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[小学二年级] 2013年新派英语小学二年级英语下学期期末考试试卷及答案_小学试卷



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Class         Name              Number          Mark______

I .Listen and choose.请小朋友选出相同发音的词好吗?4%
例:fish   ( A )     A. milk     B. rice   
1. carrot  (   )    A. cake      B. apple      
2. comb  (   )     A. soap      B. moon
3. climb (   )      A. gorilla      B. fly
4. pudding (   )     A. cookie     B. pizza
II. Listen and circle. 听录音,圈图片。20%


III. Listen and circle. (听,圈出你听到的单词。) 20%
1. tooth  brush  teeth    2. celebrate  celebration  decoration
3. washes   wash   watch        4. where  when  what
5. get up  gets up  get dressed     6. January  June  July
7. at 9:00  at 5:00  at night        8. soap   coat   sock
9. o’clock  clock  clocks         10. jacket  dress  jeans
IV. Listen and number.(按听到的顺序标1,2,3,...) 16%


V. Put a tick or a cross.(与录音相同的打勾,不同的打叉)  10%
(   ) 1. What fruit do you like? I like apples, strawberries and watermelons.
(   ) 2.  I eat dinner with my family at six o’clock.
(   ) 3.  Mr. Smith wants a hamburger with a tomato and lettuce.
(   ) 4.  Look at the tall giraffe! It has long legs.
(   ) 5.  We always sing at the birthday party. We never dance.
VI. Listen and choose.(听问句选答句。) 10%
(    )  1.  A. Yes, it does.    B. No, it doesn’t.   
(    )  2.  A. Yes, it can.     B. No, it can’t.
(    )  3.A.  He eats lunch at 12:30.
B.  She eats lunch at 12:15.
(    )  4. A.  I want a sandwich with cheese, please.
B.  I want orange juice, please.
(    )  5. A.  What do you do in the morning?
     B.  What do you do in the afternoon?

Writing (笔试)20%
VII . Write the sentences.(连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号)5%
1.  Can,  walk,  a,  seal ( ?)
2.  favorite,  What,  dessert,  is,  your (?)
3.  long,   tail,   monkey,   a,  Does,   have( ?)
4.  always  eat,  I,  egg,  an,   for,  breakfast (.)
5.  my,   sister,  bed,  goes,   to,  nine,  o’clock,  at(.)
VIII. Answer the questions. Molly小姐想和你交朋友,你能回答她的提问,让她了解你吗?  7%


1. When do you go to school?
I go to school at __________________.


(1分 )
2. What do you want to drink? I want to drink _______________.
3. Does a giraffe have a long neck? _______________________ .
4. Can a zebra climb up trees? _______________________ .
5. What month is it? It’s _______________ .


6. What do you always do on your birthday?
I always _______________________________.
IX. Choose the right word. 圈出正确词语完成句子。8%
1. (What  Where  When) does Peter get up? He gets up at seven o’clock.
2. A ( waiter  police officer   doctor) works in a restaurant.
3. A  seal ( can  can’t  doesn’t ) swim in the water.
4. What can a snake do?  ( You  It  I ) can crawl.
5. Look! There are (a  an   some ) eggs on the plate.
6. ( Do  Does  Is ) an elephant have big ears?
7. ( January  February  September ) has 28 or 29 days.
8.  Mr. Smith (watch   watches   washes) TV at night.

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