everything going, Mr. Scott?
M: Smoothly. The students are very cooperative, eager to learn, and they are making progress in their studies.
W: Are you used to the weather in Hangzhou and the living conditions of the school now?
M: Yes, I am. I like warm weather. It’s much more comfortable than the weather in Lanzhou or Zhengzhou. Besides, Hangzhou is such a beautiful city that you feel like living in a garden. The school offers us foreign experts very good conditions, so it is very convenient to live here.
W: Have you met all the teachers in our department?
M: No, not yet. We have different time schedules. The ten-minute break is too short to talk. Everybody has to hurry to classes.
W: Please go and get some food. Our local food must be new to you.
M: Oh, yes, I will.
Text 10
This is the day for our graduation. Today marks the end of our studies and the beginning of a new life for all of us. We’re supposed to feel happy on such a day as this, and we are supposed to be full of hope for the future.
We all do feel these things, but we feel much more, too. There is a great feeling of sadness among us today, as we realize that this is the last time for us to be together as members of this school.
However, the thing we feel most, I think, is thankfulness. We have an idea of what you] our parents have done for us, and we have an idea of all the effort that you] our teachers have made for us. No words can express how thankful we are to you on this day. We will always remember this day. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

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