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[小学六年级] 2014年外研版小学六年级英语下学期期中考试试卷_小学试卷



发表于 2022-11-12 18:52:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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(    ) 1. A. became    B. take     C. make     D. balloon
(    ) 2. A. send      B. spend    C.baseball   D. mess
(    ) 3. A. coat      B. boat     C. cola      D. pilot  
(    ) 4. A. pick      B. ring     C. shine     D. noisy
(    ) 5. A. dollar    B.  card     C. arm      D.party
1. write(过去式)__           6.saw(原形) __        
2. fly(过去式)__             7. he(宾格)__        
3. party(复数)__              8.child(复数)__           
4. wear(同音词) __              9.run(现在分词)__        
5.  up(反义词)__            10.say(第三人称单数)__      
(  )1.A.table   B. baseball   C. football  D.basketball
(  )2. A. gave   B. bought   C. have    D. came
(  )3. A. warm    B. wrong   C. laugh   D.noisy
(  )4. A. his    B. her     C. him      D. my
(  )5. A. hot dog  B. rice  C. sandwich  D.sausage
1. have a picnic __________     6. made a video__________
2. 吹小号  __________            7. 飘走__________
3. middle school  __________    8.进来 __________
4. 打扫楼梯  __________         9.到处__________
5. pick up __________           10. Enjoy your meal! __________      
(  ) 1. You can play _____piano but you can’t play ____baseball.
A. a; the     B. /;the    C. the; /
(  ) 2. The birds are sitting ________the trees.
A. in          B. to        C. on
(  ) 3. Look! The boy ________after a dog .
A. running   B. runs      C.is running
(  ) 4.It’s going to_______ in Shanghai.
A. rainy        B. be rain        C. rain  
(  ) 5.Sally is going to go to the library ____ Sunday.
A. in       B. at        C.on
(  ) 6.I’m very proud_____my father.
A. for   B. with   C. of
(  ) 7.A:______is the watermelon ?     B: It’s four yuan.
A. how much      B. how many      C .what
(  ) 8.Thank you  for _______my mother.
A. to help     B. helping       C. help
(  ) 9. I bought flowers     my mother.   A. for    B. to    C. from
(  ) 10. It _____interesting.      A. look   B. looks    C. is looking
(  ) 11. He is going to travel_________March.     A. in   B. on  C. at
(  ) 12. The old man______ in a small house many years ago.
A. live at   B. lives    C. lived
(  ) 13. He’s swimming, _________it’s getting too cold.
A. but         B. and       C. or
(  ) 14. Daming’s mother bought a book and ____it to him.
A. gave  B. spent  C. took
(  ) 15. He ____born ___2000.      A. is, on   B. are, in   C. was, in
(  ) 16. The deaf man can’t  _____ anything.      
A. see       B. hear      C. speak
(  )17. The little girl learned ______ and write two yeas ago.   
A. to read   B. reading     C. to reads
(  )18. In this photo, the ducks _______ in the water.
A. swiming   B. are swimming    C. are going to swimming
(  )19. He could’t _____ and _____.  
A.run ,jump     B. says ,sings      C. walked ,ran
(  )20. She’s _____ things for your birthday .   
A. bought   B. buy   C. buying
(  )21. Daming often ____his bike to school.   
A. ride       B. rides       C. is riding
(  )22. The bike isn’t ____. I think it’s _____.
A. mine, his     B. mine, him    C. my, his  
(  )23. It’s going to be  ________ in Shanghai.
A. sunny   B. snow   C. wind
(  )24. I want ________ a doctor when I grow up(长大).
A. become     B. be           C. to be            
(  )25. I wanted you _____ the balls .
A、to bring    B、bring      C、brough
1.The baby put the books on the floor. Look! What a m_____.
2.Look at the oranges .They are falling down the s______.
3.The light is red. You can’t c ____the road.
4.Yang Liwei is a p_____ and he’s very f________.
5.The sun is s________ in the sky.
6.Helen Keller  is  a  m________ for blind people.
7.He made lots  of  m ________with   English.
8.The ducks are very n______.
9.He wants to eat three h________.
1.you ,to ,Beijing ,going ,this ,are ,to ,October ,go ?
2. about ,hours ,space ,he ,spent ,in ,twenty-one .
3. the, stairs, down, the, falling, apples, are.
4. really , it  ,is ,dog ,a  ?
5.out, window ,am ,of ,I ,looking , the .
(  )1.Where were you born ?                A. Thirty  yuan.
(  )2.How much is a  hot dog?            B. I go to school by bike
(  )3.Why are you wearing a swimsuit?           C.I want a cola .
(  )4.How are you going to go to school?         D. Tianjin.
(  )5.Can I help you ?               E. Because I’m going to swim.
(A) It’s September and we are back to school. It’s good to see all my classmates and teachers again. They are all fine and happy. We are in Grade Eight this term. There are twenty-six girls and twenty-eight boys in our class. Mr Hu is our new English teacher and Mr Li will teach us physics. Physics is a new subject. I hear physics is not easy, but it’s interesting. I’m going to work hard on it. I’m good at maths, but I don’t do well in English. I like English. I’ll ask Lucy for help. Lucy is my good friend and I can help her with her Chinese, too. I’m going to do my best this term. I think I can do better than last term.
根据短文内容, 判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。
(    )1. The new term begins in September.
(    )2. They are back to school, so they are unhappy.
(    )3. They have five new subjects.
(    )4. Lucy is good at English and Chinese.
(    )5. Lucy can help me with my English.
(B) It is Saturday. The Browns are at home. Mrs Brown is in the kitchen. She’s making apple pies. The pies she makes are very delicious. Do you want to have a taste? Mr Brown isn’t in the living room. He is outside. He is washing his car. The car is new and very beautiful. So he looks after it very well. Jim is in the garden. He is playing football with some other boys. Where is his sister,Sue?She’s in her bedroom with her friend,Ann. They are watching the Animal World.
(    )1. There are _____  people in Mr Brown’s family。
A. six       B. four     C. two     D. three
(    )2. Mrs Brown is ____.
A. tasting the apple pies   B. watching TV   C. cooking   D. eating a cake
(    )3.  Mr Brown looks after _____very well.
A. Mrs Brown    B. his daughter   C. his family   D. his car
(    )4. Who are playing outside? _____
A. Mrs Brown and Sue    B. Some boys   C. Sue and Ann   D. Some girls
(    )5. Sue and Ann are ____.
A. watching TV in the living room
B. playing football in the open air  
C. watching TV in Sue"s room   
D. playing in Ann’s room

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