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[初中三年级] 安徽省2014届九年级英语第六次大联考试卷及答案网页版_中学试卷



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第一部分 听力 (共五大题,满分30分)
Ⅰ. 关键词语选择(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
(   )1. A. fly                                                        B. reply                                                C. repair
(   )2. A. watch                                                 B. fetch                                                 C. catch
(   )3. A. bad                                                 B. mad                                                C. sad
(   )4. A. alarm                                                 B. form                                                 C. farm
(   )5. A. put up                                                 B. clean up                                         C. cheer up
Ⅱ. 短对话理解(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


(   )11. What’s Tom like now?
A. Shy.                                                B. Outgoing.                                        C. Serious.
(   )12. What kind of music does Lucy like?
A. The music that has good lyrics
B. The music that she can sing along with.
C. The music that can make her relaxed.
(   )13. Who may the math book belong tot?
A. Jim.                                                B. Jack.                                                C. Ann.
(   )14. What would Linda do if she had a million dollars?
A. Give it to charities.                        B. Travel all over the world.                C. Buy a big house.
(   )15. Where are the two speakers probably speaking?
A. In a bookstore.                                B. In a zoo.                                        C. In a drugstore.
Ⅲ. 长对话理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
(   )16. What’s the relationship between the two speakers?
A. Sister and brother.                        B. Teacher and student.                        C. Mother and son.
(   )17. Where are they?
A. At home.                                        B. At school.                                        C. In an office.
(   )18. Who bought the computer for Tom?
A. His father.                                        B. His mother.                                        C. His grandpa.
(   )19. What does Tom often do on the Internet?
A. He often goes to the chat room.
B. He often sends emails.
C. He often plays online games.
(   )20. How long does Tom spend using the computer every day?
A. Three hours.                                  B. Two hours.                                        C. One hour.
Ⅳ. 短文理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
(   )21. Who is speaking to the passengers?
A. The captain.                                B. The tour guide.                                C. The pilot.
(   )22. What’s the speed of the fight now?
A. 330 miles per hour.                        B. 400 miles per hour.                         C. 125 miles per hour.
(   )23. How’s the weather outside now?
A. Fine.                                                B. Rainy.                                         C. Windy.
(   )24. Where will they land?
A. In New York.                                B. In Tokyo.                                        C. In London.
(   )25. What can the passengers enjoy?
A. Songs.                                                B. Movies.                                        C. Magazines.
Ⅴ. 信息转换(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)

Suggestions to make own happiness


Enjoy life’s simple  26  , such as reading a good book, listening to your favorite music, or spending time with  27  friends.


Have hobbies where you  28  your problems and time.


Find happiness in helping others. You can help a friend with his or her  29  , buy food for old people, or simply help out around the house by doing the  30  .

第二部分 英语知识运用 (共三大题,满分55分)
(   )31. —When did Yang Juan begin to learn English?
—At the age of six, she began teaching _______ English.
A. her                                 B. hers                                 C. herself                         D. she
(   )32. Long noodles are a(n)_______ of long life in China, so people usually eat them on their birthdays.
A. ending                         B. beginning                         C. symbol                         D. wealth
(   )33. —Can you stay for dinner?   —I’d love to, but I _______ go to the airport to meet my aunt.
A. will                                 B. would                         C. have to                         D. had better
(   )34. Alice is much _______ now. The trousers she wore last year are too short for her.
A. tall                                 B. taller                                 C. short                                 D. shorter
(   )35. —Bill, don’t eat in the classroom.                         —_______.
A. It doesn’t matter                                                 B. I don’t believe it
C. No, not really                                                         D. Sorry, I won’t do that
(   )36. —Everyone should learn to say “I love you” to their parents often.
—I agree. _______ else in life is more important than family.
A. Something                 B. Everything                 C. Anything                         D. Nothing
(   )37. The Internet is closely connected with our daily life. Can you _______ life without it?
A. understand                 B. imagine                         C. catch                                 D. expect
(   )38. —_______ is the meeting room, Mrs. Smith?  —It’s about 20 meters long and 10 meters wide.
A. How big                         B. How far                         C. How tall                         D. How long
(   )39. The poor student works hard during this holiday _______ he’ll be able to get enough money for the next term.
A. so that                         B. even though                 C. as if                                 D. such that
(   )40. —When did the old man die?                —In 2004. He _______ for nearly ten years.
A. died                                 B. has died                         C. is dead                         D. has been dead
(   )41. —Would you like some rice?    —_______. I would rather have a piece of bread.
A. Yes, please                 B. No problem                 C. That’s OK                         D. No, thanks
(   )42. You should find a _______ chance to explain everything to your mother, because she’s still angry with you.
A. serious                         B. difficult                         C. proper                         D. normal
(   )43. You should care _______ your friends when they are in a difficult situation. They need your love.
A. on                                 B. about                                 C. to                                 D. in
(   )44. All of Lily’s classmates _______ Lily went hiking yesterday. She was ill in hospital.
A. with                                 B. and                                 C. besides                         D. except
(   )45. —Have you ever been to the Qinghai Lake, Jim?
—Yes. That’s the most fantastic place _______ I’ve ever visited.
A. who                                 B. which                         C. where                         D. that
(   )46. —I think we should make a plan right away.   —_______. We have no much time left.
A. Sounds boring                 B. Never mind                 C. Thank you                         D. I agree with you
(   )47. —I think students can get their ears pierced.  —I’m _______ against you. They’re so young.
A. strongly                         B. easily                                 C. carefully                         D. politely
(   )48. —What a hot day it is!   —So it is. I think an umbrella can help you _______ the heat.
A. keep on                         B. keep out                         C. keep in                         D. keep up
(   )49. You aren’t supposed to ask the boy to buy things for you. _______, he is too young.
A. In general                         B. After all                         C. To my surprise                 D. To start with
(   )50. Wang Yaping is the first woman astronaut who taught lessons in space. Do you know _______?
A. where is she from                                                 B. where does she come from
C. where she comes from                                         D. where he comes from
Ⅶ. 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
Jerry was always in a good mood.   51  someone was having a bad day, Jerry would tell him how to look on the positive(积极的)side of the situation.
One day I asked him, “How can you be positive all the time?”
Jerry replied, “Each morning, I say to  52  , ‘Jerry, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or in a bad mood.’ I choose to be in a good mood.”
Several years later, I heard Jerry was hurt  53  three robbers(强盗). Luckily, Jerry was sent to the
  54  quickly.
I asked him what his thought was when the robbery took place. Jerry replied, “As I  55  on the floor, I remembered I could choose to live or to die. I choose to live.”
“Weren’t you  56  ?” I asked.
“Yes, I was really afraid when I saw the expressions on the  57  of the doctors.”
“What did you do?” I asked.
“When a nurse asked if I was allergic(过敏的)to  58  . I shouted, ‘Bullets(子弹)!’ Over their laughter, I told them, ‘I am choosing to  59  . Operate on me as if I am alive, not dead.’”
Thanks to the super medical  60  of his doctors, Jerry lived, but also because of his amazing attitude, Attitude, after all, is everything.
(   )51. A. If                                         B. After                                 C. Though                         D. Since
(   )52. A. himself                         B. itself                                 C. myself                         D. yourself
(   )53. A. in                                 B. with                                 C. for                                 D. by
(   )54. A. school                                 B. hospital                         C. bank                                 D. court
(   )55. A. lay                                 B. ran                                 C. danced                         D. walked
(   )56. A. sad                                 B. awake                         C. afraid                                 D. excited
(   )57. A. hands                                 B. faces                                 C. heads                                 D. arms
(   )58. A. nowhere                         B. nothing                         C. anywhere                         D. anything
(   )59. A. live                                 B. decide                         C. depend                         D. feed
(   )60. A. research                         B. place                                 C. skill                                 D. position

Packing too many things is one of the fastest ways to make your trip less enjoyable. When you leave, it always seems like you’re going to need every item(物品)in your suitcase.   61  when you finish your journey, you may haven’t been worn once. Unless you can  62  a porter(行李)everywhere you go, all of those extra items are going to weigh you down. Here are  63  on how to pack for vacation and make your trip a pleasure.
Choose a wheeled suitcase and a small backpack. The wheeled  64  saves(避免)you from carrying heavy baggage. The small backpack lets you keep  65  items close.
Put your necessary travel items in the backpack. They  66  things like money, medicine and a mobile phone. If you have space, add some  67  items as well as a book, a snack and sunglasses.
Bring less. You’ll have to carry your bags  68  airports, train stations and city streets, so you don’t want to pack more items than necessary. Leave home any items  69  you may not need during your trip.
Don’t  70  your suitcase. You are sure to buy at least a few souvenirs during your trip, and leaving space for them in your suitcase will reduce your travel stress.
(   )61. A. So                                 B. And                                 C. But                                 D. Since
(   )62. A. support                         B. afford                         C. provide                         D. serve
(   )63. A. skills                                 B. researches                         C. messages                         D. suggestions
(   )64. A. car                                 B. bike                                 C. robot                                 D. case
(   )65. A. interesting                         B. important                         C. wonderful                         D. educational
(   )66. A. include                         B. prepare                         C. experience                         D. discover
(   )67. A. expensive                         B. necessary                         C. extra                                 D. correct
(   )68. A. around                         B. through                         C. between                         D. inside
(   )69. A. when                                 B. where                         C. why                                 D. that
(   )70. A. fill                                 B. lose                                 C. forget                         D. lock
Ⅷ. 补全对话(共5小题;每小题1分。满分5分)
A: Is that Peter speaking?
B: Yes, this is Peter.
A: Hi, Peter. My cousin, Alan, is going to visit me tomorrow. We plan to go to a movie.    71   
B: Ye, I’m free tomorrow. But when are you going to see the movie?
A:     72   
B: That’s fine with me. That what will we do after the movie?
A:   73    Do you have any good ideas?
B: There’s a good restaurant near the movie theater. The food is delicious and the waiters are very kind.
A: That sounds great!
B: Oh, I almost forget one thing.     75    You know there are always traffic jams on Saturdays.
A: I quite agree.

A. It’s better for us to walk there, rather than take a bus.
B. Would you like to join us?
C. What kind of movie do you like?
D. How about at 11 o’clock in the morning?
E. I have no idea.
F. I’ll meet you in front of the movie theater.
G. Why not have lunch there?

第三部分 阅读理解 (共一大题,满分40分)
Ⅸ. 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分。满分40分)
It was a bright Saturday morning. I stopped at a café to enjoy a cup of coffee and read the morning newspaper. Suddenly, I felt a hand on the back of my jacket and heard someone say, “Hey Steve! How are you doing?”
Looking back, I saw a man. He looked familiar, but I couldn’t remember where we had met.
The young man also held a cup of coffee, so I asked him to join me. Very soon, his story began to thaw out my memory.
Five years earlier, Johnson was traveling home late on a February night. A heavy snow had arrived that afternoon, and by midnight, the snowdrifts(雪堆)were getting deep. His car was stuck in a snowdrift just down the road from my house.
He walked to my house for help. I helped him pull his car out of the snowdrift and up to the street where the snow had been cleaned away.
This was a normal happening here during the winter. I couldn’t count the times someone has helped me to pull my car from a snowdrift. However, it was an unforgettable experience for him. He was only eighteen at that time, and he said he was very afraid. No one wants to be stuck in a snowdrift at night.
Sometimes, one simple kindness at the right moment can change the direction of a life. So, be kind and helpful.
(   )76. Where did Steve meet Johnson for the first time?
A. At a café.                         B. At Steve’s house.         C. At a bus station.         D. On a street.
(   )77. The underlined phrase “thaw out” in Paragraph 3 means “_______” in Chinese.
A. 打断                                B. 珍藏                                C. 增强                                D. 唤起
(   )78. Johnson asked Steve for help one night because_______.
A. he lost his way home                                         B. his friend was injured
C. he was caught in a heavy snow                         D. his car broke down on the way
(   )79. According to Steve, helping Johnson was_______.
A. a normal thing                                                         B. a strange thing
C. an unusual behavior                                                 D. an unforgettable experience
(   )80. The writer’s purpose of writing the passage is to tell us_______.
A. friendship is very important                                 B. even a simple kindness matters
C. meeting an old friend is a pleasure                         D. it is better not to drive in a snowy night

The food guide pyramid(金字塔)was the model for healthy eating in the United States. Now it has been replaced(代替)by a colorful plate—called MyPlate—with some of the same messages: Eat different kinds of foods, and eat less of some foods and more of others.
The pyramid has six parts to show the five food groups and fats, oils and sweets. Basic(基本的)foods are at the bottom(底部)and include bread and rice. In two middle parts are vegetables and fruits. In two top parts are milk and cheese, and meat, fish, eggs and so on.
The plate has four parts: vegetables, fruits, grains, and protein, and a side order of dairy(乳制品)in blue. The big message is that fruits and vegetables take up half the plate and the vegetable part is a little bigger than the fruit part. The grain part is bigger than the protein part. The MyPlate seems to be encouraging us to eat different food groups at each meal.
First Lady, Michelle Obama, has introduced the plate. And she will use it with her family. She said the pyramid just wasn’t easy enough for parents and kids to follow.
(   )81. MyPlate is for_______.
A. weight training                 B. healthy eating                 C. protecting animals         D. sleeping well
(   )82. Which are in the highest part of the pyramid?
A. Meat, fish and eggs.                                                 B. Vegetables and fruits.
C. Bread and rice.                                                         D. Fats, oils and sweets.
(   )83. According to the passage, which is TRUE?
a. vegetables b. fruits c. grains d. protein e. dairy
A.                B.                  C.                 D.
(   )84. The following words can describe the plate EXCEPT_______.
A. colorful                         B. wasteful                         C. simple                         D. useful
(   )85. We can infer from the last paragraph that_______.
A. First Lady, Michelle Obama, likes the plate        B. Michelle Obama invented the plate
C. First Lady’s family don’t want to use the plate D. the pyramid is too difficult for us to follow

Wonderful Experiences in Australia

Phillip Island Nature Park
Have fun at Phillip Island Nature Park. You will spend half a day there. You can see many animals, such as koalas, kangaroos and penguins at the peak.

Balloon Flight
Enjoy an early morning balloon flight over the beautiful city of Melbourne. After the flight you will enjoy a wonderful breakfast at the Hilton Hotel.

Amazing Sailing
Relax and enjoy the wonderful sights of the heart of Sydney as you sail across the sea in a large boat.

Restaurant Tour—Lunch
Having lunch in Melbourne can be a wonderful experience, specially in old trams(有轨电车)that have become restaurants.

(   )86. 11-year-old Tony and his parents will visit Phillip Island Nature Park. They should pay_______.
A.£79                                 B.£146                                 C.£158                                 D.£225
(   )87. The Balloon Flight starts in the_______.
A. early morning                 B. late morning                 C. early afternoon                 D. late afternoon
(   )88. When you_______, you can enjoy the wonderful sights of the heart of Sydney.
A. visit Phillip Island Nature Park                         B. sail across the sea
C. take a balloon ride                                                 D. have lunch in an old tram
(   )89. From the passage, we can learn that_______.
A. people can see animals at the Hilton Hotel         B. food in the trams is not good
C. Melbourne is a beautiful city         D. there are no aquatic animals at Phillip Island Nature Park
(   )90. People who want to_______are most interested in this passage.
A. travel in Australia                                                 B. learn about the history of Australia
C. eat Eastern food                                                 D. see forests

In America, most people don’t get enough sleep. Children aged 5 to 12 are advised to sleep 10 to 11 hours every night, but most of them can’t sleep that long. A study found that about 41 million American workers got less than six hours of sleep every night. Scientists worry that parents are passing their bad sleeping habits down to their children.
In the study, Reut Gruber and some other scientists either added or reduced on hour of sleep for healthy children aged 7 to 11. They watched the children for five nights. They wanted to know if the amount of sleep can affect a child’s behavior.
Before the study began, students were asked to sleep the same amount of hours as usual. Their teachers were asked to record their behavior. After five nights of the records, scientists found that those who slept one hour less behaved worse than those who slept one hour more. Students with less sleep were more likely to feel sad and had more problems paying attention.
The scientists chose to study children in their homes instead of in a laboratory, because they wanted to find out how everyday changes might affect children’s behavior at school. “In the study, nobody became a talent, and nobody became crazy. But small changes in children can really make a big difference,” says Gruber.
(   )91. Scientists worry that_______ may cause children to sleep less.
A. too much homework                                                 B. pressure from parents
C. TV and computer games                                         D. parents’ bad sleeping habits
(   )92. Scientists did the new study in order to know_______.
A. why children can’t get enough sleep
B. how long children should sleep every night
C. what children like to do before they go to sleep
D. if the amount of sleep can affect a child’s behavior
(   )93. Who helped do some new study, children with less sleep_______.
A. Teachers.                         B. Parents.                         C. Scientists.                         D. Psychologists.
(   )94. According to the new study, children with less sleep_______.
A. were more likely to feel excited                         B. were more active in playing games
C. had more problems paying attention                 D. didn’t want to answer questions in class
(   )95. The new study was done in_______.
A. a laboratory                                                         B. a classroom
C. a children’s club                                                 D. the children’s homes

第四部分 写 (共两大题,满分25分)
96. Lily f____________ (倒满) the cup with coffee and passed it to her father.
97. Kate got several t___________ (票) to the football match from her friend.
98. Lucy and Lily are twins, so they are s____________ (相似的) in many ways.
99. It is raining h____________ (大的). You’d better take an umbrella with you.
100. You’d better think it over carefully before you make a d____________ (决定).
要求:1. 语言表达准确,短文连贯通顺;词数80--100;2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称;
      3. 80词左右。

第一部分 听力
Ⅰ~ Ⅳ. 1-5 BCACC   6-10 CABAA   11-15 BACBA   16-20 CAAAC   21-25 ABACB
Ⅴ. 26. pleasures   27. close    28.forget                29. studies          30. dishes
第二部分 英语知识运用
Ⅵ.31-35 CCCBD   36-40 DBAAD   41-45 DCBDD    46-50 DABBC
Ⅶ.51-55 ACDBA   56-60 CBDAC   61-65 CBDDB    66-70 ACBDA
Ⅷ.71-75 BDEGA
第三部分 阅读理解
Ⅸ.76-80 BDCAB   81-85 BACBA    86-90 DABCA    91-95 DDACD
第四部分 写
X. 96. filled   97. tickets   98. similar   99. heavily  100. decision
Ⅺ. One possible version
   The way people spend their holidays has changed a lot from 2006to 2013. More people choose to travel abroad now, because their income has increased. They can afford the journeys abroad. As we know, the seaside is a good place for people to spend their holidays. But the rate has dropped by 7% during the past seven years because the sea is being polluted. The dirty water drives many visitors away. However, the number of the people who go climbing and camping is increasing. Why? Because more and more people want t get close to nature.

Ⅰ. 关键词语选择(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
1. He gave me no chance to reply t his question.
2. He can’t catch the bus unless he runs fast.
3. You’d better not stay up too late because it’s bad for your health.
4. Jim’s uncle has worked on the farm for ten years.
5. Let’s go to Children’s Home to cheer up those homeless kids.
Ⅱ. 短对话理解(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
6. W: Why do you like eating chocolates, Tom?
M: Because they are very sweet.
7. W: What are you going to do this afternoon?
M: I am going on a horse ride.
8. W: Please stop your fight and make peace. Tell me why you are fighting, Mark?
M: Danny borrowed my bike and he didn’t return it to me.
9. M: What would you do if you were free this afternoon, Jane?
W: How I wish I could watch Li Na’s tennis match! She is my favorite athlete.
10. W: I wonder whether the car was invented in 1886.
M: Actually it was invented in 1885.
11. W: Tom, you seem to have changed a lot.
M: Yes, I used to be shy, but now I am very outgoing.
12. M: Hey, Lucy! Do you like listening to music?
W: Yes, but I only like music that has great lyrics.
13. W: Jack, there is a math book on the floor. Does it belong to Jim?
M: No, it can’t be his. It must be Ann’s because her name is on it.
14. M: Linda, what would you do if you had a million dollars?
W: I wouldn’t buy a big house. I would travel around the world.
15. M: Can I help you] madam?
W: Yes, I’d like to choose a book about how to save the endangered animals.
Ⅲ. 长对话理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
W: Wake up! Sam! It’s time to go to school.
M: But why? Mum! I don’t want to go to school!
W: Give me two reasons why you don’t want to go to school.
M: One, all the children hate me. Two, all the teachers hate me!
W: Oh! That’s not reason. Come on! You have to go to school!
M: Give me two good reasons why I should go to school.
W: One, your 52 years old, and should understand your duty. Two, you are the head teacher of the school.
W: Hi, Tom! I heard you bought a computer last weekend.
M: Yes, Mary. My father bought it for my birthday.
W: That’s great! Do you often chat on the Internet?
M: Yeah, I think it’s very interesting. I often go to the chat room.
W: Do you play on the computer for long?
M: Oh, no. I only spend one hour using the computer every day.
W: That’s fine.
Ⅳ. 短文理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
Good afternoon, passengers, this is your captain speaking. First, I would like to welcome everyone on our flight 8368. We are now at the height of 33,000 feet and the speed is 400 miles per hour. The time is 1:25 p.m. The weather looks good and we are expecting to land in London about 15 minutes earlier than we’ve planned. The weather is clear and sunny with high of 25℃ for this afternoon. We’ll get a great view of the city as we land. You will be served with snacks and drinks in about 20 minutes. And you can enjoy movies shortly after that. I will talk to you again before you reach London. Until then, sit back, relax and enjoy the rest of the flight.
Ⅴ. 信息转换(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
All of us want to be happy, but few know that we make our own happiness. Here are a few helpful suggestions to make you happy.
Firstly, enjoy the simple things in life. You should enjoy life’s simple pleasures, such as reading a good book, listening to your favorite music, or spending time with close friends. People who have several close friends often live happier and healthier lives.
Secondly, have hobbies where you forget your problems and time. Many people go dancing, or play sports. You can forget your troubles, and only think of the activity that makes you happy.
Finally, find happiness in helping others. Studies show that people feel good when they spend their time helping others. You can help a friend with his or her studies, buy food for old people, or simply help out around the house by doing the dishes.

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