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[小学六年级] 小学毕业模拟试卷(1)_小学试卷



发表于 2022-11-12 18:52:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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  一 正确写出下列句子 5%
  ben, mike and I are good friends
  why don’t you keep off the grass
  二  在下列选项中选出发音不同的那一项10%
  (  )1.  A. bee     B. peach   C. headache  D. team
  (  )2.  A. visitor    B. port   C. shoulder   D. quarter
  (  )3.  A. uncle     B. public  C. must    D. music
  (  )4.  A. fine     B. kick   C. pick    D. video
  (  )5.  A. brother    B. doctor   C. nurse    D. tiger
  (  )6.  A. plate     B. man   C. happy    D. rabbit
  (  )7.  A. vest     B. let    C. head    D. clean
  (  )8.  A. kite     B. like   C. bike     D. fish
  (  )9.  A. open     B. hot    C. dog     D. crossing
  (  )10. A. computer   B. music   C. use     D. puppet
  三  中英互译 15%
  1.当然可以_________________________________ 2.说法语 _________________________________
  3.在黑板上写_______________________________ 4.种树 ___________________________________
  5.咳嗽得厉害 ______________________________ 6.跳得高 _________________________________
  7.和……一样高 ___________________________  8.住在一座旧房子里__________________________
  9.拔起 ___________________________________ 10.观看一场跑步比赛_________________________
  11.singing contest _______________________     12.fax number_______________________________
  13.have the same hobbies__________________    14.go over the goal________________________
  15.read better than all of us____________________
  四  单向选择 10%
  (  )1. –What does this mean? –It means “Keep _____ the grass”.
  A. off          B. of           C. in
  (  )2.We must stay away ______ the building.
  A. off          B. of           C. from
  (  )3.He always _______ a lot of question.
  A. is           B. has           C. have
  (  )4.They are in different ________.
  A. class         B. a class          C. classes
  (  )5.Look at the sign _______ the monkey’s cage.
  A. on          B. in            C. at
  (  )6.Look, our English teacher is ________.
  A. coming        B. comeing         C. come
  (  )7.Mr Green _____ around.
  A. look          B. looking          C. looks
  (  )8.The keeper points _______ the sign.
  A. with         B. to             C. up
  (  )9.My father often _______ after supper.
  A. take a walk      B. takes a walk         C. took a walk
  (  )10.Jack ________ back home tomorrow.
  A. is going to be     B. is             C. was
  五  配对 10%
  (  ) 1. What time is it?              A. Yes, I’d like to.
  (  ) 2. What day is it today?            B. OK.
  (  ) 3. What does it mean?             C. Yes, I do.
  (  ) 4. What’s the score?              D. She is from the USA.
  (  ) 5. Who’s got a goal?              E. It’s half past seven.
  (  ) 6. Do you have a question?           F. Liu Tao’s got a goal.
  (  ) 7. Don’t touch it.               G. It’s Monday.
  (  ) 8. How do you feel now?            H. It’s two all now.
  (  ) 9. Where is Helen from?            I. I feel ill now.
  (  ) 10.Do you want to visit the Great Wall?      J. It means “Danger”.
  六 完成下列对话 15%
  A: Hey! You don’t look happy. What’s _______ ?
  B: I don’t _____ ______ in English.
  A: Your English is not bad.
  B: But my classmates do _______ than me.
  A: Don’t _______. You can do _______ exercise.
  B:Yes, I can ______ English every morning.
  A: _______ the way, you can ask your English _______ about your questions.
  B:That’s _______.
  A: I also can _______ you with your English.
  B: Really? Thank you.
  A: You’re welcome. You’ll ______ better soon.
  七 阅读理解10%
  This is Mr Black’s family. Mr and Mrs Black has two sons and a daughter. They also have a pet dog. They have a big house. Their house has two bathrooms, four bedrooms, a kitchen and two other rooms.
  They have a small but nice garden. There are many beautiful flowers and some green grass in it. And there are three tall trees near their house. They have two cars. On Saturday and Sunday they often go to the seaside in their cars.
  Mr and Mrs Black work five days a week. They are teachers. They help their students. They also help their sons and daughter with their lessons.
  (  ) 1. Mr and Mrs Black make a nice ________ for their children.
  A. house     B. seaside     C. family      D. room
  (  ) 2. There are ________ rooms in the big house.
  A. 3       B. 9       C. 10       D. 8
  (  ) 3. They often go out by ___________.
  A. bike      B. bus      C. car       D. train
  (  ) 4. They may often ________ in their garden when they are free.
  A. play football           B. ride bikes   
  C. take a walk            D. water flowers and trees
  (  ) 5. Their children may ___________ .
  A. be students at school        B. work in a school
  C. do housework at home only      D. do nothing
  八  根据中文意思完成下列句子 10%
  1. 刘涛想给他的笔友写一个电子邮件。
  Liu Tao _________________________________ to his penfriend.
  2. 你能告诉我去第一中学的路吗?
  Can you ______________________________________________ ?
  3. 今天是几月几日?今天是一月二十一日。
  ______________________ today? It’s ______________________________...
  4. 男孩们跑得比女孩们快。
  The boys ______________________________ the girls.
  5. 他们正在农场上挤牛奶,摘苹果和拔胡萝卜。
  They _________________, _________________________ and pulling up carrots _____________.
  九 根据实际情况回答问题 10%
  1. When do you go to school?
  2. How far is your home from your school?
  3.What are you going to do after the exam (考试)?
  4.Did you eat any delicious food last night?
  5.What shape is your eraser?
  十 词形填空 5%
  1. He often __________ (go) to school by bus.
  2. Let’s go __________ (shop).
  3. ________ Nancy ______ her homework yesterday? (do)
  4.You can’t _________ (kick) the ball like this.

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