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[小学六年级] 小学六年级英语复习资料_小学试卷



发表于 2022-11-12 18:53:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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一、 理解下列疑问词
What什么   What time几点    When什么时候      What color什么颜色
Who 谁     whose 谁的       where哪里          what animal 什么动物  
which哪个   How怎样        how old 多大        how often多久一次  
how many多少How much多少钱   how long多长    how far多远
二、 本册常见的特殊问句
1. What should you do When you meet new people?当你遇见陌生人时,应该做什么?
2. How should I meet new people? 遇见陌生人应该怎么做?
3. What’s your favourite animal?你最喜欢的动物是什么/
=  Which animal is your favourite?
4. How about XX?=What aboutXX?  XX怎样?
5. How much is it?这个多少钱?
6. How long can they live? 他们能活多久?
7. Where were you?你在哪儿?
8. What were you doing when China got the 2008 Olympics?当中国取得2008年奥运会举办权时,你在干嘛?
9. How often do you get a haircut? 你多久理一次发?
三、 本册常用的一般问句及答案
1. Should I hug them? Yes, you should.No you shouldn’t.
2. Are your mum and dad (parents) at home?你父母在家吗?
Yes,they are.     No,they aren’t.
3. Can I take a message? Sure.OK. Certainly 当然.
4. Do you like this red notebook ? Yes, it is. No, Idon’t.
5. Is that a picture of a cheetah? Yes,it is. No,it isn’t.
6. Do you think so?你这样认为吗?
7. Where you at the library/ Yes, Iwas. No,I wasn’t.
四、 本册动词过去式和分词.
1. 遇见 meet. met . meeting.                   2. 握(手)shake. shook. shaking
3. hug(拥抱) hugged  hugging                  4. say (说)   said    saying
5. do   did   doing                          6. don’t      didn’t
7. take  took   taking                        8. hear(听到) heard   hearing
9. get.  got.    getting                       10. leave.   left    leaving (离开)
11. put   put   putting                       12. run     ran   running
13. see(看) saw  seeing                       14. swim(游泳)swam   swimming
15. read(读)read  reading                   16. hike   hiked   hiking (远足)
17. make  made  making                    18. watch  watched   watching[看]
19. think  thought  thinking[想]                20. wake  woke   waking [叫醒]
21.ring  rang  ringing [响]                    22. sleep  slept  sleeping  [睡]
23. cheer【欢呼】cheered  cheering             24. teach  taught  teaching [教]
25. buy[买]bought  buying                     26. fly[飞] flew   flying
27. climb[爬] climbed  climbing                 28. slide[滑]   slided    sliding
29. study[学习] studied  studying                30. learn[学]  learned   learning
31. win[赢] won   winging                       32. sing[唱] sang     singing

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