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[小学四年级] 2014年陕旅版小学四年级英语下学期期中测试题_小学试卷



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1、I’m 完全形式(   )
2、has动词原形形式(   )     
3、run动名词形式(    )
4、 sheep复数形式(    )  
5、thin反义词(  )
6、Me, too中文意思(    )     
7.too同音词(        )
8.thirteen(        )
9.four(同音词) ( )  
10.swim(现在分词) (   )
11.I(形容词性的物主代词)  (                )
1.(    ) A.boy  B.girl  C.woman  D.desk
2.(    ) A.pen  B.school C.pencil D.pencil_case
3.(    ) A.five B.seven  C.first  D.nine
4.(    ) A.blackboard  B.chalk  C.classroom  D.friend
5.(    ) A.library B.classroom  C.school  D.paper
三. 选择填空。(10分)
(   )1.It’s 10 o’clock.It’s time ____ go to school.
     A.to       B.for        C.of
(   )2. Look at the clock,what ____ is it?
     A.class    B.time       C.can
(   )3. It’s 9:45.It’s time ____ music class.
     A.to       B.for       C.of
(   )4. It’s cold ____ Beijing.
    A.on       B.in        C.is
(   )5. Can I wear my T-shirt?_____
     A. No,you can’t. B.Yes,you can’t.  C.No,you can.
(  )6.______name is Lucy.
     A.Me    B.My     C.I
(  )7.How______you?
     A.is    B.am     C.are
(  ) 8.Nice______meet you.
     A.to    B.at     C.in
(  ) 9.Where is  Jenny?She is____the library.
     A.in   B.at    C.on
(    ) 10.Is this_____pen?
     A.you   B.yours  C.your
(    )11.What day is ____ ?
     A. tomorrow    B. today  C. yesterday
(    )12. ____ is the third day of the week ?
     A. Sunday   B. Tuesday   C. Wednesday
(    )13. It’s time ______ school . .
      A. for      B. to    C. in
(    )14.-What day is it? - It’s         ,        
     A. three      B. third      C. Friday
(    )15 、I go to school ___ bus.
     A. on      B. by    C. at     D. to
(    )16 、I live ____ a house.
     A. on      B. in    C. at      D. with
(    )17 、Can you play ______me?
     A. in     B. at      C. with   D. to
(   )18. 你是售货员,你见到顾客常说_____
     A. How much are they?B.What time is it?C.Can I help you?
     A.You`re   welcome .    B.Thank   you .     C.Goodbye .
()20.你家来客时,你应该说:                 .
     A.Goodbye  B.Welcome.  C.Yes, you   are   right.
四. 英汉互译。(10分)
2. sing  songs   ________  
3.吃早餐__ ________
4. play basketball _____________  
5. 打乒乓球 __    _____
6.playground ______  ____
8.fifteen ______________
9. get up______________  
10. 洗脸______________
五. 把下列单词分类,填序号既可。(10分)
①jacket ②nine  ③pear④math ⑤shirt ⑥orange
⑦three     ⑧P.E.     ⑨sunny     ⑩cloudy
Fruit(水果):___  ______ Numbers(数字):____    _____
Clothes(衣服):____   ____Weather(天气):______ ___   
Class(课程):____         _____
六. 连词成句。(10分)
1.your   T-shirt   is    that  ( ? )

2.  What , you , are , doing  (?)
3. it  colour  is  what (? )
4.two   it   o’clock   is ( . )

5.computer  my  is  this ( . )
6.jumping rope  she   is (.)
7.hammer  the   me  pass (.)
one  five seven nine
Wednesday Thursday  Saturday
breakfast  supper
afternoon evening
八. 根据问句,选择答句。(20分)
(    ) 1.May I have a look?     A. Her name is Amy.
(    ) 2.Where’s my book?      B. Forty.
(    ) 3.What’s that?         C. Sure. Here you are.
(    ) 4. what’s the time?      D. Many books.
(    ) 5. What colour is it?       E. At six .
(    ) 6. What’s her name?       F. It’s on the desk.
(    ) 7. What time do you have supper?   
H.Please pass me the hammer.
(    ) 8. What’s she doing ?       I. It’s red.
(    ) 9.How many books do you have?  
J. she is listening to the radio.
(    ) 10.What can I do now?   K. It’s twelve o’clock.
    I am a boy. I am a student. My name is Jim. Today is June first. It is Children’s Day. It is a sunny day. I have breakfast in the morning. Then I go to the park with my friend Xiao Ming. We play games in the park. At4:30 in the afternoon, we go home .
(    )1. Today is July first .
(    )2. Jim goes to the park with his friend.
(    )3. It is rainy.
(    )4. They play games in the park.
(    )5. They go home at 4:30 in the afternoon.

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