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[小学五年级] 冀教版小学五年级英语上册Writing the address练习题(附答案)_小学试卷



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[color=]Lesson 21 Writing the address

一、 单词连线,为左边的单词选择合适的位置。
二、 读下面的对话,根据内容,从所给的七个选项中选出正确答案,填在横线上。
A: Where do I write the address on this postcard?
A: .
B: Your address and her address are the same.
A: Where do I put the stamp?
B: .
1. On the left
2. On the right
3. You live with your mother
4. You don’t live with you mother
5. In the top, right corner
6. In the corner
7. In the left corner
三、 选词填空。
Li Ming, Dang and Jenny are in Beijing. They are ________ing e-mail to their friends. “Let’s send an ________ to Emma.” Jenny says. “___________ does Emma live?” Asks Danny, “She _______s in Ottawa,” Says Jenny, I’m sending the e-mail________ her ________.
Word list
e-mail to where
school live send
四、 我给单词排排队。
1. he, computer, does, a, have ( ? )
2. write, e-mail, I, an, a, on, computer ( . )

[color=]冀教版小学五年级英语上册Writing the address练习题答案:

二、2. 3. 5.
三、send, e-mail, where, live, to, school.
1. Does he has a computer?
2. I write an e-mail on a computer.

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