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[初中三年级] 浙江省温岭市第四中学2014年中考英语模拟考试试卷及答案网页版_中学试卷



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    1.  全卷共8页。满分l20分。考试时问100分钟。
    2.  答案必须写在答符题纸相应的位置上,写在试题卷、草稿纸上无效。






6.What day is coming soon?
A.Mother’S Day.    B.Children’S Day.    C.Father’S Day.
7.Who will help Frank wash the car?
A.His sister.    B.His brother.    C.His friend.
8.Does Mike often come late for school?
A.Yes.he does.    B.N0.he doesn’t.    C.We don‘t know.
9.Did Mike ride his bike?
A.Yes.he did.    B.N0,his bike was broken.  C.N0,he didn’t like tO ride his bike.
10.How did Mike get to school at last?
A.He got to school on foot at last.
B.He took ataxi to get to schoo1.
C.He ran to schoo1.

    Travel Spotlight
Place:    1l
Weather:    1 2    in the day.
Activities:Leam skating and    l 3
Why do young people like the place?    1 4
Tour cost:    l5

11.A.Green City       B.Green Town    C. Water  town
12.A.Cloudy           B.Windy         C.Cold but Sunny
13.A.swim             B.go hiking     C.take photos
14.A.To enjoy sports      B.To  make  money  C.To sleep in comfortable rooms
15.A.200 dollars        B.150 dollars    C.100 dollars
二.单项填空(本题共10小题,  每小题l分,共计l0分)
16.一Mum.where did you pul my new spots shoes?
—Oh.I put them in a box.And      box is tinder your desk.
A.a    B.an    C.the    D./
17.一Look.that’s Mike,your classmate.
  一Yes.Let’s go and say hell0 t0    .
  A.her    B.tlS    C.him D.t
18.--1 want tO buy a ticket of the film The Monkey King.Do you know its______?
  一I am not sure.Maybe it‘S 80 yuan.
  A.cover    B.size    C.color D.price
19.一May l take the newspaper out of the reading room?
  一N0.you can’t.YOU    read it here.It’S the rule.
  A.must    B.would    C.may D.might
20.一what’S the matter.granny?
  --I’m sorry to trouble,一——can you help me pick it up?
  A SO    B but    C.and D.for
21.——I called you this mornin9,but nobody answered.
一Sorry.I_____ the flowers in the garden.
A.alTl watering    B.was watering    C.water D.watered
22.一My classmates don’t like me.
  一Don’t worry!I am sure you‘ll_______your classmates if you are good with them.
  A.agree with    B.get on well with  C.1augh at D.hold on to
23.一Have you ever heard of the popular star_____is called Lady Gaga?
  一To be honest.I can’t stand her.
  A.whose    B.whom    C.which D.who
24.—Could you tell me——at the meeting?
  --Sorry,I don’t know.1 didn’t go to the meeting yesterday.
  A.what does she say  B.what did she say  C.what she says D.what she said
25.---I‘ve never had such a wonderful time.Thank you for inviting me.
    A.That’s right    B.Good luck    C.You’re welcome D.Good job
    Nadya Vessey。of Auckland,New Zealand,was born with an illness.So at the age of l6,    26  0f her legs below the knees were cut off.One day when a little boy was watching_27__take off her prosthetic({段.体的)legs.he asked her  ___28____ she didn‘t have any legs.Thinking  quickly she asked him whether he had read The Little Mermaid(美人鱼).He said“__29____”so Nadya told him that she was a mermaid.The Little boy was __30____  and said.“Wow!That‘s so   cool!”And then he ran offto telI his Dad.
    The _31___  0f becoming a mermaid became clearer and clearer in Nadya’s mind.After__32___it over,she wrote to Weta Workshop in Wellington to ask if they could __33__ her·She   never believed they actual ly would,so she was excited when she knew they  __34___.Weta   workshop’s manager.Richard Taylor、was very pleased to make it true,and wanted Nadya to be___35______.
    It took Weta Workshop two years to make a special _36____for Nadya.“A prosthetic is a   prosthetic,and your body has to be comfortable  ___37____it and you have to make it part of _38_______”.After practicing in the___39_____,Nadya went to the open sea to try on her mermaid  suit.It was ___40____ amazing and great to watch Nadya swim,and to see her dream come true.
    Nadya Vessey herself has written the story of a rear mermaid.
26.A.either     B.both      C.neither           D.none
27.A.me        B.you        C.him              D.her
28.A.why       B.how        C.when              D.where
29.A.No        B.Yes       C.Sorry              D.Goodbye
30.A.sad      B.afraid      C.surprised         D.unhappy
31,A.news     B.idea       C.story               D.history
32.A.going     B.taking     C.turning           D.thinking
33.A.carry     B.pick        C.treat            D.help
34.A.agreed    B.checked     C.refused         D.disagreed
35.A.ugly    B.beautiful    C.sad D.relaxed
36.A.hat    B.jacket   C,sweater    D.suit
37.A.with    B.on    C.from D.under
38.A.myself    B.ourselves    C.yourself D.yourselves
39.A.restaurant    B.waiting room  C,living room D.swimming pool
40.A.100    8.really    C.W ell    D.enough
What to Bring When Visiting Australian Zoo
1.Hat and sunglasses
The Australian sun can be quite hot even during winter,soremetuber to bring a hat and sunglasses.
2. Raincoat or umbrella
It‘s hard for us to know Australian weather,so it is necessary to
bring an umbrella or a raincoat to the Z00,even if it is sunny.
A day at the zoo can be very thirsty work。so make sure that you bring a water bottle with you.
4. Camera
There will be lots of chances to take photos on your visit to Australian Z00,so make sure you
bring your camera。Don’t forget to bring more batteries so that you won’t miss anything!
There are animal shows and feedings during the whole day.Bring a watch,so you can get to the shows on time.
41.What things do you NOT have to bring when you visit Australlan Zoo?
  A.A water bottle.    B.A gift.    C.A watch.D.An umbrella.
42.Why do you need to bring a watch when you visit the zoo?
A.Because you must go back home on time.
B.Because you can see the animaI shows on time in the Z00.
C.Because you will look cool with a watch.
D.Because you will feel free.
43.What’S the passage about?
A.The history ofAustralian Z00.    B.The weather ofAustria.
C.The importance ofprotecting the animals.D.Advice on visiting Australian Z00.
It‘s fun playing in the snow.But it‘s even more fun when you have
something big and warm to snuggle(依偎)up t0.For the two polar bear babies,that big warm thing was their mum.Not only did she give them a ride on her back but she let them use her as a blanket(毯子)as they sat down in the snow.
Keren Su.a photographer from Washington,the US,was lucky to take these lovely pictures in a national park in Canada.“I was there to get photos of the polar bear babies.I believe l discovered the greatest beauty of nature,”Mr Su said.
In one phot0  one bear baby seems to be telling the other to keep quiet because their mum needs to sleep.The two babies were always snuggling up to their mum.
--This was one of my most enjoyable moments during all of my trips,'Mr Su said.'Polar bear mothers protected their babies well.Taking a picture is totally(完全)different from just seeing a bear.At first,we could only watch them from far away.When they feIt we weren’t a threat(威胁) to them,we got the opportunity to take pictures.
  “Mv favorite season is winter because it‘s wonderful to take pictures of animals in the snow,”
Mr Su said.
44,What does the writer think ofthe polar bear pictures taken by Keren Su?
A.Boring.    B.Terrified.    C.Ugly.D.Loving and cute.
45.Where does Keren Su come from?
A.China.    B.Canada.
C.The US.D.Russian.
46.What carl we know from the fourth paragraph?
A.Polar bears like getting close to humans.
B.It isn’t easy to take pictures ofthese polar bears.
C.It’s fun taking pictures of polar bears.
D.Watching polar bears is more difficult than taking pictures of them.
47.What can we know from the passage?
A.Global warming is getting worse.    B.The number of polar bears is dropping quickly·
C.Getting close to nature is wonderful.D.A polar bear mother doesn’t have many babies·

    An old man walked slowly with a cane(手杖)into the restaurant.His old jacket,worn。out shoes and warm personality made him different from the usual crowd.
    A young waitress watched him move toward a table by the window.She ran over to him,and said:“Here.sir…let me help you with that chair.
    Without saying a word.he smiled and nodded(点头)a thank you.She pulled the chair away from the table and helped him sit.Then she put his cane against the table.
  ”Thank you.Miss.”he said,kindly.
  “You‘re welcome.sir,”she said.
   A.fter he had finished his breakfast,the waitress brought him the change(零钱)from his bill.He left it on the table.She helped him up and walked with him to the front door.
  When she went to clean his table,she found a business card under his plate and a note on a napkin(纸巾).Under the napkin was a l00一dollar bill.
  The note on the napkin read:“Dear miss,I respect(尊重)you very much and I can see you respect yourself,t00.It shows by the way you treat others.You have found the secret of happiness. Your kindness will shine through to all those who meet you.”
  The man she had served was the owner of the restaurant where she worked.This was the first time that she or any of the other workers had ever seen him in person.
48.The old man left a l 00一dollar bill under the napkin because he_____________.
  A.wanted to thank the waitress for her kindness
  B.thought the meal was delicious
  C.wanted to show that he was rich.
  D.wanted to get married with the waitress
49.What do we know about the waitress and the old man?
  A.The waitress knew the old Inan before she served Itim.
  B.It was the first time that the waitress had ever seen the owner of her restaurant.
  C.The old man wanted to have the waitress as his wife.
  D.From the note,the waitress knew that the old man was the happiest marl in the world.
50.From the story,we know that the old man went to the restaurant to__________
  A.have a good meal    B.enjoy good service
  C.see the restaurant for himself D.show his Iove for common people
5 1.What’s the best title for this passage?
  A.The secret of SUCCESS    B.The secret of happiness
  C.A young waitress D.An old man in the restaurant

TIME For Kids and KidsHealth.org wanted to know how things are going for kids.To find out,we took a poll(投票).We asked thousands of kids aged from 7 t0 1 3 about life here in the US.
Do you see the glass half full?Many kids d0.Four out of five say things are going well for them.And even more than that--96%---believe their future is going to be great.Nine out of l 0 kids say that here in the United States,it is possible to grow up and be whatever you want.
  Most kids alreadY have a career(职业)in mind.Boys and girls told us they dream of becoming teachers.professional athletes,doctors,veterinarians and vide0—game designers.Overall,those who answered the poll think that enjoying your job and helping others are more important than making a lot of money.Kids are also optimistic about our country.Four out of five say the United States is a world leader.Many kids believe that people all around the world respect(尊重)America.
  TIME For Kids and KidsHealth.org made a similar poll in 2009.Back then,kids were less confident about our country‘s leadership(领导力).When asked to grade President Obarna,only about half of kids said he deserved(值得)high marks for what he had accomplished(实现).This time around,three our of five children gave Obama an A or a B.
52.How many kids think their future is going to be great according to the passage?
A.50%    B.Foul'out offive.    C.None.D.96%.
53.What job isn’t mentioned in the passage?
A.Veterinarians.  B.Video-game designers.  C.Writers.D.Doctors.
54.What does the underlined word.optimistic mean in the fourth passage?
A.乐观的    8.悲观的    C.着急的    D.伤心的
55.Which statement iS NOT true according to the passage?
A.TlME For Kids and KidsHealth.org made a similar poll in 2011.
B.Four Out of five say the United States iS a world leader.
C.Kids think that enjoying your job and helping others are more important than making a      lot of money.
D.Many kids believe that people all around the world respect(尊重)America.

    Michael Leung,a  56  (著名的)TV host(主持人)in Hong Kong,wrote a letter to hiS   son.It is not only  57  (有帮助的)to children,but also good for all ages.The following are   chosen from his letter.
    I  Life is short.While you are  58  (浪费)it today,you‘ll  realize you are at the end ofit  59  (明天).So the earlier you start to value your life,the earlier you carl enjoy it.
    2.You might not be successful if you don’t  60(学习)hard,although a lot of successful
people haven’t  6 1  (接受)higher eduction.
    3.1 don’t expect you to support(供养)me for the rest of life,S,O I‘m not going to do the
same for you.You will be living on your own when you____(长大)up。
    4.You Can require yourself tO be   63(友好的)tO others,but you shouldn‘t expect the  same from others.
    5.I‘ve been buying the lottery(彩票)for almost twenty years.but l‘m still
_64___(贫穷的).I have never got the     65(第三)place even once.There iS no free lnch in the world

   clearly  though   safety  different  shake

66.I really enjoyed your lecture,__________there were some parts I didn‘t quite understand.
67.Food___________is important.Rules must be made to stop people from food pollution.
68.Sorry,I Can’t follow you.Would you please speak more___________?
69.Everybody should try to do something to help.In fact,even the simplest everyday activities can make a real___________to the earth.
70.In China,we are supposed tO____________ hands when we meet for the first time.
(  )71.Jeff likes sports.He would like something that can help him spend boring time during    the work—OUt(健身).
(  )72.Mrs.Scott  doesn‘t like to exercise,but she likes reading books about foreign places.
(  )73.Mr.Dean wants to improve his garden,SO he would like something that could help    him.
(  )74.Lisa,a 22-year-old glrl,worries about hcr weight.She is wondering how to lose   Weight.
(  )75.Sophia Iikes to look smart.When she is free,she enjoys listening to music.Now she player in just 200 hours.
A.Learn how to play the guitar.This populer video helps the beginner to becom a guitar.  player in just 200 hours.
B.Weight-losing trips.A program loved by young people,especially those fat girls.Join in it and make yourself become thin.
C.The new pocket MP4.This kind of MP4 fits right into your pocket.It[ets you listen to your favorite artist,even when you‘re doing sports.
D.Welcome to Japan.This book is about the history,the culture,and the favorite dishes of this  counWy.
E.Special scissors(剪刀).This kind of tools will make it easy to deal with flowers and trees.  Anyone Call learn to use it quickly.
77.最近你利你的同学就“中学生目前存在的问题”展开了讨论。  现在请你以此为话题,  参照表内提供的信息,写一篇短文。




1.argue with parents


have a talk with parents,
understand each other

2.can‘t sleep well
    before exams

  anxious about grades


3.feel lonely



Recently I‘ve had a discussion with my classmates about our problems.



1.M:Mary.how are you going tO Hangzhou for the summer vacation?
  W:l’Ill golng by train.
2.:What bad weather!    W:Yeah。rainy days always make me sad.
3.W:Peter.how do you like Paris?
  M:I feIl in lore with it when l went there on vacation last year.
4.W:Look.dad.Don’t drive after drinking.    M:Don’t worry.1 won‘t.
5.W:Jim can play the guitar well
  M:Yes。Ile used to practice it jn the evening.
W:Hell0.Frank.Why are you carrying the water?
M:I’In going to wash mv father‘S car.
M:Yes,Father‘s Day iS corning soon.1 want tO do something for him.
W:That’S a good idea.
M:And my sister wiII help me.t00.
B)听下面一段较长的对话,回答第8~l0三小题    ,
M:May l come in?
W:You’re late again.Mike!You are always late for school.
M:Sorry.Miss Wang.My bike is broken.
W:So you had to  walk here?
M:N0.I took a taxi.
W:Oh? Why did you come so late?
M:The taxi broke down On the way!
W:Oh.bad luck!So yOU walked here.
M:N0.1 ran here
  Hell0,everyone.Welcome to Green Town.a very beautiful place.It’S cold but sunny in the day.Here you can learn skating and go hiking.And at night you can also enjoy the night views.After that,you can sleep in comfortable rooms!It‘s a good place to have fun.Green town is really a wonderful place to enjoy sports .
That‘S why young people like to spend   time here.And it‘S very  crowded but  fun.You can come here by plane or train.It needs only 200dollars.
    Come and have fun


1-5ACACB    6-10 CAABC    ll—1 5 BCBAA
16-20 CCDAB    21—25 BBDDC
26-30 BDABC    3 1-35 BDDAB    36—40 DACDB
4 1-45BBDDC    46-50 BCABC    5 1—55 BDCAA
56.famous  57.helpful  58.wasting  59.tomorrow  60.study/work
61.received 62.grow    63.friendly  64.poor    65.third
66.though  67.safety    68.clearly    69.difference  70.shake
71-75 CDEBA
1.Get up early./Don’t sleep late./Sleep well./Have enough sleep.
2,Take enough exercise./Have a good feeling.
3.Eat healthy food./Eat more vegetables and fruits./Don’t smoke.
4.Don’t waste food./Don’t waste time./Save water.
5.Turn off lights before leaving,/Wash hands before meals.
77.One possible version:
    Recently l‘ve had a discussion with my classmates about our problems.Some of my
  classmates say they often argue with their parents.That is because their parents always ask
  them to study and they feel they have no free time to do what they like.If they have a talk with
  their parents,they can understand each other.
    Some say they can‘t  sleep well before exams because they are anxious about the grades·
  They should take a long walk tO relax before going tO bed.
    Some also say they feel lonely because they don’t know how to make friends.As the only
  kid in the family,students should take part in some after—school activities and learn to  communicate  with  others.

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