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[小学六年级] 人教版小学六年级英语上册《第五单元》知识点及复习题_小学试卷



发表于 2022-11-12 18:51:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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factory工厂   worker工人   postman邮递员   businessman商人
police officer警察   Fisherman渔民   scientist科学家   pilot飞行员     
coach 教练
country国家   head teacher校长   sea大海   stay保持(动词)   university大学
gym体育馆    if如果   reporter记者   use使用(动词)   type打字(动词)
quickly迅速地(副词)  secretary秘书
二、Part A课文导入
Sarah:Is your father here【1】 today?
Oliver:No. He’ s in Australia.
Sarah:What does he do【2】?
Oliver:He’s a businessman. He often goes to other countries.
Sarah:And what does your mother do?
Oliver:She’s a head teacher.
Sarah:That’s nice.
Oliver:Yeah. She ’ll be【3】 here today!
Sarah:Do you want to be a head teacher,too?【4】
Oliver:No,I want to be a businessman.
1、here,副词,意为“这里” ,其反义词为“there”那里
Come here,kids. Let’s go to the nature park!孩子们,到这里来,我们一起去自然公园!
2、What does he do?他做什么的?
What do/does+主语+do?
这是用来询问职业的常用句型,意为“某人做什么的?” ,当主语为第三人称单数时,助动词用does。
其答语通常为:主语+be动词+ a/an +表示职业的名词。
例:——What does your father do?
——He is an artist.
——What do you do?
——I am a basketball player.
【拓展】询问职业还可以用句型“What+be动词+主语?”或“What+be动词+sb’s job?”
What is your father?你爸爸做什么工作?(你爸爸是什么?)
What is your mother’s job? 你妈妈做什么工作?(你妈妈的工作是什么?)
3、she’ll be = she will be, will 是“将会,将要”的意思,will+动词原形→will do sth,“将会做某事”
She will do her homework this evening
I will be a great singer
He works here → ___________________
I am a teacher → ___________________
4、Do you want to be a head teacher? 你想成为一名校长吗?
“want to do sth”
“be going to do sth”
(1)我想吃汉堡包 → I want to eat hamburger
我打算去吃汉堡包 → I am going to eat hamburger
她想成为一名舞蹈员 → She wants to be a dancer
她打算成为一名舞蹈员 → She is going to be a dancer
三、Part B课文导入
Mike:My uncle is a fisherman.
Xiao Yu:Where does he work?【1】
Mike:He works at sea. He sees lots of【2】 fish every day!
Xiao Yu:I see. How does he go to work?【1】 By boat?
Mike:No. He works on a boat. He goes to work by bike.
Xiao Yu:He has a very healthy life.
Mike:Yes. He works very hard and stays healthy.
Xiao Yu:We should study hard and stay healthy【3】,too.
1、Where does he work?他在哪儿工作?
He works on a boat.
—Where do you work?
— I work in a restaurant.

How does he go to work? 他如何去上班?
He goes to work by bike.
—How do you go to work?
—I go to work on foot.
她在哪里工作?/ 她如何去工作?
2、lots of = a lot of,意为“许多” ,其后可接可数名词以及不可数名词!
I have lots of friends = __________________________
I have a lot of money = __________________________
3、study hard 努力学习!下面再讲!
stay healthy,“保持健康” , stay是连系动词,其后接形容词,将stay理解成“保持是......”, 跟be动词一样,描述主语的一种状态
四、read and write重要句子导入
1、He is good at football 他很擅长踢足球
Be good at sth/doing sth , “擅长....../ 擅长做......”
在be good at 当中,at 是一个介词,但凡是是介词后面跟有动词,都要把那个动词改为V.ing形式!
比如:He is good at football = He is good at playing football
She is good at piano =
类似的还有what about / how about......? ......如何?
2、She can type very quickly她可以打字很快
3、He studiesvery hard 他学习很努力
我们都很熟悉的是 形容词是用来修饰名词的,比如说red apple(红红的苹果),blue sky(蓝色的天空) , delicious lunch (美味的午餐)等!
She can  typequickly
打字   迅速地
He studies  hard
   学习    努力地

carefully小心地  happily快乐地   loudly大声地
也有例外:well 好地  do well 做得好!
Do well in 在......方面做得好 = be good at...... 在......方面是很擅长的
五、story time
What a great job!多么好的一份动作啊!
感叹句通常有what, how引导,表示赞美、惊叹、喜 悦、等感情。
what修饰名词,how 修饰形容词,副词或动词,
如:What an interesting story it is !多有趣的故事啊!
What a lovely day it is!多好的天气啊!
What interesting books they are!多有趣的书啊!
What bad weather it is!多坏的天气啊!
What a beautiful girl!多漂亮的女孩啊!
What a big fish!多大的一条语啊
What a pretty girl!多秀丽的女孩啊!
What a beautiful bird!多么漂亮的一只鸟啊!。


如:How big the dining room is!餐厅真大啊!
How lovely the girls are!这些女孩真可爱!
How beautiful those flowers are!这些花真美啊!
How well she dances!她跳得真好呀!
How hard he studies!他学习多么努力啊!
How carefully Li Yan listens!李艳听得多么认真啊!
如:How clean! 真干净!
How fast!多么快啊!
打油诗一首: 感叹句往后看
就用what a或what an
(   )1._______a clever boy he is !   
A. What     B. How      C. What’s

(  )2._______she dances!     
A.How good   B. How well     C. What well

(   )3._______quiet the park is!   
A.What a    B. How     C. How a

(   )4._____his father works!      

A.How careful      B. How carefully    C. What careful

(   )5._____noisy they are making!   
A.What     B. How    C. How a

(  )6.______delicious soup!      
A.How      B. What    C. What a

(   )7.______heavy snow!      
A.What a     B. What      C. How

(   )8.____old bike Li Lei is riding!   
A.What a      B. What an      C. How

(   )9.______exciting moment it is!   
A.How      B. How an     C. What an

(   )10.______supper we’re having today!   

A.What a delicious    B. How delicious    C. What delicious

(   )11.________fine weather it is today!     
A.How    B. What a    C. What

(   )12._____fast the boys are running!     
A.What    B. What a    C. How

(    )13._______the mooncakes are!   

A.How delicious    B. What delicious    C. What a delicious

(   )14.____surprising news it is!   
A.How      B. What    C. What a

(   )15.____time we’re having today!     
A.What a good     B. How good    C. What good

(   )16._______I miss you !   
A.What    B. How    C. How do

(   )17.Look! ______beautiful that lake is!     
A.How      B. What      C. What a

(   )18. ________ slowly Tom runs!      
A.How     B. What    C. What a

(   )19._____lovely the snow looks!      
A.What     B. How      C. What a

(   )20.________useful information it is!     
A.What an    B. How      C. What


1、邮递员2、商人 3、警察
4、工人 5、飞行员 6、教练
7、科学家 8、渔民9、教师  
10、歌手 11、作家 12、舞蹈家
13、清洁工 14、记者
7、farm(名词)8、country(复数) 9、have(单三)
4、He works tat sea.   
5、I am going to be a pilot.   


1.He is a worker.(对划线部分提问)   
2.She works in an office. (对划线部分提问)   
3. My mother goes to work by car. (对划线部分提问)   
4.Sarah likes using computer. (疑问句)   
5. He is a fisherman.(一般疑问句并肯定回答)     
6. He wants to be a coach. 对划线部分提问)   
7. Mary has a cat. 对划线部分提问)   
1. your  is mother  today here (?)   
2.He  to  often  gose  countries other     
3.want  be  to  I  businessman   a   
4.  he  what  do  does      
5. does  how  he  to  go  work     
6.good  he  at  is  football   
7. very  he  stays healthy  hard  works  and   


1.swim(-ing形式)_________   2.by(同音词) _________
3.teach(第三人称单数) _________   4.study(第三人称单数) _________
5.go(第三人称单数) _________     6.dance(-ing形式) _________
7.doesn’t(完整形式)____   _____   8.read(第三人称单数) _________
9.sing(名词形式) _________     10.writer(动词形式) _________


(   )1-- What ____your  father ______ ? -He  is  a  teacher.
A.does; does     B.do; do      C.does; do    D.do;does
(   )2-_________ does  she  go ? -She  goes  to  the  bank .
A.Where      B.How    C.What    D.Who
(   )3-_____ does  she  go  to  work ?  -She  goes  to  work  by  subway.
A.Where      B.How    C.What    D.Who
(   )4.Do you like ______?
A. swim   B. swimming   C. swiming   D. swim, too
(   ) 5. Alice ______ to school by bus every day.
A. is going to  B. go     C. goes     D. to go
(   ) 6. On Sundays, I often ______.
A. play the football      B. play piano     C. play the violin
(   ) 7. I"m going to the park ________.
A. this weekend     B. on this weekend     C. in this weekend
(   ) 8. He likes ______ magazines.
A. watching     B. reading     C. looking(   )
(   )9.当你想知道对方的爱好,应该怎么问:
A. What’s your hobby ?     B. What do you do ?
(   ) 10. 当你询问朋友他的妈妈是否教英语时,应该问:
A. Does your mother teach English ?    B. Does your mother like English ?
(   ) 11. How do you_____there ?
A. goes    B.get
(   ) 12. His parents________ stamps , too .
A. likes collecting     B. like collecting
(   ) 13. I _________an e-mail to Alice every week .
A. write     B. reads
(   ) 14. Who ___________math ?
A. teaching      B. teaches
(   ) 15. I like_________ kites .
A. make      B. making
1.your, What, do, does ,uncle   ________________________________?
2.Where,your, mother,does, work  _________________________________?
3.go, work, How, does, mother, to,your  ________________________________
4.pictures, drawing, Tom, likes,   ________________________________________.
5.by, My, brother, to, subway, goes,school  ________________________________.
6、I like swimming.(就划线部分提问)______________________________
7、Does  she  teach  English ?(做否定回答)______________________
8、He   goes  to  work  by  bike .(改为一般疑问句_______________________
9、I  go  to  work  by  subway. (就划线部分提问)_______________________
10、I  am   going  at  3o’lock. (就划线部分提问)_______________________
11、I  go  to  the  park  by  bus.(改为否定句)_______________________
12.Chen Jie likes playing the violin. (对划线部分提问)_______________________
13.Sarah likes listening to music.(变成一般疑问句,并做出否定回答)_______________________
14.He likes collecting stamps.(变成否定句)_________________________
15.My father doesn’t like watching TV.(变成肯定句)_________________________


A.How does she go to work?  B.This is my mother.  C.What does she do?  D.He is a worker.  E.Where does he work?


Sarah:Who’s this woman in the picture?
Chen: ________
Chen:She is a TV reporter.
Chen:She goes to work by bus.
Sarah:What does your father do?
Chen: ________
Chen:He works in a car factory.


This is a picture of my uncle.He likes math . He works in a bank.He helps the bank use their money well.He likes working with numbers. He goes to work by car,but sometimes he walks.My aunt is an engineer. She likes drawing pictures.She works in a big company.She designs computers. She goes to work by bus.
(  )1.What does my uncle like?
A.He likes math.   B.He likes drawing pictures.     C.He likes computers.
(  )2.How does my uncle go to work?
A.By car.    B.By bus.      C.By bike.
(  )3.Where does my aunt work?
A.In a bank. B.In a car factory.C.In a computer company.
(  )4.Who likes working with numbers?
A. My uncle.   B. My aunt.  C.My uncle and aunt.
(  )5.What does my uncle do?
A. He is a teacher.   B.He is an engineer.  C.He is an accountant.
Mike is a student.He gets up at 6:30.He has breakfast at 7 and then he goes to school.He goes to school on his bike.He gets to school early.He has four lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon.He is good at English and maths.He will go singhtseeing(观光)this summer holiday.He will visit the north of China.He will be there for ten days.He will be there for ten days.He will be back before beginning of the school.
(   )61.Mike has breakfast before 6:30.
(   )62.Mike goes to school by bike.
(   )63.Mike has six lessons all day.
(   )64.Mike will be in the north of China for ten days.
(   )65.Mike will come back to school after the summer holiday.
There are three people in Lucy"s family, her father, her mother and she. Her father is an engineer. He works in a computer company. Her mother is a nurse. She works in a hospital. Lucy is a pupil. She studies in Xinhua School. This is a happy family.
Read and answer.
1.How many people are there in Lucy"s family?
2.Who are they?
3.Is Lucy"s father a doctor?
4.Where does Lucy study?
5.What does Lucy"s mother do?

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