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[小学五年级] 2014年小学六年级英语上册第一二单元测试题_小学试卷



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一、判断下列单词划线部分的读音是否相同,相同的写“T”,不同的写“F” (6分)
(     ) 1.  bread     sweater      (     ) 4. looked   watched  
(     ) 2.  party      card        (     ) 5. meet     see
(     ) 3.  pear      year         (     ) 6. through  weather
二、英汉互译 (14分)
1. 变成____________________   2. 变得晴朗____________________                  
3. 一个小男孩______________   4. 在天空中____________________                    
5. 走过城市________________   6.飞走_________________________
7.爬上小山__________________  8.很久以前_____________________
9. hold onto the kite __________   10. have a picnic _________________  
11. say one sentence __________   12. watch a film _________________   
13. point at the king __________   14. bring some food _______________
1. It was ______( rainy / rain ). There was a lot of ______(rainy / rain).
2. It was ________ ( clouds / cloudy ). There were black ______(clouds / cloudy) in the sky.
3. ______( Did / Does ) Mrs Black_______( watered / water) the flowers every day?
4.Mr Green _________ ( walked / is walking ) in the park now.
5. I look after ________( he / him ) every day.
6. He __________( looks / looked ) sad, because he__________( losed / lost ) a new pen.
四、单项选择 (12分)
(   )1. ---What happened?
-- -My kite _______ away.
A. fly        B. flies        C. flew
(   )2. He could not __________ his book.
A. find    B. look for      C. found
(   )3. They are looking _________ the picture. It’s beautiful.
A. for  B. after  C. at
(   )4. Each student __________ one sentence.
A. says     B. speaks     C. tells
(   )5. Don’t shout ________ your friend.
A. to    B. at     C. on
(   )6. It was time ________ play games.
A. to          B. for          C. on
(   )7. They were hungry because they ________ have lunch.
A. aren’t       B. don’t        C. didn’t
(   )8. There _______ many black clouds then.
A. is          B. Was        C. Were
(   )9. How do you go to school every day?
A. take a bus     B. by bus        C. drive a car
(   )10. ---__________
          ---Because I get some books from my teacher.
A. What’s the matter with you?
B. Why are you so happy?
C. Which man is your teacher?
(     )11. The witch(女巫)          the prince           the lion.
A. turned …on …        B. talked…with…  
C. told…about …               D. turned…into…
(     )12.I want to play ___ football but he wants to play ___ volleyball.
A. /; the              B. /; /                C. the; /              D. the; the
(    ) 1.There was a lot of chickens on the farm yesterday.   _______
                 A    B                   C
(    ) 2.The kite fly too high and we couldn’t  hold onto it . ________
                   A        B                        C
(    ) 3.Look at the king new clothes.                   ________
           A           B        C
(    ) 4.They fit me very good.                         ________
           A    B          C
(    ) 5.Sam meet Bobby in the park on Sundays .         ________
              A             B           C
Long long ______ ,there       a boy . He       drawing .
2. 今天早上,我带来了一些饮料。
This          , I        some drinks .
3. 轮到波比了,他正在努力思考。
It’s Bobby’s       . He is ___________ hard .
4. 昨天公园里有一场有趣的表演,我们看到了许多鹦鹉。
There was      _ interesting       ,we       many parrots .
A) 阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,相符的“T”, 不符的 “F”。(5分)
It was very cold in the morning . I was playing with some of my classmates in the park . We were running about on the ice, laughing and joking . Suddenly, something dangerous happened(发生).The ice broke(破) and one of my classmates fell(掉) into the cold water . We all shouted ,“ Help! Help! ”Just at this time , a boy of the same age ran over. With the help of him ,we pulled(拉) our classmate out of the water.
In the face to danger ,the boy was very brave. We all admire(敬佩) him very much. I will never forget(忘记) him. What a lovely world we live in.
(     ) 1. It wasn’t hot in the morning.
(     ) 2. I was playing with my classmates in a zoo.
(     ) 3. One of my classmates likes swimming in the cold water.
(     ) 4. A young man ran over and pulled our classmate out of the water.
(     ) 5. Here the word “ Help! ”means 救命.
B) 阅读短文,并根据短文内容选择正确的选项。(5分)
My Friends’ Birthday Presents
Today is Wednesday, February 16th. It is my friends’ birthday. They are going to have a birthday party at seven this evening. What am I going to buy for them? Zhang Jian likes drawing pictures so I’m going to buy him some crayons. What about Li Wen? Oh, I remember. She enjoys listening to music and I am going to buy her a CD. Li Dong is interested in reading science books and I’m going to buy him two books on scientists. I’m sure they’ll like the presents.
(    ) 1. What day was yesterday(昨天)?
A. It was Tuesday.       B. It was February 16th.       C. It was February 15th
(    ) 2. You should say “_________” when someone says “Happy birthday” to you.
A. the same to you     B. happy birthday           C. thank you
(    ) 3. Li Wen will get__________ for her birthday.
A. a CD             B. some crayons             C. two books
(    ) 4. What does “enjoy” mean?
A. 经常             B.喜欢                 C. 有时
(    ) 5. Which sentence is TURE(正确的)?
A. They will have a party at seven thirty this evening.
B. The writer will give the same present to the friends.
C. They are good friends, I think.

一、单词辨音,判断读音是否相同,相同的打“√ ” ,不同的打“×”(8分)
1.long      point (     )      2. laugh  afternoon (      )
3. arm         art (      )     4. start    hard  (      )
5. flower     show (      )      6. shout   house (      )
7. through    foolish(      )     8. try      party (      )
1. Look, they _____________ (dance).
2. He _______(go) to school on foot every day.
3. There ___(be) a coat on the chair yesterday(昨天). But there _____(be) not a coat there now.
4. I _______(see) a kite last Monday.
5. It is _______ (sun) today.
6. We couldn’t ________(have) our lunch.
7. He usually _________(teach) me English on Sunday.
8. She would like ________ (fly) a kite.
9. Don’t _______(drive) your car so fast.
10. I ______(can) tell this story in the past(过去), but now I _______(can not).
Ⅰ                                         Ⅱ
(   )1. What’s wrong with you?                  A. No, I wasn’t.  
(   )2. What was in your bag?                    B. It was a model plane.
(   )3. Where do you live now?                   C. I’ve got an earache.
(   )4. Can I go to school by bike?                 D. I have a headache.
(   )5. Your clothes are so nice!                   E. I live in Shang Hai.
(   )6. Were you at home yesterday?               F. I’m sorry.
(   )7. I’m not so good.                         G. Thank you.
(   )8. Let’s fly kites today.                      H. Great.
1. 很就以前,有两个老人和一个小男孩住在河附近。
Long long ago, two old _______ and a little boy ________ ________ the river.
2. 某一天,狐狸老师给她的学生们讲了一个故事。
One day, Miss Fox ________ her ________ a ________.
3. 李老师想要一些饮料和蜂蜜。
Miss Li ________ some ________ and ________.
4. 它飞得太高了,我不能抓紧它。(过去式)
It _________ ________ high and we________ hold ____________it.

Last Sunday, Li Ming and his friends went to his uncle’s home. Li Ming’s uncle lives on a farm near Nanjing. It is a beautiful and big farm. Li Ming’s uncle showed them a lot of photos about his farm at first. There were many cows, chickens, ducks, and fruit trees on the farm. Li Ming and his friends picked a lot of pears, apples and oranges. It was very hot. But the boys still had a good time on the farm.  
(     ) 1. Where does Li Ming’s uncle live?
A. In Nanjing.        B. On a farm.           C. Next to Li Ming’s home.
(     ) 2. When did Li Ming and his friends visit his uncle?
A. Last Saturday.     B. Next Sunday.        C. Last Sunday.
(     ) 3. What did Li Ming’s uncle show to the boys?
A. Some cows.        B. Some fruit trees.     C. Many photos.
(     ) 4. What did they do on that day?
A. Picked some fruit.   B. Fed (喂养) the animals.    C. Cooked fish.
(     ) 5. What was the weather (天气) like ?
A. It was cold.          B. It was hot.             C. It was warm.

An old tiger lived in the forest. He couldn’t look for food himself. One day, he was very hungry. He said to the monkey, “Please go and look for food for me!”  “Sorry, I can’t. There is a tiger over there, too. I’m afraid of him!”  “What?” the old tiger was angry, show me that tiger.”  “Come with me, please,” said the monkey. They came to river.  “Look, he’s in the river! He says he’s No.1 in the forest!” the old tiger was very angry, “ I’ll eat him!” with these words, the tiger jumped into the river.
(     ) 1.The old tiger _______ look for food.
A. Could    B couldn’t      C/
(     ) 2.He asked the ________ to look for food for him.
A. Other tiger     B. lion   C. monkey
(     ) 3.Were there other(别的) tigers here?________.
A. No.    B. Yes.    C.  There were two tigers in the forest.
(     ) 4.The monkey was _______ afraid of (害怕)the old tiger.
A. very    B. not    C.  a little
(     ) 5.The monkey took the old tiger to the _______.A. forest     B zoo    C. river

一、英汉互译 (10分)
1. 许多人_____________     2. 晴朗的一天_________________________
3. 指着国王__________________ 4. 很久以前___________________________
5. 试穿衣服____________________ 6. some interesting parrots________________
7. have a picnic ___________________8. turn into ___________________________  
9. bring some food _______________10. hold onto ___________________________
1. ----What do you like?
----I like _____________(make) clothes. I can __________ (make) nice clothes.
2. Look! They ____ _____   (tell) a story. They also ____     _ (tell) a story yesterday.
3. It is a __________ (rain) day today, but yesterday it didn’t     ___   (rain).
4. ----__________ ( be ) there any milk in the fridge?
----Yes, there is __________ ( some).
三、单项选择 (20分)
(    ) 1. What ______________ beautiful flowers!
A. a                B. /                  C. the
(    ) 2. An old man walked _______ the house.
A. on               B. by                C. across
(    ) 3. The old woman was angry. She ________ us.
A. shouted at         B. shouts to           C. shouted
(    ) 4.The boy isn’t ________ ________ pictures.
A. drawing some      B. draws any          C. drawing any
(    ) 5. Each student ______ one word.
A. says              B. say                C. saying
(    ) 6. They have to _______ the story again.
A. start              B. starts               C. started
(    ) 7. Yesterday was very ________. My family went for a picnic in the park.
A. windy            B. rainy                C. sunny
(    ) 8. Where __________ Su Hai and her family _________?
A. does; live          B. do; lives             C. do; live
(    ) 9. The weather became _________ .
A. rain               B. rains                     C. rainy
(    ) 10. It _________ sunny last Sunday. We ________ very happy.
A. was; are          B. was; was                 C. was; were
四、从II栏中选出与I栏相对应的句子 (10分)
            I                                  II
(    ) 1. Where are you going?                 A. It’s an apple.
(    ) 2. Was she in the kitchen just now?        B. I’m a driver.
(    ) 3. Where are Lucy and Liu Tao?          C. I was 11 years old.
(    ) 4. How old are you?                               D. Eighty yuan.
(    ) 5. What do you do?                    E. Red.
(    ) 6. What do you like doing?              F. I’m going to the library.
(    ) 7. How old were you last year?           G. They are in the playground.
(    ) 8. What colour is your sweater?           H. I’m 12.
(    ) 9. How much are the shoes?              I. I like reading books.
(    ) 10. What’s this?                        J. No, she wasn’t.
1. 请试穿这些神奇的衣服。
Please________ on these __________ clothes.
2. 聪明的人能够看到它们。愚蠢的人看不到它们。
_________ people can see them. ___________ people can’t see them.
3. 皇帝没有穿衣服。
The king isn’t ____________  __________ clothes.
4. 谁能为我做衣服?
__________ can _________ clothes ___________  me ?
5. 今天下了一天的雨。
It___________ all ___________ today.
6. 你能将风筝放高吗?
Can you __________  ___________  ___________?
A) 阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符相符的“T”, 不符的 “F” (5分)
Long long ago, there was a king. He liked to draw pictures and he thought his pictures were very good. No one liked his pictures but they were afraid of (害怕) him. So they said he drew very well.
One day he showed his pictures to an honest(诚实) man, and said, “How about my pictures?” The honest man said that they were bad. The king got angry and put him into prison(监狱).
After a month the king let the honest man be free. When the man came out of prison, the king asked him to have dinner with him. He showed him some new pictures and asked, “How about these new pictures?” The honest man said nothing and turned back to the soldiers(士兵), “Put me into prison.”
(    ) 1. The king liked drawing and he drew very well.
(    ) 2. The people said the king’s pictures were great because they were afraid of the king.
(    ) 3. The word “free” in this passage means “ not busy”.
(    ) 4. The king asked the honest man to have dinner together because he wanted to know how his new pictures were.
(    ) 5. “Put me into prison.” Means the honest man didn’t like to have dinner with the king.
B) 阅读短文,并根据短文内容选择正确的选项。(10分)
My Friends’ Birthday Presents
Today is Wednesday, February 16th. It is my friends’ birthday. They are going to have a birthday party at seven this evening. What am I going to buy for them? Zhang Jian likes drawing pictures so I’m going to buy him some crayons. What about Li Wen? Oh, I remember. She enjoys listening to music and I am going to buy her a CD. Li Dong is interested in reading science books and I’m going to buy him two books on scientists. I’m sure they’ll like the presents.
(    ) 1. What was the date yesterday?
A. was Tuesday.       B. It was February 16th.      C. It was February 15th
(    ) 2. You should say “_________” when someone says “Happy birthday” to you.
A. the same to you     B. happy birthday           C. thank you
(    ) 3. Li Wen will get__________ for her birthday.
A. a CD             B. some crayons             C. two books
(    ) 4. What does “enjoy” mean?
A. often             B. have fun                 C. sometimes
(    ) 5. Which sentence is TURE?
A. They will have a party at seven thirty this evening.
B. The writer will give the same present to the friends.
C. They are good friends, I think.

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