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[小学三年级] 开心学英语小学三年级英语上册第一单元听力测试题及听力下载_小学试卷



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Model: (1) W: What does he do? M: He’s a farmer.
(2) W: Is he your uncle?
M: Yes, he is.
(3) W: Whose calendar is this?
M: It’s Jenny’s calendar.
(4) W: What does she have?
M: She has some paper clips.
(5) W: Who is she?
M: She’s Tony’s cousin.
(6) W: Do you have scissors?
M: Yes, I do.
2. Listen and underline.(听录音两次,在所听到的单词下划线。)
Model: (1) I cut the paper with my scissors.
(2) Let’s have some fun in the park.      
(3) Look at the father and his son.
(4) There’s a stamp on the envelope.
(5) I have a pet. It’s a dog.
(6) Look! The parrot is flying.
3. Listen and tick.(听录音两次,在相应的方框内打“√”。)
W: Hi! Gogo! Your bag is big. What do you have in your bag?
M: I have a diary and some paper.
W: Do you have some envelopes?
M: No, I don’t. What about you] Jenny? What’s in your bag?
W: I have some stamps, scissors and tape.

1. Listen and number. (听录音两次,给图编号。)
Model: (1) W: What does Gogo need? M: He needs some tofu.
(2) W: What do you want to be?
M: I want to be a doctor.
(3) W: What do you have?
M: We have some sugar.
(4) W: What do you want?
M: I want some vegetables.
(5) W: Is this tape yours?
M: Yes, it is.
(6) W: What does she do?
M: She’s a factory worker.
2. Listen and judge.(听录音两次,判断对错,对的写“Yes”,错的写“No”。)
(1) W: I have some sugar.
(2) M: Lisa has some apples.
(3) W: Do you have any paper clips?
M: Yes, I do.
(4) W: What do you need?
M: I need some vegetables.
(5) W: Do you have any rice?
M: Yes, we do.
3. Listen and tick.(听录音两次, 在相应的方框内打“√”。)
(1) W: What does Tony need?
M: He needs some vegetables.
(2) W: What does Jenny need?
M: She needs some fruit.
(3) W: Does Ben need any juice?
   M: Yes, he does.
(4) W: Do you need any rice, Peter?
   M: Yes, I do.
(5) M: What do you need, Lisa?
W: I need some meat.

1. Listen and number.(听录音两次,给图编号。)
Model:  (1) Look at the leaves. It’s fall.
(2) I can make a snowman in winter.
(3) It is hot today.
(4) It’s very cold in winter.
(5) The flowers in spring are beautiful.
(6) I can go to the beach in summer.
2. Listen and judge.(听录音两次,对的写“Yes”,错的写“No”。)
Model:  (1) M: What’s the weather like in fall?
W: It’s windy.
(2) M: Can you swim in summer?
W: Yes, I can.
(3) M: What’s the weather like today?
W: It’s rainy and cloudy.
(4) M: Is it sunny today?
W: Yes, it is.
(5) M: What’s your favorite season?
W: It’s spring.
(6) M: It is sunny today. I can play outside.
3. Listen and tick.(听录音两次, 在相应的方框内打“√”。)
   Hello, this is the weather today. In Zhuhai, it’s sunny and windy. But in Hainan, the weather is rainy and cold. What’s the weather like in Shanghai? It’s sunny and rainy. And in Beijing, it’s windy and cloudy. How about Harbin? Today is cloudy and cold. Thank you.

1. Listen and underline. (听录音两次,在相应的单词下划线。)
Model: (1) Winter holiday is in January.
(2) My brother’s birthday is in April.
(3) Children’s Day is after May Day.
(4) I want to have some yogurt.
(5) We can go ice-skating in winter holiday.
(6) My birthday is in March.
2. Listen and tick. (听录音两次,回答问句,在正确的图画里打“√”。)
Model: (1) I like Children’s Day. It’s in June.
       Question: When is Children’s Day?
(2) Hello. I am Jack. My birthday is in May.
Question: When is Jack’s birthday?
(3) Katy is happy. She likes ice-skating in winter.
Question: What does Katy like doing in the winter holiday?
(4) On Children’s Day, Mike can watch TV at home.
Question: What can Mike do on Children’s Day?
(5) I like winter holiday. It’s in January and February.
Question: When is winter holiday?
(6) In Beijing, we can take beautiful photos in February.
Question: When can we take beautiful photos in Beijing?
3. Listen and judge. (听录音两次,判断对错,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。)
(1) M: What’s the weather like in May in Xi’an?
W: It’s hot.
(2) M: Tony’s birthday is on Children’s Day. It’s in June.
(3) W: Hello, Peter. Do you like ice skating?
M: Yes, I do.
(4) M: Where do you want to go in the winter holiday, Jenny?
W: I want to go to Shenzhen.
(5) W: What can you do in fall, Mike?
M: I can ride my bike in the park.

1. Listen and number. (听录音两次,给图编号。)
(1) This is an ice cream cone.
(2) My little dog likes the bone.
(3) I need a button for my T-shirt.
(4) Look at the queen. She is happy.
(5) Let’s run to the station and visit aunt Sally.
2. Listen and choose. (听录音两次,在相应的图片下打“√”。)
Model: (1) W: What’s the weather like today?   M: It’s sunny and hot.
(2) M: What’s the date today?
   W: It’s August 21st.
(3) M: When is Lisa’s birthday?
   W: Her birthday is July 15th.
(4) M: Is Children’s Day June 1st?
   W: Yes, it is.
(5) M: What’s the weather like in winter?
   W: It’s cold.
(6) M: Is November after December?
W: No, it isn’t. November is before December.
3. Listen and judge. (听录音两次,判断对错,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。)
  I like August. Summer is my favorite season. It’s sunny and hot. I go swimming everyday. My birthday is in August. Today is August 17th. I’m so happy! It’s my birthday! I’m 11 years old today.

1. Listen and number. (听录音两次,给图编号。)
(1) I like that lovely cow.
(2) The little mouse is eating cheese.
(3) My uncle lives in that house.
(4) Look at the boy, he has a big mouth.
(5) Listen! It’s too loud! I can’t sleep!
2. Listen and choose. (听录音两次,对的写“Yes”,错的写“No”。)
Model: (1) W: What are the shoes like?  M: They are clean.
(2) W: What was the weather like yesterday?   
M: It was sunny and hot.
(3) W: Were the shoes dirty this morning?
   M: Yes, they were.
(4) W: What is the T-shirt like now?  
M: It is dry.
(5) W: Is your bedroom tidy now?  
M: Yes, it’s tidy now.
(6) W: Where were your books this morning?
M: They were on the desk.
3. Listen and judge. (听录音两次,判断对错,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。)  
    Hello, I am Gogo. I was in Yunnan yesterday. It was cool and dry. Today I am in Guangzhou. It’s hot and wet here. My clothes were clean yesterday but they are dirty now. I like the food in Guangzhou] but I don’t like the hot weather.

Book 5 -8
1. Listen and circle.(听录音两次,圈出听到的单词。)
Model (1) M: I painted a picture yesterday.
(2) W: Did you wash your clothes this morning?
(3) M: There is a big tree in our school.
(4) W: Can Jenny cook breakfast?
(5) M: It’s very cold in winter in Beijing.
(6) W: My father planted a tree last week.
2. Listen and number.(听录音两次,给图编号。)
Model (1) W: What did Lisa do yesterday?   
M: She helped her grandma cook dinner.
(2) W: Did Mary wash the clothes today?  
M: Yes, she did.
(3) W: What did Katy do last Sunday?
   M: She painted a picture.  
(4) W: Did you watch TV last night?   
M: No, I didn’t. I called my mother.
(5) W: What did Ben do yesterday?
   M: He watched TV.
(6) W: Did Tom read a book last week ?
   M: Yes, he did.
3. Listen and choose.(听录音两次,判断对错,对的写 “T”,错的写 “F”。)
W: Hello, Peter.
M: Hello, Jenny.
W: Were you at home last Saturday?
M: No, I wasn’t. I visited my grandfather with my parents.
W: What did you do ?
M: I planted some flowers with my grandfather in the morning. Then I helped my grandmother cook lunch. After lunch, I washed the dishes.
W: You are a good boy, Peter.
Book 5 -9
1. Listen and circle. (听录音两次,圈出你所听到的单词。)
Model: (1) Is Ben playing the drum?
(2) Tony and Peter want to row the boat in the lake.
(3) Can you clean the bedroom?
(4) It’s cold today. Put on your coat.
(5) Gogo is watching the parade.
(6) What did he do last night?
2. Listen and number. (听录音两次,给图编号。)
Model: (1) W: What did you do yesterday, Tony?
         M: I planted trees yesterday.
(2) W: Whose dictionary is this?
   M: It’s Jenny’s.  
(3) W: What was the weather like the day before yesterday?
   M: Oh, it was very hot.  
(4) W: Did Jack practice the piano yesterday?
   M: No, he didn’t. He watched TV.   
(5) M: What did Mary do last Sunday?
   W: She played basketball with her friend.
(6) M: What was the date yesterday?
   W: It was May 8th.
3. Listen and judge. ( 听录音两次,判断对错,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。)
   Last Friday, Tom was very busy. At school, he studied English, math, history and music. After school, he played basketball with his friends. Then he cleaned his bedroom. After dinner, he washed the dishes for his mother. In the evening, he did his homework and used the computer.

1. Listen and underline the words. (听录音两次,在相应的单词下划线。)
1. Model: (1) My mother has a dictionary.   
(2) Mary has a white rabbit.
(3) The boys went ice skating in December.
(4) Ben practiced baseball with his friends yesterday.
(5) My house is cold in winter.
(6) My bedroom was messy yesterday but it is clean now.
2. Listen and number. (听录音两次,给图编号。)
(1) The T-shirt was dry yesterday but it’s wet now.
(2) W: Did the girl and the boy watch TV?
M: Yes, they did.
(3) W: What does the man do?
M: He is a farmer.
(4) W: Where was Miss Lee yesterday?
M: She was in the office.
(5) W: What’s the date today?
M: It’s Dec. 25th.                              
3. Listen and judge. (听录音两次,判断对错,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。)
     I am Tony. I like December. Winter is my favorite season. It’s windy and snowy. My birthday is in December. It’s on December 15th. Hey, do you know what day it is today? That’s right. It’s my birthday! I’m 12 years old today. We’re going to have a party. We need a cake, some fruit and juice. I am very happy today.


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