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[小学四年级] 2013年小学四年级英语下学期期中考试试卷(附听力材料)_小学试卷



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一、 听音辨单词。从下面的两个词中选出你听到的单词,将序号填到提前括号中。(10分)
(  ) 1.  A. river          B. clever   
(  ) 2.  A. cold           B. cool   
(  ) 3.  A. housework      B. homework
(  ) 4.  A. short           B. hot   
(  ) 5.  A. better          B. letter   
(  ) 6.  A. walk           B. talk   
(  ) 7.  A. friend          B. Friday   
(  ) 8.  A. white           B. wide   
(  ) 9.  A. kite            B. bike   
(  ) 10.  A. metre          B. meet
1.( )Rucy is a naughty girl.
2.( )It will be sunny in Shanghai tomorrow.
3.( )On Tuesday I’ll visit my grandma.
4.( )I think Amy sings better than Daming.
5.( )Tower Bridge is famous and beautiful.
三、 听音,根据你听到的问题,选择适当的答语,将序号写到题前括号中。(10分)
1. (  )  A pop music          B zither
2. (  )  A. I like her voice.     B Yes, I agree
3. (  )  A Daming            B Amy
4. (  )  A windy             B cold
5. (  )  A I hope not.          B No. I won’t.


一、 从下列选项中选出不同类的单词,将其序号填到题前括号中。(10分)
(  )1.   A  clever     B cute      C curl
(  )2.   A  zither     B football    C guitar
(  )3.   A  Tuesday   B Sunday     C one day
(  )4.   A  sunny     B rain       C hot
(  )5.   A  take       B walk      C talk
二、 写出下列单词的正确形式。(20分)
1. long(比较级)                  2. big(比较级)         
3.Wednesday(下一天)             4. good(比较级)         
5.won’t (完全形式)                  6.worse(原形)         
7.old (反义词)                      8.England(首都)         
9.rain (形容词)                      10.Amy(所有格)         
三、 将英语与汉语连线。(12分)
1.  a nice teacher              A白金汉宫
2.  Buckingham Palace         B一位友善的老师
3.  have a picnic               C流行音乐
4.  be quiet                   D去野餐
5.  play the guitar             E安静
6.  pop music                 F弹吉他
四、 读句子,选词填空。(10分)
Naughty    shorter   agree  about   Because
1. It’s a book _______ London.
2. This is my friend. He is very_________ .
3. Why not? ____________ tomorrow is Friday.
4. Is Xiaoyong __________  than you?
5. I think this girl is better. Do you __________ ?
1. it be will in Beijing windy(?)
___________________________                                                 2.  take   ball   you   will   a  (?)
3. London   capital   England  the  of  is  (.)
4. drums  the  play  they  can  (.)
____________________________________                                               5.The Great Wall  older  the Summer Palace  than  is (.)
This is Lingling. She’s a clever girl. She likes watching TV. She’s eleven years old. Her father is a driver. He’s very cool. Her mother is a teacher. She is thin and tall. Lingling is shorter than her mother. On Saturday lingling’s parents will take her to have a picnic.
1. Lingling likes swimming. (   )
2. Lingling’s father is very tall.(   )
3. Lingling’s mother is taller than Lingling.(   )
4. On Sunday they’ll have a picnic.(   )      


一 听音辨单词。从下面的两个词中选出你听到的单词,将序号填到提前括号中。(10分)
1. clever   2. cool    3. housework  4.  short  5.  better   6. talk   7. Friday    8.   wide    9.   kite  10. metre   
1. Rucy is a naughty girl.
2. It will be rainy in Shanghai tomorrow.
3.On Tuesday I’ll visit my grandpa.
4.I think Daming sings better than Amy.
5.Tower Bridge is famous and beautiful.
三、 听音,根据你听到的问题,选择适当的答语,将序号写到题前括号中。(10分)
1. What music do you like, Lingling?
2. I like her voice. Do you agree?
3. Daming is older than Amy. Who is younger?
4. It will be windy in Guangzhou. And it will be cold in Beijing. What will the weather be in Guangzhou? 5. Will you take your kite tomorrow?

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