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[小学六年级] 小学六年级英语配套试卷第十一册【第5至8课】形成性训练卷_小学试卷



发表于 2022-11-12 18:52:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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学校 ___________  班级 ________ 姓名 _________评价等级__________

[color=]Listening (40%)

I. 听录音,找出你听到的单词。(念两遍)(4%)

(   ) 1.

A. metre

B. medal

C. mud

D. melt

(   ) 2.

A. brave

B. bronze

C. bright

D. branch

(   ) 3.

A. sleep

B. smart

C. snow

D. sweet

(   ) 4.

A. most

B. move

C. moon

D. more

(   ) 5.

A. funny

B. honest

C. journey

D. monkey

(   ) 6.

A. better

B. best

C. beef

D. boat

(   ) 7.

A. soup

B. sour

C. sugar

D. second

(   ) 8.

A. hurdle

B. huge

C. honest

D. happily

II. 听录音,用线条将相关的人物与词连接起来。(念两遍)(12%)









135cm / 153cm

136cm / 134cm

140cm / 114cm

143cm / 147cm


30kg / 32kg

30kg / 35kg

40kg / 35kg

28kg / 38kg

60m race

11.5sec / 11.3sec

11.4sec / 11.1sec

11.3sec / 11sec

12.2sec / 12.3sec


56 / 57

55 / 57

26 / 36

48 / 43

IV. 听录音,判断下列情景图画的正误。用“√”或“×”表示。(念两遍)(5%)


V. 听录音, 判断下列句子的正误,用“T”或“F”表示。(念两遍)(5%)
(   ) 1. The sports meeting was over on Friday.
(   ) 2. Jim won the long jump.
(   ) 3. Jenny didn’t win because she hurt her foot.
(   ) 4. Class Three won the boy’s 400m relay race.
(   ) 5. Lily won the girl’s 200m race.
VI. 听录音,写出下面每个人准备买的的东西。(念三遍)(6%)
Tim needs to buy some _________ and _________.
Bob needs to buy some ______________.
Anne needs to buy some ____________________.
Koko needs to buy some ________ and ________.

[color=]Writing (60%)

I. 给下列句子找出相应的情景图画,将编号写在括号内。(4%)


(   ) First, boil some noodles for three minutes. Take out the noodles.
(   ) Then fry some pork in a wok.
(   ) Next, put in the noodles and add some cabbage, carrots and beans.
(   ) Finally, add some salt and fry the noodles, pork and vegetables.
(   ) 1. Mulan is ________ because she is ________ than Cinderella.
      A. better / most exciting       B. better / more exciting
      C. best / most exciting         D. best / more exciting
(   ) 2. Yesterday was Sports Day. Pat was _______ the long jump and the high jump.
       A. on         B. at         C. in          D. to
(   ) 3. Lion Team won 20 medals. They won the most medals and they were _______ the first place.
       A. on         B. at         C. in          D. to
(   ) 4. People are fast but animals are ________ faster.
       A. much         B. many         C. more          D. most
(   ) 5. Tom was _______ than Pat yesterday.
       A. more busy     B. busier        C. busy           D. busyer
(   ) 6. Which is __________? A cat, a horse or a tiger?
       A. strong     B. stronger    C. the stronger      D. the strongest
(   ) 7. I like _________ food. May I have some lemons, please?
       A. spicy         B. sweet         C. leafy          D. sour
(   ) 8. Tom likes _______ food. Give him more sugar, please.
       A. spicy         B. sweet         C. leafy          D. sour
(   ) 9. It’s delicious _________ it’s not healthy to eat too much sweet food.
       A. but          B. and           C. or            D. so
(   ) 10. Pat likes sweet food ________ she will like this chocolate cake.
       A. but          B. and           C. or            D. so
1. In the Sports Day, Alan won 4 gold medals, Ben won 3 gold medals and David won 2 gold medals.
Ben is ________ than David. He won _________ medals than David. ________ is better than Ben. He’s the __________ of the three.
2. Jenny is 36kg. Holly is 40kg. Mandy is 45kg.
Jenny is ___________ than Holly. Mandy is _________ than Holly. Jenny is the __________ of the three. Mandy is the ___________ of the three.
3. Peter ran 12.2sec in 60cm race. Bill ran 11.8sec. John ran 11sec.
Peter ran _________ than Bill. John ran __________ than Bill. Peter ran the ________ of the three. John ran the __________ of the three.
4. Joe is 11 years old. John is 22 years old. Denny is 45 years old
Joe is ____________ than John. Denny is ___________ than John. Joe is the _________ of the three. Denny is the _________ of the three.
IV. 根据下面的图画及提示,完成后面的对话。(13%)


Betty: Who’s this boy?
Peter: Oh, that is my _________ Paul.
Betty: Is he ___________?
Peter: Yes, he is. He is the funniest person in my family.
Betty: Who’s this old woman?
Peter: That’s Grandma ________.
Betty: Is she _________?
Peter: Yes, she is. She’s the kindest in the family. And she’s the _______ honest person in the family, too.
Betty: And who’s this old ________?
Peter: That’s Grandpa Ma.
Betty: Is he ______________?
Peter: Yes, he is. He’s the most hard-working person in the family. And he is very ___________, too.
Betty: And who’s that little baby?
Peter: That’s my ________ cousin Beibei.
Betty: She is very __________.
Peter: Yes, she is. She is the most beautiful person in the family. She’s quiet here but she can be the _________ person, too.
Betty: Who’s this boy?
Peter: It’s ________. Look I am so _________. I am the strongest person in the family.


We think Jourey Into Space was good. We will give it 3rd __________. The characters were brave and __________. The play was the _________ one. It was very _________ but not funny. We think the students were hard-working and __________ but not very loud.
We think The Giant was _________. We will give it 2nd prize. We think the students were very hard-working and they were _________ louder than the other groups. The characters were __________, exciting and strong. The play was more ____________ than Journey Into Space.
Supercat was the ________. We will give it ______ prize. The play was the _______ difficult, most exciting and the _______. The characters were the most exciting. They were funny and interesting, too. The students did a _______ job.
A.Self Service(自助餐)
If you are in a hurry and you want to have a quick meal, there is no better place than a self-service restaurant. You go into the restaurant, then pick up a tray(托盘), knife, fork and spoon. Next you can pick out the food you like and put them on your tray. Then you take the tray to any table you like. You can sit alone or with another customer. You can have a good meal in ten minutes. And there is no waiter, you don’t have to give a tip. Finally you go to the cashier’s (收银台) and pay for(付钱)your meal.
(   ) 1. You can have a quick meal in a self-service restaurant.
(   ) 2. There is a knife, a fork and a spoon on the table. But you need to pick up a tray by yourself.
(   ) 3. You can sit at any table you like.
(   ) 4. You will not give a tip because there is no waiter.
(   ) 5. You will not pay for your meal because there is no waiter.
B.The Marathon
The marathon is the longest race at the Olympics. You have to be a very strong runner to win the marathon.
The marathon is 42.195 km long. Why is it 42.195 km and not 43? The 1908 Olympics was in London. The King of England wanted his children to watch the marathon so the race started at the gate of his palace. From there to the finish line was 42.195 km.
One of the best marathon runners was Abebe Bikila. He was from Ethiopia. He won the gold medal in the marathon at the 1960 Olympics. He ran the whole race without shoes on!
(   ) 1. The marathon is one of the events at the Olympics.
(   ) 2. It’s very easy to win the marathon.
(   ) 3. The marathon is 42.195 km long because the King of England wanted to watch it in 1908.
(   ) 4. It was 42.195 from the gate of the palace to the finish line.
(   ) 5. Abebe Bikila won the gold medal because he ran the whole race without shoes on.

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