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[小学六年级] 2014年外研版小学六年级英语下学期一二模块测试试卷_小学试卷



发表于 2022-11-12 18:52:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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一. 听力部分(共35小题,第1-30小题各1分;31-35小题各2分,满分40分)
(一) 听单词,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出你所听到的单词,并将答案标号写在提前括号内,每个单词读两遍。
(  )1.A cola          B cold            C cool
(  ) 2 A why          B enjoy           C noisy
(  ) 3.A back          B talk            C duck
(  ) 4. A what          B want           C water
(  ) 5 A November    B  vegetable        C hamburger
(  ) 6 A ccent          B send            C see
(  ) 7.A )10A twenty         Bseventy          C twelve
(二) 听单词,选出每小题中你所听到的单词所对应的图片,并将答案标号写在题号后的横线上,每个单词读两遍。


(  )21 A It’s gong to snow in Harbin.   
  B It’s gong to rain in Beijing.
C It’s going to be cold in Haikou.
(  )22 A Is it really a day ?       B Is it really a pig ?       C Is it really an elephant ?
(  )23A What do you want to drink ?      
B What do you want to eat ?
C What do you want to play ?
(  )24 A It looks good!        B It sounds nice!        C It smells nice!
(  )25 A It’s thirteen dollars and twenty—five cents.     
B It’s thirty dollars and twelve cents.
C It’s thirteen dollars and seventy cents.
(  )26 A I want a hot dog,please.       B I want a hamburber,please.
       C I want a cola,please.
(  )27 A It’s thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.
      B Thant’s two hamburgers,a hot dog and three  colas.      C It’s half past seven o’clock.
(  )28 A Yes,it is.      B No,it isn’t.        C No,it,is.
(  )29 A.It’s half past seven,      B.we are going to walk arouncl the lake.
  C.It’s going to rain soon?
30 A.At hlalf past twelve.       B.At eight o’clock.       C.At half past five.
(五) 录音中有五个小对话,根据每个对话内容选出能回答所提出问题的最佳答案,并将答案序号写出题前括号内。
(   )31 What are they going to do now?
A. Walk around the lake.   
B. Have a picnic in a park.  
C. Go to school.
(   )32 When are they going to eat for lunch.
A. At half past seven .   
B. At half past twelve.   
C. At five o’clock.
(   )33 What does Daming want to eat?
A. A hamburger and a cap of milk.
B. A hot dog and a cup of milk.
C. A hot dog and a cola.
(  )34 What do they eat for lunch?
A.That’s two hambargers, a hot dog and three colas.
B.That’s two hot dogs,a hamburber and three caps of  milk.
C.That’s two hamburgers,a sandwiches and three colas.
(  )35 How much is it?
A It’s thirteen yuan.        B It’s ten yuan and fify fen.     C It’s eleven yuan and sixty fen.
(  )1.That’s a hamburber,it----good’   
  A look            B looks        Clooking
(  ) 2 ---I want a cola.      ---A cola ---me,too.
  A for       B to     Con
(  )3 -------is it ?    It’five dollars.   
  A How much    B How many   C How long
(  )4A hamburber(3.75 dollar) and a hot dog(1.25dollar)are----?
  A 4 dollars     B 4.75 dollars    Cfive dollars
(  )5What dou you want-----eat?
  Afor     B in      Cto
(  )6 Look !It’s gong to -----soon.
  A be rain     B rain     C rains
(  )7 We are gong to eat----ten o’clock.   
  A in    B on     Cat
(  )8 It’s ----nice day!     A a      B an    C \
(  )9 Lt’s __under that tree.     A gong    B go   C goes
(  )10 Can you help___?      A I       B me    C my
(  ) 1.When are we gong to eat for lunch?      A No,it isn’t.
(  )2. What time is it ?                     B It’s ten yuan.
(  )3 What are we gong to do now?           C It’s sunny.
(  )4.Where are we gong to go then ?          D We are gong to have a picnic.
(  )5 What’s the weather like today ?          E At half past twelve.  
(  )6.What do you want to eat ?              F It’s eleven o’clock.
(  )7 How much is  it ?                    G We are gong to go to a park.
(  )8.Can I help you ?                      H A hot dog,please.
(  )9 Is it really a dog ?                     I No,thanks.
(  )10 What do  you want  to drink?         J I want a cup of tea.

  A Can I help you ?
  B What do you want to drink ?
  C Here you are.
  D How  much is it ?
  E What do you want to eat ?

   Waiter : _____________
   Xiaoli : Yes,please.
   Water : ___________
   Xiaoli :        I want some rice and fish.
   Waiter: ___________
   Xiaoli :I want a cola.
   Xiaoli :___________--
   Waiter:They are twenty yuan .
   Xiaoli : Here you are.
   Waiter:Thank you.
  Everyone wants to be healthy(健康的). Food is very important for our health.There is a lot of healthy food.You can have more bananas,apples,oranges,tomatoes and lettuce because fruit and vegetables are good for you.But you shouldn’t eat too much chocolate or fast food.They’re not healthy food.Healthy food can make you grow and strong.Sports can also keep you healthy.Get up eary and some sports every day . You will be healthy and happy.
(  )1 Food is very important for our_healthy .划线部分的单词的意思是——
A 重要的    B 不重要的   C 珍贵的
(  )2 If you want to be healthy ,please eat more ____and less______
A fast food ,vegetables  B chocolate,fruit  C fruit and vegetables ,chocolate
(  ) 3.____can also keep you healthy.
A Sports  B Chocolate    C Meat
(  ) 4Healthy food can make you grow and make you ____
A fat    B strong   C  thin
(  )5 __are fast food.
  A Hot dogs and hamburger    B Fruit and vegetable   C Chocolate and vegetable
  1 I want a h_mb_ _g_ _ and a c_l_.
  2 _nj_y your meal.
  3 It’s thirty d_ll_ _ _ and seventy-five c_ _ _.
  5 Is it r_ _ly a dog?
  6 These d_c_ _ are n_ _sy.
  7 Look! It’s r_ _n_ _ _ now.
  8 Our p_cn_c is wet.
   Look at this beautiful picture.It’s sunny and very hot.

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