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[小学六年级] 小学毕业模拟试卷(4)_小学试卷



发表于 2022-11-12 18:52:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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  一  按要求写字母 5%
  Dd Jj
  写出五个与E e 含相同音素的字母的大小写
  二  在下列选项中选出发音不同的那一项10%
  ( )1. A. front B. stop C. coffee D. hot
  ( )3. A. last B. gate C. past D. mask
  ( )4. A. cousin B. about C. house D. how
  ( )5. A. chat B. many C. hat D. bag
  ( )6. A. pear B. there C. where D. here
  ( )7. A. shirt B. her C. skirt D. ruler
  ( )8. A. sweater B. sweets C. bread D. breakfast
  ( )9. A. good B. cook C. football D. cool
  ( )10. A. fine B. hill C. nice D. mine
  三  中英互译 15%
  1.一本有趣的书_______________________ 2.6:30 _____________________
  3.在两只盒子中间_____________________ 4.听音乐 ____________________
  5.刚才______________________________ 6.什么形状__________________
  7.睡觉比他晚________________________ 8.度过一段美好得时光_____________
  9.元旦 ____________________________ 10.上车___________________      
  11.stay in bed ___________________ 12.surf the Internet ________________
  13. stand in a line________________ 14. visit relatives and friends_________
  15. plan for the weekend______________
  四  单向选择 10%
  ( )1.–____ is your mother? –She is a worker.
  A. What B. Where C. Who
  ( )2.It’s the second day of the week. It’s ________.
  A. Monday B. Sunday C. Tuesday
  ( )3.________ write on the desk.
  A. Not B. Doesn’t C. Don’t
  ( )4.We don’t go to school on _______.
  A. Sunday B. Sundays C. Mondays
  ( )5.Mr Li is a teacher. He teaches _________.
  A. French B. America C. France
  ( )6.She likes _______, but she doesn’t _______ doing housework.
  A. cooking, likes B. to cook, to like C. cooking, like
  ( )7.She _______ to school at 6:40 every day, but yesterday she ______ to school
  at 7:00.
  A. goes, goes B. goes, went C. went, goes
  ( )8.What _____ he _______ just now?      
  A. did, do B. do, did C. does do
  ( )9.–Where are Nncy and her classmates? –They _______ a basketball match.
  A. watching B. watch C. are watching
  ( )10.–Are there _______ flowers in your school? –Yes, there are ________.
  A. some, any B. any, some C. any, any
  五  配对 10%
  ( ) 1. How old is your father? A. There are four.
  ( ) 2. What time is it? B. We had an art festival.
  ( ) 3. How much is it? C. He’s forty years old.
  ( ) 4. How many classes are there in the morning? D. You’re welcome.
  ( ) 5. Here you are. E. It’s twenty to eight.
  ( ) 6. Thank you very much. F. Do my homework.
  ( ) 7. When is your friends birthday? G. Yes, I did.
  ( ) 8. Did you fly the kite last week? H. It’s on the 27th of May.
  ( ) 9. What did you do last week? I. Thank you.
  ( )10.What do you usually do in the evening? J. It’s five yuan.      
  六 完成下列对话 20%
  A: Excuse _________. Can you _______ _________ ________ _________ ________ History
  Museum, please?
  B: Go ________ this street and ________ right at the third _________.
  It is _____ your right. You can’t ______ it.
  A: _______ ________ is it from here?
  B: It’s about three kilometers _______
  A: Oh, that’s a long _______.
  B: To get there ________, you can _______ bus. ____ 6.
  A: _______ the bus stop?
  B: It’s over there, in _______ of the cinema.
  A: Thank you very much.
  B: Not at all.
  七 阅读理解10%
  Dear Robert:
  There are four seasons in the year here—spring, summer, autumn, and winter.
  Spring is the best season of the year. The weather gets warmer, and the days get longer. The trees turn green, and the flowers start to come out.
  Summer is the hottest season. It often rains, sometimes quiet heavily. I often go swimming, sometimes in a lake near my home, and sometimes in the river. I enjoy it very much.
  Autumn is a busy season. The days get shorter and the nights get longer. It is harvest time, and all the farmers are very busy. Often, we help them with the harvest.      
  The coldest season of the year is winter. I quite like it. Sometimes it snows, and the land is covered with snow. Then we go skating.
  Wang Wei
  1. Which season is the best season in the year?
  2. What’s the weather like in summer in China?
  3. What does Wang Wei usually do in summer?
  4. Which season is the coldest season?
  5. Does Wang Wei like winter?
  八  根据中文意思完成下列句子 10%
  1. 看!孩子们正在唱英语歌跳中国舞蹈。
  Look! The children ______ _________English songs and _________ Chinese dances.
  2. 上个月我们参加了一个歌咏比赛。
  We ________ ________ _________ a ________ __________ last month.      
  3. 你们昨天过的愉快吗?是的,我们很愉快。
  Did you _______ a _______ _______ yesterday? Yes, we _________.
  4. 你们下午要做家务。
  You _________ _______ to __________ _________ this afternoon.
  5. 他周末经常去拜访他的爷爷奶奶。
  ________ he usually _________ his __________ at the __________.
  九 根据实际情况回答问题 10%
  1. What would you like as a birthday present?
  2. What’s thirteen minus four?
  3.How much is your school bag?
  4.What’s in your pencil-box?
  5.Would you like to go to Beijing in 2008?

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