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[小学五年级] 苏教版小学五年级牛津英语下册综合复习题二_小学试卷



发表于 2022-11-12 18:51:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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           一,判断下列每组单词中划线部分的发音是否相同, 相同打“√”,不同打“×”
1 come 2 so 3 to
brother ( ) on ( ) cold ( )
4 social 5 Monday 6 sofa
computer ( ) hot ( ) hope ( )
7 Maths 8 term 9 feel
has ( ) better ( ) read ( )
10 garden 11 ready 12 duty
party ( ) really ( ) busy ( )
13 night 14 game 15 Monday
quick ( ) face ( ) morning ( )
16 about 17 have 18 hot
touch ( ) make ( ) old ( )
19 hobby 20 excuse
wrong ( ) jump ( )
1. stomach cold ( ) 2. toothache cook ( )
3. Science trick ( ) 4. Saturday Thursday ( )
5. there thank ( ) 6. window show ( )
7. minus Sunday ( ) 8. supermarket Art ( )
( ) 1. A. monkey B. so C. clock D. collect
( ) 2. A. climb B. pig C. English D. insect
( ) 3. A. keep B. meet C. bee D. green
( ) 4. A. bus B. student C. umbrella D. put
( ) 5. A. back B. after C. watch D. take
( ) 6. A. thirteen B. think C. the D. clothes
( ) 7. A. great B. teacher C. please D. sweater
( ) 8. A. why B. my C. sorry D. quietly
( ) 9. A. how B. now C. draw D. yellow
( )10. A. parent B. dear C. pear D. ear
1. 海伦是怎样度过她的周末的?她经常做家务,有时她看动画片。
How Helen ?
She housework. she .
2. 我喜欢浏览因特网。 我可以从中学到许多。
I like the . I can a lot it.
3. 她妈妈是一位老师。她教英语。
mother is a . She .
3. 你说日语吗?不,我不说。 我说中文。
you ? No, I . I .
4. 我的朋友是法国人,他喜欢游泳和钓鱼。
My friend France . He likes and .
5. 孩子们在干什么?他们在上一节美术课。
are the ? They are Art lesson.
6. 用你的右手碰你的左脚。
your with your .
7. 昆虫是我们的好朋友。我们都很喜欢他们。
Insects are good . We all like very much.
8. 你想看电视吗?是的。但是我正在做作业。你今天真忙啊。
Do you watch TV? Yes, I do. But I my homework.
You’re today.
9. 我的叔叔正在写一封电子邮件给他的英国朋友。
My is an e-mail his friend.
10. 迈克会做模型轮船吗?不,他不会。
Mike ships? No, he .
11. 我喜欢集邮,但是我的阿姨喜欢购物。
I like ,but my going shopping.
12. 你的妹妹在学校学习什么科目?
What your sister at school?
13. 这是新学期的第一节课。
This is of the new term.
14. 海伦得了重感冒,躺在床上。
Helen a . She is in .
15. 听说你生病我很抱歉。我真希望你快点好起来。
I’m to that. I you soon.

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